- 张文浩,研究生教育学历,博士学位
- 研 究 组 : 草地养分利用与调控研究组
- 民 族: 汉
- 研究领域:
- 籍 贯: 内蒙古自治区锡林浩特市
- 导师资格: 博士生导师
- 出生年月: 1964.02
- 职 称: 研究员
- 毕业院校: 澳大利亚费林德斯大学
- 入职时间: 2004.7
- 毕业时间: 1993.06
- 办公电话: (86)-010-62836697
- 电子邮件: whzhang@ibcas.ac.cn
- 学习工作经历
- 科研项目
- 论文专著
- 所获奖励
1982.09-1986.07 内蒙古农业大学,学士
1988.10-1993.08 澳大利亚弗林德斯大学,博士
1993.09-1998.06 澳大利亚The University of Newcastle、The University of Western Australia,博士后
2004.10-至今 中国科学院植物研究所,研究员
担任Journal of Plant Ecology 主编 ( 2019-2023)、Plant ad Soil 领域编辑 (Section editor, 2020-)、BMC Plant Biology编辑 (Associate editor, 2012-2020)、AoB Plants 编辑 (Associate editor, 2013—2020)、Plant Molecular Biology Reporter 编辑 (Associate editor, 2014-2020)、Journal of Experimental Botany (Advisory board member, 2008-2015)、Environmental and Experimental Botany (Advisory board member, 2005-2018)、New Phytologist (Advisory board member, 2007-2011)
2016.01-2024.02 任植被与环境变化国家重点实验室主任
2017-2020 任中国科学院内蒙古草业研究中心主任
[1] “大气氮沉降对典型草原生物多样性影响的多尺度研究”,国家自然科学基金重点项目
[3] “大气CO2浓度升高对典型草原优势种养分利用的研究”,国家自然科学基金面上项目
[4] “葡萄与优质牧草品种选育及示范推广", 中国科学院STS项目
[5] “东北草地植物资源专项调查”,科技部基础性工作专项
1. Yang LY, Shi HQ, Zhang LL, Li YT, Tian QY, Yu Q, Zhang WH*. 2024. Seeds exhibit the most stable elemental composition with nitrogen addition in an Inner Mongolian grassland. Science of the Total Environment, 919: 10920.
2. Nie B#, Chen XQ#, Hou ZW#, Guo MX#, Li C, Sun WK, Ji JJ, Zhang LL, Yang S, Fan PX, Zhang WH, Li H, Tan YZ, Li W, Wang L*. 2024. Haplotype-phased genome unveils the butylphthalide biosynthesis and homoploid hybrid origin of Ligusticum chuanxiong. Science Advances, 10(6): eadj6547
3. Zheng Z*, Wang C, Wang YD, Zhang YR, Valverde-Barrantes OJ, Zhang WH, Kong DL*. 2024. Decoupling of uptake- and transport-related traits in absorptive roots across 68 herbaceous species on the Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Ecology, DOI: 10.1111/1365-2745.14268
4. Guo CY, Yang A*, Zhang WH. 2024. Host identity determines the bacterial and fungal community and network structures in the phyllosphere of plant species in a temperate steppe. Phytobiomes Journal, DOI:10.1094/PBIOMES-05-23-0038-R
5. Wang TZ, Zhang WH*. 2023. Priorities for the development of alfalfa pasture in northern China. Fundamental Research, 3: 225–228.
6. Wang TZ, Liu M, Zhang D, Wang J, Chen L, Zhang XX, Schmidt W, Zhang WH*. 2023. Protein kinase MtCIPK12 modulates Fe reduction in Medicago truncatula by regulating riboflavin biosynthesis. Plant Cell & Environment, 46: 991–1003.
7. Zhao MG, Tian R, Sun XH, Zhang WH*. 2023. lncRNA MtCIR2 positively regulates plant freezing tolerance by modulating CBF/DREB1 gene clusters. Plant Cell & Environment, 46: 2450–2469.
8. Zhang LL, Bai WM, Zhang YH, Lambers H, Zhang WH*. 2023. Ecosystem stability is determined by plant defense functional traits and population stability under mowing in a steppe. Functional Ecology, 37: 2413–2424.
9. Zhang LL, Li YT, Bai WM, Lambers H, Zhang WH*. 2023. Morphological and physiological traits are involved in responses of plants to mowing in a temperate steppe. Ecological Applications, 33: 2863
10. Tian R, Sun XH, Liu CM, Chu JF, Zhao MG*, Zhang WH*. 2023. A Medicago truncatula lncRNA MtCIR1 negatively regulates response to salt stress. Planta, 257: 32
11. Zhang WH*, Li L, Dijkstra, F, Zhu B, Bai WM, Tian QY. 2023. Plant-soil interactions in grasslands on the Mongolian Plateau under global change. Plant and Soil, 491: 1–7.
12. Wang TZ*, Wang J, Chen L, Yao JY, Yuan Z, Zhang D, Zhang WH. 2023. Reorganization of 3D chromatin architecture in Medicago truncatula under phosphorus deficiency. Journal of Experimental Botany, 74: 2005–2015.
13. Bai R, Hu HW, Zhou M, Sheng J, Xiong C, Guo YM, Yuan YJ, Hou LY, Zhang WH, Bai WM*. 2023. Effects of long-term mowing on leaf- and root-associated bacterial community structures are linked to functional traits in 11 plant species from a temperate steppe. Functional Ecology, 37:1787–1801.
14. Zhai XF#, Lu P#, Zhang RF, Zhang WH, Chen J, Tian QY*. 2023. Mowing accelerates phosphorus cycle rather than depletes soil phosphorus pool. Ecological Applications, 33: 2861.
15. Chen Z, Li HB, Zhang WH, Wang BL*. 2023. The roles of stomatal morphologies in transpiration and nutrient transportation between grasses and forbs in a temperate steppe. Annals of Botany, 132: 229–239.
16. Li QM, Bai WM, Guo YM, Sheng J, Yuan LJ, Zhang WH, Zhou M*. 2023. The response of two nutrient acquisition strategies: root traits and leaf nutrient resorption and their relationships to long-term mowing in a temperate steppe. Plant and Soil, 491:191–203.
17. Guo YM, Zhou M, Sheng J, Yuan YJ, Yuan GY, Zhang WH, Bai WM*. 2023. Aboveground net primary productivity was not limited by phosphorus in a temperate steppe in Inner Mongolia. Journal of Plant Ecology, 16: rtac085.
18. Tian QY, Lu P, Zhai XF, Nie B, Zhang RF, Zheng Y, Bai WM, Wang H, Niu SL, Shi PL, Yang YH, Li KH, Yang DL, Stevens, C*, Lambers H, Zhang WH*. 2022. An integrated belowground trait-based understanding of nitrogen driven plant diversity loss. Global Change Biology, 28: 3651–3664.
19. Wang BL, Wei HF, Chen Z, Li YT, Zhang WH*. 2022. Carbonate-induced chemical reductants are responsible for iron acquisition in wild herbaceous plants native to calcareous grasslands. Plant and Cell Physiology, 63:770–784.
20. Nie B, Jiao BH, Ren LF, Polina D. Gudkova PD, Chen WL, Zhang WH*. 2022. Integrative taxonomy recognized a new species within Stipa grandis from Loess Plateau of China. Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 60: 901–913.
21. Zhang LL, Yang LY, Zhou HR, Ren LF, Li WC, Bai WM, Zhang WH*. 2022. Carbon allocation patterns in forbs and grasses differ in responses to mowing and nitrogen fertilization in a temperate grassland. Ecological Indicators, 135: 108588
22. Hou LY, Bai W, Zhang QQ, Liu YH, Sun HL, Luo YL, Song SH, Zhang WH*. 2022. A new model of two-sown regime for oat forage production in an alpine region of northern China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 29: 70520–70531.
23. Wang TZ*, Zhang D, Wang J, Chen L, Zhang WH. 2022. Genome-wide analysis of the Glutathione S-Transferase family in wild Medicago ruthenica and drought-tolerant breeding application of MruGSTU39 gene in cultivated alfalfa. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 135: 853–864
24. Zhou M, Guo YM, Sheng J, Yuan YJ, Zhang WH, Bai WM*. 2022. Using anatomical traits to understand root functions across root orders of herbaceous species in a temperate steppe. New Phytologist, 234: 422–434.
25. Li JL, Yuan JR, Li YH, Sun HL, Ma TT, Huai JL, Yang WQ, Zhang WH, Lin RC*. 2022. The CDC48 complex mediates ubiquitin-dependent degradation of intra-chloroplast proteins in plants. Cell Reports, 39: 110664
26. Sheng J, Zhou M, Guo YM, Yuan JY, Li X, Zhang WH, Bai WM*. 2022. Aboveground productivity and community stability tend to keep stable under long-term fencing and nitrogen fertilization on restoration of degraded grassland. Ecological Indicator, 140: 108971
27. Bai R, Hou LY, Zhang WH, Ge AH, Luo YL, Bai WM*. 2022. The prokaryotic and fungal communities of oat rhizosphere responded contrastingly to different irrigation regimes at pre- and post-anthesis stages. Applied Soil Ecology, 176: 104490.
28. Yang A*, Han WH, Li YT, Zhang XQ, Zhang LL, Zhou M., Ren LF, Tian QY, Zhang WH. 2022. Linkage of vegetation and abiotic attributes to grazing effects on biogeographical patterns of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities in temperate grasslands. Plant and Soil, 478: 479–490.
29. Tian QY#, Lu P#, Ma PF, Zhou HR, Zhai XF, Chen MM, Wang H, Li WC, Bai WM, Lambers H, Zhang WH*. 2021. Processes at the soil-root interface determine the different responses of nutrient limitation and metal toxicity in forbs and grasses to nitrogen enrichment. Journal of Ecology, 109: 927–938.
30. Lu P#, Hao TX#, Li X, Wang H, Zhai XF, Tian QY*, Bai WM, Stevens C, Zhang WH*. 2021. Low-level nitrogen deposition leads to nitrogen accumulation and plant-diversity decline in a relatively closed grassland ecosystem. Journal of Applied Ecology, 58: 1888–1898.
31. Wang TZ, Ren LF, Li CH, Zhang D, Zhang XX, Zhou G, Gao D, Chen RJ, Chen YH, Chen YH, Wang ZL, Shi FL, Farmer AD, Li YS, Zhou MY*, Young ND, Zhang WH*. 2021. The genome of a wild Medicago species provides insights into the tolerant mechanisms of legume forage to environmental stress. BMC Biology, 19: 96
32. Zhou M, Bai WM*, Li QM, Guo YM, Zhang WH*. 2021. Root anatomical traits determined leaf-level physiology and responses to precipitation change of herbaceous species in a temperate steppe. New Phytologist, 229: 1481–1491.
33. Hou LY, Bai WM*, Zhang QQ, Luo YL, Yan WB, Tang GB, Zhang JM, Song SH, Zhang WH*. 2021. Agronomic and economical characterizations of a two-harvest regime for oat forage in cold regions of Northern China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 28: 68804–68816.
34. Zhang WH*, Zhang YH, Han XG. 2021. Major advances in plant ecology research in China (2020). Journal of Plant Ecology, 14: 995–1001.
35. Xu SJ, Dong Q, Deng M, Lin DX,Xiao J, Cheng PL, Xing LJ, Niu YD, Gao CX, Zhang WH, Xu YY, Chong K*. 2021. A vernalization-induced long non-coding RNA VAS together with transcription factor TaRF2b activates TaVRN1 for flowering in hexaploid wheat. Molecular Plant, 14: 1525–1538.
36. Tian QY, Yang LY, Ma PF, Liu NN, Bai WM, Wang H, Ren LF, Lu P, Han WH, Schultz PA, Bever JD, Zhang FS, Lambers H, Zhang WH*. 2020. Belowground-mediated and phase-dependent processes drive nitrogen-evoked community dynamic changes in grasslands. Journal of Ecology, 108: 1874–1887.
37. Wang BL, Wei HF, Zhang H, Zhang WH*. 2020. Enhanced accumulation of gibberellins rendered rice seedlings sensitive to ammonium toxicity. Journal of Experimental Botany, 71: 1514–1526.
38. Yang A, Li Q, Chen L, Zhang WH*. 2020. A rice small GTPase, OsRab6a, is involved in the regulation of grain yield and iron nutrition in response to CO2 enrichment. Journal of Experimental Botany, 71: 5680–5688.
39. Zhao MG, Wang TZ, Sun TY, Yu XX, Tian R, Zhang WH*. 2020. Identification of tissue-specific and cold-responsive lncRNAs in Medicago truncatula by high-throughput RNA sequencing. BMC Plant Biology, 22: 99.
40. Zhang WH*, Schmid B, Liu LJ, Wang P. 2020. New development phase of JPE. Journal of Plant Ecology, 13: 1–2.
41. Liu WX, T R, Peng ZY, Yang S, Liu XL, Yang YS, Zhang WH, Liu LL*. 2020. Nonlinear responses of the Vmax and Km of hydrolytic and polyphenol oxidative enzymes to nitrogen enrichment. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 141: 107656.
42. Zhang XX, Wang TZ, Liu M, Sun W, Zhang WH*. 2019. Calmodulin-like gene MtCML40 is involved in salt tolerance by regulating MtHKTs transporters in Medicago truncatula. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 157: 79–90.
43. Zhou M, Wang J, Bai WM*, Zhang YS, Zhang WH*. 2019. The response of root traits to precipitation change of herbaceous species in temperate steppes. Functional Ecology, 33: 2030–2041.
44. Zheng Z, Bai WM, Zhang WH*. 2019. Clonality-dependent dynamic change of plant community in temperate grasslands under nitrogen enrichment. Oecologia, 189: 255–266.
45. Zheng Z, Bai WM, Zhang WH*. 2019. Root trait-mediated belowground competition and community composition of temperate grasslands under nitrogen enrichment. Plant and Soil, 437: 341–354.
46. Li Q, Yang A*, Zhang WH*. 2019. Higher endogenous bioactive gibberellins and α-amylase activity confer greater tolerance of rice seed germination to saline-alkaline stress. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 16: 357–363.
47. Cui N, Lu H, Wang TZ, Zhang WH, Kang L, Cui F. 2019. Armet, an aphid effector protein, induces pathogen resistance in plants by promoting the accumulation of salicylic acid. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences, 374: 20180314.
48. Hou LY, Wang MY, Wang H, Zhang WH, Mao PS*. 2019. Physiological and proteomic analyses for seed dormancy and release in the perennial grass of Leymus chinensis. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 162: 95–102.
49. Yang J, Hou LY, Bai WM*, Yan JY, Hao JX, Tao J, Luo YL, Zhang JM, Zhang WH. 2019. A dual-purpose model for spring-sown oats in cold regions of northern China. Agronomy-Basel, 9: 721.
50. Zhou M, Bai WM*, Zhang YS, Zhang WH*. 2018. A Multi-dimensional variation pattern of root traits among coexisting herbaceous species in temperate steppes. Journal of Ecology, 106: 2320–2331.
51. Zheng Z, Li J, Ma PF, Ren LF, Bai WM, Tian QY, Zhang WH*. 2018. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal communities associated with two dominant species differed in their responses to long-term nitrogen addition in temperate grasslands. Functional Ecology, 32: 1575–1688.
52. Cheng Y, Zhang XX, Sun TY, Tian QY*, Zhang WH*. 2018. Glutamate receptor homolog3.4 is involved in regulation of seed germination under salt stress in Arabidopsis. Plant and Cell Physiology, 59: 978–988.
53. Mao XT, Li QF, Ren LF, Bai WM, Zhang WH*. 2018. Application of molybdenum fertilizer enhanced quality and production of alfalfa in northern China under non-irrigated conditions. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 41: 1009– 1019.
54. Bai WM, Zhou M, Fang Y, Zhang WH*. 2017. Differences in spatial and temporal root lifespan of three Stipa grasslands in northern China. Biogeochemistry, 132: 293–306.
55. Wang BL, Wei HF, Xue Z, Zhang WH*. 2017. Gibberellins regulate iron deficiency- response by influencing iron transport and translocation in rice seedlings (Oryza sativa). Annals of Botany, 119: 945–956.
56. Li Q, Yang A, Zhang WH*. 2017. Comparative studies on tolerance of rice genotypes differing in their tolerance to moderate salt stress. BMC Plant Biology, 17: 141.
57. Wang TZ, Zhao MG, Zhang XX, Liu M, Yang C, Chen, RJ, Wen JQ, Mysore KS, Zhang WH*. 2017. Novel phosphate deficiency-responsive long non-coding RNAs in a legume model plant Medicago truncatula. Journal of Experimental Botany, 68: 5937–5948.
58. Tian QY#, Liu NN#, Bai WM#, Li LH, Chen JQ, Reich PB, Yu Q, Guo DL, Smith MD, Knapp AK, Cheng WX, Lu P, Gao Y, Yang A, Wang TZ, Li X, Wang ZW, Ma YB, Han XG, Zhang WH*. 2016. A novel soil manganese mechanism drives plant species loss with increased nitrogen deposition in a temperate steppe. Ecology, 97: 65–74.
59. Dai XY, Wang YY, Zhang WH*. 2016. OsWRKY74, a WRKY transcription factor modulates tolerance to phosphate-starvation in rice. Journal of Experimental Botany, 67: 947–960.
60. Li Q, Yang A, Zhang WH*. 2016. Efficient acquisition of iron underlies greater tolerance to saline-alkaline stress in rice (Oryza sativa). Journal of Experimental Botany, 67: 6431–6444.
61. Yang A, Zhang WH*. 2016. A Small GTPase, OsRab6a, is involved in the regulation of iron homeostasis in rice. Plant and Cell Physiology, 57: 1271–1280.
62. Cheng Y, Tian QY, Zhang WH*. 2016. Glutamate receptors are involved in mitigating effects of amino acids on seed germination of Arabidopsis thaliana under salt stress. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 130: 68–78.
63. Tian QY, Zhang XX, Yang A, Wang TZ, Zhang WH*. 2016. CIPK23 is involved in iron acquisition of Arabidopsis by affecting ferric chelate reductase activity. Plant Science, 246: 70–79.
64. Liu NN, Tian QY, Zhang WH*. 2016. Artemisia frigida and Stipa krylovii, two dominant species in an Inner Mongolia steppe, differed in their responses to elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration. Plant and Soil, 409: 117–129.
65. Gao Y, Li X, Tian QY, Wang BL, Zhang WH*. 2016. Sulfur deficiency had different effects on Medicago truncatula ecotypes A17 and R108 in terms of growth, root morphology and nutrient contents. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 39: 301–314.
66. Zhang WH*, Luo ZB, Fan LM, Qu LJ. 2016. A glimpse of environmental plant science in China. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 129: 1–3.
67. Qi SL, Lin QF, Zhu HS, Gao FH, Zhang WH, Hua XJ*. 2016. The RING Finger E3 ligase SpRing is a positive regulator of salt stress signaling in salt-tolerant wild tomato species. Plant and Cell Physiology, 57: 528–539.
68. Wang BL, Li G, Zhang WH*. 2015. Brassinosteroids are involved in Fe homeostasis in rice. Journal of Experimental Botany, 66: 2449–2461.
69. Bai WM*, Guo DL, Tian QY, Liu NN, Cheng WX, Li LH, Zhang WH*. 2015. Differential responses of grasses and forbs led to marked reduction in belowground productivity in temperate steppe following chronic N deposition. Journal of Ecology, 103: 1570–1579.
70. Bai WM, Fang Y, Zhou M, Xie T, Li LH, Zhang WH*. 2015. Heavily intensified grazing reduces root production in Inner Mongolia temperate steppe. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 200: 143–150.
71. Wang TZ, Zhao MG, Chen RJ, Zhang WH*. 2015. Identification and characterization of long non-coding RNAs involved in osmotic and salt stress in Medicago truncatula using genome-wide high-throughput sequencing. BMC Plant Biology, 15:131.
72. Liu M, Wang TZ, Zhang WH*. 2015. Sodium extrusion associated with enhanced expression of SOS1 underlies different salt tolerance between Medicago falcata and Medicago truncatula seedlings. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 110: 46–55.
73. Tian QY#, Liu NN#, Bai WM, Li LH, Zhang WH*. 2015. Disruption of metal ion homeostasis in soils is associated with nitrogen deposition-induced species loss in an Inner Mongolia steppe. Biogeosciences, 12: 3499–3512.
74. Sun YC, Guo HJ, Yuan L, Wei JN, Zhang WH, Ge F*. 2015. Plant stomatal closure improves aphid feeding under elevated CO2. Global Change Biology, 21: 2739–2748.
75. Wang TZ, Tian QY, Wang BL, Zhao MG, Zhang WH*. 2014. Genome variations account for different response to three mineral elements between Medicago truncatula ecotypes Jemalong A17 and R108. BMC Plant Biology, 14: 122.
76. Tian QY, Zhang XX, Ramesh S, Gilliham M, Tyerman SD, Zhang WH*. 2014. Ethylene negatively regulated aluminum-induced malate efflux from wheat roots and tobacco cells transformed with TaALMT1. Journal of Experimental Botany, 65: 2415–2426
77. Zhao MG, Liu WJ, Xia XZ, Wang TZ, Zhang WH*. 2014. Cold acclimation- induced freezing tolerance of Medicago truncatula seedlings is negatively regulated by ethylene. Physiologia Plantarum, 152: 115–129.
78. Gao Y, Tian QY*, Zhang WH*. 2014. Systemic regulation of sulfur homeostasis in Medicago truncatula. Planta, 239: 79–96.
79. Li G#., Wang BL#, Tian QY, Wang TZ, Zhang WH*. 2014. Medicago truncatula ecotypes A17 and R108 differed in their response to iron deficiency. Journal of Plant Physiology, 171: 639–647.
80. Guo HJ, Sun YC, Li YF, Liu XH, Zhang WH, Ge F*. 2014. Elevated CO2 decreases the response of the ethylene signaling pathway in Medicago truncatula and increases the abundance of the pea aphid. New Phytologist, 201: 279–291.
81. Yang A, Li YS, Xu YY, Zhang WH*. 2013. A receptor-like protein OsRMC is involved in regulation of iron acquisition in rice. Journal of Experimental Botany, 64: 5009–5200.
82. Wang TZ, Xia XZ, Zhao MG, Tian QY, Zhang WH*. 2013. Expression of a Medicago falcata small GTPase gene, MfARL1 enhanced tolerance to salt stress in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 63: 277–285.
83. Wang TZ, Zhang JL, Tian QY, Zhao MG, Zhang WH*. 2013. A Medicago truncatula EF-hand family gene, MtCaMP1, is involved in drought and salt stress tolerance. PLoS ONE, 8: e58952.
84. Tian QY, Zhang XX, Gao Y, Bai WM, Ge F, Ma YB, Zhang WH*. 2013. Wheat genotypes differing in aluminum tolerance differ in their growth response to CO2 enrichment in acid soils. Ecology & Evolution, 3:1440–1448.
85. Lu P, Wang L, Niu Z, Li LH, Zhang WH. 2013. Prediction of soil properties using laboratory VIS–NIR spectroscopy and Hyperion imagery. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 132: 26-33.
86. Ren HY, Xu ZW, Zhang WH, Jiang L, Huang JH, Chen SP, Wang LX, Han XG. 2013. Linking ethylene to nitrogen-dependent leaf longevity of grass species in a temperate steppe. Annals of Botany, 112: 1879–1885.
87. Dai XY, Wang YY, Yang A, Zhang WH*. 2012. OsMYB2P-1, a R2R3 MYB transcription factor, regulates phosphate-starvation responses and root architecture in rice. Plant Physiology, 159: 169–183.
88. Yang A, Dai XY, Zhang WH*. 2012. A R2R3-type MYB gene, OsMYB2, is involved in salt, cold and dehydration tolerance in rice. Journal of Experimental Botany, 63: 2541–2556.
89. Song SY, Dai XY, Zhang WH*. 2012. The involvement of F-box gene, OsFXB352, in glucose-dependent seed germination in rice. Journal of Experimental Botany, 63: 5559–5568.
90. Chen L, Wang TZ, Zhao MG, Tian QY, Zhang WH*. 2012. Identification of aluminum-responsive microRNAs in Medicago truncatula by genome-wide high-throughput sequencing. Planta, 235: 375–386.
91. Wang BL, Li YS, Zhang WH*. 2012. Brassinosteroids are involved in the regulation of ferric reductase and Fe uptake in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.). Annals of Botany, 110: 681–688.
92. Song SY#, Chen Y#, Zhao MG, Zhang WH*. 2012. A novel Medicago truncatula HD-Zip gene, MtHB2, is involved in abiotic stress responses. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 80: 1–9.
93. Chen L, Wang TZ, Zhao MG*, Zhang WH. 2012. Ethylene-responsive miRNAs in roots of Medicago truncatula identified by high-throughput sequencing at whole genome level. Plant Science, 184:14–19.
94. Bai WM, Xia JY, Wan SQ, Zhang WH, Li LH*. 2012. Day and night warming have different effect on root lifespan. Biogeosciences, 9: 375–384.
95. Yang XJ, Baskin C, Baskin J, Zhang WH, Huang ZY*. 2012. Degradation of seed mucilage by soil microflora promotes early seedling growth of a desert sand dune plant. Plant Cell and Environment, 35: 872–883.
96. Fang Y, Xun F, Bai WM*, Zhang WH, Li LH. 2012. Long-term nitrogen addition leads to loss of species richness due to litter accumulation and soil acidification in a temperate steppe. PLoS ONE, 7: e4736.
97. Ryan PR*, Tyerman SD, Sasaki T, Yamamoto Y, Zhang WH, Delhaize E. 2011. Aluminum resistance in plants: Opinions and perspectives on recent developments. Journal of Experimental Botany, 62: 9–20.
98. Li YS, Gao Y, Tian QY, Shi FL, Li LH, Zhang WH*. 2011. Stimulation of root acid phosphatase by phosphorus deficiency is regulated by ethylene in Medicago falcata. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 71: 114–120.
99. Song SY, Chen Y, Chen J, Dai XY, Zhang WH*. 2011. Physiological mechanisms underlying OsNAC5-dependent tolerance of rice plants to abiotic stress. Planta, 234:331–345.
100. Zhang LL, Zhao MG, Tian QY, Zhang WH*. 2011. Comparative studies on tolerance of Medicago truncatula and Medicago falcata to freezing. Planta, 234: 445–457.
101. Wang TZ, Chen L, Zhao MG, Tian QY, Zhang WH*. 2011. Identification of drought-responsive microRNAs and their targets in Medicago truncatula by genome-wide high-throughput sequencing. BMC Genomics, 12: 367.
102. Yang XJ, Zhang WH, Dong M, Huang ZY*, Boubriak I. 2011. The achene mucilage hydrated in desert dew assists seed cells in maintaining DNA integrity: Adaptive strategy of desert plants Artemisia sphaerocephala. PLoS ONE, 6: e24346.
103. Wang BL. Zhang JL, Xia XZ, Zhang WH*. 2011. Ameliorative effect of brassinosteroid and ethylene on germination of cucumber seeds in the presence of sodium chloride. Plant Growth Regulation, 65: 407–413.
104. Li Y, Yang HJ, Xia JY, Zhang WH, Li LH*, Wan SQ. 2011. Effects of increased nitrogen deposition and precipitation on seeds and seedlings of Potentilla tanacetifolia in a temperate steppe ecosystem. PLoS ONE, 6: e28601.
105. Sun P#, Tian QY#, Chen J, Zhang WH*. 2010. Aluminum-induced inhibition of root elongation in Arabidopsis is mediated by ethylene and auxin. Journal of Experimental Botany, 61: 347–356.
106. Bai WM, Wan SQ, Niu SL, Liu WX, Chen QS, Wang QB, Zhang WH, Han XG, Li LH*. 2010. Increased temperature and precipitation interact to affect root production, mortality, and turnover in a temperate steppe: Implications for ecosystem C cycling. Global Change Biology, 16: 1306–1316.
107. Wang BL, Shi L, Li YX, Zhang WH*. 2010. Boron toxicity is alleviated by hydrogen sulfide in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) seedlings. Planta, 231: 1301–1309.
108. Miao BH, Han XG, Zhang WH*. 2010. Ameliorative effect of silicon on soybean seedlings grown in potassium deficient medium. Annals of Botany, 105: 967–973.
109. Chang CS, Wang BL, Shi L, Li YX, Duo LA*, Zhang WH*. 2010. Alleviation of salt stress-induced inhibition of seed germination in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) by ethylene and glutamate. Journal of Plant Physiology, 167: 1152–1156.
110. Wang BL, Tang XY, Cheng LY, Zhang AZ, Zhang WH, Zhang FS, Liu JQ, Cao Y, Allan DL, Vance CP, Shen JB*. 2010. Nitric oxide is involved in phosphorus deficiency-induced cluster root development and citrate exudation in white lupin. New Phytologist, 187: 1112–1123.
111. Bai WM Li Y, Zhang WH, Li LH*. 2010. Rhizome severing increases root lifespan of Leymus chinensis in a typical steppe of Inner Mongolia. PLoS ONE, 5: e12125
112. Zhao MG, Liu RJ, Chen L, Tian QY, Zhang WH*. 2009. Glucose-induced inhibition of seed germination in Lotus japonicus is alleviated by nitric oxide and spermine. Journal of Plant Physiology, 166: 213–218.
113. Li YS, Mao XT, Tian QY, Li LH, Zhang WH*. 2009. Phosphorus deficiency-induced reduction in root hydraulic conductivity is mediated by ethylene in Medicago falcata. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 67: 172–177.
114. Zhao MG, Chen L, Zhang LL, Zhang WH*. 2009. Nitric oxide synthase–dependent nitric oxide production is associated with salt tolerance in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiology, 151: 755–767.
115. Tian QY, Sun P, Zhang WH*. 2009. Ethylene is involved in mediating nitrate-dependent root branching in Arabidopsis. New Phytologist, 184: 918–931.
116. Mao SY, Jiang CD*, Zhang WH, Shi L*, Zhang JZ, Chow WS, Yang JC. 2009. Water translocation between ramets of strawberry during soil drying and its effects on photosynthetic performance. Physiologia Plantarum, 137: 225–234.
117. Bai WM, Wang ZW, Chen QS, Zhang WH, Li LH*. 2008. Spatial and temporal effects of nitrogen addition on root lifespan of Leymus chinensis in a typical Inner Mongolia. Functional Ecology, 22: 583–591.
118. Zhang WH, Ryan PR, Sasaki T, Yamamoto Y, Sullivan W, Tyerman SD*. 2008. Characterization of the TaALMT1 protein as an Al3+-activated anion channel in transformed tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) cells. Plant and Cell Physiology, 49: 1316–1330.
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