- 白文明,研究生教育学历,博士学位
- 研 究 组 : 草地恢复与管理研究组
- 民 族: 蒙古
- 研究领域: 草地生态学、全球变化生态学
- 籍 贯: 吉林省
- 导师资格: 博士生导师
- 出生年月: 1969.01
- 职 称: 研究员
- 毕业院校: 中国农业大学
- 入职时间: 1992.9
- 毕业时间: 2000.07
- 办公电话: 62836973
- 电子邮件: bwming@ibcas.ac.cn
- 学习工作经历
- 科研项目
- 论文专著
- 所获奖励
1988.09-1992.07 内蒙古农业大学,学士
1994.09-1997.07 内蒙古农业大学,硕士
1997.09-2000.07 中国农业大学,博士
2000.09-2008.012 中国科学院植物研究所,助理研究员
2009.01-2016.012 中国科学院植物研究所,副研究员
2017.01-至今 中国科学院植物研究所,研究员
Guo YM, Zhou M, Sheng J, Yuan YJ, Zhang WH, Bai WM*. 2023. Aboveground net primary productivity was not limited by phosphorus in a temperate typical steppe in Inner Mongolia. Journal of Plant Ecology, 16:1-10.
Bai R, Hu HW, Zhou M, Sheng J, Xiong C, Guo YM, Yuan YJ, Hou LY, Zhang WH, Bai WM*. 2023. Effects of long-term mowing on leaf-and root-associated bacterial community structures are linked to functional traits in 11 plant species from a temperate steppe. Functional Ecology, 37:1787-1801.
Bai R, Zhou M, Guo YM, Sheng J, Yuan YJ, Li QM, Hou LY, Bai WM*. 2023. Long-term mowing reinforces connections between soil microbial and plant communities in a temperate steppe. Plant and Soil, 491:177-190.
Li QM, Bai WM, Guo YM, Sheng J, Yuan YJ , Zhang WH, Zhou M*. 2023. The response of two nutrient acquisition strategies: root traits and leaf nutrient resorption and their relationships to long-term mowing in a temperate steppe. Plant and Soil, 491:191-203.
Zhang WH*, Li L, Dijkstra F, Zhu B, Bai WM, Tian QY. 2023. Plant‑soil interactions in grasslands of the Mongolian Plateau under global change. Plant Soil, 491:1-7.
Zhai Xf, Lu P, Zhang RF, Bai WM, Zhang WH, Chen J, Tian QY*. 2023. Mowing accelerates phosphorus cycling without depleting soil phosphorus Pool. Ecological Applications, 33(5): e2861.
Zhang LL, Li YT, Bai WM, Lambers H, Zhang WH*. 2023. Morphological and physiological traits of dominant plant species in response to mowing in a temperate steppe. Ecological Applications, 33(5): e2863.
Zhang LL, Bai WM, Zhang Y, Lambers H, Zhang WH*. 2023. Ecosystem stability is determined by plant defence functional traits and population stability under mowing in a semi- arid temperate steppe. Functional Ecology, 37: 2413-2424.
Zhou M, Guo YM, Sheng J, Yuan YJ, Zhang WH, Bai WM*. 2022. Using anatomical traits to understand root functions across root orders of herbaceous species in a temperate steppe. New Phytologist, 234:422-434.
Zhou M, Guo YM, Sheng J, Yuan YJ, Zhang WH, Bai WM*. 2022. Using anatomical traits to understand root functions across root orders of herbaceous species in a temperate steppe. New Phytologist, 234: 422-434.
Sheng J, Zhou M, Guo YM, Yuan YJ, Li X, Zhang WH, Bai WM*. 2022. Aboveground productivity and community stability tend to keep stable under long-term fencing and nitrogen fertilization on restoration of degraded grassland. Ecological Indicators, 140: 108971.
Bai R, Hou LY, Zhang WH, Ge AH, Luo YL, Bai WM*. 2022. The prokaryotic and fungal communities of oat rhizosphere responded contrastingly to different irrigation regimes at pre- and post-anthesis stages. Applied Soil Ecology, 176: 104490.
Hou LY, Bai WM, Zhang QQ, Liu YH , Sun HL, Luo YL, Song SH , Zhang WH*. 2022. A new model of two-sown regime for oat forage production in an alpine region of northern China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 29: 70520-70531.
Zhang LL, Yang LY, Zhou HR, Rrn LF, Li WC, Bai WM, Zang WH*. 2022. Carbon allocation patterns in forbs and grasses differ in responses to mowing and nitrogen fertilization in a temperate grassland. Ecological Indicators, 135: 108588.
Tian QY, Lu P, Zhai XF, Zhang RF, Zheng Y, Wang H, Nie B, Bai WM, Niu SL, Shi PL, Yang YH, Li KH, Yang DL, Stevens C, Lambers H, Zhang WH 2022. An integrated belowground trait-based understanding of nitrogen-driven plant diversity loss. Global Change Biology, 28: 3651-3664.
Song B*, Li Y, Yang LY, Shi HQ, Li LH , Bai WM, Zhao Y. 2022. Soil acidification under long-term N addition decreases the diversity of soil bacteria and fungi and changes their community composition in a semiarid grassland. Microbial Ecology, 85: 221-231.
Zhou M, Bai WM*, Li Qingmei, Guo Yumeng, Zhang WH*. 2021. Root anatomical traits determined leaf-level physiology and responses to precipitation change of herbaceous species in a temperate steppe. New Phytologist, 229: 1481-1491.
Tian QY, Lu P, Ma PF, Zhou HR, Yang M, Zhai XF, Chen MM, Wang H, Li WC, Bai WM, Lambers H, Zhang WH*. 2021. Processes at the soil-root interface determine the different responses of nutrient limitation and metal toxicity in forbs and grasses to nitrogen enrichment. Journal of Ecology, 109: 927-938.
Guo Q, Hu ZM*, Li SG*, Hao YP, Liang NS, Bai WM, Zhang S. 2021. Nitrogen-induced changes in carbon fluxes are modulated by water availability in a temperate grassland. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 126: e2021JG006607.
Lu P, Hao TX, Li X, Wang H, Zhai XF, Tian QY, Bai WM, Stevens C, Zhang WH. 2021. Ambient nitrogen deposition drives plant-diversity decline by nitrogen accumulation in a closed grassland ecosystem. Journal of Applied Ecology, 58: 1888-1898.
Hou LY, Bai WM*, Zhang QQ, Jiao SC, Tang GB, Luo YL, Bai R, Song SH, Zhang WH*. 2021. Agronomic and economical characterizations of a two-harvest regime for oat forage in cold regions of Northern China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 28: 68804-68816.
Li KY, Niu MN, Bai WM, Yang ZL, Li GY. 2021. Water-dominated negative effects of nitrogen enrichment on soil respiration in a temperate steppe. Applied Soil Ecology, 165: 104023.
曹丽霞, 侯龙鱼, 赵世锋, 石碧红, 张丽霞, 刘君馨, 张文浩, 白文明. 2021. 20个燕麦品种饲草产量和品质比较分析. 西南民族大学学报, 47: 336-341.
王晓薇, 牛萌楠, 张丽薇, 白文明, 李国勇, 陈安群. 2021. 不同施氮水平对温带典型草原植物地上-地下生物量分配模式的影响. 河南师范大学学报, 49: 39-46.
Tian QY, Yang LY, Ma PF, Zhou HR, Liu NN, Bai WM, Wang H, Ren LF, Lu P, Han WW, Schultz PA, Bever JD, Zhang FS, Lambers H, Zhang WH*. 2020. Below-ground-mediated and phase-dependent processes drive nitrogen-evoked community changes in grasslands. Journal of Ecology, 108:1874-1887.
Zhou M, Wang J, Bai WM*, Zhang YS, Zhang WH*. 2019. The response of root traits to precipitation change of herbaceous species in temperate steppes. Functional Ecology, 33: 2030-2041.
(18) Zheng Z, Bai WM, Zhang WH*. 2019. Root trait-mediated belowground competition and community composition of temperate grasslands under nitrogen enrichment. Plant and Soil, 437: 341-354.
Zheng Z, Bai WM, Zhang WH*. 2019. Clonality-dependent dynamic change of plant community in temperate grasslands under nitrogen enrichment. Oecologia, 189: 255-266.
Yang J, Hou LY, Bai WM*, Yan JY, Hao JX, Tao J, Luo YL, Zhang JM, Zhang WH. 2019. A dual-purpose model for spring-sown oats in cold regions of Northern China. Agronomy, 9, 721.
侯龙鱼, 朱泽义, 杨杰, 马赫, 李青梅, 陶金, 范冰, 郝建玺, 闫景赟, 周青平, 白文明. 2019. 我国饲草用燕麦现状、问题和潜力. 西南民族大学学报, 45: 248-253.
李昂, 王扬, 薛建国, 任婷婷, 魏存争, 田秋英, 白文明, 白永飞, 黄建辉, 姜勇,程玉臣, 孙海莲, 徐柱文, 赵玉金, 韩兴国. 2019. 北方风沙区生态修复的科学原理、工程实践和恢复效果. 生态学报, 39: 7452-7462.
Zhou M, Bai WM*, Zhang YS, Zhang WH. 2018. Multi-dimensional patterns of variation in root traits among coexisting herbaceous species in temperate steppes. Journal of Ecology, 106: 2320-2331.
Zheng Z, Ma PF, Li J, Ren LF, Bai WM, Tian QY, Sun W, Zhang WH*. 2018. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities associated with two dominant species differ in their responses to long-term nitrogen addition in temperate grasslands. Functional Ecology, 32: 1575-1588.
Mao XT, Li QF, Ren LF, Bai WM, Zhang WH*. 2018. Application of molybdenum fertilizer enhanced quality and production of alfalfa in northern China under non-irrigated conditions. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 41: 1009-1019.
Ma LN, Liu GF, Xu XF, Xin XP, Bai WM, Zhang LH, Chen SP, Wang RZ. 2018. Nitrogen acquisition strategies during the winter-spring transitional period are divergent at the species level yet convergent at the ecosystem level in temperate grasslands. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 122: 150-159.
Liu WX, Qiao CL, Yang S, Bai WM, Liu LL. 2018. Microbial carbon use efficiency and priming effect regulate soil carbon storage under nitrogen deposition by slowing soil organic matter decomposition. Geoderma, 332: 37-44.
Sun YF, Shen JP*, Zhang CJ, Zhang LM, Bai WM, Fang Y, He JZ. 2018. Responses of soil microbial community to nitrogen fertilizer and precipitation regimes in a semi-arid steppe. Journal of Soils Sediments, 18: 762-774.
Song J, Wan SQ, Peng SS, Piao SL, Ciais P, Han XG, Zeng DH, Cao GM, Wang QB, Bai WM, Liu LL. 2018. The carbon sequestration potential of China’s grasslands. Ecosphere, 9(10): e02452.
陶金, 候龙鱼, 杨杰, 宋世环, 白文明, 潘庆民, 殷淑艳, 郝建喜, 张文浩. 2018. 燕麦萌发耐盐性及指标筛选. 草业科学, 35: 2414-2421.
周青平, 苟小林, 田莉华, 陈有军, 高淑琴, 白文明, 张文浩. 2018. 寒冷区早晚熟燕麦品种的生产性能分析. 科学通报, 63: 1722-1730.
白文明, 侯龙鱼, 宋世环, 毛小涛, 张强强, 潘庆民, 周青平, 张文浩. 2018. 饲草料配比是实现草-畜高效转化的关键. 科学通报, 63: 1686-1692..
张文浩, 侯龙鱼, 杨杰, 宋世环, 毛小涛, 张强强, 白文明, 潘庆民, 周青平. 2018. 高寒地区苜蓿人工草地建植技术. 科学通报, 63: 1651-1663.
李宗明, 沈菊培, 张丽梅, 刘国平, 白文明, 贺纪正. 2018. 模拟氮沉降对干旱半干旱温带草原土壤细菌群落结构的影响. 环境科学, 39: 5665-5671.
方精云, 景海春, 张文浩, 高树琴, 段子渊, 王竑晟, 钟瑾, 潘庆民, 赵凯, 白文明,李凌浩, 白永飞, 蒋高明, 黄建辉, 黄振英. 2018. 论草牧业的理论体系及其实践. 科学通报, 63: 1619-1631.
Bai WM, Zhou M, Fang Y, Zhang WH*. 2017. Differences in spatial and temporal root lifespan of three Stipa grasslands in northern China. Biogeochemistry, 132: 293-306.
杨浩, 胡中民, 郭群, 李胜功, 李凌浩, 白文明. 2017. 增雨和氮添加对内蒙古草原土壤氮矿化潜力的影响. 自然资源学报, 32: 2034-2042.
Tian QY#, Liu NN#, Bai WM#, Li LH, Chen JQ, Reich PB, Yu Q, Guo DL, Smith MD, Knapp AK, Cheng WX, Lu P, Gao Y, Yang A, Wang TZ, Li X, Wang ZW, Ma YB, Han XG, Zhang WH*. 2016. A novel soil manganese mechanism drives plant species loss with increased nitrogen deposition in a temperate steppe. Ecology. 97: 65-74.
Guo Q, Hu ZM*, Li SG, Yu GR, Sun XM, Li LH, Liang NS, Bai WM. 2016. Exogenous N addition enhances the responses of gross primary productivity to individual precipitation events in a temperate grassland. Scientific Reports, 6: 26901.
Guo Q, Li SG, Hu ZM*, Zhao W, Yu GR, Sun XM, Li LH, Liang NS, Bai WM. 2016. Responses of gross primary productivity to different sizes of precipitation events in a temperate grassland ecosystem in Inner Mongolia, China. Journal of Arid Land, 8: 3646.
白文明, 周青平, 张文浩. 2016. 青藏高原和内蒙古高原草地全球变化生态学控制实验研究比较. 西南民族大学学报( 自然科学版), 42: 355-363.
游成铭, 胡中民, 郭群, 干友民, 李凌浩, 白文明, 李胜功. 2016. 氮添加对内蒙古温带典型草原生态系统碳交换的影响. 生态学报, 36: 2142-2150.
郭蕊, 红梅, 韩国栋, 白文明, 赵巴音那木拉, 陈强. 2016. 水、氮控制对荒漠草原植物群落特征的影响. 内蒙古大学学报(自然科学版), 47: 426-433.
Bai WM, Guo DL, Tian QY, Liu NN, Cheng WX, Li LH, Zhang WH*. 2015. Differential responses of grasses and forbs led to marked reduction in below-ground productivity in temperate steppe following chronic N deposition. Journal of Ecology, 103: 1570-1579.
Yang A, Liu NN, Tian QY, Bai WM*, Williams M, Wang QB, Li LH, Zhang WH*. 2015. Rhizosphere bacterial communities of dominant steppe plants shift in response to a gradient of simulated nitrogen deposition.Frontiers in Microbiology. 6: 789.
Bai WM, Fang Y, Zhou M, Xie T, Li LH, Zhang WH*. 2015. Heavily intensified grazing reduces root production in Inner Mongolia temperate steppe. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 200: 143-150.
Tian QY, Liu NN, Bai WM, Li LH, Zhang WH*. 2015. Disruption of metal ion homeostasis in soils is associated with nitrogen deposition-induced species loss in an Inner Mongolia steppe. Biogeosciences, 12: 3499-3512.
谢婷, 周萌, 李鑫, 林国辉, 赵明旭, 金白乙拉, 阿里穆斯, 张文浩, 白文明. 2015.多伦赤芍野生植株和芽头无性栽培植株生物学性状和芍药苷含量对比研究. 中国中药杂志, 40: 4830-4833.
何利元, 胡中民, 郭群, 李胜功, 白文明, 李凌浩. 2015. 氮磷添加对内蒙古温带草地地上生物量的影响. 应用生态学报, 26 : 2291-2297.
李寅龙, 红梅, 白文明, 韩国栋, 王海明, 周萌. 2015. 水、氮控制对短花针茅草原土壤呼吸的影响. 生态学报, 35: 1727-1733.
李寅龙, 红梅, 白文明, 韩国栋, 王海明. 2014. 水、氮控制对短花针茅草原气体交换的影响. 生态环境学报, 23: 217-222.
李元恒, 韩国栋, 王正文, 白文明, 赵萌莉. 2014. 内蒙古克氏针茅草原土壤种子库对刈割和放牧干扰的响应. 生态学杂志, 33: 1-9.
康俊霞, 王瑞珍, 寻芬, 张光明, 谭增涛, 白文明. 2014. 长期氮素添加对内蒙古典型草原有机碳库的影响. 中国草地学报, 36: 79-83.
王丹, 王俊杰, 李凌浩, 白文明, 张文浩. 2014. 旱作条件下苜蓿与冰草不同混播方式的产草量及种间竞争关系. 中国草地学报, 36: 27-31.
Tian QY, Zhang XX, Gao Y, Bai WM, Ge F, Ma YB, Zhang WH*. 2013. Wheat genotypes differing in aluminum tolerance differ in their growth response to CO2 enrichment in acid soils. Ecology and Evolution, 3: 1440-1448.
Bai WM, Xia JY, Wan SQ, Zhang WH, Li LH*. 2012. Day and night warming have different effect on root lifespan. Biogeosciences, 9: 375-384.
Fang Y, Xun F, Bai WM*, Zhang WH, Li LH. 2012. Long-term nitrogen addition leads to loss of species richness due to litter accumulation and soil acidification in a temperate steppe. PLoS ONE, 7: e47369.
Zhang XL, Wang QB, Gilliam FS, Bai WM, Han XG, Li LH*. 2012. Effect of nitrogen fertilization on net nitrogen mineralization in a grassland soil, northern China. Grass and Forage Science, 67: 219-230.
Zhang XL, Bai WM, Gilliam FS, Wang QB, Han XG and Li LH. 2011. Effects of in situ freezing on soil net nitrogen mineralization and net nitrification in fertilized grassland of northern China. Grass and Forage Science, 66: 391-401.
姜凤河, 王佐英, 王林堂, 马惠明, 石靖伟, 白文明. 2011. 内蒙古多伦农牧交错带农业综合开发草地建设效益分析. 安徽农业科学, 39: 3732-3736.
Bai WM, Wan SQ, Niu SL, Liu WX, Chen QS, Zhang WH, Han XG, Li LH*. 2010. Increased temperature and precipitation interact to affect root production, mortality, and turnover in a temperate steppe: Implications for ecosystem C cycling. Global Change Biology, 16: 1306-1316.
Bai WM, Xun F, Li Y, Zhang WH, Li LH*. 2010. Rhizome severing increases root lifespan of Leymus chinensis in a typical steppe of Inner Mongolia. PLoS ONE, 5(8): e12125.
Bai WM, Sun XQ, Wang ZW, Li LH*. 2009. Nitrogen addition and rhizome severing modify clonal growth and reproductive modes of Leymus chinensis population. Plant Ecology, 205: 13-21.
Bai WM, Wang ZW, Chen QS, Zhang WH, Li LH*. 2008. Spatial and temporal effects of nitrogen addition on root lifespan of Leymus chinensis in a typical steppe of Inner Mongolia. Functional Ecology, 22: 583–591.
Han JG, Zhang YJ*, Wang CJ, Bai WM, Wang YR, Han GD, Li LH. 2008. Rangeland degradation and restoration management in China. The Rangeland Journal, 30: 233-239.
Yuan ZY, Li LH*, Han XG, Chen SP, Wang ZW, Chen QS, Bai WM. 2006. Nitrogen Response efficiency increased monotonically with decreasing soil resource availability: a case study from a semi-arid grassland in northern China. Oecologia, 148: 564-572.
Bai WM, Bao XM, Li LH*. 2004. Effects of Agriophyllum squarrosum seed banks on its colonization in a moving sand dune in Hunshandake sand land of China. Journal of Arid Environments, 59: 151-157.
Bai WM, Li LH*. 2003. Effect of irrigation methods and quota on root water uptake and biomass of alfalfa in Wulanbuhe sandy region in China, Agricultural Water Management, 62: 139-148.
白文明, 程维信, 李凌浩. 2005. 微根窗技术在植物根系研究中的应用. 生态学报, 25(11): 3076-3081.
李凌浩, 李鑫, 白文明, 王其兵, 闫志丹, 袁志友, 董云社. 锡林河流域一个放牧羊草群落中碳素平衡的初步估计. 植物生态学报, 28: 312-317.
白文明, 李凌浩, 宋世环. 2003. 内蒙古多伦农牧交错区固定沙丘植被群落特征分析. 草地学报, 11: 223-227.
白文明. 2002. 灌溉对干旱沙区紫花苜蓿生物学特性的影响. 生态学报, 22: 1247-1253.
白文明. 2002. 干旱沙区紫花苜蓿生长发育模拟模型. 应用生态学报, 13: 1605-1609.
李凌浩, 韩兴国, 王其兵, 白文明, 白永飞, 闫志丹, 陈全胜, 张焱, 杨晶, 李鑫, 宋世环. 2002. 锡林河流域一个原生草原群落的碳素平衡研究. 植物学报, 44: 740-742.
李凌浩, 韩兴国, 王其兵, 陈全胜, 张焱, 杨晶, 闫志丹, 李鑫, 白文明, 宋世环. 2002. 锡林河流域一个羊草群落中土壤呼吸与生物量之间的相关性分析. 植物学报, 44: 593-597.
李凌浩, 韩兴国, 王其兵, 陈全胜, 张焱, 杨晶, 白文明, 宋世环, 邢雪荣, 张淑敏. 2002. 锡林河流域一个放牧草原群落中根系呼吸占土壤总呼吸比例的初步估计. 植物生态学报, 26: 29-32.
白文明, 左强, 黄元仿, 李保国. 2001. 乌兰布和沙区紫花苜蓿根系生长及吸水规律的研究. 植物生态学报, 25: 35-41.
白文明, 左强, 李保国. 2001. 乌兰布和沙区紫花苜蓿根系吸水模型. 植物生态学报, 25: 431- 437.
白文明, 李凌浩, 宋世环. 2001. 植物与水分关系研究进展. 植物科学进展, 第四卷, 295-302.
白文明, 李凌浩, 宋世环. 2001. 内蒙古多伦农牧交错区水资源利用现状分析. 干旱区资源与环境, 15: 63-67.
李德新, 白文明, 许志信. 1997. 短花针茅种群密度动态与生长分析的研究. 中国草地, 6: 25-28.
陆地生态学研究方法, 陈吉泉, 阳树英主编 (白文明参编), 2013, 高等教育出版社.
内蒙古草地生态系统维持机理, 韩兴国, 李凌浩主编 (白文明参编), 2012,中国农业大学出版社.
草原旅游理论与管理实务, 杨富裕, 陈佐忠, 张蕴薇主编 (白文明参编), 2007, 中国旅游出版社.
张文浩, 侯龙鱼, 白文明, 潘庆民, 宋世环, 张强强, 任立飞, 陶金. 2021. 肥料促进剂、肥料组合物和燕麦施肥方法. 专利号: ZL 2019 1 0636050.1.
张文浩, 侯龙鱼, 白文明, 潘庆民, 宋世环. 2020. 一种高纬度寒区苜蓿草光肥调控种植方法. 专利号: ZL 2018 1 0140526.8.
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内蒙古自治区地方标准DB15/T 1951-2020:TRCD草地改良剂恢复天然草地技术规程.
内蒙古自治区地方标准DB15/T 1952-2020: 高纬度寒冷地区饲用油菜栽培技术规程.
内蒙古自治区地方标准DB15/T 1953-2020:苜蓿人工草地硒肥施用技术规程.