- 李珊,研究生教育学历,博士学位
- 研 究 组 : 生物多样性与生态安全研究组
- 民 族: 汉
- 研究领域: 生物多样性与生态系统功能
- 籍 贯: 河北廊坊
- 导师资格:
- 出生年月:
- 职 称: 工程师
- 毕业院校: 中科院植物所
- 入职时间: 2020.11
- 毕业时间: 2017.7
- 办公电话: 010-62836051
- 电子邮件: lishan8787@ibcas.ac.cn
Li Y, Schmid B, Schuldt A, Li S, Wang M-Q, Fornoff F, Staab M, Guo P-F, Anttonen P, Chesters D, Bruelheide H, Zhu C-D, Ma KP*, Liu XJ*. 2023. Multitrophic arthropod diversity mediates tree diversity effects on primary productivity. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 7: 832-840.
Deng M, Hu SJ, Guo LL, Jiang L, Huang YY, Schmid B, Liu C, Chang PF, Li S, Liu XJ, Ma KP, Liu LL*. 2023. Tree mycorrhizal association types control biodiversity-productivity relationship in a subtropical forest. Science Advances, 9(3): eadd4468.
Zhang L, Liu XJ*, Sun ZH, Bu WS, Bongers FJ, Song XY, Yang J, Sun ZK, Li Y, Li S, Cao M, Ma KP*, Swenson NG. 2023. Functional trait space and redundancy of plant communities decrease toward cold temperature at high altitudes in Southwest China. SCIENCE CHINA Life Sciences, 66(2): 376-384.
薛玉洁, 程安鹏, 李珊, 刘晓娟, 李景文*. 2023. 亚热带森林中环境和物种多样性对灌木存活率的影响. 生物多样性, 31(3): 22443.
李珊*, 刘晓娟, 马克平. 2023. 亚热带森林生物多样性与生态系统功能实验研究基地(BEF-China)研究进展. 广西植物, 43(8): 1524-1536.
Tang T#, Zhang NL#, Bongers FJ, Staab M, Schuldt A, Fornoff F, Lin H, Cavender-Bares J, Hipp A, Li S, Liang Y, Han BC, Klein A-M, Bruelheide H, Durka W, Schmid B*, Ma KP*, Liu XJ*. 2022. Tree species and genetic diversity increase productivity via functional diversity and trophic feedbacks. eLife, 11: e78703.
Liu XJ, Huang YY, Chen L, Li S, Bongers FJ, Castro‐Izaguirre N, Liang Y, Yang B, Chen YX, Schnabel F, Tang T, Xue YJ, Trogisch S, Staab M, Bruelheide H, Schmid B*, Ma KP*. 2022. Species richness, functional traits and climate interactively affect tree survival in a large forest biodiversity experiment. Journal of Ecology, 110(10): 2522-2531.
Gan HY, Li XC, Wang YL, Lü PP, Ji NN, Yao H, Li S, Guo LD*. 2022. Plants play stronger effects on soil fungal than bacterial communities and co-occurrence network structures in a subtropical tree diversity experiment. Microbiology spectrum, 10(3): e0013422.
Bongers FJ, Schmid B, Bruelheide H, Bongers F, Li S, von Oheimb G, Li Y, Cheng AP, Ma KP*, Liu XJ*. 2021. Functional diversity effects on productivity increase with age in a forest biodiversity experiment. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 5: 1594-1603.
Schnabel F*#, Liu XJ*#, Kunz M*, Barry KE, Bongers FJ, Bruelheide H, Fichtner A, Härdtle W, Li S, Pfaff C-T, Schmid B, Schwarz JA, Tang ZY, Yang B, Bauhus J, von Oheimb G, Ma KP, Wirth C. 2021. Species richness stabilizes productivity via asynchrony and drought-tolerance diversity in a large-scale tree biodiversity experiment. Science Advances, 7(51): eabk1643.
Ma LW, Bongers FJ, Li S, Tang T, Yang B, Ma KP, Liu XJ*. 2021. Species identity and composition effects on community productivity in a subtropical forest. Basic and Applied Ecology, 55: 87-97.
Gheyret G, Zhang HT, Guo YP, Liu TY, Bai YH, Li S, Schmid B, Bruelheide H, Ma KP, Tang ZY*. 2021. Radial growth response of trees to seasonal soil humidity in a subtropical forest. Basic and Applied Ecology, 55: 74-86.
Bongers FJ, Schmid B, Durka W, Li S, Bruelheide H, Hahn CZ, Yan HR, Ma KP*, Liu XJ*. 2020. Genetic richness affects trait variation but not community productivity in a tree diversity experiment. New Phytologist, 227(1): 744-756.
Bongers FJ, Schmid B, Sun ZK, Li Y, Hardtle W, von Oheimb G, Li Y, Li S, Staab M, Ma KP*, Liu XJ*. 2020. Growth-trait relationships in subtropical forest are stronger at higher diversity. Journal of Ecology, 108(1): 256-266.
Shakoor A, Li S, Wang F, Tian T, Liang Y*, Ma KP. 2019. Spatial patterns and determinants of common root-associated fungi in a subtropical forest of China. Journal of Plant Ecology, 12(2): 255-263.
Huang YY#, Chen YX#, Castro-Izaguirre N, Baruffol M, Brezzi M, Lang AC, Li Y, Hardtle W, von Oheimb G, Yang XF, Liu XJ, Pei KQ, Both S, Yang B, Eichenberg D, Assmann T, Bauhus J, Behrens T, Buscot F, Chen XY, Chesters D, Ding BY, Durka W, Erfmeier A, Fang JY, Fischer M, Guo LD, Guo DL, Gutknecht JLM, He JS, He CL, Hector A, Hoenig L, Hu RY, Klein A-M, Kühn P, Liang Y, Li S, Michalski S, Scherer-Lorenzen M, Schmidt K, Scholten T, Schuldt A, Shi XZ, Tan MZ, Tang ZY, Trogisch S, Wang ZW, Welk E, Wirth C, Wubet T, Xiang W, Yu MJ, Yu XD, Zhang JY, Zhang SR, Zhang NL, Zhou HZ, Zhu CD, Zhu L, Bruelheide H*, Ma KP*, Niklaus PA*, Schmid B*. 2018. Impacts of species richness on productivity in a large-scale subtropical forest experiment. Science, 362(6410): 80-83.
Li S, Shakoor A, Wubet T, Zhang NL, Liang Y*, Ma KP. 2018. Fine-scale variations of fungal community in a heterogeneous grassland in Inner Mongolia: Effects of the plant community and edaphic parameters. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 122: 104-110.
刘从, 田甜, 李珊, 王芳, 梁宇*. 2018. 中国木本植物幼苗生长对光照强度的响应. 生态学报, 38(2): 518-527.
Zhang BW, Li S, Chen SP*, Ren TT, Yang ZQ, Zhao HL, Liang Y*, Han XG. 2016. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi regulate soil respiration and its response to precipitation change in a semiarid steppe. Scientific Reports, 6: 19990.