- 草原生态系统功能研究组
- 白永飞, 研究员, 博士生导师。中国科学院特聘研究员,中国科学院大学岗位教授,中国科学院内蒙古草原生态系统定位研究站站长。2008年国家杰出青年科学基金获得者,2010年获国务院政府特殊津贴,2011年入选内蒙古自治区“草原英才”,2014年入选国家百千万人才工程国家级人选。近年来,主持和承担国家重点研发计划项目课题、国家重点基础研究发展计划(“973”)项目课题、中国科学院战略先导专项课题、自然科学基金重点、国际合作和面上项目等10余项,以第一和通讯作者发表各类研究论文100余篇,其中在Nature、Science、PNAS、Ecology、Global Change Biology等SCI期刊发表研究论文70余篇。目前担任中国植物学会植物生态学专业委员会主任,《植物学报》(2015-)《草业科学》副主编,《Science Bulletin》《Science China-Life Sciences》《科学通报》《生态学报》《植物生态学报》《草地学报》编委。已培养博士和硕士研究生30余名,先后获中国科学院“优秀研究生指导教师”奖、“朱李月华优秀教师”奖、中国科学院大学“优秀研究生课程”等荣誉。
- 团队成员
- 主要研究领域
- 所承担科研项目
- 代表性论文
- 团队风采
[1] 国家重点研发计划重点专项“典型草原生态系统近自然修复和生态质量综合提升技术研发与示范(2023YFF1304100)”(2023.12- 2027.11),项目负责人。
[2] 国家自然科学基金重大项目“草原生产力形成与调控机制”,第四课题“不同管理措施下草原生产力和碳汇功能的协同与调控机制(32192464)”(2022.01- 2026.12),课题负责人。
[3] 中国科学院战略性先导科技A类专项“美丽中国生态文明科技工程”, 项目八“自然保护地健康管理与生态廊道设计技术”第三课题“国家自然保护区原真生态系统组成与动态监测” (2019.01- 2023.12),课题负责人。
[4] 国家重点研发计划重点专项课题“气候变化对生态系统生产力及碳固持服务的影响(2017YFA0604702)”(2017.07- 2022.06),专题负责人。
[5] 国家自然科学基金重点项目“放牧对典型草原生态系统磷循环的影响:生物过程与机制(31630010)”(2017.01- 2021.12),主持人。
[6] 国家重点研发计划重点专项课题“锡林郭勒—乌兰察布高原沙化土地治理与沙产业技术研发及示范(2016YFC0500804)”(2016.07- 2020.12),课题负责人。
[7] 中科院科技服务网络计划(STS计划)区域重点项目“天-空-地一体化草原生态监测大数据智慧平台应用与示范” (2018.01- 2019.12),主持人。
[8] 国家自然科学基金重大国际合作项目“全球变化关键驱动因子对蒙古高原草原C3/C4植物多度、群落结构和生态系统功能的影响:格局、过程与机制(31320103916)”(2014.01- 2018.12),主持人。
[9] “十二五”农村领域国家科技计划项目专题“浑善达克沙地植被稳定性与农牧业综合开发试验示范研究(2012BAD16B0304)”(2012.01- 2016.12),专题负责人。
[10] 中国科学院战略性先导科技专项“生态系统固碳现状、速率、机制与潜力项目”, 第三课题“草地生态系统固碳现状、速率、潜力与机制”(XDA05050300) (2011.01- 2015.12),主持人。
[11] 国家自然科学基金重点项目“蒙古高原草原生物多样性的格局与维持机制研究:控制实验与野外调查相整合的多尺度途径(31030013)”(2011.01- 2014.12),主持人。
[12] 国家杰出青年科学基金项目“草原生态系统生物多样性与生态系统功能的维持机理(30825008)”(2009.01- 2012.12)。
[13] 国家重点基础研究发展计划(“973”)项目“中国主要类型生态系统服务功能与生态安全”,第二课题“草地和荒漠生态系统服务功能形成与调控机理 (2009CB421102)”(2009.01- 2013.12),主持人。
[14] 国家自然科学基金面上项目“放牧对草原生态系统植物和土壤C、N、P 化学计量关系的调控机理(30770370)”(2008.01- 2010.12),主持人。
[15] 国家科技支撑计划林业项目“防沙治沙关键技术研究与试验示范”,专题“锡林郭勒草原草地畜牧业开发技术研究与试验示范(2006BAD26B05)” (2006.10- 2010.12),主要参加人。
[16] 国家自然科学基金面上项目“羊草草原植物水分利用效率和水分来源对牧压梯度的适应与响应机制(30670346)”(2007.01- 2009.12),主持人。
[17] 中国科学院知识创新工程重要方向项目“北方沙漠化带典型生态系统的水分有效性与植被适应性研究(KZCX2-YW-431)”(2007.01- 2009.12),主要参加人。
[18] 国家自然科学基金创新群体项目“北方草地全球变化生态学研究(30521002)”(2006.01- 2008.12),研究群体主要成员。
[19] 国家重点基础研究发展计划项目“北方草地与农牧交错带生态系统维持与适应性管理的科学基础”,第一课题“生物多样性的生态系统功能(2007CB106800)”(2007.05- 2011.08),韩兴国、王德利主持,参加人。
[20] 国家科技攻关项目“锡林郭勒草原草地畜牧业技术示范(2005BA
[21] 国家基金委重点项目“草原生态系统中生源要素的计量化学关系及其耦合机理 (30330150)”,韩兴国主持(2004.01-2007.12),参加人。
[22] 国家自然科学基金面上项目“草原群落物种丰富度、植物功能群组成和群落初级生产力对水分来源转换的适应机制(30570304)”(2006.01-2006.12),主持人。
[23] 国家自然科学基金面上项目“草原群落植物水分利用效率对气候变化的响应与适应机制(90211012)”(2003.01-2005.12),主持人。
[24] 国家重点基础研究发展规划项目“草地与农牧交错带生态系统重建机理及优化生态- 生产范式”第7课题“优化生态- 生产范式与新产业带形成的理论基础(G2000018607)”(2000.10-2005.09),张新时院士主持,参加人。
[25] 中国科学院知识创新工程重大项目“浑善达克沙地与京北农牧交错区生态环境综合治理试验示范研究”,第1课题“锡林郭勒退化草地恢复与合理利用试验示范研究(KSCX
[26] 科技部首都圈(环北京)防沙治沙应急技术研究与示范招标项目“锡林郭勒草原防沙治沙技术示范(FS2000-006)”(2000.11- 2003.11),韩兴国、白永飞主持。
1. Chen WJ., Jiang L, Jia RY, Tang B, Jiang HZ, Wang Y, Lu XM, Su JS, and Bai YF*. 2024. Plant litter loss exacerbates drought influences on grasslands. New Phytologist, 241:142-153.
2. Meng YH., Chen HS, Wang B, Wu Y, Wu LJ, Bai YF, and Chen DM*. 2024. Soil biota associated with soil N cycling under multiple anthropogenic stressors in grasslands. Applied Soil Ecology, 193:105134.
3. Xu FW, Li JJ, Su JS, Sasaki T, Lu XM, Wang Y, Chen DM, and Bai YF*. 2024. Understanding the drivers of ecosystem multifunctionality in the Mongolian steppe: The role of grazing history and resource input. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 359:108748.
4. Jia RY, Chen WJ, Tang B, Lu XM, Wang Y, and Bai YF*. 2023. Phosphorus availability mediates grazing impacts on resorption and allocation of foliar nitrogen and phosphorus by dominant species in semiarid grasslands. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition, 23: 5482–5494.
5. Jia RY, Tang B, Sun Q, Song WJ, Wang Y, and Bai YF*. 2023. Grazing intensity mediates effects of plant arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis on nitrogen and phosphorus resorption in semiarid grasslands. Plant and Soil, 490:343–356.
6. Xing W., Lu XM*, Geng SB, Ding JY, and Bai YF. 2023. Mechanisms underlying the negative effects of nitrogen addition on soil nematode communities in global grassland ecosystems. Geoderma, 436:116564.
7. Su JS., Zhao YJ, and Bai YF*. 2023. Asymmetric responses of leaf litter decomposition to precipitation changes in global terrestrial ecosystem. Journal of Cleaner Production, 387:135898.
8. Li YW, Lu XM, Su JS, and Bai YF*. 2023. Phosphorus availability and planting patterns regulate soil microbial effects on plant performance in a semiarid steppe. Annals of Botany, 131:1081-1095.
9. Sun Q, Jia RY, Qin JC, Wang Y, Lu XM, Yang PZ, and Bai YF*. 2023. Grassland management regimes regulate soil phosphorus fractions and conversion between phosphorus pools in semiarid steppe ecosystems. Biogeochemistry, 163:33-48.
10. Wang CN, Li X, Lu XM, Wang Y, and Bai YF*. 2023. Intraspecific trait variation governs grazing-induced shifts in plant community above- and below-ground functional trait composition. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 346:108357.
11. 宋伟江, 苏纪帅, 张梦迪, 赵玉金, 王忠武, 贾玉山*, 白永飞*. 2023. 中国北方草地植物补偿性生长与合理放牧强度: 基于放牧实验的整合分析. 科学通报, 68:1330-1342.
12. Wang H, Qiu YP, Zhang KC, Zhao YX, Li YT, Wang Y, Bai YF, Zhang Y, and Hu SJ. 2023. Alterations in substrate stoichiometry control the responses of soil diazotrophs to nutrient enrichment. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 179:108975.
13. Wen P, Wang B, Liu SG, Wu LJ, Yue LY, Wu Y, Chen HS, Bai YF, and Chen DM. 2023. Seasonal community stability increased with water addition and shrub removal but reduced with nitrogen addition in semi-arid grassland. Functional Ecology, 37: 690-702.
14. Wu LJ, Hu JY, Chen HS, Wang B, Wu Y, Bai YF, and Chen DM. 2023. Stronger effects of long-term P enrichment on soil biota than plants in grasslands. Soil and Tillage Research, 229:105668.
15. Faghihinia M, Zou Y, Bai YF, Pourbakhtiar A, Marrs R, and Staddon PL. 2023. Long-term grazing intensity impacts belowground carbon allocation and mycorrhizas revealed by 13CO2 pulse labeling. Rangeland Ecology & Management, 86:64-72.
16. Zhao QF, Chen WJ, Wu LJ, Wang B, Wu Y, Chen HS, Bai YF, and Chen DM. 2023. Nitrogen enrichment amplifies the effects of litter treatments on soil microorganisms and ecosystem functions in grazed and non-grazed grasslands. Applied Soil Ecology, 186:104851.
17. Bai YF*, and Cotrufo MF. 2022. Grassland soil carbon sequestration: Current understanding, challenges, and solutions. Science, 377:603-608.
18. Zhao YJ, Lu XM, Wang Y, and Bai YF*. 2022. How precipitation legacies affect broad-scale patterns of primary productivity: Evidence from the Inner Mongolia grassland. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 320:108954.
19. Xing W, Lu XM, Ying JY, Lan ZC, Chen DM, and Bai YF*. 2022. Disentangling the effects of nitrogen availability and soil acidification on microbial taxa and soil carbon dynamics in natural grasslands. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 164:108495.
20. Zheng SX, Chi YB, Yang XJ, Li WH, Lan ZC, and Bai YF*. 2022. Direct and indirect effects of nitrogen enrichment and grazing on grassland productivity through intraspecific trait variability. Journal of Applied Ecology, 59:598-610.
21. Wang B, Zhu YH, Chen X, Chen DM*, Wu Y, Wu LJ, Liu SG, Yue LY, Wang Y, and Bai YF*. 2022. Even short-term revegetation complicates soil food webs and strengths their links with ecosystem functions. Journal of Applied Ecology, 59:1721-1733.
22. Wu Y, Chen DM*, Delgado-Baquerizo M, Liu SG, Wang B, Wu JP, Hu SJ, and Bai YF*. 2022. Long-term regional evidence of the effects of livestock grazing on soil microbial community structure and functions in surface and deep soil layers. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 168:108629.
23. Sun YF, Li YW, Lu XM, Wang Y, and Bai YF*. 2022. Contrasting effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on nitrogen uptake in Leymus chinensis and Cleistogenes squarrosa grasses, dominants of the Inner Mongolian steppe. Plant and Soil, 475: 395-410.
24. Mi J, Ou J, Liu H, Shi J, Chen DM, and Bai YF*. 2022. The loss of plant species diversity dominated by temperature promotes local productivity in the steppe of eastern Inner Mongolia. Ecological Indicators, 139:108953.
25. Xu FW, Li JJ, Wu LJ, Su JS, Wang Y, Chen DM, and Bai YF*. 2022. Linking leaf traits to the temporal stability of above- and belowground productivity under global change and land use scenarios in a semi-arid grassland of Inner Mongolia. Science of the Total Environment, 818:151858.
26. Sha ZY., Bai YF, Li RR, Lan H, Zhang XL, Li J, Liu XF, Chang SJ, and Xie YC. 2022. The global carbon sink potential of terrestrial vegetation can be increased substantially by optimal land management. Communications Earth & Environment, 3:8.
27. Pan QM, Symstad AJ, Bai YF, Huang JH, Wu JG, Naeem S, Chen DM, Tian DS, Wang QB, and Han XG. 2022. Biodiversity–productivity relationships in a natural grassland community vary under diversity loss scenarios. Journal of Ecology, 110: 210-220.
28. Faghihinia M, Zou Y, Bai YF, Dudáš M, Marrs R, and Staddon PL. 2022. Grazing intensity rather than host plant’s palatability shapes the community of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in a steppe grassland. Microbial Ecology, 84: 1062–1071.
29. Li P, Sayer EJ, Jia Z, Wu YT, Deng MF, Wang X, Liu C, Wang B, Wang Y, Bai YF, and L. L. Liu. 2022. Deepened snow cover mitigates soil carbon loss from intensive land-use in a semi-arid temperate grassland. Functional Ecology, 36: 635-645.
30. Lu XM, Zhao XZ, Tachibana T, Uchida K, Sasaki T, and Bai YF*. 2021. Plant quantity and quality regulate the diversity of arthropod communities in a semi-arid grassland. Functional Ecology, 35: 601-613.
31. Liu L, Cheng JH, Li YW, Lan ZC, Wang Y, and Bai YF*. 2021. N-enrichment induced biodiversity loss can be explained by reductions in competitive intransitivity: Evidence from a decade-long grassland experiment. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 184: 104372.
32. Li WH, Hooper DU, Wu LJ, Bakker JD, Gianuca AT, Wu XB, Taube F, Wang CN, and Bai YF*. 2021. Grazing regime alters plant community structure via patch-scale diversity in semiarid grasslands. Ecosphere, 12: e03547.
33. Tang B, Man J, Jia RY, Wang Y, and Bai YF*. 2021. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi mediate grazing effects on seasonal soil nitrogen fluxes in a steppe ecosystem. Ecosystems, 24: 1171-1183.
34. Zhao YJ, Liu XL, Wang Y, Zheng ZJ, Zheng SX, Zhao D, and Bai YF*. 2021. UAV-based individual shrub aboveground biomass estimation calibrated against terrestrial LiDAR in a shrub-encroached grassland. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 101: 102358.
35. Zhao YJ, Sun YH, Chen WH, Zhao YP, Liu XL, and Bai YF*. 2021. The potential of mapping grassland plant diversity with the links among spectral diversity, functional trait diversity, and species diversity. Remote Sensing, 13: 3034.
36. Zhao YJ, Sun YH, Lu XM, Zhao XZ, Yang L, Sun ZY, and Bai YF*. 2021. Hyperspectral retrieval of leaf physiological traits and their links to ecosystem productivity in grassland monocultures. Ecological Indicators, 122: 107267.
37. Xu FW, Li JJ, Su JS, Lu XM, Wang Y, Wu LJ, Wang CN, Chen DM, and Bai YF*. 2021. Seasonality regulates the effects of resource addition on plant diversity and ecosystem functioning in semi-arid grassland. Journal of Plant Ecology, 14: 1143-1157.
38. Wang, B., Wu Y, Chen DM*, Hu SJ, and Bai YF. 2021. Legacy effect of grazing intensity mediates the bottom-up controls of resource addition on soil food webs. Journal of Applied Ecology, 58: 976-987.
39. Wu Y, Chen DM*, Saleem M, Wang B, Hu SJ, Delgado-Baquerizo M, and Bai YF*. 2021. Rare soil microbial taxa regulate the negative effects of land degradation drivers on soil organic matter decomposition. Journal of Applied Ecology, 58: 1658-1669.
40. Zhang YW, Guo YP, Tang ZY, Feng YH, Zhu XR, Xu WT, Bai YF, Zhou GY, Xie ZQ, and Fang JY. 2021. Patterns of nitrogen and phosphorus pools in terrestrial ecosystems in China. Earth System Science Data, 13: 5337-5351.
41. 白永飞*, 赵玉金, 王扬, 周楷玲. 2020. 中国北方草地生态系统服务评估和功能区划助力生态安全屏障建设. 中国科学院院刊, 35: 675-689.
42. 杨萍, 白永飞, 宋长春, 吴冬秀. 2020. 野外站科研样地建设的思考、探索与展望. 中国科学院院刊, 35: 125-134.
43. 乌力吉, 赵萌莉, 白永飞*. 2020. 放牧对草地生态系统磷循环的调控机制:研究进展与展望. 科学通报, 65: 2469-2482.
44. Tang B, Man J, Xiang GH, Wang Y, and Bai YF*. 2020. Heavy grazing disrupts positive effects of arbuscular mycorrhizae symbiosis on community productivity and stability under low and high phosphorus conditions. Plant and Soil, 457: 375–387.
45. Du S, Shen JP, Sun YF, Bai YF, Pan H, Li Y, Wang ZW, Han GD, Zhang LM, and He JS. 2020. Grazing does not increase soil antibiotic resistome in two types of grasslands in Inner Mongolia, China. Applied Soil Ecology, 155: 103644.
46. Pan S, Wang Y†, Qiu YP, Chen DM, L. Zhang, Ye CL, Guo H, Zhu WX, Chen AQ, Xu GH, Zhang Y*, Bai YF*, and Hu SJ*. 2020. Nitrogen-induced acidification, not N-nutrient, dominates suppressive N effects on arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Global Change Biology, 26: 6568-6580.
47. Tang B, Man J, and Bai YF*. 2020. Leaf nitrogen acquisition of Leymus chinensis varies with leaf age and land use change in a semiarid grassland. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 175: 104051.
48. Xiao H, Wang B, Lu SB, Chen DM, Wu Y, Zhu YH, Hu SJ, and Bai YF. 2020. Soil acidification reduces the effects of short-term nutrient enrichment on plant and soil biota and their interactions in grasslands. Global Change Biology, 26: 4626-4637.
49. Wu Y, Wu JP, Saleem M, Wang B, Hu SJ, Bai YF, Pan QM, and Chen DM. 2020. Ecological clusters based on responses of soil microbial phylotypes to precipitation explain ecosystem functions. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 142: 107717.
50. Xu FW, Li JJ, Wu LJ, Lu XM, Xing W, Chen DM, Zhu B, Wang SP, Jiang L, and Bai YF*. 2020. Resource enrichment combined with biomass removal maintains plant diversity and community stability in a long-term grazed grassland. Journal of Plant Ecology, 13: 611–620.
51. Man, J., Tang B, Xing W, Wang Y, Zhao XZ, and Bai YF*. 2020. Root litter diversity and functional identity regulate soil carbon and nitrogen cycling in a typical steppe. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 141: 107688.
52. Wang, B., Wu LJ, Chen DM, Wu Y, Hu SJ, Li LH, and Bai YF. 2020. Grazing simplifies soil micro-food webs and decouples their relationships with ecosystem functions in grasslands. Global Change Biology, 26: 960-970.
53. Ma T, Dai GH, Zhu SS, Chen DM, Chen LT, Lü XT, Wang XB, Zhu JT, Zhang YJ, J.-S. He, Bai YF, Han XG, and Feng XJ. 2020. Vertical variations in plant- and microbial-derived carbon components in grassland soils. Plant and Soil, 446: 441-455.
54. Li P, Sayer EJ, Jia Z, Liu WX, Wu YT, Yang S, Wang CZ, Yang L, Chen DM, Bai YF, and Liu LL. 2020. Deepened winter snow cover enhances net ecosystem exchange and stabilizes plant community composition and productivity in a temperate grassland. Global Change Biology, 26: 3015-3027.
55. Li WH, Hodzic J, Su JS, Zheng SX, and Bai YF*. 2020. A dataset of plant and microbial community structure after long-term grazing and mowing in a semiarid steppe. Scientific Data, 7: 403.
56. Faghihinia M, Zou Y, Chen Z, Bai YF, Li W, Marrs R, and Staddon PL. 2020. The response of grassland mycorrhizal fungal abundance to a range of long-term grazing intensities. Rhizosphere, 13: 100178.
57. Faghihinia M, Zou Y, Bai YF, Marrs R, and Staddon PL. 2020. Seasonal variation in the response of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi to grazing intensity. Mycorrhiza, 30: 635-646.
58. Faghihinia M, Zou Y, Chen Z, Bai YF, Li WH, Marrs R, and Staddon PL. 2020. Environmental drivers of grazing effects on arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in grasslands. Applied Soil Ecology, 153: 103591.
59. Zhu EX, Liu T, Zhou L, Wang SM, Wang X, Zhang ZH, Wang ZW, Bai YF, and Feng XJ. 2020. Leaching of organic carbon from grassland soils under anaerobiosis. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 141: 107684.
60. Barry KE, van Ruijven J, Mommer L, Bai YF, Beierkuhnlein C, Buchmann N, de Kroon H, Ebeling A, Eisenhauer N, Guimaraes-Steinicke C, Hildebrandt A, Isbell F, Milcu A, Neßhöver C, Reich PB, Roscher C, Sauheitl L, Scherer-Lorenzen M, Schmid B, Tilman D, von Felten S, and Weigelt A. Limited evidence for spatial resource partitioning across temperate grassland biodiversity experiments. Ecology, 101, e02905.
61. Sha ZY, Bai YF, Lan H, Liu XF, Li RR, and Xie YC. 2020. Can more carbon be captured by grasslands? A case study of Inner Mongolia, China. Science of the Total Environment, 723: 138085.
62. Chen DM, Xing W, Lan ZC, Saleem M, Wu Y, Hu SJ, and Bai YF*. 2019. Direct and indirect effects of nitrogen enrichment on soil organisms and carbon and nitrogen mineralization in a semi-arid grassland. Functional Ecology, 33: 175-187.
63. Chen DM, Saleem M, Cheng JH, Mi J, Chu PF, Tuvshintogtokh I, Hu SJ, and Bai YF*. 2019. Effects of aridity on soil microbial communities and functions across soil depths on the Mongolian Plateau. Functional Ecology, 33: 1561-1571.
64. Barry KE, Mommer L, van Ruijven J, Wirth C, Wright AJ, Bai YF, Connolly J, de Deyn GB, de Kroon H, Isbell F, Milcu A, Roscher C, Scherer-Lorenzen M, Schmid B, and Weigelt A. 2019. The future of complementarity: disentangling causes from consequences. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 34: 167-180.
65. He HL, Wang SQ, Zhang L, Wang JB, Ren XL, Zhou L, Piao SL, Yan H, Ju WM, Gu FX, Yu SY, Yang YH, Wang MM, Niu ZG, Ge R, Yan HM, Huang M, Zhou GY, Bai YF, Xie ZQ, Tang ZY, Wu BF, Zhang LM, He NP, Wang QF, and Yu GR. 2019. Altered trends in carbon uptake in China's terrestrial ecosystems under the enhanced summer monsoon and warming hiatus. National Science Review, 6: 505-514.
66. Ma T, Dai GH, Zhu SS, Chen DM, Chen LT, Lü XT, Wang XB, Zhu JT, Zhang YJ, Ma WH, He JS, Bai YF, Han XG, and Feng XJ. 2019. Distribution and preservation of root- and shoot-derived carbon components in soils across the Chinese-Mongolian grasslands. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 124: 420-431.
67. Sasaki T, Lu XM, Hirota M, and Bai YF. 2019. Species asynchrony and response diversity determine multifunctional stability of natural grasslands. Journal of Ecology, 107: 1862-1875.
68. Xing W, Lu XM, Xu FW, Ying JY, Chen DM, and Bai YF*. 2019. Linking microbial community structure to carbon substrate chemistry in soils following aboveground and belowground litter additions. Applied Soil Ecology, 141: 18-25.
69. Zhang BW, Cadotte MW, Chen SP, Tan XR, You CH, Ren TT, Chen ML, Wang SS, Li WJ, Chu CJ, Jiang L, Bai YF, Huang JH, and Han XG. 2019. Plants alter their vertical root distribution rather than biomass allocation in response to changing precipitation. Ecology, 100: e02828.
70. Zhu SS, Dai GH, Ma T, Chen LT, Chen DM, Lü XT, Wang XB, Zhu JT, Zhang YJ, Bai YF, Han XG, He JS, and Feng XJ. 2019. Distribution of lignin phenols in comparison with plant-derived lipids in the alpine versus temperate grassland soils. Plant and Soil, 439: 325-338.
71. Sha ZY, Wang Y, Bai YF, Zhao YJ, Jin H, Na Y, and Meng X. 2019. Comparison of leaf area index inversion for grassland vegetation through remotely sensed spectra by unmanned aerial vehicle and field-based spectroradiometer. Journal of Plant Ecology, 12: 395-408.
72. Wang HZ, Han D, Mu Y, Jiang LN, Yao XL, Bai YF, Lu Q, and Wang F. 2019. Landscape-level vegetation classification and fractional woody and herbaceous vegetation cover estimation over the dryland ecosystems by unmanned aerial vehicle platform. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 278: 107665.
73. Ren HY, Eviner VT, Gui WY, Wilson GWT, Cobb AB, Yang GW, Zhang YJ, Hu SJ*, and Bai YF*. 2018. Livestock grazing regulates ecosystem multifunctionality in semi-arid grassland. Functional Ecology, 32: 2790-2800.
74. Ye CL, Chen DM, Hall SJ, Pan S, Yan XB, Bai TS, Guo H, Zhang Y, Bai YF*, and Hu SJ*. 2018. Reconciling multiple impacts of nitrogen enrichment on soil carbon: plant, microbial and geochemical controls. Ecology Letters, 21: 1162-1173.
75. Li JJ, Huang Y, Xu FW, Wu LJ, Chen DM*, and Bai YF*. 2018. Responses of growing‐season soil respiration to water and nitrogen addition as affected by grazing intensity. Functional Ecology, 32: 1890-1901.
76. Li WH, Li X, Zhao YJ, Zheng SX, and Bai YF*. 2018. Ecosystem structure, functioning and stability under climate change and grazing in grasslands: current status and future prospects. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 33: 124-135.
77. Chen SP, Wang WT, Xu WT, Wang Y, Wan HW, Chen DM, Tang ZY, Tang XL, Zhou GY, Xie ZQ, Zhou DW, Shangguan ZP, Huang JH, He JS, Wang YF, Sheng JD, Tang L, Li XR, Dong M, Wu Y, Wang QF, Wang ZH, Wu JG, Chapin FS, and Bai YF*. 2018. Plant diversity enhances productivity and soil carbon storage. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 115: 4027-4032.
78. Tang XL†, Zhao X†, Bai YF†, Tang ZY†, Wang WT, Zhao YC, Wan HW, Xie ZQ, Shi XZ, Wu BF, Wang GX, Yan JH, Ma KP, Du S, Li SG, Han SJ, Ma YX, Hu HF, He NP, Yang YH, Han WX, He HL, Yu GR, Fang JY, and Zhou GY. 2018. Carbon pools in China’s terrestrial ecosystems: New estimates based on an intensive field survey. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 115: 4021-4026.
79. Tang ZY, Xu WT, Zhou GY, Bai YF, Li JX, Tang XL, Chen DM, Liu Q, Ma WH, Xiong GM, He HL, He NP, Guo YP, Guo Q, Zhu JL, Han WX, Hu HF, Fang JY, and Xie ZQ. 2018. Patterns of plant carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus concentration in relation to productivity in China’s terrestrial ecosystems. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 115: 4033-4038.
80. Lu F, Hu HF, Sun WJ, Zhu JJ, Liu GB, Zhou WM, Zhang QF, Shi PL, Liu XP, Wu X, Zhang L, Wei XH, Dai LM, Zhang KR, Sun YR, Xue S, Zhang WJ, Xiong DP, Deng L, Liu BJ, Zhou L, Zhang C, Zheng X, Cao JS, Huang Y, He NP, Zhou GY, Bai YF, Xie ZQ, Tang ZY, Wu BF, Fang JY, Liu GH, and Yu GR. 2018. Effects of national ecological restoration projects on carbon sequestration in China from 2001 to 2010. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 115: 4039-4044.
81. Luo WT, Xu C, Ma W, Yue XY, Liang XS, Zuo XA, Knapp AK, Smith MD, Sardans J, Dijkstra FA, Peñuelas J, Bai YF, Wang ZW, Yu Q, and Han XG. 2018. Effects of extreme drought on plant nutrient uptake and resorption in rhizomatous vs bunchgrass-dominated grasslands. Oecologia, 188: 633-643.
82. Zhang YH, Loreau M, He NP, Wang JB, Pan QM, Bai YF*, and Han XG*. 2018. Climate variability decreases species richness and community stability in a temperate grassland. Oecologia, 188: 183-192.
83. Ma T, Zhu SS, Wang ZH, Chen DM, Dai GH, Feng BW, Su XY, Hu HF, Li KH, Han WX, Liang C, Bai YF, and Feng XJ. 2018. Divergent accumulation of microbial necromass and plant lignin components in grassland soils. Nature Communications, 9: 3480.
84. Li P, Liu LL, Wang J, Wang ZH, Wang X, Bai YF, and Chen SP. 2018. Wind erosion enhanced by land use changes significantly reduces ecosystem carbon storage and carbon sequestration potentials in semiarid grasslands. Land Degradation & Development, 29: 3469-3478.
85. Chen TY, Xie YC, Liu C, Bai YF, Zhang AB, Mao LS, and Fan SY. 2018. Trend analysis of relationship between primary productivity, precipitation and temperature in Inner Mongolia. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 7: 214.
86. 白永飞, 玉柱, 杨青川, 万宏伟, 黄建辉, 纪宝明, 李昂. 2018. 人工草地生产力和稳定性的调控机理研究: 问题、进展与展望. 科学通报, 65: 511-520.
87. 白永飞, 陈世苹. 2018. 中国草地生态系统固碳现状、速率和潜力研究. 植物生态学报, 42: 261-264.
88. 孙元丰, 万宏伟, 赵玉金, 陈世苹, 白永飞*. 2018. 中国草地生态系统根系周转的空间格局和驱动因子. 植物生态学报, 42: 337-348.
89. 张素彦, 蒋红志, 王扬, 张艳杰, 鲁顺保, 白永飞. 2018. 凋落物去除和添加处理对典型草原生态系统碳通量的影响. 植物生态学报, 42: 349-360.
90. Ren HY, Gui WY, Bai YF, Stein C, Rodrigues JLM, Wilson GWT, Cobb AB, Zhang YJ, and Yang GW. 2018. Long-term effects of grazing and topography on extra-radical hyphae of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in semi-arid grasslands. Mycorrhiza, 28: 117-127.
91. Ren HY, Taube F, Stein C, Zhang YJ, Bai YF*, and Hu SJ*. 2018. Grazing weakens temporal stabilizing effects of diversity in the Eurasian steppe. Ecology and Evolution, 8: 231–241.
92. Dai GH, Ma T, Zhu SS, Liu ZG, Chen DM, Bai YF, Chen LT, He JS, Zhu JT, Zhang YJ, Lu XT, Wang XB, Han XG, and Feng XJ. 2018. Large-scale distribution of molecular components in Chinese grassland soils: The influence of input and decomposition processes. Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences, 123: 239-255.
93. Zhong L, Li FY, Wang YF, Zhou XQ, Zhou ST, Gong XL, and Bai YF. 2018. Mowing and topography effects on microorganisms and nitrogen transformation processes responsible for nitrous oxide emissions in semi-arid grassland of Inner Mongolia. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 18: 929-935.
94. Li WH, Xu FW, Zheng SX, Taube F, and Bai YF*. 2017. Patterns and thresholds of grazing-induced changes in community structure and ecosystem functioning: species-level responses and the critical role of species traits. Journal of Applied Ecology, 54: 963–975.
95. Zhan SX, Wang Y, Zhu ZC, Li WH, and Bai YF*. 2017. Nitrogen enrichment alters plant N: P stoichiometry and intensifies phosphorus limitation in a steppe ecosystem. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 134: 21-32.
96. Ying JY, Li XX, Wang NN, Lan ZC, He JZ, and Bai YF*. 2017. Contrasting effects of nitrogen forms and soil pH on ammonia oxidizing microorganisms and their responses to long-term nitrogen fertilization in a typical steppe ecosystem. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 107: 10-18.
97. Zhang BW, Tan XR, Wang SS, Chen ML, Chen SP, Ren TT, Xia JY, Bai YF, Huang JH, and Han XG. 2017. Asymmetric sensitivity of ecosystem carbon and water processes in response to precipitation change in a semi-arid steppe. Functional Ecology, 31: 1301-1311.
98. Ling N, Chen DM, Guo H, Wei JX, Bai YF, Shen QR, and Hu SJ. 2017. Differential responses of soil bacterial communities to long-term N and P inputs in a semi-arid steppe. Geoderma, 292: 25-33.
99. Li F, Bai YF, Wan HW, Zheng JJ, Luo JH, Zhao D, and Liu P. 2017. Quantifying grazing intensity in China using high temporal resolution MODIS data. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 10: 515-523.
100. Zhang L, Zhou GS, Ji YH, and Bai YF. 2017. Grassland carbon budget and its driving factors of the subtropical and tropical monsoon region in China during 1961 to 2013. Scientific Reports, 7: 14717.
101. Zhong L, Zhou XQ, Wang YF, Li FY, Zhou ST, Bai YF, and Rui YC. 2017. Mixed grazing and clipping is beneficial to ecosystem recovery but may increase potential N2O emissions in a semi-arid grassland. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 114: 42-51.
102. Sha ZY, Xie YC, Tan XC, Bai YF, Li J, and Liu XF. 2017. Assessing the impacts of human activities and climate variations on grassland productivity by partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM). Journal of Arid Land, 9: 473-488.
103. Liu H, Hu B, Wang YS, Liu GR, Tang LQ, Ji DS, Bai YF, Bao WK, Chen X, Chen YM, Ding WX, Han XZ, He F, Huang H, Huang ZY, Li XR, Li Y, Liu WZ, Lin LX, Ouyang Z, Qin BQ, Shen WJ, Shen YJ, Su HX, Song CC, Sun B, Sun S, Wang AZ, Wang GX, Wang HM, Wang SL, Wang YS, Wei WX, Xie P, Xie ZQ, Yan XY, Zeng FJ, Zhang FW, Zhang YJ, Zhang YP, Zhao CY, Zhao WZ, Zhao XY, Zhou GY, and Zhu B. 2017. Two ultraviolet radiation datasets that cover China. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 34: 805-815.
104. Su R, Cheng JH, Chen DM, Bai YF, Jin H, Chao L, Wang ZJ, and Li JQ. 2017. Effects of grazing on spatiotemporal variations in community structure and ecosystem function on the grasslands of Inner Mongolia, China. Scientific Reports, 7: 40.
105. 王小菁, 萧浪涛, 董爱武, 王台, 钱前, 漆小泉, 陈凡, 左建儒, 杨淑华, 顾红雅, 陈之端, 姜里文, 白永飞, 孔宏智, 种康. 2017. 2016年中国植物科学若干领域重要研究进展. 植物学报, 52: 394-452.
106. 白永飞, 王扬. 2017. 长期生态学研究和试验示范为草原生态保护和草牧业可持续发展提供科技支撑. 中国科学院院刊, 32: 910-916.
107. 杨婧, 褚鹏飞, 王明玖, 白永飞. 2017. 基于牧场生产力的内蒙古典型草原载畜率研究. 干旱区资源与环境, 31: 76-81.
108. 朱志成, 黄银, 许丰伟, 邢稳, 郑淑霞, 白永飞. 2017. 降雨强度和时间频次对内蒙古典型草原土壤氮矿化的影响. 植物生态学报, 41: 938-952.
109. Cheng JH, Chu PF, Chen DM, and Bai YF*. 2016. Functional correlations between specific leaf area and specific root length along a regional environmental gradient in Inner Mongolia grasslands. Functional Ecology, 30: 985-997.
110. Sha ZY, Zhong JL, Bai YF, Tan XC, and Li J. 2016. Spatio-temporal patterns of satellite-derived grassland vegetation phenology from 1998 to 2012 in Inner Mongolia, China. Journal of Arid Land, 8: 462-477.
111. Chang J, Ciais P, Herrero M, Havlik P, Campioli M, Zhang X, Bai YF, Viovy N, Joiner J, Wang X, Peng S, Yue C, Piao S, Wang T, Hauglustaine DA, Soussana JF, Peregon A, Kosykh N, and Mironycheva-Tokareva N. 2016. Combining livestock production information in a process-based vegetation model to reconstruct the history of grassland management. Biogeosciences, 13: 3757-3776.
112. Hoffmann C, Giese M, Dickhoefer U, Wan HW, Bai YF, Steffens M, Liu CY, Butterbach-Bahl K, and Han XG. 2016. Effects of grazing and climate variability on grassland ecosystem functions in Inner Mongolia: Synthesis of a 6-year grazing experiment. Journal of Arid Environments, 135: 50-63.
113. Pan QM, Tian DS, Naeem S, Auerswald K, Elser JJ, Bai YF, Huang JH, Wang QB, Wang H, Wu JG, and Han XG. 2016. Effects of functional diversity loss on ecosystem functions are influenced by compensation. Ecology, 97: 2293-2302.
114. Zhang, L, Zhou GS, Ji YH, and Bai YF. 2016. Spatiotemporal dynamic simulation of grassland carbon storage in China. Science China Earth Sciences, 59: 1946-1958.
115. Chen DM, Cheng JH, Chu PF, Mi J, Hu SJ, Xie YC, Tuvshintogtokh I, and Bai YF*. 2016. Effect of diversity on biomass across grasslands on the Mongolian Plateau: contrasting effects between plants and soil nematodes. Journal of Biogeography, 43: 955-966.
116. Chen DM, Pan QM, Bai YF*, Hu SJ, Huang JH, Wang QB, Naeem S, Elser JJ, Wu JG, and Han XG. 2016. Effects of plant functional group loss on soil biota and net ecosystem exchange: a plant removal experiment in the Mongolian grassland. Journal of Ecology, 104: 734-743.
117. Chen DM, Li JJ, Lan ZC, Hu SJ, and Bai YF*. 2016. Soil acidification exerts a greater control on soil respiration than soil nitrogen availability in grasslands subjected to long-term nitrogen enrichment. Functional Ecology, 30: 658-669.
118. Tian DS, Niu SL, Pan QM, Ren TT, Chen SP, Bai YF, and Han XG. 2016. Nonlinear responses of ecosystem carbon fluxes and water-use efficiency to nitrogen addition in Inner Mongolia grassland. Functional Ecology, 30: 490-499.
119. 白永飞, 潘庆民, 邢旗. 2016. 草地生产与生态功能合理配置的理论基础与关键技术. 科学通报, 61: 201-212.
120. 方精云, 白永飞, 李凌浩, 蒋高明, 黄建辉, 黄振英, 张文浩, 高树琴. 2016. 我国草原牧区可持续发展的科学基础与实践. 科学通报, 61: 155-164.
121. 詹书侠, 郑淑霞, 王扬, 白永飞*. 2016. 羊草的地上-地下功能性状对氮磷施肥梯度的响应及关联. 植物生态学报, 40: 36-47.
122. 杨淑华, 王台, 钱前, 王小菁, 左建儒, 顾红雅, 姜里文, 陈之端, 白永飞, 孔宏智. 2016. 2015年中国植物科学若干领域重要研究进展. 植物学报, 51: 416-472.
123. 贾晓红, 吴波, 余新晓, 蒋德明, 白永飞, 哈斯, 李晓松, 庞营军. 2016. 京津冀风沙源区沙化土地治理关键技术研究与示范. 生态学报, 36: 7040-7044.
124. 单玉梅, 温超, 杨勇, 陈迪马, 白永飞, 陈海军, 王明玖. 2016. 内蒙古典型草原凋落物分解对不同草地利用方式的响应. 生态环境学报, 25: 377-384.
125. Lan ZC, Jenerette GD, Zhan SX, Li WH, Zheng SX, and Bai YF*. 2015. Testing the scaling effects and mechanisms of N-induced biodiversity loss: evidence from a decade-long grassland experiment. Journal of Ecology, 103: 750-760.
126. Chen DM, Cheng JH, Chu PF, Hu SJ, Xie YC, Tuvshintogtokh I, and Bai YF*. 2015. Regional-scale patterns of soil microbes and nematodes across grasslands on the Mongolian plateau: Relationships with climate, soil, and plants. Ecography, 38: 622-631.
127. Chen DM, Mi J, Chu PF, Cheng JH, Zhang LX, Pan QM, Xie YC, and Bai YF*. 2015. Patterns and drivers of soil microbial communities along a precipitation gradient on the Mongolian Plateau. Landscape Ecology, , 30: 1669-1682.
128. Wan HW, Bai YF, Hooper DU, Schönbach P, Gierus M, Schiborra A, and Taube F. 2015. Selective grazing and seasonal precipitation play key roles in shaping plant community structure of semi-arid grasslands. Landscape Ecology, 30: 1767-1782.
129. Li WH, Zhan SX, Lan ZC, Wu XB, and Bai YF*. 2015. Scale-dependent patterns and mechanisms of grazing-induced biodiversity loss: Evidence from a field manipulation experiment in semiarid steppe. Landscape Ecology, 30: 1751-1765.
130. Mi J, Li JJ, Chen DM, Xie YC, and Bai YF*. 2015. Predominant control of moisture on soil organic carbon mineralization across a broad range of arid and semiarid ecosystems on the Mongolia plateau. Landscape Ecology, 30: 1683-1699.
131. Chen DM, Lan ZC, Hu SJ, and Bai YF. 2015. Effects of nitrogen enrichment on belowground communities in grassland: Relative role of soil nitrogen availability vs. soil acidification. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 89: 99-108.
132. Chen DM, Wang Y, Lan ZC, Li JJ, Xing W, Hu SJ, and Bai YF. 2015. Biotic community shifts explain the contrasting responses of microbial and root respiration to experimental soil acidification. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 90: 139-147.
133. Zhang YG, Yang S, Fu MM, Cai JP, Zhang YY, Wang RZ, Xu ZW, Bai YF, and Jiang Y. 2015. Sheep manure application increases soil exchangeable base cations in a semi-arid steppe of Inner Mongolia. Journal of Arid Land, 7: 361-369.
134. Chen LY, Li H, Zhang PJ, Zhao X, Zhou LH, Liu TY, Hu HF, Bai YF, Shen HH, and Fang JY. 2015. Climate and native grassland vegetation as drivers of the community structures of shrub-encroached grasslands in Inner Mongolia, China. Landscape Ecology, 30: 1627-1641.
135. Fang JY, Bai YF, and Wu JG. 2015. Towards a better understanding of landscape patterns and ecosystem processes of the Mongolian Plateau. Landscape Ecology, 30: 1573-1578.
136. Wu JG, Naeem S, Elser J, Bai YF, Huang JH, Kang L, Pan QM, Wang QB, Hao SG, and Han XG. 2015. Testing biodiversity-ecosystem functioning relationship in the world’s largest grassland: overview of the IMGRE project. Landscape Ecology, 30: 1723-1736.
137. Yuan F, Wu JG, Li A, Rowe H, Bai YF, Huang JH, and Han XG. 2015. Spatial patterns of soil nutrients, plant diversity, and aboveground biomass in the Inner Mongolia grassland: before and after a biodiversity removal experiment. Landscape Ecology, 30: 1737-1750.
138. Zhang YG, Yang S, Fu MM, Cai JP, Zhang YY, Wang RZ, Xu ZW, Bai YF, and Jiang Y. 2015. Sheep manure application increases soil exchangeable base cations in a semi-arid steppe of Inner Mongolia. Journal of Arid Land, 7: 361-369.
139. Briske DD, Zhao ML, Han GD, Xiu C, Kemp DR, Willms W, Havstad K, Kang L, Wang ZW, Wu JG, Han XG, and Bai YF. 2015. Strategies to alleviate poverty and grassland degradation in Inner Mongolia: Intensification vs production efficiency of livestock systems. Journal of Environmental Management, 152: 177-182.
140. Xie JB, Xu GQ, Jenerette GD, Bai YF, Wang ZY, and Li Y. 2015. Apparent plasticity in functional traits determining competitive ability and spatial distribution: a case from desert. Scientific Reports, 5: 12174.
141.种康, 王台, 钱前, 王小菁, 左建儒, 顾红雅, 姜里文, 陈之端, 白永飞, 杨淑华. 2015. 2014年中国植物科学若干领域重要研究进展. 植物学报, 50: 412-459.
143. Sha ZY, Brown DG, Xie YC, Welsh WF, and Bai YF. 2014. Response of spectral vegetation indices to a stocking rate experiment in Inner Mongolia, China. Remote Sensing Letters, 5: 912-921.
144. Wang J, Brown DG, and Bai YF. 2014. Investigating the spectral and ecological characteristics of grassland communities across an ecological gradient of the Inner Mongolian grasslands with in situ hyperspectral data. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 35: 7179-7198.
145. Yao MJ, Rui JP, Li JB, Dai Y, Bai YF, Heděnec P, Wang JM, Zhang SH, Pei KQ, Liu C, Wang YF, He. ZL, Frouz J, and Li XZ. 2014. Rate-specific responses of prokaryotic diversity and structure to nitrogen deposition in the Leymus chinensis steppe. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 79: 81-90.
146. 白永飞*, 黄建辉, 郑淑霞, 潘庆民, 张丽霞, 周华坤, 徐海量, 李玉霖, 马健. 2014. 草地和荒漠生态系统服务功能的形成与调控机制. 植物生态学报, 38: 93-102.
147. 白雪, 程军回, 郑淑霞, 詹书侠, 白永飞*. 2014. 典型草原建群种羊草对氮磷添加的生理生态响应. 植物生态学报, 38: 103-115.
148. 李文怀, 郑淑霞, 白永飞*. 2014. 放牧强度和地形对内蒙古典型草原物种多度分布的影响. 植物生态学报, 38: 178-187.
149. 王纳纳, 陈颖, 应娇妍, 高勇生, 白永飞. 2014. 内蒙古草原几种典型植物对土壤微生物群落的影响. 植物生态学报, 38: 201-208.
150. 杨婧, 褚鹏飞, 陈迪马, 王明玖, 白永飞. 2014. 放牧对内蒙古典型草原α、β和γ多样性的影响机制. 植物生态学报, 38: 188-200.
151. Chen DM, Zheng SX, Shan YM, Taube F, and Bai YF*. 2012. Vertebrate herbivore-induced changes in plants and soils: linkages to ecosystem functioning in a semi-arid steppe. Functional Ecology, 27: 273-281.
152. Chen DM, Lan ZC, Bai X, Grace JB, and Bai YF*. 2013. Evidence that acidification-induced declines in plant diversity and productivity are mediated by changes in below-ground communities and soil properties in a semi-arid steppe. Journal of Ecology, 101: 1322-1334.
153. Giese M, Brueck H, Gao YZ, Lin S, Steffens M, Kögel-Knabner I, Glindemann T, Susenbeth A, Taube F, Butterbach-Bahl K, Zheng XH, Hoffmann C, Bai YF, and Han XG. 2013. N balance and cycling of Inner Mongolia typical steppe: a comprehensive case study of grazing effects. Ecological Monographs, 83: 195-219.
154. Li S, Xie YC, Brown DG, Bai YF, Hua J, and Judd K. 2013. Spatial variability of the adaptation of grassland vegetation to climatic change in Inner Mongolia of China. Applied Geography, 43: 1-12.
155. 万宏伟, 潘庆民, 白永飞*. 2013. 中国草地生物多样性监测网络的指标体系及实施方案. 生物多样性, 21: 639-650.
156. Bai YF*, Wu JG, Clark CM, Pan QM, Zhang LX, Chen SP, Wang QB, and Han XG. 2012. Grazing alters ecosystem functioning and C: N: P stoichiometry of grasslands along a regional precipitation gradient. Journal of Applied Ecology 49: 1204-1215.
157. Lan ZC. and Bai YF*. 2012. Testing mechanisms of N-enrichment-induced species loss in a semiarid Inner Mongolia grassland: critical thresholds and implications for long-term ecosystem responses. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 367: 3125-3134.
158. Tian DS, Pan QM, Simmons M, Chaolu H, Du B, Bai YF, Wang H, and Han XG. 2012. Hierarchical reproductive allocation and allometry within a perennial bunchgrass after 11 years of nutrient addition. PLoS ONE, 7: e42833.
159. Liu YS, Pan QM, Zheng SX, Bai YF, and Han XG. 2012. Intra-seasonal precipitation amount and pattern differentially affect primary production of two dominant species of Inner Mongolia grassland. Acta Oecologica, 44: 2-10.
160. Auerswald, K, Wittmer MHOM, Bai YF, Yang H, Schnyder H, and Taube F. 2012. C4 abundance in an Inner Mongolia grassland system is driven by temperature-moisture interaction, not grazing pressure. Basic and Applied Ecology, 13: 67-75.
161. Auerswald, K, Wittmer MHOM, Tungalag R, Bai YF, and Schnyder H. 2012. Sheep Wool δ13C reveals no effect of grazing on the C3/C4 ratio of vegetation in the Inner Mongolia–Mongolia border region grasslands. PLoS ONE, 7: e45552.
162. Fu MM, Jiang Y, Bai YF, Zhang YG, Xu ZW, and Li B. 2012. Variation in soil Mn fractions as affected by long-term manure amendment using atomic absorption spectrophotometer in a typical grassland of Inner Mongolia. Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 32: 2238-2241.
163. 陈颖, 李肖肖, 应娇妍, 梁存柱, 白永飞. 2012. 内蒙草原不同植物功能群及物种对土壤微生物组成的影响. 生物多样性, 20: 59-65.
164. Shan, YM, Chen DM, Guan XX, Zheng SX, Chen HJ, Wang MJ, and Bai YF*. 2011. Seasonally dependent impacts of grazing on soil nitrogen mineralization and linkages to ecosystem functioning in Inner Mongolia grassland. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 43: 1943-1954.
165. Yang H, Auerswald K, Bai YF*, .Wittmer MHOM, and Schnyder H. 2011. Variation in carbon isotope discrimination in Cleistogenes squarrosa (Trin.) Keng: patterns and drivers at tiller, local, catchment, and regional scales. Journal of Experimental Botany, 62: 4143-4152.
166. Pan QM, Bai YF, Wu JG, and Han XG. 2011. Hierarchical plant responses and diversity loss after nitrogen addition: Testing three functionally-based hypotheses in the Inner Mongolia grassland. PLoS ONE, 6: e20078.
167. Zheng SX, Lan ZC, Li WH, Shao RX, Shan YM, Wan HW, Taube F, and Bai YF*. 2011. Differential responses of plant functional trait to grazing between two contrasting dominant C3 and C4 species in a typical steppe of Inner Mongolia, China. Plant and Soil, 340: 141-155.
168. Yang H, Auerswald K, Bai YF*, and Han XG. 2011. Complementarity in water sources among dominant species in typical steppe ecosystems of Inner Mongolia, China. Plant and Soil, 340: 303-313.
169. Wan HW, Bai YF, Schönbach P, Gierus M, and Taube F. 2011. Effects of grazing management system on plant community structure and functioning in a semiarid steppe: scaling from species to community. Plant and Soil, 340: 215-226.
170. Liu YS, Pan QM, Liu HD, Bai YF, Simmons M, Dittert K, and Han XG. 2011. Plant responses following grazing removal at different stocking rates in an Inner Mongolia grassland ecosystem. Plant and Soil, 340: 199-213.
171. Wittmer, MHOM, Auerswald K, Schönbach P, Bai YF, and Schnyder H. 2011. 15N fractionation between vegetation, soil, faces and wool is not influenced by stocking rate. Plant and Soil, 340: 25-33.
172. Schönbach P, Wan HW, Gierus M, Bai YF, Müller K, Lin LJ, Susenbeth A, and Taube F. 2011. Grassland responses to grazing: effects of grazing intensity and management system in an Inner Mongolian steppe ecosystem. Plant and Soil, 340: 103-115.
173. Zhang XM, Liu W, Bai YF, Zhang GM, and Han XG. 2011. Nitrogen deposition mediates the effects and importance of chance in changing biodiversity. Molecular Ecology, 20: 429-438.
174. Wang J, Zhao ML, Willms WD, Han GD, Wang ZW, and Bai YF. 2011. Can plant litter affect net primary production of a typical steppe in Inner Mongolia? Journal of Vegetation Science, 22: 367-376.
175. Bai YF, Wu JG, Clark CM, Naeem S, Pan QM, Huang JH, Zhang LX, and Han XG. 2010. Tradeoffs and thresholds in the effects of nitrogen addition on biodiversity and ecosystem functioning: evidence from Inner Mongolia Grasslands. Global Change Biology, 16: 358-372.
176. Zheng SX, Ren HY, Lan ZC, Li WH, Wang KB, and Bai YF*. 2010. Effects of grazing on leaf traits and ecosystem functioning in Inner Mongolia grasslands: scaling from species to community. Biogeosciences, 7: 1117-1132.
177. Lin Y, Hong M, Han GD, Zhao ML, Bai YF, and Chang SX. 2010. Grazing intensity affected spatial patterns of vegetation and soil fertility in a desert steppe. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 138: 282-292.
178. Yu Q, Chen QS, Elser JJ, He NP, Wu HH, Zhang GM, Wu JG, Bai YF, and Han XG. 2010. Linking stoichiometric homoeostasis with ecosystem structure, functioning and stability. Ecology Letters, 13: 1390-1399.
179. Wittmer, MHOM, Auerswald K, Schönbach P, Schäufele R, Müller K, Yang H, Bai YF, Susenbeth A, Taube F, and Schnyder H. 2010. Do grazer hair and faeces reflect the carbon isotope composition of semi-arid C3/C4 grassland? Basic and Applied Ecology, 11: 83-92.
180. Wittmer, MHOM, Auerswald K, Bai YF, Schäufele R, and Schnyder H. 2010. Changes in the abundance of C3/C4 species of Inner Mongolia grassland: evidence from isotopic composition of soil and vegetation. Global Change Biology, 16: 605-616.
181. Xie YC, Sha ZY, Bai YF. 2010. Classifying historical remotely sensed imagery using a tempo-spatial feature evolution (T-SFE) model. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 65: 182-190.
182. Qu ZP, Zheng SX, and Bai YF*. 2010. Spatiotemporal patterns and driving factors of grassland fire on Mongolian Plateau. Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology, 21: 807-813.
183. 林燕, 白永飞. 2010. 内蒙古典型草原小叶锦鸡儿灌丛地上净初级生产力和种群结构对火烧的响应. 草业学报, 19(5): 170-178.
184. 薛睿, 郑淑霞, 白永飞 (2010) 不同利用方式和载畜率对内蒙古典型草原群落初级生产力和植物补偿性生长的影响. 生物多样性, 18, 300-311.
185. 姜晔, 毕晓丽, 黄建辉, 白永飞. 2010. 内蒙古锡林河流域植被退化的格局及驱动力分析. 植物生态学报, 34(10): 1132-1141.
186. Wang QB, Zhang L, Li LH, Bai YF, Cao J, and Han XG. 2009. Changes in carbon and nitrogen of Chernozem soil along a cultivation chronosequence in a semi-arid grassland. European Journal of Soil Science, 60: 916-923.
187. Auerswald K, Wittmer MHOM, Männel TT, Bai YF, Schäufele R, and Schnyder H. 2009. Large regional-scale variation in C3/C4 distribution pattern of Inner Mongolia steppe is revealed by grazer wool carbon isotope composition. Biogeosciences, 6: 795-805.
188. Ren HY, Zheng SX, and Bai YF*. 2009. Effects of grazing on plant biomass allocation of grassland communities in Xilin river basin, Inner Mongolia. Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology, 33: 1065-1074.
189. Schiborra A, Gierus M, Wan HW, Bai YF, and Taube F. 2009. Short-term responses of a Stipa grandis/Leymus chinensis community to frequent defoliation in the semi-arid grasslands of Inner Mongolia, China. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 132: 82-90.
190. Schönbach P, Wan HW, Schiborra A, Gierus M, Bai YF, Müller K, Glindemann T, Wang C, Susenbeth A, and Taube F. 2009. Short-term management and stocking rate effects of grazing sheep on herbage quality and productivity of Inner Mongolia steppe. Crop and Pasture Science, 60: 963-974.
191. Xie YC, Sha ZY, Yu M, Bai YF, and Zhang L. 2009. A comparison of two models with Landsat data for estimating above ground grassland biomass in Inner Mongolia, China. Ecological Modelling, 220: 1810-1818.
192. 杨浩, 白永飞*, 李永宏, 韩兴国. 2009. 内蒙古典型草原物种组成和群落结构对长期放牧的响应. 植物生态学报, 33: 499-507.
193. 张璐, 黄建辉, 白永飞, 韩兴国. 2009. 氮素添加对内蒙古羊草草原净氮矿化的影响. 植物生态学报, 33: 563-569.
194. Bai YF, Wu JG, Xing Q, Pan QM, Huang JH, Yang DL, and Han XG. 2008. Primary production and rain use efficiency across a precipitation gradient on the Mongolia plateau. Ecology, 89: 2140-2153.
195. Wittmer, MHOM, Auerswald K, Tungalag R, Bai YF, Schäufele R, and Schnyder H. 2008. Carbon isotope discrimination of C3 vegetation in Central Asian grassland as related to long-term and short-term precipitation patterns. Biogeosciences, 5: 913-924.
196. Sha ZY, Bai YF, Xie YC, Yu M, and Zhang L. 2008. Using a hybrid fuzzy classifier (HFC) to map typical grassland vegetation in Xilin River Basin, Inner Mongolia, China. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 29: 2317-2337.
197. Schiborra, A, Gierus M, Wan HW, Bai YF, Taube F. 2008. Changes in the non-structural carbohydrate content of two cool-season steppe grasses under different cutting frequencies. Grassland Science in Europe, 13: 507-509.
198. Wan HW, Yang W, Bai SQ, Xu YH, and Bai YF*. 2008. Variations in leaf functional traits of six species along a nitrogen addition gradient in Leymus chinensis steppe, Inner Mongolia. Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology, 32: 611-621.
199. Bai YF, Wu JG, Pan QM, Huang JH, Wang QB, Li FS, Buyantuyev A, and Han XG. 2007. Positive linear relationship between productivity and diversity: evidence from the Eurasian Steppe. Journal of Applied Ecology, 44: 1023-1034.
200. Chen SP, Bai YF, Lin GH, Huang JH, and Han XG. 2007. Variations in δ
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202. Schiborra A, Gierus M, Wan HW, Bai YF, Taube F. 2006. Herbage yield and quality as influenced by cutting frequency of natural grassland of Inner Mongolia. Grassland Science in Europe, 11: 592-594.
203. Wu JG, Bai YF, Han XG, Li LH, and Chen ZZ. 2005. Ecosystem stability in Inner Mongolia (reply). Nature 435: E6-E7.
204. Chen SP, Bai YF, Zhang LX, and Han XG. 2005. Comparing physiological responses of two dominant grass species to nitrogen addition in Xilin River Basin of China. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 53: 65-75.
205. Chen SP, Bai YF, Lin GH, and Han XG. 2005. Variations in life-form composition and foliar carbon isotope discrimination among eight plant communities under different soil moisture conditions in the Xilin River Basin, Inner Mongolia, China. Ecological Research, 20: 167-176.
206. Bai YF, Han XG, Wu JG, Chen ZZ, and L. H. Li. 2004. Ecosystem stability and compensatory effects in the Inner Mongolia grassland. Nature, 431: 181-184.
207. Chen SP, Bai YF, Han XG, An JL, and Guo FC. 2004. Variation in foliar carbon isotope composition and adaptive strategies of Cares korshinskyi along a soil moisture gradient. Acta Phytoecologca Sinica, 28: 515-522.
208. Pan QM, Bai YF, Han XG, and Yang JC. 2004. Study on the fate of labled nitrogen applied to Leymus chinensis community of typical steppe in Inner Mongolia grassland. Acta Phytoecologca Sinica, 28: 665-671.
209. Pan QM, Bai YF, Han XG, and Zhang LX. 2004. Carbohydrate reserves in the rhizome of Leymus chinensis in response to nitrogen addition. Acta Phytoecologca Sinica, 28: 53-58.
210. Wu DX, Wang GX, Bai YF, and Li JX. 2004. Effects of elevated CO2 concentration on growth, water use, yield and grain quality of wheat under two soil water levels. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment, 104: 493-507.
211. Zhang LX, Bai YF, and Han XG. 2004. Differential responses of N:P stoichiometry of Leymus chinensis and Carex korshinskyi to N additions in a steppe ecosystem in Nei Mongol. Acta Botanica Sinica, 46: 259-270.
212. Chen SP, Bai YF, and Han XG. 2003. Variations in composition and water use efficiency of plant functional groups based on their water ecological groups in the Xilin river basin. Acta Botanica Sinica 45: 1251-1260.
213. Bai YF, Xu ZX, and Li DX. 2002. On the small scale spatial heterogeneity of soil moisture, carbon and nitrogen in Stipa communities of the Inner Mongolia plateau. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 22: 1215-1223.
214. Bai YF, Zhang LX, Zhang Y, and Chen ZZ. 2002. Changes in plant functional composition along gradients of precipitation and temperature in the Xilin river basin, Inner Mongolia. Acta Phytoecologca Sinica, 26: 308-316.
215. Chen SP, Bai YF, and Han XG. 2002. Applications of stable carbon isotope techniques to ecological research. Acta Phytoecologca Sinica, 26: 549-560.
216. Chen SP, Bai YF, and Han XG. 2002. Variation of water-use efficiency of Leymus chinensis and Cleistogenes squarrosa in different plant communities in Xilin River basin, Inner Mongolia. Acta Botanica Sinica, 45: 1481-1490.
217. Li LH, Han XG, Wang QB, Bai WM, Bai YF, Yan ZD, Chen QS, Zhang Y, Yang L, Li X, and Song SH. 2002. Correlations between plant biomass and soil respiration in a Leymus chinensis community in the Xilin River basin of Inner Mongolia. Acta Botanica Sinica, 44: 593-597.
218. Pan QM, Han XG, and Bai YF. 2002. Advances in physiology and ecology studies on stored non-structure carbohydrates in plants. Chinese Bulletin of Botany, 19: 30-38.
219. Wu DX, Zhang T, Bai YF, Wang G, and Wang GX. 2002. Mechanism and universality of Yoda's -3/2 law of self-thinning in plant population. Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology, 13: 1081-1084.
220. Wu DX, Wang GX, Bai YF, Li JXao, and Ren HX. 2002. Response of growth and water use efficiency of spring wheat to whole season CO2 enrichment and drought. Acta Botanica Sinica, 44: 1477-1483.
221. Bai YF, Li LH, Huang JH, and Chen ZZ. 2001. The influence of plant diversity and functional composition on ecosystem stability of four Stipa communities in the Inner Mongolia Plateau. Acta Botanica Sinica, 43: 280-287.
222. Huang JH, Bai YF, and Han XG. 2001. Effects of species diversity on ecosystem functioning: mechanisms and hypotheses. Biodiversity Science, 9: 1-7.
223. Bai YF, and Chen ZZ. 2000. Effects of long-term variability of plant species and functional groups on stability of a Leymus chinensis community in the Xilin River Basin, Inner Mongolia. Acta Phytoecologica Sinica, 24: 641-647.
224. Bai YF, Li LH, Wang QB, Zhang LX, Zhang Y, and Chen ZZ. 2000. Changes in plant species diversity and productivity along gradients of precipitation and elevation in the Xilin River Basin, Inner Mongolia. Acta Phytoecologica Sinica, 24: 667-673.
225. Bai YF, Xu ZX, and Li DX. 2000. β-diversity of Stipa communities in Inner Mongolia plateau. Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology, 11: 408-412.
226. Bai YF, Xu ZX, and Li DX. 2000. Study on α-diversity of four Stipa communities in Inner Mongolia plateau. Biodiversity Science, 8: 351-358.
227. Li LH, Wang QB, Bai YF, Zhou GS, and Xing XR. 2000. Soil respiration of a Leymus chinensis grassland stand in the Xilin river basin as affected by overgrazing and climate. Acta Phytoecologca Sinica, 24: 680-686.
228. Su B, Han XG, Li LH, Huang JH, Bai YF, and Qu CM. 2000. Responses of δ13C value and water use efficiency of plant species to environmental gradients along the grassland zone of Northeast China Transect. Acta Phytoecologca Sinica, 24: 648-655.
229. Wang QB, Li LH, Bai YF, and Xing XR. 2000. Effects of simulated climate change on the decomposition of mixed litter in three steppe communities. Acta Phytoecologca Sinica, 24: 674-679.
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1. 一种豆科牧草防倒伏方法(发明人:白永飞、潘庆民、韩兴国,专利号:ZL200310117067.5,授权时间:2008.05)
2. 一种多年生人工草地的建植方法(发明人:白永飞、潘庆民、韩兴国,专利号:ZL 200310117056.7,授权时间:2007.10)
3. 一种治沙固沙方法(发明人:白永飞、潘庆民、韩兴国,专利号:ZL200310117057.1,授权时间:2007.10)