- 王巍伟,研究生教育学历,博士学位
- 研 究 组 : 生物多样性与生态安全研究组
- 民 族: 汉
- 研究领域: 群落生态学
- 籍 贯: 山东泰安
- 导师资格:
- 出生年月:
- 职 称: 工程师
- 毕业院校: 北京林业大学
- 入职时间: 2020.11
- 毕业时间: 2018.06
- 办公电话: 010-62836275
- 电子邮件: wangweiwei@ibcas.ac.cn
Wang WW, Lindner DD, Jusino MA, et al. 2020. Wood-colonizing fungal community response to forest restoration thinnings in a Pinus tabuliformis plantation in northern China. Forest Ecology and Management, 476:118459.
Wang WW, Page-Dumroese DS, Jurgensen, M, et al. 2019. Restoration thinning impacts surface and belowground wood decomposition. Forest Ecology and Management, 449:117451.
Wang WW, Page-Dumroese DS, Jurgensen M. et al. 2018. Effect of forest thinning and wood quality on the short-term wood decomposition rate in a Pinus tabuliformis plantation. Journal of Plant Research, 131: 897.
Wang WW, Page-Dumroese DS, Lv R, et al. 2016. Soil Enzyme Activities in Pinus tabuliformis (Carriére) Plantations in Northern China. Forests, 7(6).