中国科学院| 植物所| 中文版| English| 全文检索

研 究 组 : 植被生态学与植被图志研究组
民       族:
籍       贯:
职       称: 助理研究员
  • 学习工作经历
  • 科研项目
  • 论文专著
  • 所获奖励
  • 学习经历
    2007.09-2011.07 山西农业大学,学士
    2011.09-2014.07 南开大学,硕士
    2014.09-2017.07 南开大学, 博士

    2017.10-2021.01 北京大学,博士后
    2021.02-至今 中国科学院植物研究所,助理研究员


  • 1. 科技部基础工作专项,燕山-太行山生态环境综合科学考察与资料整编-燕山山地植被垂直带考察子课题,2022-2025,主持,在研

    2. 北京市生态环境局项目,生物多样性观测、调查及评估,2022-2025,主持,在研

    3. 中国博士后科学基金面上项目,氮添加对中国东部典型森林土壤氨基糖及其有机碳积累影响,2018-2020,主持,结题

    4. 参加《中国植被志》研编,负责《中国落叶栎林》册撰写

    5. 科技部重大专项,第二次青藏高原综合科学考察研究-生态系统与生态安全-森林和灌丛生态系统与生物资源管理,2019-2024,参与

  • Chen GP, Cai Q, Ma SH, Feng YH, Fang WJ, Ji CJ, Zhu JL, Wang ZH, Wang SP, Tang ZY, Fang JY*. 2023. Climate and forest attributes influence aboveground biomass of deciduous broadleaf forests in China. Journal of Ecology, 111(2):495-508.

    Chen GP, Cai Q, Fang WJ, Feng YH, Zhu JL, Ji CJ, Tang ZY, Fang JY*. 2022. The structural characteristics and climatic and human impacts of deciduous oak forests in China. Journal of Plant Ecology, 15(2), 266-277.

    Ma SH#, Chen GP#, Du EZ, Tian D, Xing AJ, Shen HH, Ji CJ, Zheng CY, Zhu JX, Zhu JL, Huang HY, He HB, Zhu B, Fang JY*. 2021. Effects of nitrogen addition on microbial residues and their contribution to soil organic carbon in China’s forests from tropical to boreal zone. Environmental Pollution, 268, 115941. (co-first author)

    Chen GP#, Ma SH#, Tian D, Xiao W, Jiang L, Xing AJ, Zou AL, Zhou LH, Shen HH, Zheng CY, Ji CJ, He HB, Zhu B, Liu LL, Fang JY*. 2020. Patterns and determinants of soil microbial residues from tropical to boreal forests. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 151, 108059. (co-first author)

    Chen GP, Gao ZY, Zu LH, Tang LL, Yang T, Feng XM, Zhao TJ, Shi FC*. 2017. Soil aggregate characteristics and stability of soil carbon stocks in a Pinus tabulaeformis plantation. New Forests, 48(6), 837-853.

    Chen GP, Shi C, Cheng SS, Zhao TJ, Liu GQ, Shi FC*. 2017. The structure and soil characteristics of a Pinus tabuliformis planted forest after 60 years of natural development in North China. Silva Fennica, 51(1), 1709.

2007.09-2011.07 山西农业大学,学士
2011.09-2014.07 南开大学,硕士
2014.09-2017.07 南开大学, 博士
2017.10-2021.01 北京大学,博士后
2021.02-至今 中国科学院植物研究所,助理研究员

1. 科技部基础工作专项,燕山-太行山生态环境综合科学考察与资料整编-燕山山地植被垂直带考察子课题,2022-2025,主持,在研

2. 北京市生态环境局项目,生物多样性观测、调查及评估,2022-2025,主持,在研

3. 中国博士后科学基金面上项目,氮添加对中国东部典型森林土壤氨基糖及其有机碳积累影响,2018-2020,主持,结题

4. 参加《中国植被志》研编,负责《中国落叶栎林》册撰写

5. 科技部重大专项,第二次青藏高原综合科学考察研究-生态系统与生态安全-森林和灌丛生态系统与生物资源管理,2019-2024,参与


Chen GP, Cai Q, Ma SH, Feng YH, Fang WJ, Ji CJ, Zhu JL, Wang ZH, Wang SP, Tang ZY, Fang JY*. 2023. Climate and forest attributes influence aboveground biomass of deciduous broadleaf forests in China. Journal of Ecology, 111(2):495-508.

Chen GP, Cai Q, Fang WJ, Feng YH, Zhu JL, Ji CJ, Tang ZY, Fang JY*. 2022. The structural characteristics and climatic and human impacts of deciduous oak forests in China. Journal of Plant Ecology, 15(2), 266-277.

Ma SH#, Chen GP#, Du EZ, Tian D, Xing AJ, Shen HH, Ji CJ, Zheng CY, Zhu JX, Zhu JL, Huang HY, He HB, Zhu B, Fang JY*. 2021. Effects of nitrogen addition on microbial residues and their contribution to soil organic carbon in China’s forests from tropical to boreal zone. Environmental Pollution, 268, 115941. (co-first author)

Chen GP#, Ma SH#, Tian D, Xiao W, Jiang L, Xing AJ, Zou AL, Zhou LH, Shen HH, Zheng CY, Ji CJ, He HB, Zhu B, Liu LL, Fang JY*. 2020. Patterns and determinants of soil microbial residues from tropical to boreal forests. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 151, 108059. (co-first author)

Chen GP, Gao ZY, Zu LH, Tang LL, Yang T, Feng XM, Zhao TJ, Shi FC*. 2017. Soil aggregate characteristics and stability of soil carbon stocks in a Pinus tabulaeformis plantation. New Forests, 48(6), 837-853.

Chen GP, Shi C, Cheng SS, Zhao TJ, Liu GQ, Shi FC*. 2017. The structure and soil characteristics of a Pinus tabuliformis planted forest after 60 years of natural development in North China. Silva Fennica, 51(1), 1709.
