- 周萌,研究生学历,博士学位
- 研 究 组 : 人工草地技术研究组
- 民 族: 汉
- 研究领域: 根系生态学
- 籍 贯: 河南
- 导师资格: 硕士生导师
- 出生年月: 1992.02
- 职 称: 副研究员
- 毕业院校: 中国科学院植物研究所
- 入职时间: 2022.7
- 毕业时间: 2019.7
- 办公电话:
- 电子邮件: zhoumeng12@ibcas.ac.cn
1. 中国科学院青年创新促进会项目(2023-2027),主持
2. 国家重点研发计划子课题:根系性状对退化草地恢复的驱动作用和机制研究(2022-2026),主持。
3. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目:根系解剖结构刻画的草本植物根系结构与功能关联的研究(2022-2024),主持。
4. 中国博士后科学基金第66批面上资助:典型草原植物根系解剖与菌根属性揭示的根系功能的研究(2020-2021),主持。
5. 中国科学院特别研究助理项目:根和菌根属性对长期氮磷添加的响应及其对植物群落结构变化的驱动作用(2019-2021),主持。
6. 国家自然科学基金重点项目:内蒙古退化典型草原恢复与培育的生态学机制研究(2021-2025),参与。
7. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:内蒙古温带草原植物根也属性对长期夏季增雨的响应及其对光合和蒸腾作用的驱动(2017-2020),参与。
1. Li QM, Bai WM, Guo YM, Sheng J, Yuan YJ, Zhang WH, Zhou M*. 2023. The response of two nutrient acquisition strategies: root traits and leaf nutrient resorption and their relationships to long‑term mowing in a temperate steppe. Plant and Soil, 491: 191-203.
2. Guo YM#, Zhou M#, Sheng J, Yuan YJ, Yuan GY, Zhang WH, Bai WM*. 2023. Aboveground net primary productivity was not limited by phosphorus in a temperate typical steppe in Inner Mongolia. Journal of Plant Ecology, 16: 1-10.
3. Bai R, Zhou M, Guo YM, Sheng J, Yuan YJ, Li QM, Hou LY, Bai WM*. 2022. Long-term mowing reinforces connections between soil microbial and plant communities in a temperate steppe. Plant and Soil, 491: 177-190.
4. Bai R, Hu HW, Zhou M, Sheng J, Xiong C, Guo YM, Yuan YJ, Hou LY, Zhang WH, Bai WM*. 2023. Effects of long-term mowing on leaf-and root-associated bacterial community structures are linked to functional traits in 11 plant species from a temperate steppe. Functional Ecology, 37: 1787-1801.
5. Gao CG*, Bezemer TM, van Bodegom PM, Cornelissen HC, van Logtestijn R, Liu XY, Mancinelli R, van der Hagen H, Zhou M, Soudzilovskaia NA. 2023. Plant community responses to alterations in soil abiotic and biotic conditions are decoupled for above- and below-ground traits. Journal of Ecology, 111: 903-904
6. Zhou M, Guo YM, Sheng J, Yuan YJ, Zhang WH, Bai WM*. 2022. Using anatomical traits to understand root functions across root orders of herbaceous species in a temperate steppe. New Phytologist, 234: 422-434.
7. Sheng J#, Zhou M#, Guo YM, Yuan YJ, Li X, Zhang WH, Bai WM*. 2022. Aboveground productivity and community stability tend to keep stable under long-term fencing and nitrogen fertilization on restoration of degraded grassland. Ecological Indicators, 140: 108971.
8. Yang A*, Han WW, Li YT, Zhang XQ, Zhang LL, Zhou M, Ren LF, Tian QY, Zhang WH. 2022. Linkage of vegetation and abiotic attributes to grazing effects on biogeographical patterns of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities in temperate grasslands. Plant and Soil, 478: 479-490.
9. Zhou M, Bai WM*, Li QM, Guo YM, Zhang WH*. 2021. Root anatomical traits determined leaf-level physiology and responses to precipitation change of herbaceous species in a temperate steppe. New Phytologist, 229: 1481-1491.
10. Zhou M, Wang J, Bai WM*, Zhang YS, Zhang WH*. 2019. The response of root traits to precipitation change of herbaceous species in temperate steppes. Functional Ecology, 33: 2030-2041.
11. Zhou M, Bai WM*, Zhang YS, Zhang WH*. 2018. Multi-dimensional patterns of variation in root traits among coexisting herbaceous species in temperate steppes. Journal of Ecology, 106: 2320-2331.
12. Bai WM, Zhou M, Fang Y, Zhang WH*. 2017. Differences in spatial and temporal root lifespan of three Stipa grasslands in northern China. Biogeochemistry, 132, 293-306.
13. Bai WM, Fang Y, Zhou M, Xie T, Li LH, Zhang WH*. 2015. Heavily intensified grazing reduces root production in an Inner Mongolia temperate steppe. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 200, 143-150.
14. 谢婷, 周萌, 李鑫, 林国辉, 赵明旭, 金白乙拉, 阿里穆斯, 张文浩, 白文明. 2015. 多伦赤芍野生植株和芽头无性栽培植株生物学性状和芍药苷含量对比研究. 中国中药杂志, 40: 4830-4833.