中国科学院| 植物所| 中文版| English| 全文检索

研 究 组 : 生物多样性与生态安全研究组
民       族: 汉
研究领域: 森林群落生态学; 生物多样性与..
籍       贯: 黑龙江省
导师资格: 博士生导师
出生年月: 1958.11
职       称: 研究员
毕业院校: 东北林业大学
入职时间: 1976.3
毕业时间: 1991.07
办公电话: (86)-010-62836223
  • 学习工作经历
  • 科研项目
  • 论文专著
  • 所获奖励
  • 学习经历
    1987 – 1991,博士,东北林业大学,森林植物学,哈尔滨
    1985 – 1987,硕士,东北林业大学,森林植物学,哈尔滨
    1978 – 1982,学士,齐齐哈尔师范学院(齐齐哈尔大学),生物学,齐齐哈尔

    1995 – 现在,中国科学院植物研究所,研究员
    2006 – 2010,中国科学院植物研究所,所长
    2002 – 2006,中国科学院植物研究所,副所长
    1998 – 2002,中科院植物所植物生态与生物多样性保育研究中心,主任

    中国科学院植物研究所研究员、世界自然保护联盟(IUCN)理事和亚洲区会员委员会主席、Species 2000国际项目董事会成员、亚洲和西太平洋地区生物多样性(DIWPA)委员会执行委员、中国科学院生物多样性委员会副主任兼秘书长、《生物多样性》主编、《中国科学-生命科学》副主编、《广西植物》名誉主编、《林业资源管理》副主编、National Science Review、Forest Ecosystems和《植物生态学报》等编委。
  • 2018年以来主持重要项目

    1.国家级国际合作课题, Dimensions合作研究项目:中美栎树异交群遗传多样性对其功能性状、适应性及共生微生物多样性的影响, 2021/10-2026/09.

    2.中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(A类)项目, 生物多样性与生态安全, 2018/01-2022/12.

    3.科技部国家科技基础条件平台之一, 国家标本资源共享平台建设, 2003/01-2019/12.

    4.中国科学院B类先导科技专项培育项目课题, 群落多样性的形成与维持机制, 2017/07-2018/07.

    5.国家重点研发计划课题, 典型森林群落生态多样性维持及其对全球变化的响应, 2017/07-2022/06.

  • 代表性研究论文(注*为通讯作者)


    1.Lan Zhang, Xiaojuan Liu*, Zhenhua Sun, Wensheng Bu, Franca J. Bongers, Xiaoyang Song, Jie Yang, Zhenkai Sun, Yin Li, Shan Li, Min Cao, Keping Ma*, Nathan G. Swenson. 2023. Functional trait space and redundancy of plant communities decrease toward cold temperature at high altitudes in Southwest China. Science China-Life Sciences, 66(2), 376-384.


    2.Fang Wang, Xiangcheng Mi, Lei Chen, Wubing Xu, Walter Durka, NathanG. Swenson, Daniel J. Johnson, Samantha J. Worthy, Jianhua Xue, Yan Zhu, Bernhard Schmid, Yu Liang*, Keping Ma*. 2022. Differential impacts of adult trees on offspring and non-offspring recruits in a subtropical forest, Science China-Life Sciences, 65(12), 1905-1913.

    3.Xiaojuan Liu, Yuanyuan Huang, Lei Chen, Shan Li, Franca J. Bongers, Nadia Castro-Izaguirre, Yu Liang, Bo Yang, Yuxin Chen, Florian Schnabel, Ting Tang, YujieXue, Stefan Trogisch, Michael Staab, Helge Bruelheide, Bernhard Schmid*, Keping Ma*. 2022. Species richness, functional traits and climate interactively affect tree survival in a large forest biodiversity experiment, Journal of Ecology, 110(10), 2522-2531.

    4.Haibao Ren, Jens-Christian Svenning, Xiangcheng Mi, James A. Lutz, Jinxing Zhou, Keping Ma*. 2022. Scale-dependent speciesarea relationship: Niche-based versus stochastic processes in a typical subtropical forest, Journal of Ecology, 110(10), 1883-1895.


    5.Li Zhu, Alice C. Hughes, Xiaoqian Zhao, Lijing Zhou, Keping Ma*, XiaoLi Shen, Sheng Li, Mingzhang Liu, Wubing Xu, James E.M. Watson. 2021. Regional scalable priorities for national biodiversity and carbon conservation planning in Asia, Science Advances, 7(35), eabe4261.

    6.Xiangcheng Mi, Gang Feng, Yibo Hu, Jian Zhang, Lei Chen, Richard T. Corlett, Alice C. Hughes, Stuart Pimm, Bernhard Schmid, Suhua Shi, Jens-Christian Svenning, Keping Ma*. 2021. The global significance of biodiversity science in China: an overview, National Science Review, 8, nwab032.

    7.Franca J. Bongers, Bernhard Schmid, Helge Bruelheide, Frans Bongers, Shan Li, Goddert von Oheimb, Yin Li, Anpeng Cheng, Keping Ma*, Xiaojuan Liu*. 2021. Functional diversity effects on productivity increase with age in a forest biodiversity experiment, Nature Ecology & Evolution, 5(12), 1594-1603.

    8.Wenjing Yang, Dandan Liu, Qinghui You, Bin Chen, Minfei Jian, Qiwu Hu, Mingyang Cong, Keping Ma*. 2021. Taxonomic bias in occurrence information of angiosperm species in China, Science China-Life Sciences, 64(4), 584-592.


    9.Franca J. Bongers, Bernhard Schmid, Walter Durka, Shan Li, Helge Bruelheide, Christoph Z. Hahn, Haoru Yan, Keping Ma*, Xiaojuan Liu*. 2020. Genetic richness affects trait variation but not community productivity in a tree diversity experiment, New Phytologist, 227(3), 744-756.

    10.  FrancaJ. Bongers, Bernhard Schmid, Zhenkai Sun, Yin Li, Werner Hardtle, Goddert von Oheimb, Ying Li, Shan Li, Michael Staab, Keping Ma*, Xiaojuan Liu*. 2020. Growth-trait relationships in subtropical forest are stronger at higher diversity, Journal of Ecology, 108(1), 256-266.

    11.  Guoke Chen, Xuan Wang, Keping Ma*. 2020. Red list of China's forest ecosystems: A conservation assessment and protected area gap analysis, Biological Conservation, 248, 108636.

    12.  Rui Yang*, Yue Cao, Shuyu Hou, Qinyi Peng, Xiaoshan Wang, Fangyi Wang, Tz-Hsuan Tseng, Le Yu, Steve Carver, Ian Convery, Zhicong Zhao, Xiaoli Shen, Sheng Li, Yaomin Zheng, Han Liu, Peng Gong*, Keping Ma*. 2020. Cost-effective priorities for the expansion of global terrestrial protected areas: Setting post-2020 global and national targets, Science Advances, 6(37), eabc3436.

    13.  Xiaoli Shen, Sheng Li, William J. McShea, Dajun Wang, Jianping Yu, Xiaogang Shi, Wei Dong, Xiangcheng Mi, Keping Ma*. 2020. Effectiveness of management zoning designed for flagship species in protecting sympatric species, Conservation Biology, 34(1), 158-167.

    14.  Yanjun Du, Lingfeng Mao, Simon A. Queenborough, Richard Primack, Liza S. Comita, Arndt Hampe*, Keping Ma*. 2020. Macro-scale variation and environmental predictors of flowering and fruiting phenology in the Chinese angiosperm flora, Journal of Biogeography, 47(11), 2303-2314.

    15.  Yin Li, Xiaojuan Liu, Wubing Xu, Franca J. Bongers, Weikai Bao, Bin Chen, Guoke Chen, Ke Guo, Jiangshan Lai, Dunmei Lin, Xiangcheng Mi, Xingjun Tian, Xihua Wang, Junhua Yan, Bo Yang, Yuanrun Zheng, Keping Ma*. 2020. Effects of diversity, climate and litter on soil organic carbon storage in subtropical forests, Forest Ecology and Management, 476, 118479.

    16.  Lei Chen, Nathan G. Swenson, Niuniu Ji, Xiangcheng Mi, Haibao Ren, Liangdong Guo, Keping Ma*. 2020. Differential soil fungus accumulation and density dependence of trees in a subtropical forest, Science, 366(6461), 124-128.


    17.  Lei Chen, Yunquan Wang, Xiangcheng Mi, Xiaojuan Liu, Haibao Ren, Jianhua Chen, Keping Ma*. 2019. Nathan J. B. Kraft, Neighborhood effects explain increasing asynchronous seedling survival in a subtropical forest, Ecology, 100(11), e0282.

    18.  Wubing Xu, Jens Christian Svenning, Guoke Chen, Minggang Zhang, Jihong Huang, Bin Chen, Alejandro Ordonez, Keping Ma*. 2019. Human activities have opposing effects on distributions of narrow-ranged and widespread plant species in China, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 116(52), 26674-26681.

    19.  Yanjun Du, Yuanqi Pan, Keping Ma*. 2019. Moderate chilling requirement controls budburst for subtropical species in China, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 278, 107693.

    20.  Yanjun Du, Bo Yang, Si-Chong Chen, Keping Ma*. 2019. Diverging shifts in spring phenology in response to biodiversity loss in a subtropical forest, Journal of Vegetation Science, 30(6), 1175-1183.


    21.  Yin Li, Weikai Bao, Frans Bongers, Bin Chen, Guoke Chen, Ke Guo, Mingxi Jiang, Jiangshan Lai, Dunmei Lin, Chunjiang Liu, Xiaojuan Liu, Yi Liu, Xiangcheng Mi, Xingjun Tian, Xihua Wang, Wubing Xu, Junhua Yan, Bo Yang, Yuanrun Zheng, Keping Ma*. 2018. Drivers of tree carbon storage in subtropical forests, Science of the Total Environment, 654, 684-693.

    22.  Yuanyuan Huang, Yuxin Chen, Nadia Castro-Izaguirre, Martin Baruffol, Matteo Brezzi, Anne Lang, Ying Li, Werner Hardtle, Goddert von Oheimb, Xuefei Yang, Xiaojuan Liu, Kequan Pei, Sabine Both, Bo Yang, David Eichenberg, Thorsten Assmann, Jürgen Bauhus, Thorsten Behrens, Francois Buscot, Xiao-Yong Chen, Douglas Chesters, Bing-Yang Ding, Walter Durka, Alexandra Erfmeier, Jingyun Fang, Markus Fischer, Liang-Dong Guo, Dali Guo#, Jessica L. M. Gutknecht, Jin-Sheng He, Chun-Ling He, Andy Hector, Lydia Honig, Ren-Yong Hu, Alexandra-Maria Klein, Peter Kühn, Yu Liang, Shan Li, Stefan Michalski, Michael Scherer-Lorenzen, Karsten Schmidt, Thomas Scholten, Andreas Schuldt, Xuezheng Shi, Man-Zhi Tan, Zhiyao Tang, Stefan Trogisch, Zhengwen Wang, Erik Welk, Christian Wirth, Tesfaye Wubet, Wenhua Xiang, Mingjian Yu, Xiao-Dong Yu, Jiayong Zhang, Shouren Zhang, Naili Zhang, Hong-Zhang Zhou, Chao-Dong Zhu, Li Zhu, Helge Bruelheide*, Keping Ma*, Pascal A. Niklaus*, Bernhard Schmid*. 2018. Impacts of species richness on productivity in a large-scale subtropical forest experiment, Science, 362(6410), 80-83.

    23.  Nathan G. Swenson*, Yoshiko Iida, Robert Howe, Amy Wolf, María Natalia Umana ,KrittikaPetprakob , Benjamin L. Turner, Keping Ma*. 2018. Tree co-occurrence and transcriptomic response to drought, Nature Communications, 8, 1996.

    24.  Wubing Xu, Jens-Christian Svenning, Guoke Chen, Bin Chen, Jihong Huang, Keping Ma*. 2018. Plant geographical range size and climate stability in China: Growth form matters,Global Ecology and Biogeography, 27(5), 506-517.

    25.  Lei Chen, Liza S. Comita, S. Joseph Wright, Nathan G. Swenson, Jess K. Zimmerman, Xiangcheng Mi, Zhanqing Hao, Wanhui Ye, Stephen P. Hubbell, W. John Kress, Maria Uriarte, Jill Thompson, Christopher J. Nytch, Xugao Wang, Juyu Lian, Keping Ma*. 2018. Forest tree neighborhoods are structured more by negative conspecific density dependence than by interactions among closely related species, Ecography, 41(7), 1114-1123.

    26.  Naili Zhang, Yinong Li, Tesfaye Wubet, Helge Bruelheide, Yu Liang, WitoonPurahong, Francois Buscot, Keping Ma*. 2018. Tree species richness and fungi in freshly fallen leaf litter: Unique patterns of fungal species composition and their implications for enzymatic decomposition, Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 127, 120-126.

    27.  Xiaojuan Liu, Stefan Trogisch, Jin-Sheng He, Pascal A. Niklaus, Helge Bruelheide, Zhiyao Tang, Alexandra Erfmeier, Michael Scherer-Lorenzen, Katherina A. Pietsch, Bo Yang, Peter Kühn, Thomas Scholten, Yuanyuan Huang, Chao Wang, Michael Staab, Katrin N. Leppert, Christian Wirth*, Bernhard Schmid*, Keping Ma*. 2018. Tree species richness increases ecosystem carbon storage in subtropical forests, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 285, 20181240.

    28.  Yin Li, Weikai Bao, Frans Bongers, Bin Chen, Guoke Chen, Ke Guo, Mingxi Jiang, Jiangshan Lai, Dunmei Lin, Chunjiang Liu, Xiaojuan Liu, Yi Liu, Xiangcheng Mi, Xingjun Tian, Xihua Wang, Wubing Xu, Junhua Yan, Bo Yang, Yuanrun Zheng, Keping Ma*. 2018. Drivers of tree carbon storage in subtropical forests, Science of the Total Environment, 654, 684-693.


    29.  Baocai Han, Natalia Umaňa María, Xiangcheng Mi, Xiaojuan Liu, Lei Chen, Yunquan Wang, Yu Liang, Wei Wei, Keping Ma*. 2017. The role of transcriptomes linked with responses to light environment on seedling mortality in a subtropical forest, China, Journal of Ecology, 105(3), 592-601.

    30.  Keping Ma*. 2017. Xiaoli Shen, Grumbine R Edward, Corlett Richard, Chinas biodiversity conservation research in progress, Biological Conservation, 210, 1-2.

    31.  Yanjun Du, Simon A. Queenborough, Lei Chen, Yunquan Wang, Xiangcheng Mi, Keping Ma*. 2017. Liza S. Comita, Intraspecific and phylogenetic density-dependent seedling recruitment in a subtropical evergreen forest, Oecologia, 184(1), 193-203.


    32.  Minggang Zhang, J.W.FerrySlik, Keping Ma*. 2016. Priority areas for the conservation of perennial plants in China, Biological Conservation, 210, 56-63.

    33.  Xiaojuan Liu, Nathan G. Swenson, Dunmei Lin, Xiangcheng Mi, Mara Natalia Umana, Bernhard Schmid, Keping Ma*. 2016. Linking individual-level functional traits to tree growth in a subtropical forest, Ecology, 97(9), 2396-2405.

    34.  Jihong Huang, Jianhua Huang, Canran Liu, Jinlong Zhang, Xinghui Lu, Keping Ma*. 2016. Diversity hotspots and conservation gaps for the Chinese endemic seed flora, Biological Conservation, 198, 104-112.

    35.  Dunmei Lin, Kristina J. Anderson-Teixeira, Jiangshan Lai, Xiangcheng Mi, Haibao Ren, Keping Ma*. 2016. Traits of dominant tree species predict local scale variation in forest aboveground and topsoil carbon stocks, Plant and Soil, 409(1-2), 435-446.


    36.  Yan Zhu, Liza S. Comita, Stephen P. Hubbell, Keping Ma*. 2016. Conspecific and phylogenetic density-dependent survival differs across life stages in a tropical forest, Journal of Ecology, 103(4), 957-966.

    37.  Wubing Xu, Guoke Chen, Canran Liu, Keping Ma*. 2016. Latitudinal differences in species abundance distributions, rather than spatial aggregation, explain beta-diversity along latitudinal gradients, Global Ecology and Biogeography, 24(10), 1170-1180.

    38.  Yanjun Du, Lingfeng Mao, Simon A. Queenborough, Robert P. Freckleton, Bin Chen, Keping Ma*. 2016. Phylogenetic constraints and trait correlates of flowering phenology in the angiosperm flora of China, Global Ecology and Biogeography, 24(8), 928-938.

    39.  Naili Zhang, Shiqiang Wan, Jixun Guo, Guodong Han, Jessica Gutknecht, Bernhard Schmid, Liang Yu, Weixing Liu, Jie Bi, Zhen Wang, Keping Ma*. 2016. Precipitation modifies the effects of warming and nitrogen addition on soil microbial communities in northern Chinese grasslands, Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 89, 12-23.


    40.  Wenjing Yang, Keping Ma*, Holger Kreft*. 2014. Environmental and socio-economic factors shaping the geography of floristic collections in China, Global Ecology and Biogeography, 23(11), 1284-1292.


    41.  Naili Zhang, Weixing Liu, Haijun Yang, Xingjun Yu, Jessica L. M. Gutknecht, Zhe Zhang, Shiqiang Wan, Keping Ma*. 2013. Soil microbial responses to warming and increased precipitation and their implications for ecosystem C cycling, Oecologia, 173(3), 1125-1142.

    42.  Wenjing Yang, Keping Ma*. 2013. Holger Kreft, Geographical sampling bias in a large distributional database and its effects on species richness-environment models, Journal of Biogeography, 40(8), 1415-1426.

    43.  Jiangshan Lai, David A. Coomes, Xiaojun Du, Chang-fu Hsieh, I. Fang Sun, Wei-Chun Chao, Xiangcheng Mi, Haibao Ren, Xugao Wang, Zhanqing Hao, Keping Ma*. 2013. A general combined model to describe tree-diameter distributions within subtropical and temperate forest communities, Oikos, 122(11), 1636-1642.

    44.  Xiaojuan Liu, Nathan G Swenson, Jinlong Zhang, Keping Ma*. 2013. The environment and space, not phylogeny, determine trait dispersion in a subtropical forest, Functional Ecology, 27(27), 264-272.


    45.  Xiangcheng Mi, Nathan G. Swenson, Renato Valencia, John Kress, David L. Erickson, Álvaro Pérez-Castaneda, Haibao Ren, Sheng-HsinSu, NimalGunatilleke, SaviGunatilleke, Zhanqing Hao, Wanhui Ye, Min Cao, H S Suresh, H S Dattaraja, S Sukumar, Keping Ma*. 2012. The contribution of rare species to community phylogenetic diversity across a global network of forest plots, American Naturalist, 180(1), E17-30.

    46.  Jihong Huang, Bin Chen, Canran Liu, Jiangshan Lai, Jinlong Zhang, Keping Ma*. 2012. Identifying hotspots of endemic woody seed plant diversity in China, Diversity and Distributions, 18, 673-688.


    47.  Liwen Zhang, Xiangcheng Mi, Hongbo Shao, Keping Ma*. 2011. Strong plant-soil associations in a heterogeneous subtropical broad-leaved forest, Plant and Soil, 347(1-2), 211-220.

    48.  Hongmei Du, Yu Liang, Kequan Pei, Keping Ma*. 2011. UV radiation-responsive proteins in rice leaves: a proteomic analysis, Plant and Cell Physiology. 52(2), 306-316.


    49.  Lei Chen, Xiangcheng Mi, Liza Comita, Liwen Zhang, Haibao Ren, Keping Ma*. 2010. Community-level consequences of density dependence and habitat association in a subtropical broad-leaved forest, Ecology Letters, 13(6), 695-704.

    50.  Yan Zhu, Xiangcheng Mi, Haibao Ren, Keping Ma*. 2010. Density dependence is prevalent in a heterogeneous subtropical forest, Oikos, 119(1), 109-119.

    51.  Guoke Chen, Marc Kéry, Jinlong Zhang, Keping Ma*. 2009. Factors affecting detection probability in plant distribution studies, Journal of Ecology, 97(6), 1383-1389.

    52.  Jiangshan Lai, Xiangcheng Mi, Haibao Ren, Keping Ma*. 2009. Species-habitat associations change in a subtropical forest of China, Journal of Vegetation Science, 20(3), 415-423.

    53.  Yanjun Du, Xiangcheng Mi, Haibao Ren, Xiaojuan Liu, Lei Chen, Teng Fang, Yan Zhu, Keping Ma*. 2009. Seed dispersal phenology and dispersal syndromes in a subtropical broad-leaved forest of China, Forest Ecology and Management, 258(7), 1147-1152.

    54.  Naili Zhang, Shiqiang Wan, Linghao Li, Jie Bi, Mingming Zhao, Keping Ma*. 2008. Impacts of urea N addition on soil microbial community in a semi-arid temperate steppe in northern China, Plant and Soil, 311(1), 19-28.

    55.  Yinbo Zhang, Keping Ma*. 2008. Geographic distribution patterns and status assessment of threatened plants in China, Biodiversity and Conservation, 17, 1783-1798.

    56.  Lingjuan Zhou, Kequan Pei, Keping Ma*. 2007. A molecular approach to species identification of chenopodiaceae pollen grains in surface soil, American Journal of Botany, 94(3), 477-481.

    57.  Xiaojun Du, Qinfeng Guo, Xianming Gao, Keping Ma*. 2007. Seed rain, soil seed bank, seed loss and regeneration of Castanopsisfargesii (Fagaceae) in a subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest, Forest Ecology and Management, 238(1-3), 212-219.

    58.  Haibao Ren, ShuKuiNiu, LinYan Zhang, Keping Ma*. 2006. Distribution of vascular plant species richness along an elevational gradient in the Dongling Mountains, Beijing, China, Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 48(2), 153-160.

    59.  Ting Wang, Qibing Zhang, Keping Ma*. 2006. Treeline dynamics in relation to climatic variability in the central Tianshan Mountains, northwestern China, Global Ecology and Biogeography, 15(4), 406-415.

    60.  Sheng Yan, Zheng Wei-Hong, Pei Ke-Quan, KepingMa*. 2005. Genetic variation within and among populations of a dominant desert tree Haloxylonammodendron (Amaranthaceae) in China, Annals of Botany, 96(2), 245-252.

    61.  Ting Wang, Yu Liang, Haibao Ren, Dan Yu, Jian Ni, Keping Ma*. 2004. Age structure of Piceaschrenkiana forest along an altitudinal gradient in the central Tianshan Mountains, northwestern China, Forest Ecology and Management, 196(2), 267-274.

  • 2012年国家科学技术进步奖一等奖
1987 – 1991,博士,东北林业大学,森林植物学,哈尔滨
1985 – 1987,硕士,东北林业大学,森林植物学,哈尔滨
1978 – 1982,学士,齐齐哈尔师范学院(齐齐哈尔大学),生物学,齐齐哈尔
1995 – 现在,中国科学院植物研究所,研究员
2006 – 2010,中国科学院植物研究所,所长
2002 – 2006,中国科学院植物研究所,副所长
1998 – 2002,中科院植物所植物生态与生物多样性保育研究中心,主任
中国科学院植物研究所研究员、世界自然保护联盟(IUCN)理事和亚洲区会员委员会主席、Species 2000国际项目董事会成员、亚洲和西太平洋地区生物多样性(DIWPA)委员会执行委员、中国科学院生物多样性委员会副主任兼秘书长、《生物多样性》主编、《中国科学-生命科学》副主编、《广西植物》名誉主编、《林业资源管理》副主编、National Science Review、Forest Ecosystems和《植物生态学报》等编委。

1.国家级国际合作课题, Dimensions合作研究项目:中美栎树异交群遗传多样性对其功能性状、适应性及共生微生物多样性的影响, 2021/10-2026/09.

2.中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(A类)项目, 生物多样性与生态安全, 2018/01-2022/12.

3.科技部国家科技基础条件平台之一, 国家标本资源共享平台建设, 2003/01-2019/12.

4.中国科学院B类先导科技专项培育项目课题, 群落多样性的形成与维持机制, 2017/07-2018/07.

5.国家重点研发计划课题, 典型森林群落生态多样性维持及其对全球变化的响应, 2017/07-2022/06.




1.Lan Zhang, Xiaojuan Liu*, Zhenhua Sun, Wensheng Bu, Franca J. Bongers, Xiaoyang Song, Jie Yang, Zhenkai Sun, Yin Li, Shan Li, Min Cao, Keping Ma*, Nathan G. Swenson. 2023. Functional trait space and redundancy of plant communities decrease toward cold temperature at high altitudes in Southwest China. Science China-Life Sciences, 66(2), 376-384.


2.Fang Wang, Xiangcheng Mi, Lei Chen, Wubing Xu, Walter Durka, NathanG. Swenson, Daniel J. Johnson, Samantha J. Worthy, Jianhua Xue, Yan Zhu, Bernhard Schmid, Yu Liang*, Keping Ma*. 2022. Differential impacts of adult trees on offspring and non-offspring recruits in a subtropical forest, Science China-Life Sciences, 65(12), 1905-1913.

3.Xiaojuan Liu, Yuanyuan Huang, Lei Chen, Shan Li, Franca J. Bongers, Nadia Castro-Izaguirre, Yu Liang, Bo Yang, Yuxin Chen, Florian Schnabel, Ting Tang, YujieXue, Stefan Trogisch, Michael Staab, Helge Bruelheide, Bernhard Schmid*, Keping Ma*. 2022. Species richness, functional traits and climate interactively affect tree survival in a large forest biodiversity experiment, Journal of Ecology, 110(10), 2522-2531.

4.Haibao Ren, Jens-Christian Svenning, Xiangcheng Mi, James A. Lutz, Jinxing Zhou, Keping Ma*. 2022. Scale-dependent speciesarea relationship: Niche-based versus stochastic processes in a typical subtropical forest, Journal of Ecology, 110(10), 1883-1895.


5.Li Zhu, Alice C. Hughes, Xiaoqian Zhao, Lijing Zhou, Keping Ma*, XiaoLi Shen, Sheng Li, Mingzhang Liu, Wubing Xu, James E.M. Watson. 2021. Regional scalable priorities for national biodiversity and carbon conservation planning in Asia, Science Advances, 7(35), eabe4261.

6.Xiangcheng Mi, Gang Feng, Yibo Hu, Jian Zhang, Lei Chen, Richard T. Corlett, Alice C. Hughes, Stuart Pimm, Bernhard Schmid, Suhua Shi, Jens-Christian Svenning, Keping Ma*. 2021. The global significance of biodiversity science in China: an overview, National Science Review, 8, nwab032.

7.Franca J. Bongers, Bernhard Schmid, Helge Bruelheide, Frans Bongers, Shan Li, Goddert von Oheimb, Yin Li, Anpeng Cheng, Keping Ma*, Xiaojuan Liu*. 2021. Functional diversity effects on productivity increase with age in a forest biodiversity experiment, Nature Ecology & Evolution, 5(12), 1594-1603.

8.Wenjing Yang, Dandan Liu, Qinghui You, Bin Chen, Minfei Jian, Qiwu Hu, Mingyang Cong, Keping Ma*. 2021. Taxonomic bias in occurrence information of angiosperm species in China, Science China-Life Sciences, 64(4), 584-592.


9.Franca J. Bongers, Bernhard Schmid, Walter Durka, Shan Li, Helge Bruelheide, Christoph Z. Hahn, Haoru Yan, Keping Ma*, Xiaojuan Liu*. 2020. Genetic richness affects trait variation but not community productivity in a tree diversity experiment, New Phytologist, 227(3), 744-756.

10.  FrancaJ. Bongers, Bernhard Schmid, Zhenkai Sun, Yin Li, Werner Hardtle, Goddert von Oheimb, Ying Li, Shan Li, Michael Staab, Keping Ma*, Xiaojuan Liu*. 2020. Growth-trait relationships in subtropical forest are stronger at higher diversity, Journal of Ecology, 108(1), 256-266.

11.  Guoke Chen, Xuan Wang, Keping Ma*. 2020. Red list of China's forest ecosystems: A conservation assessment and protected area gap analysis, Biological Conservation, 248, 108636.

12.  Rui Yang*, Yue Cao, Shuyu Hou, Qinyi Peng, Xiaoshan Wang, Fangyi Wang, Tz-Hsuan Tseng, Le Yu, Steve Carver, Ian Convery, Zhicong Zhao, Xiaoli Shen, Sheng Li, Yaomin Zheng, Han Liu, Peng Gong*, Keping Ma*. 2020. Cost-effective priorities for the expansion of global terrestrial protected areas: Setting post-2020 global and national targets, Science Advances, 6(37), eabc3436.

13.  Xiaoli Shen, Sheng Li, William J. McShea, Dajun Wang, Jianping Yu, Xiaogang Shi, Wei Dong, Xiangcheng Mi, Keping Ma*. 2020. Effectiveness of management zoning designed for flagship species in protecting sympatric species, Conservation Biology, 34(1), 158-167.

14.  Yanjun Du, Lingfeng Mao, Simon A. Queenborough, Richard Primack, Liza S. Comita, Arndt Hampe*, Keping Ma*. 2020. Macro-scale variation and environmental predictors of flowering and fruiting phenology in the Chinese angiosperm flora, Journal of Biogeography, 47(11), 2303-2314.

15.  Yin Li, Xiaojuan Liu, Wubing Xu, Franca J. Bongers, Weikai Bao, Bin Chen, Guoke Chen, Ke Guo, Jiangshan Lai, Dunmei Lin, Xiangcheng Mi, Xingjun Tian, Xihua Wang, Junhua Yan, Bo Yang, Yuanrun Zheng, Keping Ma*. 2020. Effects of diversity, climate and litter on soil organic carbon storage in subtropical forests, Forest Ecology and Management, 476, 118479.

16.  Lei Chen, Nathan G. Swenson, Niuniu Ji, Xiangcheng Mi, Haibao Ren, Liangdong Guo, Keping Ma*. 2020. Differential soil fungus accumulation and density dependence of trees in a subtropical forest, Science, 366(6461), 124-128.


17.  Lei Chen, Yunquan Wang, Xiangcheng Mi, Xiaojuan Liu, Haibao Ren, Jianhua Chen, Keping Ma*. 2019. Nathan J. B. Kraft, Neighborhood effects explain increasing asynchronous seedling survival in a subtropical forest, Ecology, 100(11), e0282.

18.  Wubing Xu, Jens Christian Svenning, Guoke Chen, Minggang Zhang, Jihong Huang, Bin Chen, Alejandro Ordonez, Keping Ma*. 2019. Human activities have opposing effects on distributions of narrow-ranged and widespread plant species in China, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 116(52), 26674-26681.

19.  Yanjun Du, Yuanqi Pan, Keping Ma*. 2019. Moderate chilling requirement controls budburst for subtropical species in China, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 278, 107693.

20.  Yanjun Du, Bo Yang, Si-Chong Chen, Keping Ma*. 2019. Diverging shifts in spring phenology in response to biodiversity loss in a subtropical forest, Journal of Vegetation Science, 30(6), 1175-1183.


21.  Yin Li, Weikai Bao, Frans Bongers, Bin Chen, Guoke Chen, Ke Guo, Mingxi Jiang, Jiangshan Lai, Dunmei Lin, Chunjiang Liu, Xiaojuan Liu, Yi Liu, Xiangcheng Mi, Xingjun Tian, Xihua Wang, Wubing Xu, Junhua Yan, Bo Yang, Yuanrun Zheng, Keping Ma*. 2018. Drivers of tree carbon storage in subtropical forests, Science of the Total Environment, 654, 684-693.

22.  Yuanyuan Huang, Yuxin Chen, Nadia Castro-Izaguirre, Martin Baruffol, Matteo Brezzi, Anne Lang, Ying Li, Werner Hardtle, Goddert von Oheimb, Xuefei Yang, Xiaojuan Liu, Kequan Pei, Sabine Both, Bo Yang, David Eichenberg, Thorsten Assmann, Jürgen Bauhus, Thorsten Behrens, Francois Buscot, Xiao-Yong Chen, Douglas Chesters, Bing-Yang Ding, Walter Durka, Alexandra Erfmeier, Jingyun Fang, Markus Fischer, Liang-Dong Guo, Dali Guo#, Jessica L. M. Gutknecht, Jin-Sheng He, Chun-Ling He, Andy Hector, Lydia Honig, Ren-Yong Hu, Alexandra-Maria Klein, Peter Kühn, Yu Liang, Shan Li, Stefan Michalski, Michael Scherer-Lorenzen, Karsten Schmidt, Thomas Scholten, Andreas Schuldt, Xuezheng Shi, Man-Zhi Tan, Zhiyao Tang, Stefan Trogisch, Zhengwen Wang, Erik Welk, Christian Wirth, Tesfaye Wubet, Wenhua Xiang, Mingjian Yu, Xiao-Dong Yu, Jiayong Zhang, Shouren Zhang, Naili Zhang, Hong-Zhang Zhou, Chao-Dong Zhu, Li Zhu, Helge Bruelheide*, Keping Ma*, Pascal A. Niklaus*, Bernhard Schmid*. 2018. Impacts of species richness on productivity in a large-scale subtropical forest experiment, Science, 362(6410), 80-83.

23.  Nathan G. Swenson*, Yoshiko Iida, Robert Howe, Amy Wolf, María Natalia Umana ,KrittikaPetprakob , Benjamin L. Turner, Keping Ma*. 2018. Tree co-occurrence and transcriptomic response to drought, Nature Communications, 8, 1996.

24.  Wubing Xu, Jens-Christian Svenning, Guoke Chen, Bin Chen, Jihong Huang, Keping Ma*. 2018. Plant geographical range size and climate stability in China: Growth form matters,Global Ecology and Biogeography, 27(5), 506-517.

25.  Lei Chen, Liza S. Comita, S. Joseph Wright, Nathan G. Swenson, Jess K. Zimmerman, Xiangcheng Mi, Zhanqing Hao, Wanhui Ye, Stephen P. Hubbell, W. John Kress, Maria Uriarte, Jill Thompson, Christopher J. Nytch, Xugao Wang, Juyu Lian, Keping Ma*. 2018. Forest tree neighborhoods are structured more by negative conspecific density dependence than by interactions among closely related species, Ecography, 41(7), 1114-1123.

26.  Naili Zhang, Yinong Li, Tesfaye Wubet, Helge Bruelheide, Yu Liang, WitoonPurahong, Francois Buscot, Keping Ma*. 2018. Tree species richness and fungi in freshly fallen leaf litter: Unique patterns of fungal species composition and their implications for enzymatic decomposition, Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 127, 120-126.

27.  Xiaojuan Liu, Stefan Trogisch, Jin-Sheng He, Pascal A. Niklaus, Helge Bruelheide, Zhiyao Tang, Alexandra Erfmeier, Michael Scherer-Lorenzen, Katherina A. Pietsch, Bo Yang, Peter Kühn, Thomas Scholten, Yuanyuan Huang, Chao Wang, Michael Staab, Katrin N. Leppert, Christian Wirth*, Bernhard Schmid*, Keping Ma*. 2018. Tree species richness increases ecosystem carbon storage in subtropical forests, Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 285, 20181240.

28.  Yin Li, Weikai Bao, Frans Bongers, Bin Chen, Guoke Chen, Ke Guo, Mingxi Jiang, Jiangshan Lai, Dunmei Lin, Chunjiang Liu, Xiaojuan Liu, Yi Liu, Xiangcheng Mi, Xingjun Tian, Xihua Wang, Wubing Xu, Junhua Yan, Bo Yang, Yuanrun Zheng, Keping Ma*. 2018. Drivers of tree carbon storage in subtropical forests, Science of the Total Environment, 654, 684-693.


29.  Baocai Han, Natalia Umaňa María, Xiangcheng Mi, Xiaojuan Liu, Lei Chen, Yunquan Wang, Yu Liang, Wei Wei, Keping Ma*. 2017. The role of transcriptomes linked with responses to light environment on seedling mortality in a subtropical forest, China, Journal of Ecology, 105(3), 592-601.

30.  Keping Ma*. 2017. Xiaoli Shen, Grumbine R Edward, Corlett Richard, Chinas biodiversity conservation research in progress, Biological Conservation, 210, 1-2.

31.  Yanjun Du, Simon A. Queenborough, Lei Chen, Yunquan Wang, Xiangcheng Mi, Keping Ma*. 2017. Liza S. Comita, Intraspecific and phylogenetic density-dependent seedling recruitment in a subtropical evergreen forest, Oecologia, 184(1), 193-203.


32.  Minggang Zhang, J.W.FerrySlik, Keping Ma*. 2016. Priority areas for the conservation of perennial plants in China, Biological Conservation, 210, 56-63.

33.  Xiaojuan Liu, Nathan G. Swenson, Dunmei Lin, Xiangcheng Mi, Mara Natalia Umana, Bernhard Schmid, Keping Ma*. 2016. Linking individual-level functional traits to tree growth in a subtropical forest, Ecology, 97(9), 2396-2405.

34.  Jihong Huang, Jianhua Huang, Canran Liu, Jinlong Zhang, Xinghui Lu, Keping Ma*. 2016. Diversity hotspots and conservation gaps for the Chinese endemic seed flora, Biological Conservation, 198, 104-112.

35.  Dunmei Lin, Kristina J. Anderson-Teixeira, Jiangshan Lai, Xiangcheng Mi, Haibao Ren, Keping Ma*. 2016. Traits of dominant tree species predict local scale variation in forest aboveground and topsoil carbon stocks, Plant and Soil, 409(1-2), 435-446.


36.  Yan Zhu, Liza S. Comita, Stephen P. Hubbell, Keping Ma*. 2016. Conspecific and phylogenetic density-dependent survival differs across life stages in a tropical forest, Journal of Ecology, 103(4), 957-966.

37.  Wubing Xu, Guoke Chen, Canran Liu, Keping Ma*. 2016. Latitudinal differences in species abundance distributions, rather than spatial aggregation, explain beta-diversity along latitudinal gradients, Global Ecology and Biogeography, 24(10), 1170-1180.

38.  Yanjun Du, Lingfeng Mao, Simon A. Queenborough, Robert P. Freckleton, Bin Chen, Keping Ma*. 2016. Phylogenetic constraints and trait correlates of flowering phenology in the angiosperm flora of China, Global Ecology and Biogeography, 24(8), 928-938.

39.  Naili Zhang, Shiqiang Wan, Jixun Guo, Guodong Han, Jessica Gutknecht, Bernhard Schmid, Liang Yu, Weixing Liu, Jie Bi, Zhen Wang, Keping Ma*. 2016. Precipitation modifies the effects of warming and nitrogen addition on soil microbial communities in northern Chinese grasslands, Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 89, 12-23.


40.  Wenjing Yang, Keping Ma*, Holger Kreft*. 2014. Environmental and socio-economic factors shaping the geography of floristic collections in China, Global Ecology and Biogeography, 23(11), 1284-1292.


41.  Naili Zhang, Weixing Liu, Haijun Yang, Xingjun Yu, Jessica L. M. Gutknecht, Zhe Zhang, Shiqiang Wan, Keping Ma*. 2013. Soil microbial responses to warming and increased precipitation and their implications for ecosystem C cycling, Oecologia, 173(3), 1125-1142.

42.  Wenjing Yang, Keping Ma*. 2013. Holger Kreft, Geographical sampling bias in a large distributional database and its effects on species richness-environment models, Journal of Biogeography, 40(8), 1415-1426.

43.  Jiangshan Lai, David A. Coomes, Xiaojun Du, Chang-fu Hsieh, I. Fang Sun, Wei-Chun Chao, Xiangcheng Mi, Haibao Ren, Xugao Wang, Zhanqing Hao, Keping Ma*. 2013. A general combined model to describe tree-diameter distributions within subtropical and temperate forest communities, Oikos, 122(11), 1636-1642.

44.  Xiaojuan Liu, Nathan G Swenson, Jinlong Zhang, Keping Ma*. 2013. The environment and space, not phylogeny, determine trait dispersion in a subtropical forest, Functional Ecology, 27(27), 264-272.


45.  Xiangcheng Mi, Nathan G. Swenson, Renato Valencia, John Kress, David L. Erickson, Álvaro Pérez-Castaneda, Haibao Ren, Sheng-HsinSu, NimalGunatilleke, SaviGunatilleke, Zhanqing Hao, Wanhui Ye, Min Cao, H S Suresh, H S Dattaraja, S Sukumar, Keping Ma*. 2012. The contribution of rare species to community phylogenetic diversity across a global network of forest plots, American Naturalist, 180(1), E17-30.

46.  Jihong Huang, Bin Chen, Canran Liu, Jiangshan Lai, Jinlong Zhang, Keping Ma*. 2012. Identifying hotspots of endemic woody seed plant diversity in China, Diversity and Distributions, 18, 673-688.


47.  Liwen Zhang, Xiangcheng Mi, Hongbo Shao, Keping Ma*. 2011. Strong plant-soil associations in a heterogeneous subtropical broad-leaved forest, Plant and Soil, 347(1-2), 211-220.

48.  Hongmei Du, Yu Liang, Kequan Pei, Keping Ma*. 2011. UV radiation-responsive proteins in rice leaves: a proteomic analysis, Plant and Cell Physiology. 52(2), 306-316.


49.  Lei Chen, Xiangcheng Mi, Liza Comita, Liwen Zhang, Haibao Ren, Keping Ma*. 2010. Community-level consequences of density dependence and habitat association in a subtropical broad-leaved forest, Ecology Letters, 13(6), 695-704.

50.  Yan Zhu, Xiangcheng Mi, Haibao Ren, Keping Ma*. 2010. Density dependence is prevalent in a heterogeneous subtropical forest, Oikos, 119(1), 109-119.

51.  Guoke Chen, Marc Kéry, Jinlong Zhang, Keping Ma*. 2009. Factors affecting detection probability in plant distribution studies, Journal of Ecology, 97(6), 1383-1389.

52.  Jiangshan Lai, Xiangcheng Mi, Haibao Ren, Keping Ma*. 2009. Species-habitat associations change in a subtropical forest of China, Journal of Vegetation Science, 20(3), 415-423.

53.  Yanjun Du, Xiangcheng Mi, Haibao Ren, Xiaojuan Liu, Lei Chen, Teng Fang, Yan Zhu, Keping Ma*. 2009. Seed dispersal phenology and dispersal syndromes in a subtropical broad-leaved forest of China, Forest Ecology and Management, 258(7), 1147-1152.

54.  Naili Zhang, Shiqiang Wan, Linghao Li, Jie Bi, Mingming Zhao, Keping Ma*. 2008. Impacts of urea N addition on soil microbial community in a semi-arid temperate steppe in northern China, Plant and Soil, 311(1), 19-28.

55.  Yinbo Zhang, Keping Ma*. 2008. Geographic distribution patterns and status assessment of threatened plants in China, Biodiversity and Conservation, 17, 1783-1798.

56.  Lingjuan Zhou, Kequan Pei, Keping Ma*. 2007. A molecular approach to species identification of chenopodiaceae pollen grains in surface soil, American Journal of Botany, 94(3), 477-481.

57.  Xiaojun Du, Qinfeng Guo, Xianming Gao, Keping Ma*. 2007. Seed rain, soil seed bank, seed loss and regeneration of Castanopsisfargesii (Fagaceae) in a subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest, Forest Ecology and Management, 238(1-3), 212-219.

58.  Haibao Ren, ShuKuiNiu, LinYan Zhang, Keping Ma*. 2006. Distribution of vascular plant species richness along an elevational gradient in the Dongling Mountains, Beijing, China, Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 48(2), 153-160.

59.  Ting Wang, Qibing Zhang, Keping Ma*. 2006. Treeline dynamics in relation to climatic variability in the central Tianshan Mountains, northwestern China, Global Ecology and Biogeography, 15(4), 406-415.

60.  Sheng Yan, Zheng Wei-Hong, Pei Ke-Quan, KepingMa*. 2005. Genetic variation within and among populations of a dominant desert tree Haloxylonammodendron (Amaranthaceae) in China, Annals of Botany, 96(2), 245-252.

61.  Ting Wang, Yu Liang, Haibao Ren, Dan Yu, Jian Ni, Keping Ma*. 2004. Age structure of Piceaschrenkiana forest along an altitudinal gradient in the central Tianshan Mountains, northwestern China, Forest Ecology and Management, 196(2), 267-274.
