- 严正兵,博士学历,博士学位
- 研 究 组 : 植被结构与功能研究组
- 民 族: 汉
- 研究领域: 植物功能生态与生态遥感
- 籍 贯: 江西上饶
- 导师资格: 博士生导师
- 出生年月: 1989.04
- 职 称: 研究员
- 毕业院校: 北京大学城市与环境学院
- 入职时间: 2022.10
- 毕业时间: 2017.7
- 办公电话: 010-62836252
- 电子邮件: zbyan@ibcas.ac.cn
- 学习工作经历
- 科研项目
- 论文专著
- 所获奖励
2008.09-2012.07 中国农业大学,学士
2012.09-2017.07 北京大学,博士
2017.07-2019.06 北京大学,博雅博士后
2019.06-2022.07 香港大学,博士后
2022.10-至今 中国科学院植物研究所,研究员
现任中国植物学会植物生态专业委员会和北京生态学学会副秘书长、国际数字地球学会中国国家委员会数字生态专业委员会委员、Journal of Plant Ecology副编辑、《植物生态学报》编委、《草业科学》青年编委。
[3] 国家自然科学基金面上项目 (编号: 32471573),“中国典型森林生态系统叶片光合作用潜力的时空变异及其驱动因素”,2025-2028,项目主持人,在研
[2] 中国科学院植物研究所植被与环境变化国家重点实验室骨干人才项目 (编号: LVEC-2023rc01),中国典型森林生态系统光合生理性状的时空变异及其调控机制,2023-2024, 项目主持人, 在研
[1] 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目 (编号: 31901086),“氮磷添加对拟南芥功能性状及其跨代间可塑性的影响”,2020-2022,项目主持人,已结题
[72] Wu FQ, Liu SW, Lamour J, Atkin OK, Yang N, Dong TT, Xu WY, Smith NG, Wang ZH, Wang H, Su YJ, Liu XJ, Shi Y, Xing AJ, Dai GH, Dong JL, Swenson NG, Kattge J, Reich PB, Serbin SP, Rogers A, Wu J, Yan ZB*. 2024. Linking leaf dark respiration to leaf traits and reflectance spectroscopy across diverse forest types. New Phytologist, DOI: 10.1111/NPH.20267.
[71] Yan ZB, Detto M, Guo ZF, Smith NG, Wang H, Albert LP, Xu XT, Lin ZY, Liu SW, Zhao YY, Chen SL, Bonebrake TC, Wu J*. 2024. Global photosynthetic capacity jointly determined by enzyme kinetics and eco-evo-environmental drivers. Fundamental Research, Doi: 10.1016/j.fmre.2023.12.011.
[70] Ao ZR#, Hu XM#, Tao SL#*, Hu X, Wang GQ, (24 coauthors), Yan ZB, (32 coauthors), Fang JY. 2024. Pervasive land subsidence in China’s major cities. Science, 384: 301-306.
[69] Tian D*, Yan ZB, Schmid B, Kattge J, Fang JY, Stocker BD*. 2024. Environmental versus phylogenetic controls on leaf nitrogen and phosphorous concentrations of terrestrial plants. Nature Communications, Doi: 10.1038/s41467-024-49665.
[68] Zhao YY, Wang ZH, Yan ZB, Moon M, Yang DD, Meng L, Bucher SF, Wang J, Song GQ, Guo ZF, Su YJ, Wu J*. 2024. Exploring the role of biotic factors in regulating the spatial variability in land surface phenology across four temperate forest sites. New Phytologist, 242: 1965-1980.
[67] Pan SN, Wang X*, Yan ZB, Wu J, Guo LL, Peng ZY, Wu YT, Li J, Wang B, Su YJ, Liu LL*. 2024. Leaf stomatal configuration and photosynthetic traits jointly affect leaf water use efficiency in forests along climate gradients. New Phytologist, 244: 1250-1262.
[66] Ouyang M, Tian D, Niklas KJ, Yan ZB, Han WX, Yu QS, Chen GP, Ji CJ, Tang ZY, Fang JY*. 2024. The scaling of elemental stoichiometry and growth rate over the course of bamboo ontogeny. New Phytologist, 241: 1088-1099.
[65] Gong HY, Sardans J, Huang H, Yan ZB, Wang ZQ*, Peñuelas J. 2024. Global patterns and controlling factors of tree bark C:N:P stoichiometry in forest ecosystems consistent with biogeochemical niche hypothesis. New Phytologist, 244: 1303-1314.
[64] Wang J, Li YZ, Rahman MM, Li BH, Yan ZB, Song GQ, Zhao YY, Wu J*, Chu CJ*. Unraveling the Drivers and Impacts of Phenological Diversity in a Subtropical Forest: A Fine-Scale Analysis using PlanetScope CubeSats. New Phytologist, 243: 607-619.
[63] Liu SW, Wang ZH, Lin ZY, Zhao YY, Yan ZB, Zhang K, Visser M, Townsend PA, Wu J*. 2024. Spectra-phenology integration for high-resolution, accurate, and scalable mapping of foliar functional traits using time-series Sentinel-2 data. Remote Sensing of Environment, 305: 114082.
[62] Cheng KH, Sun Z*, Zhong W, Wang Z, Visser M, Liu SW, Yan ZB, Zhao YY, Zhang R, Zhang J, Jin S, Wu J*. 2024. Enhancing wheat crop physiology monitoring through spectroscopic analysis of stomatal conductance dynamics. Remote Sensing of Environment, 312: 114325.
[61] Yu QS, Hagedorn F, Peñuelas J, Sardans J, Tan XP, Yan ZB, He CQ, Ni XF, Feng YH, Zhu JL, Ji CJ, Tang ZY, Li MH, Fang JY*. 2024. Differential responses of soil phosphorus fractions to nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization: A global meta-analysis. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 38: e2023GB008064.
[60] Meng QQ, Shi ZJ, Yan ZB, Lambers H, Luo Y, Han WX*. 2024. Independent and interactive effects of N and P additions on foliar P fractions in evergreen forests of southern China. Forest Ecosystems, Doi: 10.1016/j.fecs.2024.100265.
[59] Xing AJ, Shen HH*, Xu LC, Zhao MY, Yan ZB, Fang JY. 2024. Linking nutrient resorption stoichiometry with plant growth under long-term nitrogen addition. Forest Ecosystems, Doi: 10.1016/j.fecs.2024.100221.
[58] Fang WJ, Ouyang M, Cai Q, Ma SH, Yan ZB, Su HJ, Zhu JL, Ji CJ, Tang ZY, Fang JY*. 2024. Plant community structure and environmental factors regulate the N-P stoichiometry of soil and leaf for larch forests in Northern China. Journal of Forestry Research, 36: 1-11.
[57] Yan XR, Li P*, Wu XJ, Wang JH, Wang ZJ, Xu JL, Hou XF, Fan DY, Yan ZB, Du EZ. 2024. Variations in the leaf economics spectrum, anatomical, ultrastructural, and stomatal traits of five tree species in the urban-rural air pollution environment. Journal of Environmental Sciences, Doi: 10.1016/j.jes.2024.08.009.
[56] Liu SW, Yan ZB*, Wang ZH, Serbin S, Visser M, Zeng Y, Ryu Y, Su YJ, Guo ZF, Song GQ, Wu QH, Zhang H, Cheng KH, Dong JL, Hau BCH, Zhao P, Yang X, Liu LL, Rogers A, Wu J*. 2023. Mapping foliar photosynthetic capacity in sub-tropical and tropical forests with UAS-based imaging spectroscopy: scaling from leaf to canopy. Remote Sensing of Environment, 293: 113612.
[55] Yan ZB, Sardans J, Peñuelas J, Detto M, Smith NG, Wang H, Guo LL, Hughes AC, Guo ZF, Lee CKF, Liu LL, Jin Wu*. 2023. Global patterns and drivers of leaf photosynthetic capacity: the relative importance of environmental factors and evolutionary history. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 32: 668-682.
[54] Yan ZB*, Tian D, Huang HY, Sun YF, Hou XH, Han WX, Guo YL, Fang JY. 2023. Interactive effects of plant density and nitrogen availability on the biomass production and leaf stoichiometry of Arabidopsis thaliana. Journal of Plant Ecology, 16: rtac101.
[53] Yan ZB*, Tian D*, Han WX, Ji CJ, Hou XH, Guo YL, Fang JY. 2023. Weak transgenerational effects of ancestral nitrogen and phosphorus availabilities on offspring phenotypes in Arabidopsis thaliana. Journal of Plant Research, 136: 515-525.
[52] Gu YT, Zhao YY, Guo ZF, Meng L, Zhang K, Wang J, Lee CKF, Xie J, Wang YT, Yan ZB, Zhang H, Wu J*. 2023. The underappreciated importance of solar radiation in constraining spring phenology of temperate ecosystems in the Northern and Eastern United States. Remote Sensing of Environment, 294: 113617.
[51] An SQ, Yan ZB, Song Y, Fu Q, Ge FY, Wu ZH, An W, Han WX*. 2023. Decoupling of N and P aggravated upward along food chains in an urban river ecosystem. Chemosphere, 313: 137555.
[50] Lin QH, Tian D*, Zhao CT, Wang B, Yan ZB, Stocker BD, Li YE, Fang JY. 2023. Application of the rapid leaf A–Ci response (RACiR) technique: examples from evergreen broadleaved species. Photosynthesis Research, 155: 139-146.
[49] Zhao X*, Wu B, Xue JX, Shi Y, Zhao MY, Geng XQ, Yan ZB, Shen HH, Fang JY. 2023. Mapping Forage Biomass and Quality of the Inner Mongolia Grasslands by Combining Field Measurements and Sentinel-2 Observations. Remote Sensing, 15: 1973.
[48] Guo ZF, Yan ZB, Majcher BM, Lee CKF, Zhao YY, Song GQ, Wang B, Wang X, Deng Y, Michaletz ST, Ryu Y, Ashton LA, Lam HM, Wong MS, Liu LL, Wu J*. 2022. Dynamic biotic controls of leaf thermoregulation across the diel timescale. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 315: 108827.
[47] Lin XW, Wu SB*, Chen B, Lin ZY, Yan ZB, Chen XZ, Yin GF, You DQ, Wen JG, Liu Q, Xiao Q, Liu QH, Lafortezza R. 2022. Estimating 10-m land surface albedo from Sentinel-2 satellite observations using a direct estimation approach with Google Earth Engine. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 194: 1-10.
[46] Wang ZQ#, Zhao MY#, Yan ZB, Yang YH, Niklas KJ, Huang H, Mipam TD, He XJ*, Hu HF*, Wright SJ. 2022. Global patterns and drivers of soil microbial biomass C, N, and P in terrestrial ecosystems. Catena, 211: 106037.
[45] Hou XF, Wu XJ, Ma CH, Tian D, Yan ZB, Li P*. 2022. Effect of the elevated ozone on greening tree species of urban: Alterations in C-N-P stoichiometry and nutrient stock allocation to leaves and fine roots. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 76: 127735.
[44] Ouyang M, Tian D*, Pan JM, Chen GP, Su HJ, Yan ZB, Yang QP, Ji CJ, Tang ZY, Fang JY. 2022. Moso bamboo (Phyllostachys edulis) invasion increases forest soil pH in subtropical China. Catena, 215: 106339.
[43] Ouyang M, Yang C, Tian D, Pan JM, Chen GP, Su HJ, Zhengbing Yan, Chengjun Ji, Zhiyao Tang, Jingyun Fang*. 2022. A field-based estimation of moso bamboo forest biomass in China. Forest Ecology and Management, 505: 119885.
[42] 严正兵, 刘树文, 吴锦*. 2022. 高光谱遥感技术在植物功能性状监测中的应用与展望. 植物生态学报, 46: 1151-1167.
[41] 苏艳军*, 严正兵, 吴锦, 刘玲莉. 2022. 生态遥感新方法及其在自然保护地天空地一体化监测中的应用. 植物生态学报, 46: 1125-1128.
[39] Wu SB, Wang J, Yan ZB, Song GQ, Chen Y, Ma Q, Deng MF, Wu YT, Zhao YY, Guo ZF, Yuan ZQ, Dai GH, Xu XT, Yang X, Su YJ, Liu LL, Wu J*. 2021. Monitoring tree-crown scale autumn leaf phenology in a temperate forest with an integration of PlanetScope and drone remote sensing observations. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 171: 36-48.
[38] Luo Y, Yan ZB, Liu SN, Chen JS, Li KH, Mohammat A, Han WX*. 2021. Variation in desert shrub foliar pH in relation to drought and salinity in Xinjiang, China. Journal of Vegetation Science, 32: e13031.
[37] Guo YP, Yan ZB, Zhang YW, Zhou GY, Xie ZQ, Tang ZY*. 2021. Environmental constraints on the inter-genus variation in the scaling relationship between leaf nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations. Journal of Plant Ecology, 14: 616-627.
[36] Liu SN, An SQ, Yan ZB, Ren JP, Lu XQ, Ge FY, Han WX*. 2021. Variation and potential influence factors of foliar pH in land-water ecozones of three small plateau lakes. Journal of Plant Ecology, 14: 504-514.
[34] Xu LC, Xing AJ, Du EZ, Shen HH*, Yan ZB, Jiang L, Tian D, Hu HF, Fang JY. 2021. Effects of nitrogen addition on leaf nutrient stoichiometry in an old-growth boreal forest. Ecosphere, 12: e03335.
[32] 田地, 严正兵, 方精云*. 2021. 植物生态化学计量特征及其主要假说. 植物生态学报, 45: 682-713.
[30] Guo YP, Yan ZB, Gheyret G, Zhou GY, Xie ZQ, Tang ZY*. 2020. The community-level scaling relationship between leaf nitrogen and phosphorus changes with plant growth, climate and nutrient limitation. Journal of Ecology, 108: 1276-1286.
[29] Ma SH, Eziz A, Tian D, Yan ZB, Cai Q, Jiang MW, Ji CJ, Fang JY*. 2020. Size-and age-dependent increases in tree stem carbon concentration: implications for forest carbon stock estimations. Journal of Plant Ecology, 13: 233-240.
[27] 彭庆文, 严正兵, 罗艳, 李凯辉, 韩文轩*. 2020. 新疆开都河大型水生植物的氮磷化学计量特征及其影响因素. 应用生态学报, 31: 2067-2075.
[26] Yan ZB, Hou XH, Han WX, Ma SH, Shen HH, Guo YL, Fang JY*. 2019. Effects of nitrogen and phosphorus supplies on stoichiometry of six elements in leaves of Arabidopsis thaliana. Annals of Botany, 123: 441-450.
[25] Yan ZB, Eziz A, Tian D, Li XP, Hou XH, Peng HY, Han WX, Guo YL, Fang JY*. 2019. Biomass allocation in response to nitrogen and phosphorus availability: insight from experimental manipulations of Arabidopsis thaliana. Frontiers in Plant Science, 10: 598.
[24] Liu SN, Yan ZB, Chen YH, Zhang MX, Chen J, Han WX*. 2019. Foliar pH, an emerging plant functional trait: biogeography and variability across northern China. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 28: 386-397.
[23] Tian D, Yan ZB, Ma SH, Ding YH, Luo YK, Chen YH, Du EZ, Han WX, Kovacs ED, Shen HH, Hu HF, Schmid B, Fang JY*. 2019. Family-level leaf nitrogen and phosphorus stoichiometry of global terrestrial plants. Science China. Life sciences, 62: 1047-1057.
[21] Peng HY, Yan ZB, Chen YH, Zhao XJ, Han WX*. 2019. Effects of body size and root to shoot ratio on foliar nutrient resorption efficiency in Amaranthus mangostanus. American Journal of Botany, 106: 363-370.
[20] Zhang MX, Luo Y, Yan ZB, Chen J, Eziz A, Li KH, Han WX*. 2019. Resorptions of ten mineral elements in leaves of desert shrubs and their contrasting responses to aridity. Journal of Plant Ecology, 12: 358-366.
[19] Su HJ, Chen J, Wu Y, Chen JF, Guo XC, Yan ZB, Tian D, Fang JY, Xie P*. 2019. Morphological traits of submerged macrophytes reveal specific positive feedbacks to water clarity in freshwater ecosystems. Science of The Total Environment, 684: 578-586.
[18] 何茂松, 罗艳, 彭庆文, 严正兵, 杨思琪, 李凯辉, 韩文轩*. 2019. 新疆45种荒漠植物粗根碳、氮、磷计量特征及其与环境的关系. 生态学杂志, 38: 2603-2614.
[17] Yan ZB, Li XY, Tian D, Han WX, Hou XH, Shen HH, Guo YL, Fang JY*. 2018. Nutrient addition affects scaling relationship of leaf nitrogen to phosphorus in Arabidopsis thaliana. Functional Ecology, 32: 2689-2698.
[16] Tian D, Yan ZB, Niklas KJ, Han WX, Kattge J, Reich PB, Luo YK, Chen YH, Tang ZY, Hu HF, Wright IJ, Schmid B, Fang JY*. 2018. Global leaf nitrogen and phosphorus stoichiometry and their scaling exponent. National Science Review, 5: 728-739.
[13] 田地, 严正兵, 方精云*. 2018. 植物化学计量学:一个方兴未艾的生态学研究方向. 自然杂志, 40: 235-241.
[11] Eziz A*, Yan ZB, Tian D, Han WX, Tang ZY, Fang JY. 2017. Drought effect on plant biomass allocation: a meta-analysis. Ecology and Evolution, 7: 11002-11010.
[10] Cai Q, Ji CJ*, Yan ZB, Jiang XX, Fang JY. 2017. Anatomical responses of leaf and stem of Arabidopsis thaliana to nitrogen and phosphorus addition. Journal of Plant Research, 130: 1035-1045.
[9] Tian D, Li P, Fang WJ, Xu J, Luo YK, Yan ZB, Zhu B, Wang JJ, Xu XN, Fang JY*. 2017. Growth responses of trees and understory plants to nitrogen fertilization in a subtropical forest in China. Biogeosciences, 14: 3461-3469.
[8] Yan ZB, Han WX*, Peñuelas J, Sardans J, Elser JJ, Du EZ, Reich PB, Fang JY. 2016. Phosphorus accumulates faster than nitrogen globally in freshwater ecosystems under anthropogenic impacts. Ecology Letters, 19: 1237-1246.
[5] Du EZ*, de Vries W, Han WX, Liu XJ, Yan ZB, Jiang Y*. 2016. Imbalanced phosphorus and nitrogen deposition in China’s forests. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 16: 8571-8579.
[1] 严正兵#, 金南瑛#, 韩廷申, 方精云, 韩文轩*. 2013. 氮磷施肥对拟南芥叶片碳氮磷化学计量特征的影响. 植物生态学报, 37: 551-557.