中国科学院| 植物所| 中文版| English| 全文检索

研 究 组 : 草地生物地球化学研究组
民       族: 汉
研究领域: 陆地生态系统甲烷过程及通量
籍       贯: 安徽省
导师资格: 博士生导师
出生年月: 1965.09
职       称: 研究员
毕业院校: 北京师范大学
入职时间: 1991.7
毕业时间: 2002.06
办公电话: 010-62836635
  • 学习工作经历
  • 科研项目
  • 论文专著
  • 所获奖励
  • 学习经历
    1984.09–1988.06 皖南农学院,学士
    1988.09–1991.06 中国科学院石家庄农业现代化所,硕士
    1999.09–2002.06 北京师范大学,博士

    1991.07–1999.08 中国科学院石家庄农业现代化所,助研、副研
    2002.07–2004.06 中国科学院植物所,博士后
    2004.07–2009.09 中国科学院植物所,副研究员
    2006.09–2007.12 美国克莱姆松大学,访问学者
    2012.04–2014.03 加拿大爱尔伯特大学,访问学者
    2009.10–至今 中国科学院植物所,研究员


  • 国家自然科学基金面上项目“亚热带森林树干的甲烷生成和排放”(32271669)(2023-2026,主持人)





  • 代表性论文:

    Wang ZP*, Li HL, Wu HH, Han SJ, Huang JH, Zhang XM*, Han XG. 2021. Methane concentration in the heartwood of living trees and estimated methane emission on stems in upland forests. Ecosystems 24, 1485–1499.   

    Wang ZP, Han SJ*, Li HL, Deng FD, Zheng YH, Liu HF, Han XG*. 2017. Methane production explained largely by water content in the heartwood of living trees in upland forests. Journal Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 122, 2479–2489.

    Wang ZP*, Gu Q, Deng FD, Huang JH, Megonigal JP, Yu Q, Lü XT, Li LH, Chang S, Zhang YH, Feng JC, Han XG*. 2016. Methane emissions from the trunks of living trees on upland soils. New Phytologist 211, 429–439.

    Wang ZP, Chang SX*, Chen H, Han XG*. 2013. Widespread non-microbial methane production by organic compounds and the impact of environmental stresses. Earth-Science Reviews 127, 193–202.  

    Wang ZP*, Han XG, Chang SX, Wang B, Yu Q, Hou LY, Li LH. 2013. Soil organic and inorganic carbon contents under various land uses across a transect of continental steppes in Inner Mongolia. Catena 109, 110117.    

    Wang ZP*, Xie ZQ, Zhang BC, Hou LY, Zhou YH, Li LH, Han XG. 2011. Aerobic and anaerobic nonmicrobial methane emissions from plant material. Environmental Science & Technology 45, 9531–9537.

    Wang ZP*, Gulledge J, Zheng JQ, Liu W, Li LH, Han XG. 2009. Physical injury stimulates aerobic methane emissions from terrestrial plants. Biogeosciences 6, 615–621.

    Wang ZP*, Han XG, Wang GG, Song Y, Gulledge J. 2008. Aerobic Methane Emission from Plants in the Inner Mongolia Steppe. Environmental Science & Technology 42, 62–68.

    Wang ZP*, Han XG, Li LH, Chen QS, Duan Y, Cheng WX. 2005. Methane emission from small wetlands and implications for semiarid region budgets. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmosphere 110, D13304.

    Wang ZP*, Ineson P. 2003. Methane oxidation in a temperate coniferous forest soil: effects of inorganic N. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 35, 427–433.

1984.09–1988.06 皖南农学院,学士
1988.09–1991.06 中国科学院石家庄农业现代化所,硕士
1999.09–2002.06 北京师范大学,博士
1991.07–1999.08 中国科学院石家庄农业现代化所,助研、副研
2002.07–2004.06 中国科学院植物所,博士后
2004.07–2009.09 中国科学院植物所,副研究员
2006.09–2007.12 美国克莱姆松大学,访问学者
2012.04–2014.03 加拿大爱尔伯特大学,访问学者
2009.10–至今 中国科学院植物所,研究员








Wang ZP*, Li HL, Wu HH, Han SJ, Huang JH, Zhang XM*, Han XG. 2021. Methane concentration in the heartwood of living trees and estimated methane emission on stems in upland forests. Ecosystems 24, 1485–1499.   

Wang ZP, Han SJ*, Li HL, Deng FD, Zheng YH, Liu HF, Han XG*. 2017. Methane production explained largely by water content in the heartwood of living trees in upland forests. Journal Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 122, 2479–2489.

Wang ZP*, Gu Q, Deng FD, Huang JH, Megonigal JP, Yu Q, Lü XT, Li LH, Chang S, Zhang YH, Feng JC, Han XG*. 2016. Methane emissions from the trunks of living trees on upland soils. New Phytologist 211, 429–439.

Wang ZP, Chang SX*, Chen H, Han XG*. 2013. Widespread non-microbial methane production by organic compounds and the impact of environmental stresses. Earth-Science Reviews 127, 193–202.  

Wang ZP*, Han XG, Chang SX, Wang B, Yu Q, Hou LY, Li LH. 2013. Soil organic and inorganic carbon contents under various land uses across a transect of continental steppes in Inner Mongolia. Catena 109, 110117.    

Wang ZP*, Xie ZQ, Zhang BC, Hou LY, Zhou YH, Li LH, Han XG. 2011. Aerobic and anaerobic nonmicrobial methane emissions from plant material. Environmental Science & Technology 45, 9531–9537.

Wang ZP*, Gulledge J, Zheng JQ, Liu W, Li LH, Han XG. 2009. Physical injury stimulates aerobic methane emissions from terrestrial plants. Biogeosciences 6, 615–621.

Wang ZP*, Han XG, Wang GG, Song Y, Gulledge J. 2008. Aerobic Methane Emission from Plants in the Inner Mongolia Steppe. Environmental Science & Technology 42, 62–68.

Wang ZP*, Han XG, Li LH, Chen QS, Duan Y, Cheng WX. 2005. Methane emission from small wetlands and implications for semiarid region budgets. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmosphere 110, D13304.

Wang ZP*, Ineson P. 2003. Methane oxidation in a temperate coniferous forest soil: effects of inorganic N. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 35, 427–433.
