- 徐武兵,研究生学历,博士学位
- 研 究 组 : 生物多样性与生态安全研究组
- 民 族: 汉
- 研究领域: 生物多样性空间格局和动态变化
- 籍 贯:
- 导师资格: 博士生导师
- 出生年月:
- 职 称: 研究员
- 毕业院校: 中国科学院植物研究所
- 入职时间:
- 毕业时间: 2019.01
- 办公电话:
- 电子邮件: wubing.xu@ibcas.ac.cn
Shane A. Blowes, Brian J. McGill, Viviana Brambilla, Cher F. Y. Chow, Thore Engel, Ada Fontrodona-Eslava, Inês S. Martins, Daniel McGlinn, Faye Moyes, Alban Sagouis, Hideyasu Shimadzu, Roel van Klink, Wubing Xu, Nicholas J. Gotelli, Anne E. Magurran, Maria Dornelas & Jonathan M. Chase. 2024. Synthesis reveals approximately balanced biotic differentiation and homogenization. Science Advances, 10: eadj9395.
Zhonghan, Wang, Jonathan M. Chase, Wubing Xu, Jinliang Liu, Donghao Wu, Aiying Zhang, Jirui Wang, Yuanyuan Luo, Mingjian Yu. 2024. Higher trophic levels and species with poorer dispersal traits are more susceptible to habitat loss on island fragments. Ecology, 105: e430.
Haoru Yan, Bernhard Schmid, Wubing Xu, Franca J Bongers, Guoke Chen, Ting Tang, Zhiheng Wang, Jens-Christian Svenning, Keping Ma, Xiaojuan Liu. 2024. The functional diversity-productivity relationship of woody plants is climatically sensitive. Ecology and Evolution, 14: e11364.
Wubing Xu, Wenyong Guo, Josep M. Serra-Diaz…Jens-Christian Svenning & Alejandro Ordonez. 2023. Global beta-diversity of angiosperm trees is shaped by Quaternary climate change. Science Advances, 9, eadd8553.
Wubing Xu, Shane A. Blowes, Viviana Brambilla, Cher F. Y. Chow, Ada Fontrodona-Eslava, Inês S. Martins, Daniel McGlinn, Faye Moyes, Alban Sagouis, Hideyasu Shimadzu, Roel van Klink, Anne E. Magurran, Nicholas J. Gotelli, Brian J. McGill, Maria Dornelas & Jonathan M. Chase. 2023. Regional occupancy increases for widespread species but decreases for narrowly distributed species in metacommunity time series. Nature Communications, 14, 1463.
Wen-Yong Guo, Josep M. Serra-Diaze , Franziska Schrodtf… Wubing Xu… Brian J. Enquist & Jens-Christian Svenning. 2022. High exposure of global tree diversity to human pressure. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 119: e2026733119.
Fang Wang, Xiangcheng Mi, Lei Chen, Wubing Xu, Walter Durka, Nathan G Swenson, Daniel J Johnson, Samantha J Worthy, Jianhua Xue, Yan Zhu, Bernhard Schmid, Yu Liang & Keping Ma. 2022. Differential impacts of adult trees on offspring and non-offspring recruits in a subtropical forest. Science China Life Sciences, 65:1905-1913.
Rebecca Spake, Martha Paola Barajas-Barbosa, Shane A Blowes, Diana E Bowler, Corey T Callaghan, Magda Garbowski, Stephanie D Jurburg, Roel van Klink, Lotte Korell, Emma Ladouceur, Roberto Rozzi, Duarte S Viana, Wubing Xu & Jonathan M Chase. 2022. Detecting thresholds of ecological change in the Anthropocene. Annual Review of Environment and Resources, 47:797-821.
Li Zhu, Alice C. Hughes, Xiao-Qian Zhao, Li-Jing Zhou, Ke-Ping Ma, Xiao-Li Shen, Sheng Li, Ming-Zhang Liu, Wubing Xu & James E. M. Watson. 2021. Regional scalable priorities for national biodiversity and carbon conservation planning in Asia. Science Advances, 7: eabe4261.
Ke Cao, Richard Condit, Xiangcheng Mi, Lei Chen, Haibao Ren, Wubing Xu… Keping Ma & Jens-Christian Svenning. 2021. Species packing and the latitudinal gradient in beta-diversity. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 288: 20203045.
Danfeng Li, Yanjun Du, Wubing Xu, Danxiao Peng, Richard Primack, Guoke Chen, Ling Feng Mao & Keping Ma. 2021. Phylogenetic conservatism of fruit development time in Chinese angiosperms and the phylogenetic and climatic correlates. Global Ecology and Conservation, 27: e01543.
Maofang Luo, Zheping Xu, Tim Hirsch, Thant Sin Aung, Wubing Xu, Liqiang Ji, Haining Qin & Keping Ma. 2021. The use of Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF)-mediated data in publications written in Chinese. Global Ecology and Conservation, 25: e01406.
Yin Li, Xiaojuan Liu, Wubing Xu…Yuanrun Zheng & Keping Ma. 2020. Effects of diversity, climate and litter on soil organic carbon storage in subtropical forests. Forest Ecology and Management, 476: 118479.
Wubing Xu, Jens-Christian Svenning, Guoke Chen, Minggang Zhang, Bin Chen, Jihong Huang, Alejandro Ordonez & Keping Ma. 2019. Human activities have opposing effects on distributions of narrow-ranged and widespread plant species in China. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 116: 26674-26681.
Yin Li, Weikai Bao, Frans Bongers…Wubing Xu…Keping Ma. 2019. Drivers of tree carbon storage in subtropical forest. Science of the Total Environment, 654: 684-693.
Jing Guo, Wubing Xu, Pablo R Martín, Chunxia Zhang & Jia-en Zhang. 2019. Sex differences in cold hardiness and desiccation tolerance of invasive apple snails in South China. Malacologia, 62: 215-224.
Wubing Xu, Jens-Christian Svenning, Guoke Chen, Bin Chen, Jihong Huang & Keping Ma. 2018. Plant geographical range size and climate stability in China: Growth form matters. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 27: 506-517.
Wubing Xu, Guoke Chen, Canran Liu & Keping Ma. 2015. Latitudinal differences in species abundance distributions, rather than spatial aggregation, explain beta-diversity along latitudinal gradients. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 24: 1170-1180.
Yuan Zhao, Honglin Cao, Wubing Xu, Guoke Chen, Juyu Lian, Yanjun Du & Keping Ma. 2018. Contributions of precipitation and temperature to the large scale geographic distribution of fleshy-fruited plant species: Growth form matters. Scientific Report, 8: 17017.
李银, 陈国科, 林敦梅, 陈彬, 高雷明, 简兴, 杨波, 徐武兵, 苏宏新, 赖江山, 王希华, 杨海波, 马克平. 2016. 浙江省森林生态系统碳储量及其分布特征. 植物生态学报, 40: 354-363.
Wubing Xu, Jiaen Zhang, Shanchuan Du, Qigui Dai, Wenyuan Zhang, Mingzhu Luo & Benliang Zhao. 2014. Sex differences in alarm response and predation risk in the freshwater snail, Pomacea canaliculata. Journal of Molluscan Studies, 80: 117-122.
李宁#, 徐武兵#, 赖江山, 杨波, 林敦梅, 马克平. 2013. 亚热带常绿阔叶林8 个常见树种粗根生物量.科学通报, 58: 329-335.
Ruilong Wang, Zhili Feng, Xiaoting Liang, Wubing Xu, Yijuan Su, Yuanyuan Song & Rensen Zeng.2012. Comparative allelopathic and competitive abilities of 3-native forage legumes and the invasive weed Bidens pilosa L. Allelopathy Journal, 29: 297-306.