- 孙文娟,研究生学历,博士学位
- 研 究 组 :
- 民 族: 汉
- 研究领域:
- 籍 贯:
- 导师资格: 博士生导师
- 出生年月: 1972.12
- 职 称: 研究员
- 毕业院校: 南京农业大学
- 入职时间:
- 毕业时间: 2006.6
- 办公电话:
- 电子邮件: sunwj@ibcas.ac.cn
[1] 中国科学院A类战略性先导科技专项项目子课题“草地生态价值与生产潜力评估”(XDA26010103,2020.11-2025.10),负责
[2] 云南省重点研发项目课题“林草碳汇现状评估”(2023.1-2025.12),负责
[3] 国家自然科学基金面上项目“云南省森林生态系统碳汇对全球变化的响应”(32371872, 2024.1-2027.12),负责
[4] 云南省基础研究专项重大项目专题“云南省粮油植被和菜园调查”、“云南植被志研编-粮油和菜园”(202101BC070002,2021.8-2024.7),负责
[5] 国家自然科学基金面上项目“全球造林/再造林地土壤有机碳变化及其对人工林碳汇的贡献”(41871038, 2019.1-2022.12),负责
[6] 国家自然科学基金面上项目“全球农田土壤有机碳变化速率与潜力研究”(31370492, 2014.1-2017.12),负责
[7] 国家自然科学基金面上项目“农田土壤固碳潜力的计量研究”(41075108, 2011.1-2013.12),负责
Yang K, Huang Y, Yang JR, Lv CH, Hu ZH, Yu LF, Sun WJ*. 2023. Effects of three patterns of elevated CO2 in single and multiple generations on photosynthesis and stomatal features in rice. Annals of Botany, 3: 463–473.
Huang Y#, Sun WJ#, Qin ZC, Zhang W, Yu YQ, Li TT, Zhang Q, Wang GC, Yu LF, Wang YJ, Ding F, Zhang P. 2022. The role of China’s terrestrial carbon sequestration 2010–2060 in offsetting energy-related CO2 emissions. National Science Review, 9: nwac057.
Wang GC, Luo ZK, Huang Y, Xia XA, Wei YR, Lin XH, Sun WJ*. 2022. Preseason heat requirement and days of precipitation jointly regulate plant phenological variations in Inner Mongolian grassland. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 314: 108783.
Qin ZC*, Deng SY, Dunn J, Smith P, Sun WJ*. 2021. Animal waste use and implications to agricultural greenhouse gas emissions in the United States. Environmental Research Letters, 16: 064079.
Li HL, Li TT, Sun WJ*, Zhang W*, Zhang Q, Yu LJ, Qin ZC, Guo B, Liu J, Zha XC. 2021. Degradation of wetlands on the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau causing a loss in soil organic carbon in 1966–2016. Plant and Soil, 467: 253–265.
Yang YH#, Shi Y#, Sun WJ#, Chang JF#, Zhu JX, Chen LY, Wang X, Guo YP, Zhang HT, Yu LF, Zhao SQ, Xu K, Zhu JL, Shen HH, Wang YY, Peng YF, Zhao X, Wang XP, Hu HF, Chen SP, Huang M, Wen XF, Wang SP, Zhu B, Niu SL, Tang ZY, Liu LL, Fang JY. 2021. Terrestrial carbon sinks in China and around the world and their contribution to carbon neutrality. Science China–Life Sciences, 65 (5): 5: 861–895.
Yu LF*, Sun WJ*, Yao Huang. 2021. Grazing exclusion enhances plant and topsoil carbon stocks in arid and semiarid grasslands. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 320: 107605.
Sun WJ, Canadell JG, Yu LJ, Yu LF, Zhang W, Smith P, Fischer T, Huang Y. 2020. Climate drives global soil carbon sequestration and crop yield changes under conservation agriculture. Global Change Biology, 26: 3325–3335. (GCB配发评论)
Cao PP, Sun WJ *, HuangY*, Yang JR, Yang K, Lv CH, Wang YJ, Yu LF, Hu ZH. 2020. Effects of elevated CO2 concentration and nitrogen application levels on the accumulation and translocation of non-structural carbohydrates in Japonica rice. Sustainability, 12: 5386.
Li TT, Lu YY, Yu LF, Sun WJ, Zhang Q, Zhang W, Wang GC, Qin ZC, Yu LJ, Li HL, Zhang R. 2020. Evaluation of CH4MODwetland and Terrestrial Ecosystem Model (TEM) used to estimate global CH4 emissions from natural wetlands. Geoscientific Model Development, 13: 3769–3788.
曹培培,杨凯,吕春华,黄耀,于凌飞,胡正华,孙文娟*. 2020. 不同CO2浓度和N肥水平对粳稻茎鞘非结构性碳水化合物含量与积累的影响. 生态学杂志, 5: 1474–1483.
Ding F, Sun WJ*, Huang Y. 2019. Net N2O production from soil particle size fractions and its response to changing temperature. Science of the Total Environment, 650: 97–104.
Yu LF, Chen Y, Sun WJ, Huang Y. 2019. Effects of grazing exclusion on soil carbon dynamics in alpine grasslands of the Tibetan Plateau. Geoderma, 353: 133–143.
Ding F, Sun WJ*, Huang Y, Hu XY. 2018. Larger Q10 of carbon decomposition in finer soil particles does not bring long-lasting dependence of Q10 on soil texture. European Journal of Soil Science, 69: 336–347.
Lu F, Hu HF, Sun WJ, Zhu JJ, Liu GB, Zhou WM, Zhang QF, Shi PL, Liu XP, Wu X, Zhang L, Wei XH, Dai LM, Zhang KR, Sun YR, Xue S, Zhang WJ, Xiong DP, Deng L, Liu BJ, Zhou L, Zhang C, Zheng X, Cao JS, Huang Y, He NP, Zhou GY, Bai YF, Xie ZQ, Tang ZY, Wu BF, FangJY, Liu GH, and Yu GR. 2018. Effects of national ecological restoration projects on carbon sequestration in China from 2001 to 2010. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 115(16): 4039–4044.
孙文娟*, 张晨希, 刘晓萌, 刘超, 陈健, 胡正华. 2018. 不同CO2浓度升高水平对粳稻灌浆速率的影响. 农业现代化研究, 39(1): 148–154.
Sun FF, Sun WJ*, Huang Y, Zhang W, Yu LF, Wang JT. 2017. Precipitation does not amplify the efficiency of fencing measures for temperate grassland restoration: A case study in northern China based on remote sensing. Ecological Engineering, 105: 252–261.
Chen Y, Huang Y, Sun WJ*. 2017. Using organic matter and pH to estimate the bulk density of afforested/reforested soils in northwest and northeast China. Pedosphere, 27: 890–900.
Zhang W, Sun WJ*, Li TT. 2017. Uncertainties in the national inventory of methane emissions from rice cultivation: field measurements and modeling approaches. Biogeosciences, 14: 163–176.
Wang GC, Zhang W, Sun WJ, Li TT, Han PF. 2017. Modeling soil organic carbon dynamics and their driving factors in the main global cereal cropping systems. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 17: 11849–11859.
Yu LJ, Huang Y, Zhang W, Li TT, Sun WJ. 2017. Methane uptake in global forest and grassland soils from 1981 to 2010. Science of the Total Environment, 607-608:1163–1172.
李昕,孙文娟*,黄耀,于凌飞. 2017. 中国小麦和玉米农田N2O减排措施及潜力. 气候变化研究进展, 3: 273–283.
Lin XH, Zhang W, Huang Y, Sun WJ, Han PF, Yu LF, Sun FF. 2016. Empirical estimation of near-surface air temperature in China from MODIS LST data by considering physiographic features. Remote Sensing, 8(8): 629.
蒋光福,张稳,李昕, 孙文娟*. 2016. 1980-2010年中国和印度农田化肥氮源氧化亚氮排放的比较. 农业环境科学学报, 35(9): 1807–1815.
Wang GC, Huang Y, Zhang W, Yu YQ, Sun WJ. 2015. Quantifying carbon input for targeted soil organic carbon sequestration in Chinese croplands. Plant and Soil, 394: 57–71.
Unteregelsbacher S, Gasche R, Lipp L, Sun WJ, Kreyling O, Geitlinger H, Kogel-Knabner I, Papen H, Kisese R, Schmid H-P, Dannenmann M. 2014. Increased methane uptake but unchanged nitrous oxide flux in montane grasslands under simulated climate change conditions. European Journal of Soil Science, 64: 586–596.
Zhang W, Yu YQ, Li TT, Sun WJ, Huang Y. 2014. Net greenhouse gas balance in China’s croplands over the last three decades and its mitigation potential. Environmental Science & Technology, 48 (5), 2589–2597.
Sun WJ, Huang Y. 2012. Synthetic fertilizer management for China’s cereal crops has reduced N2O emissions since the early 2000s. Environmental Pollution, 160: 24–27.
Sun WJ, Huang Y, Zhang W, Yu YQ. 2010. Carbon sequestration and its potential in agricultural soils of China. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 24: GB3001.
Huang Y, Sun WJ, Zhang W, Yu YQ, Su YH, Song CC. 2010. Marshland conversion to cropland in northeast China from 1950 to 2000 reduced the greenhouse effect. Global Change Biology, 16: 680-695.
Sun WJ, Huang Y, Zhang W, Yu YQ. 2009. Estimating topsoil SOC sequestration in croplands of eastern China from 1980 to 2000. Australian Journal of Soil Research, 47: 261-272.
Sun WJ, Huang Y, Chen ST, Zou JW, Zheng XH. 2007. Dependence of wheat and rice respiration on tissue nitrogen and the corresponding net carbon fixation efficiency under different rates of nitrogen application. Advances in Atmospheric Science, 24(1): 55-64.
Huang Y, Zhang W, Sun WJ, Zheng X. 2007. Net primary production of Chinese croplands from 1950 to 1999. Ecological Applications, 17(3):692-701.
Huang Y, Sun WJ. 2006. Changes in topsoil organic carbon of croplands in mainland China over the last two decades. Chinese Science Bulletin, 51: 1785-1803.
孙文娟, 黄耀, 张稳, 于永强. 2008. 农田土壤固碳潜力研究的关键科学问题. 地球科学进展, 23(9): 996-1004.
孙文娟, 黄耀, 陈书涛, 邹建文, 郑循华. 2005. 稻麦作物呼吸作用与植株氮含量、生物量和温度的定量关系. 生态学报, 25(5): 1152-1158.
孙文娟, 黄耀, 陈书涛, 杨兆芳, 郑循华. 2004. 作物生长和氮含量对土壤-作物系统CO2排放的影响. 环境科学, 25(3): 1-6.