- 方精云,研究生教育学历,博士学位
- 研 究 组 : 植被结构与功能研究组
- 民 族: 汉
- 研究领域: 全球变化生态学、植被生态学……
- 籍 贯: 安徽
- 导师资格: 博士生导师
- 出生年月: 1959.07
- 职 称: 研究员
- 毕业院校: 日本大阪市立大学
- 入职时间: 1989.6
- 毕业时间: 1986.03
- 办公电话:
- 电子邮件: fangjingyun@ibcas.ac.cn
- 学习工作经历
- 科研项目
- 论文专著
- 所获奖励
1978.09-1982.07 安徽农业大学(原安徽农学院),学士
1983.10-1986.03 日本信州大学农学部,硕士
1986.04-1989.03 日本大阪市立大学理学部,博士
1992.09-1993.03 日本千叶大学理学部生物学专业博士后研究
1989.06-1994.10 中科院生态环境研究中心助研、副研究员
1994.11-1997.05 中国科学院生态环境中心研究员、系统生态开放实验室副主任
1996.02-1996.12 加拿大McGill大学生物系访问学者
1997.06-2002.10 北京大学城市与环境学系教授、博导、地表过程分析与模拟教育部重点实验室副主任
2002-2017 北京大学长江特聘教授,生态学系主任、地表过程分析与模拟教育部重点实验室主任
2002.07-2002.10 日本筑波大学访问学者
2007.10-2008.02 德国柏林自由大学(Freie Universität Berlin)访问学者
2010.08-2016.07 中科院植物研究所所长
2017-2019 北京大学城市与环境学院教授、北京大学理学部副主任、植物所学术所长
2019-至今 北京大学城市与环境学院教授、云南大学校长
现任全球陆地观测系统陆地碳观测工作组成员、“全球山地生物多样性评价”工作组成员、中国国务院学位委员会生态学科评议召集人、国家气候变化专家委员会成员、第四次气候变化国家评估报告专家委员会成员、国家林草局应对气候变化委员会专家咨询委员会主任、中科院生命科学与医学部常委等职务。现任《植物生态学报》主编,曾任或现任Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment、Global Environmental Change、Ecosystems、Ecological Research、BMC Ecology以及《中国科学-生命科学》等多个学术刊物的编委。
[1] “创建生态草牧业科技体系”,中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(XDA26000000),2020-2025,专项共同首席科学家。
[2] “生态系统对全球变化的响应”,国家自然科学基金委基础科学中心项目(31988102),2020-2024,项目负责人。
[3] “陆地生态系统碳源汇监测技术及指标体系”,国家重点研发计划(2017YFC0503900),2017-2021,项目负责人。
[4] “构建联接森林群落结构与物质生产的新方法和新理论”,中国科学院前沿科学重点研究项目(QYZDY-SSW-SMC011),2016-2020,项目负责人。
[5] “生态系统生态学”,中国科学院学部学科发展战略研究项目,2017-2018,项目负责人。
[6] “我国温带草原的灌丛化及其对生态系统结构和功能的影响”,国家自然科学基金委重点项目(31330012),2014-2018,项目负责人。
Ouyang M, Tian D, Niklas KJ, Yan ZB, Han WX, Yu QS, Chen GP, Ji CJ, Tang ZY, Fang JY*. 2024. The scaling of elemental stoichiometry and growth rate over the course of bamboo ontogeny. New Phytologist, 241: 1088-1099.
Fang WJ, Cai Q, Ji CJ, Zhu JL, Tang ZY*, Fang JY*. 2024. Life forms affect beta-diversity patterns of larch forests in China. Plant Diversity, 46: 49-58.
Liu YZ, Shen HH, Ge Gang, Xing AJ, Tang ZY, Fang JY*. 2023. Classification and distribution of evergreen broad-leaved forests in Jiangxi, East China. Journal of Plant Ecology, 16: rtac059
Zhao MY, Shen HH*, Zhu YK, Xing AJ, Kang J, Liu LL, Fang JY*. 2023. Asymmetric responses of abundance and diversity of N-cycling genes to altered precipitation in arid grasslands. Functional Ecology, 37: 2953-2966.
Chen GP, Cai Q, Ma SH, Feng YH, Fang WJ, Ji CJ, Zhu JL, Wang ZH, Wang SP, Tang ZY, Fang JY*. 2023. Climate and forest attributes influence above-ground biomass of deciduous broadleaf forests in China. Journal of Ecology, 111: 495-508.
Sun YF, Chang JF, Fang JY*. 2023. Above- and belowground net-primary productivity: A field-based global database of grasslands. Ecology, 104: e3904.
Yu QS, Ma SH, Ni XF, Jiang L, Zhou Z, Zhu JL, Ji CJ, Tang ZY, Cheng XL, Fang JY*. 2023. A test of the mycorrhizal-associated nutrient economy framework in two types of tropical rainforests under nutrient enrichments. Forest Ecosystems, 10: 100083.
Feng YH, Schmid B, Loreau M, Forrester DI, Fei SL, Zhu JX, Tang ZY, Zhu JL, Hong PB, Ji CJ, Shi Y, Su HJ, Xiong XY, Xiao J, Wang SP*, Fang JY*. 2022. Multispecies forest plantations outyield monocultures across a broad range of conditions. Science, 376: 865-868.
Xing AJ§, Du EZ§, Shen HH*, Xu LC, De Vries W, Zhao MY, Liu XY, Fang JY*. 2022. Nonlinear responses of ecosystem carbon fluxes to nitrogen deposition in an old-growth boreal forest. Ecology Letters, 25: 77-88.
Xing AJ, Du EZ, Shen HH*, Xu LC, Zhao MY, Liu XY, Fang JY*. 2022. High-level nitrogen additions accelerate soil respiration reduction over time in a boreal forest. Ecology Letters, 25: 1869-1878.
Yang YH§, Shi Y§, Sun WJ§, Chang JF§, Zhu JX, Chen LY, Wang X, Guo YP, Zhang HT, Yu LF, Zhao SQ, Xu K, Zhu JL, Shen HH, Wang YY, Peng YF, Zhao X, Wang XP, Hu HF, Chen SP, Huang M, Wen XF, Wang SP, Zhu B, Niu SL, Tang ZY, Liu LL, Fang JY*. 2022. Terrestrial carbon sinks in China and around the world and their contribution to carbon neutrality. Science China Life Sciences, 65: 861-895.
Zhu YK, Shen HH*, Akinyemi DS, Zhang PJ, Feng YP, Zhao MY, Kang J, Zhao X, Hu HF, Fang JY*. 2022. Increased precipitation attenuates shrub encroachment by facilitating herbaceous growth in a Mongolian grassland. Functional Ecology, 36: 2356-2366.
石岳, 赵霞, 朱江玲, 方精云*. 2022.“山水林田湖草沙”的形成、功能及保护. 自然杂志, 44:1-18.
Zhao X, Shen HH, Geng XQ, Fang JY*. 2021. Three-decadal destabilization of vegetation activity on the Mongolian Plateau. Environmental Research Letters, 16: 034049.
Su YF, Yang YH, Zhao X, Tang ZY, Wang SP, Fang JY*. 2021. Global patterns and climatic drivers of above- and belowground net primary productivity in grasslands. Science China Life Sciences, 64: 739-751.
Sun YF§, Feng YH§, Wang YP, Zhao X, Yang YH, Tang ZY, Wang SP, Su HJ, Zhu JL, Chang JF*, Fang JY*. 2021. Field-based estimation of net primary productivity and its above- and belowground partitioning in global grasslands. Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences, 126: e2021JR006472.
方精云. 2021. 碳中和的生态学透视. 植物生态学报, 45: 1173-1176.
田地, 严正兵, 方精云*. 2021. 植物生态化学计量特征及其主要假说, 植物生态学报,45: 682-713.
Chen GP, Ma SH, Tian D, Xiao W, Jiang L, Xing AJ, Zou AL, Zhou LH, Shen HH, Zheng CY, Ji CJ, He HB, Zhu B, Liu LL, Fang JY*. 2020. Patterns and determinants of soil microbial residues from tropical to boreal forests. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 151: 108059.
Liu SS, Zhou LH, Li H, Zhao X, Yang YH, Zhu YK, Hu HF, Chen LY, Zhang PJ, Shen HH*, Fang JY*. 2020. Shrub encroachment decreases soil inorganic carbon stocks in Mongolian grasslands. Journal of Ecology, 108: 678-686.
Tao SL, Fang JY*, Ma SH, Cai Q, Xiong XY, Tian D, Zhao X, Fang LQ, Zhang H, Zhu JL, Zhao SQ. 2020. Changes in China’s lakes: Climate and human impacts. National Science Review, 7: 132-140.
Tao SL, Zhang H, Feng YH, Zhu JL, Cai Q, Xiong XY, Ma SH, Fang LQ, Fang WJ, Tian D, Zhao X, Fang JY*. 2020. Changes in China's water resources in the early 21st century. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 18: 188-193.
Zhou LH§, Liu SS§, Shen HH*, Zhao MY, Xu LC, Xing AJ, Fang JY*. 2020. Soil extracellular enzyme activity and stoichiometry in China's forests. Functional Ecology, 34: 1461-1471.
Zhu JX, Wang CK, Zhou Z, Zhou GY, Hu XY, Jiang L, Li YD, Liu GH, Ji CJ, Zhao SQ, Li P, Zhu JL, Tang ZY, Zheng CY, Birdsey RA, Pan YD, Fang JY*. 2020. Increasing soil carbon stocks in eight permanent forest plots in China. Biogeosciences, 17: 715-726.
方精云, 王国宏. 2020.《中国植被志》:为中国植被登记造册. 植物生态学报, 44: 93-95.
方精云, 郭柯, 王国宏, 唐志尧, 谢宗强, 沈泽昊, 王仁卿, 强胜, 梁存柱, 达良俊, 于丹. 2020.《中国植被志》的植被分类系统、植被类型划分及编排体系. 植物生态学报, 44: 96-110.
Chen GP, Ma SH, Tian D, Xiao W, Jiang L, Xing AJ, Zou AL, Zhou LH, Shen HH, Zheng CY, Ji CJ, He HB, Zhu B, Liu LL, Fang JY*. 2020. Patterns and determinants of soil microbial residues from tropical to boreal forests. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 151: 108059.
Liu SS, Shen HH*, Zhao X, Zhou LH, Li H, Xu LC, Xing AJ, Fang JY*. 2019. Estimation of plot-level soil carbon stocks in China's forests using intensive soil sampling. Geoderma, 348: 107-114.
Tian D, Kattge J, Chen YH, Han WX, Luo YK, He JS, Hu HF, Tang ZY, Ma SH, Yan ZB, Lin QH, Schmid B, Fang JY*. 2019. A global database of paired leaf nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations of terrestrial plants. Ecology, 100: e02812.
Zhao X, Yang YH, Shen HH, Geng XQ, Fang JY*. 2019. Global soil-climate-biome diagram: linking surface soil properties to climate and biota. Biogeosciences, 16: 2857-2871.
Fang JY*, Yu GR, Liu LL, Hu SJ, Chapin III FS*. 2018. Climate change, human impacts, and carbon sequestration in China. PNAS, 115: 4015-4020.
Tang XL§, Zhao X§, Bai YF§, Tang ZY§, Wang WT, Zhao YC, Wan HW, Xie ZQ, Shi XZ, Wu BF, Wang GX, Yan JH, Ma KP, Du S, Li SG, Han SJ, Ma YX, Hu HF, He NP,Yang YH, Han WX, He HL, Yu GR, Fang JY*, Zhou GY*. 2018. Carbon pools in China’s terrestrial ecosystems: New estimates based on an intensive field survey. PNAS, 115: 4021-4026.
Tang ZY, Xu WT, Zhou GY, Bai YF, Li JX, Tang XL, Chen DM, Liu Q, Ma WH, Xiong GM, He HL, He NP, Guo YP, Guo Q, Zhu JL, Han WX, Hu HF, Fang JY*, Xie ZQ*. 2018. Patterns of plant carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus concentration in relation to productivity in China’s terrestrial ecosystems. PNAS, 115: 4033-4038.
Tian D, Yan ZB, Niklas KJ, Han WX, Kattge J, Reich PB, Luo Y, Chen YH, Tang ZY, Hu HF, Wright J, Schmid B, Fang JY*. 2018. Global leaf nitrogen and phosphorus stoichiometry and the scaling exponents. National Science Review, 5: 728–739.
方精云, 景海春, 张文浩. 2018. 迎接草牧业成为我国现代农业半壁江山的时代. 科学通报, 63: 1615-1618.
方精云, 景海春, 张文浩, 高树琴, 段子渊, 王竑晟, 钟瑾, 潘庆民, 赵凯, 白文明, 李凌浩, 白永飞, 蒋高明, 黄建辉, 黄振英. 2018. 论草牧业的理论体系及其实践. 科学通报, 63: 1619-1631.
方精云, 耿晓庆, 赵霞, 沈海花, 胡会峰. 2018. 我国草地面积有多大? 科学通报, 63: 1731-1739.
Zhu JX, Hu HF, Tao SL, Chi XL, Li P, Jiang L, Ji CJ, Zhu JL, Tang ZY, Pan YD, Birdsey RA, He XH, Fang JY*. 2017. Carbon stocks and changes of dead organic matter in China’s forests. Nature Communications, 8: 151.
Tian D, Li P, Fang WJ, Xu J, Luo Y, Yan ZB, Zhu B, Wang J, Xu X, Fang JY*. 2017. Growth responses of trees and understory plants to nitrogen fertilization in a subtropical forest in China. Biogeosciences, 14: 3461.
Tao SL, Guo QH, Li C, Wang ZH, Fang JY*. 2016. Global patterns and determinants of forest canopy height. Ecology, 97: 3265–3270.
Zheng TL, Zhu JL, Wang SP, Fang JY*. 2016. When will China achieve its carbon emission peak? National Science Review, 3: 8–15.
Hu XK, Liu LL, Zhu B, Du EZ, Hu XY, Li P, Zhou Z, Ji CJ, Zhu JL, Shen HH, Fang JY*. 2016. Asynchronous responses of soil carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide emissions and net nitrogen mineralization to enhanced fine root input. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 92:67-78
Hu HF, Yang YH, Fang JY*. 2016. Toward accurate accounting of ecosystem carbon stock in China’s forests. Science Bulletin, 6: 1888-1889.
方精云. 2016. 我国草原牧区呼唤新的草业发展模式. 科学通报, 61:137-138.
方精云, 白永飞, 李凌浩, 蒋高明, 黄建辉, 黄振英, 张文浩, 高树琴. 2016. 我国草原牧区可持续发展的科学基础与实践. 科学通报, 61: 155-164.
Tao SL, Fang JY*, Zhao X, Zhao SQ, Shen HH, Hu HF, Tang ZY, Wang ZH, Guo QH. 2015. Rapid loss of lakes on the Mongolian Plateau. PNAS, 112: 2281-2286.
Fang JY, Bai YF, Wu JG. 2015. Towards a better understanding of landscape patterns and ecosystem processes of the Mongolian Plateau. Landscape Ecology, 30: 1573–1578.
Zhu JX, Hu XY, Yao H, Liu GH, Ji CJ, Fang JY*. 2015. A significant carbon sink in temperate forests in Beijing: based on 20-year field measurements in three stands. Science China Life Sciences, 58: 1135–1141.
方精云, 黄耀, 朱江玲, 孙文娟, 胡会峰. 森林生态系统碳收支及其影响机制. 中国基础科学, 2015.3:20-25.
Fang JY, Kato T, Guo ZD, Yang YH, Hu HF, Shen HH, Zhao X, Kishimoto AW, Tang YH, Houghton RA. 2014. Evidence for environmentally enhanced forest growth. PNAS, 111: 9527-9532.
Guo ZD, Hu HF, Pan YD, Birdsey RA, Fang JY*. 2014. Increasing biomass carbon stocks in trees outside forests in China over the last three decades. Biogeosciences, 11: 4115- 4122.
Fang JY, Guo ZD, Hu HF, Kato T, Muraoka H, Son YW. 2014. Forest biomass carbon sinks in East Asia, with special reference to the relative contributions of forest expansion and forest growth. Global Change Biology, 20: 2019-2030.
Li P, Yang YH, Han WX, Fang JY*. 2014. Global patterns of soil microbial nitrogen and phosphorus stoichiometry in forest ecosystems. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 23: 979-987.
Xu B, Yang YH, Li P, Shen HH, Fang JY*. 2014. Global patterns of ecosystem carbon flux in forests: A biometric data-based synthesis. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 28: 962–973.
Chen YH, Han WX, Tang LY, Tang ZY, Fang JY. 2013. Leaf nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations of woody plants differ in response to climate, soil and plant growth form. Ecography, 36: 178-184.
方精云, 朱江玲, 吉成均, 唐志尧, 贺金生. 2013. 从生态学观点看生态文明建设. 中国科学院院刊, 28: 182-188.
Fang JY, Shen ZH, Tang ZY, Wang XP, Wang ZH, et al. 2012. Forest community survey and the structural characteristics of forest in China. Ecography, 35: 1059-1071.
Fang JY, Wang XP, Liu YN, Tang ZY, White PS, Sanders NJ. 2012. Multi-scale patterns of forest structure and species composition in relation to climate in northeast China. Ecography, 35: 1072-1082.
Fang JY, Wang ZH, Tang ZY, Brown JH. 2012. Large-scale patterns of tree species richness and the metabolic theory of ecology. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 21: 508-512.
Zhao X, Zhou DJ, Fang JY. 2012. Satellite-based studies on large-scale vegetation changes in China. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 54: 713-728.
Pan YD, Birdsey RA, Fang JY, et al. 2011. A large and persistent carbon sink in the world’s forests. Science, 333: 988-993. (co-leading author)
Han WX, Fang JY*, Reich PB, Woodward FI, Wang ZH. 2011. Biogeography and variability of eleven mineral elements in plant leaves across gradients of climate, soil and plant functional type in China. Ecology Letters, 14: 788-796.
Fang JY, Zhu JL, Wang SP, Yue C, Shen HH. 2011. Global warming, human-induced carbon emissions, and their uncertainties. Science in China (D-Earth Science), 54: 1458-1468 【方精云, 朱江玲, 王少鹏, 岳超, 沈海花. 2011. 全球变暖、碳排放及不确定性. 中国科学(D), 41: 1385-1395】
Liu CZ, Tan K, Yu YQ, Zhang TY, Fang JY. 2010. The impacts of climate change on water resources and agriculture in China. Nature, doi:10.1038/nature09364
Yang YH, Fang JY, Ma WH, Guo DL, Mohammat A. 2010. Large-scale pattern of biomass partitioning across China's grasslands. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 19: 268-277
Yang YH, Fang JY, Ma WH, Smith P, Mohammat A, Wang SP, Wang W. 2010. Soil carbon stock and its changes in northern China’s grasslands from 1980s to 2000s. Global Change Biology, 16: 3036-3047
Tan K, Ciais P, Piao SL, Wu XP, Tang YH, Vuichard N, Liang S, Fang JY. 2010. Application of the ORCHIDEE global vegetation model to evaluate biomass and soil carbon stocks of Qinghai-Tibetan grasslands. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 24: GB1013
Piao SL, Fang JY, Ciais P, Peylin P, Huang Y, Sitch S, Wang T. 2009. The carbon balance of terrestrial ecosystems in China. Nature, 458: 1009-1013
Wang ZH, Brown J, Tang ZY, Fang JY. 2009. Temperature dependence, spatial scale, and tree species diversity in eastern Asia and North America. PNAS, 106: 13388–13392
Yang YH, Fang JY, Ma WH, Smith P, Tang YH, Chen AP, Ji CJ, Hu HF, Rao S, Tan K, He JS. 2009. Changes in topsoil carbon stock in the Tibetan grasslands between the 1980s and 2004. Global Change Biology,15: 2723-2729
He JS, Wang XP, Flynn DFB, Wang L, Schmid B, Fang JY. 2009. Taxonomic, phylogenetic and environmental tradeoffs between leaf productivity and persistence. Ecology, 90: 2779-2791
Wang XP, Fang JY, Sanders JN, White PS, Tang ZY. 2008. Relative importance of climate vs local factors in shaping the regional patterns of forest plant richness across northeast China. Ecography, 32: 133-142
Yang YH, Fang JY, Tang YH, Zhu B. 2008. Storage, patterns and controls of soil organic carbon in the Tibetan grasslands. Global Change Biology, 14: 1592–1599
Wang ZH, Tang ZY, Fang JY. 2007. Altitudinal patterns of seed plant richness in the Gaoligong Mountains, south-east Tibet, China. Diversity and Distributions, 13: 845–854
Piao SL, Fang JY, Zhou LM, Tan K. 2007. Biomass carbon accumulation by China’s grasslands. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 21: GB2002
Kauppi PE, AusubelJH, FangJY, MatherA, SedjoRA, WaggonerPE. 2006. Returning forests analyzed with the forest identity. PNAS, 103: 17574-17579
Fang JY, Lechowicz ML. 2006. Climatic limits for the present distribution of beech (Fagus L.) species in the world. Journal of Biogeography, 33: 1804-1819
Piao SL, Fang JY, Zhou LM, Ciais P, Zhu B. 2006. Variations in satellite-derived phenology in China’s temperate vegetation. Global Change Biology, 12: 672–685
Tang ZY, Wang ZH, Zheng CY, Fang JY. 2006. Biodiversity in China’s mountains. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 4: 347-352
Zhao SQ, Fang JY. 2006. Patterns of species richness for vascular plants in China’s nature reserves. Diversity and Distributions, 12: 364–372
Tang ZY, Fang JY. 2006. Temperature variation along the northern and southern slopes of Mt. Taibai, China. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 139: 200–207
Fang JY, Brown S, Tang YH, Naruurs GJ, Wang XP, Shen HH. 2006. Overestimated biomass carbon pools of the northern mid- and high latitude forests. Climatic Change, 74: 355–368
Han WX, Fang JY, Guo DL, Zhang Y. 2005. Leaf N and P stoichiometry across 753 terrestrial plant species in China. New Phytologist, 168: 377-385
Fang JY, Piao SL, Zhou L, He JS, Wei FY, Myneni R, Tucker CJ, Tan K. 2005. Precipitation patterns alter growth of temperate vegetation. Geophysical Research Letters, 32: L21411
Fang JY, Oikawa T, Kato T, Mo WH, Wang ZH. 2005. Biomass carbon accumulation by Japan’s forests from 1947-1995. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 19: GB2004
Fang JY, Rao S, Zhao SQ. 2005. Human-induced long-term changes in the lakes of the Jianghan Plain, Central Yangtze. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 3: 186-192
Fang JY, Piao SL, Field CB, Pan YD, Guo QH, Zhou LM, Peng CH, Tao S. 2003. Increasing net primary production in China from 1982 to 1999. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment,1: 293-297
Piao SL, Fang JY, Zhou LM, Guo QH, Henderson M, Ji W, Li Y, Tao S. 2003. Interannual variations of monthly and seasonal normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) in China from 1982 to 1999. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 108(D14): 4401
Fang JY, Chen AP, Peng CH, Zhao SQ, Ci LJ. 2001. Changes in forest biomass carbon storage in China between 1949 and 1998. Science, 292: 2320-2322
Fang JY, Piao SL, Tang ZY, Peng CH, Ji W. 2001. Interannual variability in net primary production and precipitation. Science, 293: 1723a
Fang JY, Wang GG, Liu GH, Xu SL. 1998. Forest biomass of China: an estimate based on the biomass-volume relationship. Ecological Applications, 8: 1084-1091
Fang JY, Yoda K. 1988-1991. Climate and vegetation in China (I-V). Ecological Research, 3: 37-51, 4: 71-83, 5: 9-23, 5: 291-302, 6: 113-125
Fang JY, Wang SP, Yue C, et al. 2009, Scenario analysis on the global carbon emissions reduction goal proposed in the declaration of the 2009 G8 Summit. Science in China (D-Earth Science), 52: 1694-1702 【方精云, 王少鹏, 岳超, 朱江玲, 等. 2009.“八国集团”2009意大利峰会减排目标下的全球碳排放情景分析. 中国科学(D), 39: 1339-1346】
Fang JY, Guo ZD, Piao SL, Chen AP. 2007. Terrestrial vegetation carbon sinks in China, 1981-2000. Science in China (D-Earth Science), 50: 1341-1350 【方精云, 郭兆迪, 朴世龙, 陈安平. 2007. 1981-2000年中国陆地植被碳汇的估算. 中国科学(D), 37(6): 804-812】
Fang JY, Piao SL, He JS, Ma WH. 2004. Increasing terrestrial vegetation activity in China, 1982-1999. Science in China (C-Life Science), 47: 229-240【方精云, 朴世龙, 贺金生, 马文红. 2003. 近20年来中国植被活动在增加. 中国科学(C), 33: 554-565】
方精云. 2001. 也论我国东部植被带的划分. 植物学报, 43: 522-533
方精云. 1991. 我国森林植被带的生态学分析. 生态学报, 11: 377-387
[1] 方精云, 刘玲莉 主编. 2021. 生态系统生态学——回顾与展望. 高等教育出版社, 北京.
[2] 方精云等著. 2018. 中国及全球碳排放——兼论碳排放与社会发展的关系. 科学出版社, 北京.
[3] Fang JY, Wang ZH, Tang ZY. 2011. Atlas of Woody Plants in China: Distribution and Climate. Springer-Verlag, Berlin (2 volumes with 1972 pages and 11219 illustrations; Jointly published with Higher Education Press, Beijing)
[4] 方精云, 赵淑清, 唐志尧等著. 2006. 长江中游湿地生物多样性保护的生态学基础. 高教出版社, 北京.
[5] 方精云主编. 2000. 全球生态学. 高等教育出版社-Springer Verlag, 北京-Heidelberg.
[6] 戴均虎, 丁枚, 方精云编著. 2001. 温室效应. 中国环境科学出版社, 北京.
[7] 孔小宁, 方精云著. 1996. 走进北极. 中国工商联出版社, 北京.
[1] 国务院建议书, 2018.“加快发展草牧业,有效保障我国肉蛋奶的安全供给”, 课题组长
[2] 国务院建议书, 2014. “建立生态草业特区,探索草原牧区发展新模式”,课题组长
[3] 中国科学院院士建议书, 2010.“对全球变暖的认识及应对策略建议”,课题组长
[4] 国务院建议书, 2009. “关于2009哥本哈根气候谈判的若干建议”,课题组长
[5] 国务院建议书, 2008. “关于改革博士后制度和壮大博士后队伍的建议”,主要负责人之一
[5] 2013年当选为第十二届全国政协委员
[6] 2012年当选为欧亚科学院院士
[7] 2011年主编的《中国木本植物分布图集》获第二届中国出版政府奖“图书奖”
[8] 2010年获北京市先进工作者
[9] 2009年获国家科技部野外先进工作者
[10] 2008年当选为第三世界科学院院士
[11] 2007年获何梁何利科学技术进步奖(生命科学)
[12] 2006年获国家教育部、香港李嘉诚基金会“长江学者成就奖”
[13] 2005年当选为中国科学院院士 (生物学部)
[14] 2004年获国家自然科学奖二等奖“中国陆地生态系统碳循环与植被生产力的研究” (第一完成人)
[15] 2003年获教育部自然科学一等奖“中国陆地生态系统碳循环与植被生产力的研究” (第一完成人)
[16] 2001年“中国陆地生态系统碳循环及植被生产力的研究”被评选为2001年中国高等学校十大科技进展
[17] 2001年主编的《全球生态学》(2000,高教出版社与德国Springer出版社联合出版) 获新闻出版署第十届全国优秀科技图书奖3等奖 (部级),第一完成人
[18] 1996年入选国家人事部“百千万人才工程”1995/1996年度第一、二层次
[19] 1994年获首届(1994)国家杰出青年科学基金,并得到延续