- 陈蕾伊,博士学历,博士学位
- 研 究 组 : 高寒生态格局与过程研究组
- 民 族: 汉
- 研究领域: 全球变化与土壤碳循环
- 籍 贯: 江西吉安
- 导师资格: 博士生导师
- 出生年月: 1984.10
- 职 称: 研究员
- 毕业院校: 中山大学
- 入职时间:
- 毕业时间: 2012年
- 办公电话: 010-62836632
- 电子邮件: chenly@ibcas.ac.cn
- 学习工作经历
- 科研项目
- 论文专著
- 所获奖励
2003.09-2007.07 中山大学,学士
2007.09-2012.07 中山大学,博士
2010.10-2011.11 美国莱斯大学,访问博士生
2012.07-2014.07 中国科学院植物研究所,博士后
2014.07-2017.03 中国科学院植物研究所,助理研究员
2017.03-2020.01 中国科学院植物研究所,副研究员
2020.01-至今 中国科学院植物研究所,研究员
Hu J, Kang LY, Li ZL, Feng XH, Liang CF, Wu Z, Zhou W, Liu XN, Yang YH, Chen LY*. 2023. Photo-produced aromatic compounds stimulate microbial degradation of dissolved organic carbon in thermokarst lakes. Nature Communications, 14, 3681.
Kang LY, Chen LY, Li ZL, Wang JJ, Xue K, Deng Y, Delgado-Baquerizo M, Song YT, Zhang DY, Yang GB, Zhou W, Liu XN, Liu FT, and Yang YH*, 2023. Patterns and drivers of prokaryotic communities in thermokarst lake water across the Northern Hemisphere. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 32, 2244–2256.
He M, Li QL, Chen LY, Qin SQ, Kuzyakov Y, Liu Y, Zhang DY, Feng XH, Kou D, Wu TH, and Yang YH*, 2023. Priming effect stimulates carbon release from thawed permafrost. Global Change Biology, 29, 4638–4651.
Bai YX, Peng YF, Zhou W, Xie YH, Li QL, Yang GB, Chen LY, Zhu B, and Yang YH*. 2023. SWAMP: A new experiment for simulating permafrost warming and active layer deepening on the Tibetan Plateau. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 14, 1732–1746.
Li ZL#, Xu WJ#, Kang LY, Kuzyakov Y, Chen LY, He M, Liu FT, Zhang DY, Zhou W, Liu XN, and Yang YH*, 2023. Accelerated organic matter decomposition in thermokarst lakes upon carbon and phosphorus inputs. Global Change Biology, 29, 6367–6382.
Feng XH, Qin SQ, Zhang DY, Chen PD, Hu J, Wang GQ, Liu Y, Wei B, Li QL, Yang YH*, and Chen LY*, 2022. Nitrogen input enhances microbial carbon use efficiency by altering plant-microbe-mineral interactions. Global Change Biology, 28: 4845-4860.
Liu FT, Qin SQ, Fang K, Chen LY, Peng YF, Smith P, and Yang YH*, 2022. Divergent changes in particulate and mineral-associated organic carbon upon permafrost thaw. Nature Communications, 13: 5073.
He M, Fang K, Chen LY, Feng XH, Qin SQ, Kou D, He HB, Liang C, and Yang YH*, 2022. Depth-dependent drivers of soil microbial necromass carbon across Tibetan alpine grasslands. Global Change Biology, 28: 936-949.
Wang GQ, Chen LY, Zhang DY, Qin SQ, Peng YF, Yang GB, Wang J, Yu JC, Wei B, Liu Y, Li QL, Kang LY, Wang YY, and Yang YH*, 2022. Divergent trajectory of soil autotrophic and heterotrophic respiration upon permafrost thaw. Environmental Science & Technology, 56: 10483-10493.
Kang LY, Chen LY, Zhang DY, Peng YF, Song YT, Kou D, Deng Y and Yang YH*, 2022. Stochastic processes regulate belowground community assembly in alpine grasslands on the Tibetan Plateau. Environmental Microbiology, 24: 179-194.
Yang YH#, Shi Y#, Sun WJ#, Chang JF#, Zhu JX, Chen LY, Wang X, Guo YP, Zhang HT, Yu LF, Zhao SQ, Xu K, Zhu JL, Shen HH, Wang YY, Peng YF, Zhao X, Wang XP, Hu HF, Chen SP, Huang M, Wen XF, Wang SP, Zhu B, Niu SL, Tang ZY, Liu LL, and Fang JY*, 2022. Terrestrial carbon sinks in China and around the world and their contribution to carbon neutrality. Science China: Life Science, 65: 861-895.
Ma SH, Yu QS, Chen GP, Su HJ, Tang WG, Sun YF, Jiang L, Zhu JL, Chen LY, Zhu B, Fang JY*, 2022. Aboveground net primary productivity mediates the responses of soil respiration to nutrient additions in two tropical montane rainforests, Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 327: 109200.
Chen LY, Fang K, Wei B, Qin SQ, Feng XH, Hu TY, Ji CJ, and Yang YH*, 2021. Soil carbon persistence governed by plant input and mineral protection at the regional and global scales. Ecology Letters, 24: 1018-1028.
Qin SQ, Kou D, Mao C, Chen YL, Chen LY, and Yang YH*, 2021. Temperature sensitivity of permafrost carbon release mediated by mineral and microbial properties. Science Advances, 7: eabe3596.
Liu FT, Kou D, Chen YL, Xue K, Ernakovich JG, Chen LY, Yang GB, and Yang YH*, 2021. Altered microbial structure and function after thermokarst formation. Global Change Biology, 27: 823-835
Song YT, Chen LY, Kang LY, Yang GB, Qin SQ, Zhang QW, Mao C, Kou D, Fang K, Feng XH, and Yang YH*, 2021. Methanogenic community, CH4 production potential and its determinants in the active layer and permafrost deposits on the Tibetan Plateau. Environmental Science & Technology, 55: 11412-11423.
Fang K, Chen LY, Qin SQ, Zhang QW, Liu XN, Chen PD and Yang YH*, 2021. Mineral and climatic controls over soil organic matter stability across the Tibetan alpine permafrost region. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 35: e2021GB007118.
Chang RY#, Liu SG, Chen LY, Li N, Bing HJ, Wang T, Chen XP, Li Y, Wang GX#, 2021. Soil organic carbon becomes newer under warming at a permafrost site on the Tibetan Plateau. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 152:108074.
Mao C, Kou D, Chen LY, Qin SQ, Zhang DY, Peng YF, and Yang YH*, 2020. Permafrost nitrogen status and its determinants on the Tibetan Plateau. Global Change Biology, 26: 5290-5302.
Li F, Peng YF, Chen LY, Yang GB, Abbott BW, Zhang DY, Fang K, Wang GQ, Wang J, Yu JC, Liu L, Zhang QW, Chen KL, Mohammat A, and Yang YH*, 2020. Warming alters surface soil organic matter composition despite unchanged carbon stocks in a Tibetan permafrost ecosystem. Functional Ecology, 34: 911-922.
Liu SS, ZhouLH, Li H, Zhao X, Yang YH, Zhu YK, Hu HF, Chen LY, Zhang PJ, Shen HH*, Fang JY*. 2020. Shrub encroachment decreases soil inorganic carbon stocks in Mongolian grasslands. Journal of Ecology, 108: 678-686.
Chen LY #, Liu L#, Qin SQ, Yang GB, Fang K, Zhu B, Kuzyakov Y, Chen PD, Xu YP, and Yang YH*, 2019. Regulation of priming effect by soil organic matter stability over a broad geographic scale. Nature Communications, 10: 5112.
Qin SQ, Chen LY, Fang K, Zhang QW, Wang J, Liu FT, Yu JC, and Yang YH*, 2019. Temperature sensitivity of SOM decomposition governed by aggregate protection and microbial communities. Science Advances, 5: eaau1218.
Fang K, Qin SQ, Chen LY, Zhang QW, and Yang YH*, 2019. Al/Fe mineral controls on soil organic carbon stock across Tibetan alpine grasslands. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 124: 247-259.
Liu FT, Kou D, Abbott BW, Mao C, Chen YL, Chen LY, and Yang YH*, 2019. Disentangling the effects of climate, vegetation, soil and related substrate properties on the biodegradability of permafrost-derived dissolved organic carbon. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 124: 3377-3389.
Li H, Shen HH*, Zhou LH, Zhu YK, Chen LY, Hu HF, Zhang PJ, Fang JY*. 2019. Shrub encroachment increases soil carbon and nitrogen stocks in temperate grasslands in china. Land Degradation and Development, 30: 756-767.
Zhou LH, Shen HH, Chen LY, Li H, Zhang PJ, Zhao X, Liu TY, Liu SS, Xing AJ, Hu HF, Fang JY*. 2019. Ecological consequences of shrub encroachment in the grasslands of northern China. Landscape Ecology, 34: 119-130.
Zhou LH, Shen HH*, Chen LY, Li H, Zhang PJ, Zhao X, Liu TY, Liu SS, Xing AJ, Hu HF, Fang JY. 2019. Species richness and composition of shrub-encroached grasslands in relation to environmental factors in northern China. Journal of Plant Ecology, 12: 56-66.
Zhou LH, Shen HH*, Xu YP, Li H, Chen LY, Wang YH, Zhang PJ, Zhao X, Liu TY, Hu HF, Fang JY*. 2019. Soil organic carbon components in Inner Mongolian shrub-encroached grasslands. Plant and Soil, 442: 199-213.
Chen LY, Liu L, Mao C, Qin SQ, Wang J, Liu FT, Blagodatsky S, Yang GB, Zhang QW, Zhang DY, Yu JC, and Yang YH*, 2018. Nitrogen availability regulates topsoil carbon dynamics after permafrost thaw by altering microbial metabolic efficiency. Nature Communications, 9: 3951.
Liu FT#, Chen LY#, Abbott BW, Xu YP, Yang GB, Kou D, Qin SQ, Strauss J, Wang YH, Zhang BB, and Yang YH*, 2018. Reduced quantity and quality of SOM along a thaw sequence on the Tibetan Plateau. Environmental Research Letters, 13: 104017.
Liu FT, Chen LY, Zhang BB, Wang GQ, Qin SQ, and Yang YH*, 2018. Ultraviolet radiation rather than inorganic nitrogen increases dissolved organic carbon biodegradability in a typical thermos-erosion gully on the Tibetan Plateau. Science of the Total Environment, 627: 1276-1284.
Ding JZ, Chen LY, Hugelius G, Liu L, Li YN, Qin SQ, Zhang BB, Yang GB, Li F, Fang K, Chen YL, Peng YF, Zhao X, Ji CJ, He HL, Smith P, Fang JY, and Yang YH*, 2017. Decadal soil carbon accumulation across Tibetan permafrost regions. Nature Geoscience, 10: 420-424.
Fang K, Kou D, Wang GQ, Chen LY, Ding JZ, Li F, Yang GB, Qin SQ, Liu L, Zhang QW, and Yang YH*, 2017. Decreased soil cation exchange capacity across northern China’s grasslands over the last three decades. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 122: 3088-3097.
Li H, Zhang JH, Hu HF, Chen LY, Zhu YK, Shen HH*, Fang JY*. 2017. Shift in soil microbial communities with shrub encroachment in Inner Mongolia grasslands, China. European Journal of Soil Biology, 79: 40-47.
Chen LY, Liang JY, Qin SQ, Liu L, Fang K, Xu YP, Ding JZ, Li F, Luo YQ, and Yang YH*, 2016. Determinants of carbon release from the active layer and permafrost deposits on the Tibetan Plateau. Nature Communications, 7: 13046
Chen LY#, Li P#, and Yang YH*, 2016. Dynamic patterns of nitrogen: phosphorus ratios in forest soils of China under changing environment. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 121: 2410-2421
Ding JZ, Chen LY, Zhang BB, Liu L, Yang GB, Fang K, Chen YL, Li F, Kou D, Ji CJ, Luo YQ, and Yang YH*, 2016. Linking temperature sensitivity of soil CO2 release to substrate, environmental and microbial properties across alpine ecosystems. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 30: 1310-1323.
Chen YL, Chen LY, Peng YF, Ding JZ, Li F, Yang GB, Kou D, Liu L, Fang K, Zhang BB, Wang J, and Yang YH*, 2016. Linking microbial C:N:P stoichiometry to microbial community and abiotic factors along a 3500-km grassland transect on the Tibetan Plateau. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 25: 1416-1427.
Ding JZ, Li F, Yang GB, Chen LY, Zhang BB, Liu L, Fang K, Qin SQ, Chen YL, Peng YF, Ji CJ, He HL, Smith P, and Yang YH*, 2016. The permafrost carbon inventory on the Tibetan Plateau: a new evaluation using deep sediment cores. Global Change Biology, 22: 2688-2701.
Li H, Shen HH, Chen LY, Liu TY, Hu HF, Zhao X, Zhou LH, Zhang PJ, Fang JY*. 2016. Effects of shrub encroachment on soil organic carbon in global grasslands. Scientific Reports, 6: 28974.
Chen LY, Smith P, and Yang YH*, 2015. How has soil carbon stock changed over recent decades? Global Change Biology, 21: 3197-3199.
Chen LY, Li H, Zhang PJ, Zhao X, Zhou LH, Liu TY, Hu HF, Bai YF, Shen HH*, Fang JY*. 2015. Climate and native grassland vegetation as drivers of the community structures of shrub-encroached grasslands in Inner Mongolia, China. Landscape Ecology, 30:1627-1641.
Chen LY#, Peng SL#, Yang B. 2015. Predicting alien herb invasion with machine learning models: biogeographical and life-history traits both matter. Biological Invasions, 17: 2187-2198.
Yang YH*, Ji CJ, Chen LY, Ding JZ, Cheng X, and Robinson D. 2015. Edaphic rather than climatic controls over 13C enrichment between soil and vegetation in alpine grasslands on the Tibetan Plateau. Functional Ecology, 29: 839-848.
陈蕾伊, 沈海花, 方精云. 2014. 灌丛化草原: 一种新的植被景观. 自然杂志, 3: 391-396.
Chen LY, Peng SL#, Li J, Lin ZG, Zeng Y. 2013. Competitive control of an exotic mangrove species: restoration of native mangrove forests by altering light availability. Restoration Ecology, 21: 215-223.
Chen LY, Tiu CJ, Peng SL#, Siemann E#. 2013. Conspecific plasticity and invasion: invasive populations of Chinese Tallow (Triadica sebifera) have performance advantage over native populationsonly in low soil salinity. PLoS ONE, 8: e74961.
Chen LY, Peng SL#, Chen BM, Li J, Pang JX. 2009. Effects of Aqueous extracts of 5 mangrove spp. on cabbage germination and hypocotyl growth of Kandelia candel. Allelopathy Journal 23:469-476.
Chen LY and Peng SL#. 2008. Allelopathic potential of mangrove plants (Aricennia marina, Aegiceras coriculata and Bruguiera gymnorrhiza). Allelopathy Journal 22:213-220.