中国科学院| 植物所| 中文版| English| 全文检索

研 究 组 : 生物多样性与生态安全研究组
民       族: 汉
研究领域: 生物多样性与生态系统功能
籍       贯: 山西
导师资格: 硕士生导师
出生年月: 1991.02
职       称: 副研究员
毕业院校: 中国科学院动物研究所
入职时间: 2024.8
毕业时间: 2021.6
  • 学习工作经历
  • 科研项目
  • 论文专著
  • 所获奖励
  • 学习经历
    2011.9 – 2015.7 山西农业大学, 学士
    2015.9 – 2021.7 中国科学院动物研究所, 博士

    2021.9 – 2024.7 中国科学院植物研究所,特别研究助理(博士后)
    2024.8 –至今 中国科学院植物研究所,副研究员

    2023.9 – 至今 Journal of Plant Ecology (JPE),青年编委
    2024.3 – 至今 生物多样性,青年编委

  • 亚热带森林花外蜜腺树种-蚂蚁互作对叶片功能性状的影响,国家自然科学基金青年基金,2024.1.1 – 2026.12.31,主持
  • Y. Li, A. Schuldt, A. Ebeling, N. Eisenhauer, Y. Huang, G. Albert, C. Albracht, A. Amyntas, M. Bonkowski, H. Bruelheide, M. Bröcher, D. Chesters, J. Chen, Y.N. Chen, J-T. Chen, M. Ciobanu, X. Deng, F. Fornoff, G. Gleixner, L.D. Guo, P-F. Guo, A. Heintz-Buschart, A-M. Klein, M. Lange, S. Li, Q. Li, Y.B. Li, A. Luo, S.T. Meyer, G. Oheimb, G. Rutten, T. Scholten, M.D. Solbach, M. Staab, M-Q. Wang, N.L. Zhang, C-D, Zhu, B. Schmid, K.P. Ma and X.J. Liu. 2024. Plant diversity enhances ecosystem multifunctionality via multitrophic diversity. Nature Ecology & Evolution. 8(11):2037-2047.

    Y. Li, B. Schmid, A. Schuldt, S. Li, M-Q. Wang, F. Fornoff, M. Staab, P-F. Guo, P. Anttonen, D. Chesters, H. Bruelheide, C-D, Zhu, K.P. Ma and X.J. Liu. 2023. Multitrophic arthropod diversity mediates tree diversity effects on primary productivity. Nature Ecology & Evolution. 7: 832-840.

    Y. Li, M-Q. Wang, D. Chesters, P. Anttonen, S-K. Guo, P-F. Guo, J-T. Chen, K.P. Ma, H. Bruelheide, A. Schuldt, C-D. Zhu. 2023. Differential impacts on herbivore diversity and scale dependence of tree diversity in subtropical forests. Journal of Ecology. 111: 666-675.

    Y. Li, Y-B. Du, J-T. Chen, M-Q. Wang, S-K. Guo, A. Schuldt, A. Luo, P-F. Guo, X-C. Mi, X.J. Liu, K.P. Ma, H. Bruelheide, D. Chesters, X.J. Liu, C-D. Zhu. 2022. Tree dissimilarity determines multi-dimensional beta-diversity of herbivores and carnivores via bottom-up effects. Journal of Animal Ecology. 92: 442-453.

    Y. Li, D. Chesters, M-Q. Wang, T. Wubet, A. Schuldt, P. Anttonen, P-F. Guo, J-T. Chen, Q-S. Zhou, N.L. Zhang, K.P. Ma, H. Bruelheide, C-S. Wu, C-D. Zhu. 2021. Tree diversity and functional leaf traits drive herbivoreassociated microbiomes in subtropical China. Ecology and Evolution. 11: 6153-6166.

    李逸,刘晓娟. 2024. 多营养级生物多样性与陆地生态系统多功能性:研究现状与展望. 中国科学:生命科学. 54.




    C. Chen, G. Yan, B. Schmid, Y. Li, F. J. Bongers, H. Bruelheide, Y. Huang, S. Li, G. von Oheimb, T. Tang, K. Verheyen, B. Yang, K.P. Ma, X.J. Liu. 2025. Understory shrub diversity: equally vital as overstory tree diversity to promote forest productivity. National Science Review. nwaf093.

    M-Q. Wang, S. Guo, P-F. Guo, J-J. Yang, G. Chen, D. Chesters, M. Orr, Z-Q. Niu, M. Staab, J-T. Chen, Y. Li, Q-S. Zhou, F. Fornoff, X. Shi, S. Li, M. Martini, A. Klein, A. Schuldt, X.J. Liu, K.P. Ma, H. Bruelheide, A. Luo, C-D. Zhu. 2025. Multidimensionality of tree communities structure host-parasitoid networks and their phylogenetic composition. eLife. 13.

    M-Q. Wang, Z. Wen, J. Ke, D. Chesters, Y. Li, J-T. Chen, A. Luo, X. Shi, Q-S. Zhou, X.J. Liu, K.P. Ma, H. Bruelheide, A. Schuldt, C-D. Zhu. 2023. Tree communities and functional traits determine herbivore compositional turnover. Oecologia. 203: 205–218.

    P. Anttonen, M. Perles-Garcia, M. Kunz, G. Oheimb, Y. Li, H. Bruelheide, K.P. Ma, C-D. Zhu, A. Schuldt. 2023. Predation pressure by arthropods, birds and rodents is interactively shaped by tree species richness, vegetation structure and season. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 11:1199670.

    M. Staab, S. Pietsch, H. Yan, N. Blüthgen, A. Cheng, Y. Li, N.L. Zhang, K.P. Ma, X.J. Liu. 2023. Dear neighbor: trees with extrafloral nectaries facilitate defense and growth of adjacent undefended trees. Ecology. 7: e4057.

    T-T. Xie, M. Orr, D. Zhang, R.R. Ferrari, Y. Li, X-W. Liu, Z. Niu, M-Q. Wang, Q-S. Zhou, J. Hao, C-D. Zhu, D. Chesters. 2023. Phylogeny-based assignment of functional traits to DNA barcodes outperforms distance-based, in a comparison of approaches. Molecular Ecology. 7: 1526-1539.

    P. Anttonen, Y. Li, D. Chesters, A. Davrinche, S. Haider, H. Bruelheide, J-T. Chen, M-Q. Wang, K.P. Ma, C-D. Zhu, A. Schuldt. 2022. Leaf Nutritional Content, Tree Richness, and Season Shape the Caterpillar Functional Trait Composition Hosted by Trees. Insects. 13: 1100.

    J-T. Chen, M-Q. Wang, Y. Li, D. Chesters, A. Luo, W. Zhang, P-F. Guo, S-K. Guo, Q-S. Zhou, K.P. Ma, G. Oheimb, M. Kunz, N.L. Zhang, X.J. Liu, H. Bruelheide, A. Schuldt, C-D. Zhu. 2022. Functional and phylogenetic relationships link predators to plant diversity via trophic and non-trophic pathways. Proceedings B. 290: 20221658.

    M-Q. Wang, C. Yan, A. Luo, Y. Li, D. Chesters, H-J. Qiao, J-T. Chen, Q-S. Zhou, K.P. Ma, H. Bruelheide, A. Schuldt, Z-B. Zhang, C-D. Zhu. 2022. Phylogenetic relatedness, functional traits, and spatial scale determine herbivore co-occurrence in a subtropical forest. Ecological Monographs. 92(1), e01492.

    P-F. Guo, M-Q. Wang, O. Michael, Y. Li, J-T. Chen, Q-S. Zhou, M. Staab, F. Felix, G.H. Chen, N.L. Zhang, M.K. Alexandra, C-D. Zhu. 2021. Tree diversity promotes predator wasps and parasitoids but not pollinator bees in a subtropical experimental forest. Basic and Applied Ecology. 53:134-142.

    M-Q. Wang, Y. Li, D. Chesters, H. Bruelheide, K.P. Ma, P-F. Guo, Q-S. Zhou, M. Staab, C-D. Zhu, A. Schuldt. 2020. Host functional trait and phylogenetic composition rather than host diversity structure plant-herbivore networks. Molecular Ecology. 14: 2747-2762.

    M-Q. Wang, Y. Li, D. Chesters, P. Anttonen, H. Bruelheide, J-T. Chen, W. Walter Durka, P-F. Guo, W. Härdtle, K.P. Ma, G.S. Michalski, B. Schmid, G. Oheimb, C-S. Wu, N.L. Zhang, Q-S. Zhou, A. Schuldt, C-D. Zhu. 2019. Multiple components of plant diversity loss determine herbivore phylogenetic diversity in a subtropical forest experiment. Journal of Ecology. 107: 2697-2712.

    王明强, 郭士琨,罗阿蓉, 杨娟娟,周青松,郭鹏飞,白明,余建平,罗世孝,D. Chesters, 陈婧婷,李逸,张峰,彭艳琼,肖治术,陈军,葛斯琴, 周红章,朱朝东. 2022. 中国昆虫多样性监测与研究网进展. 应用昆虫学报. 59(6): 1192–1204.

    王明强, 罗阿蓉, 周青松, 陈婧婷, 谢婷婷, 李逸, Douglas Chesters, 石晓宇,肖晖, 刘桓吉, 丁强, 周璇, 罗一平, 路园园, 佟一杰, 赵政宇, 白明, 郭鹏飞, 陈思翀, 中村彰宏, 彭艳琼, 赵延会, 魏淑花, 林晓龙, 陈华燕, 罗世孝, 陆宴辉, 鲁亮, 余建平, 周欣, 邹怡, 路浩, 朱朝东. 2022. 昆虫多样性30年研究进展. 生物多样性. 30 (10): 22454, 1–27.

    郭鹏飞,郭士琨,王明强,李逸,陈婧婷,杨娟娟,罗阿蓉,朱朝东. 2022. 窄切叶蜂筑巢生物学特性研究. 应用昆虫学报. 59(6): 1269–1275.

    郭鹏飞,王明强,李逸,陈婧婷,郭士琨,陈国华,朱朝东. 2021. 缘叶舌蜂及其天敌窄头褶翅蜂的生物学特性及其与环境变量的相关性. 昆虫学报. 64(5): 606-610.

  • 2023年度 第十二届生态学家俱乐部青年学者口头报告 三等奖
    2020年度 博士研究生国家奖学金
    2017年度 中国科学院北京分院 优秀共青团干部
    2017年度 中国科学院大学 优秀学生干部
    2017年度 中国科学院大学 三好学生
2011.9 – 2015.7 山西农业大学, 学士
2015.9 – 2021.7 中国科学院动物研究所, 博士
2021.9 – 2024.7 中国科学院植物研究所,特别研究助理(博士后)
2024.8 –至今 中国科学院植物研究所,副研究员
2023.9 – 至今 Journal of Plant Ecology (JPE),青年编委
2024.3 – 至今 生物多样性,青年编委
亚热带森林花外蜜腺树种-蚂蚁互作对叶片功能性状的影响,国家自然科学基金青年基金,2024.1.1 – 2026.12.31,主持

Y. Li, A. Schuldt, A. Ebeling, N. Eisenhauer, Y. Huang, G. Albert, C. Albracht, A. Amyntas, M. Bonkowski, H. Bruelheide, M. Bröcher, D. Chesters, J. Chen, Y.N. Chen, J-T. Chen, M. Ciobanu, X. Deng, F. Fornoff, G. Gleixner, L.D. Guo, P-F. Guo, A. Heintz-Buschart, A-M. Klein, M. Lange, S. Li, Q. Li, Y.B. Li, A. Luo, S.T. Meyer, G. Oheimb, G. Rutten, T. Scholten, M.D. Solbach, M. Staab, M-Q. Wang, N.L. Zhang, C-D, Zhu, B. Schmid, K.P. Ma and X.J. Liu. 2024. Plant diversity enhances ecosystem multifunctionality via multitrophic diversity. Nature Ecology & Evolution. 8(11):2037-2047.

Y. Li, B. Schmid, A. Schuldt, S. Li, M-Q. Wang, F. Fornoff, M. Staab, P-F. Guo, P. Anttonen, D. Chesters, H. Bruelheide, C-D, Zhu, K.P. Ma and X.J. Liu. 2023. Multitrophic arthropod diversity mediates tree diversity effects on primary productivity. Nature Ecology & Evolution. 7: 832-840.

Y. Li, M-Q. Wang, D. Chesters, P. Anttonen, S-K. Guo, P-F. Guo, J-T. Chen, K.P. Ma, H. Bruelheide, A. Schuldt, C-D. Zhu. 2023. Differential impacts on herbivore diversity and scale dependence of tree diversity in subtropical forests. Journal of Ecology. 111: 666-675.

Y. Li, Y-B. Du, J-T. Chen, M-Q. Wang, S-K. Guo, A. Schuldt, A. Luo, P-F. Guo, X-C. Mi, X.J. Liu, K.P. Ma, H. Bruelheide, D. Chesters, X.J. Liu, C-D. Zhu. 2022. Tree dissimilarity determines multi-dimensional beta-diversity of herbivores and carnivores via bottom-up effects. Journal of Animal Ecology. 92: 442-453.

Y. Li, D. Chesters, M-Q. Wang, T. Wubet, A. Schuldt, P. Anttonen, P-F. Guo, J-T. Chen, Q-S. Zhou, N.L. Zhang, K.P. Ma, H. Bruelheide, C-S. Wu, C-D. Zhu. 2021. Tree diversity and functional leaf traits drive herbivoreassociated microbiomes in subtropical China. Ecology and Evolution. 11: 6153-6166.

李逸,刘晓娟. 2024. 多营养级生物多样性与陆地生态系统多功能性:研究现状与展望. 中国科学:生命科学. 54.




C. Chen, G. Yan, B. Schmid, Y. Li, F. J. Bongers, H. Bruelheide, Y. Huang, S. Li, G. von Oheimb, T. Tang, K. Verheyen, B. Yang, K.P. Ma, X.J. Liu. 2025. Understory shrub diversity: equally vital as overstory tree diversity to promote forest productivity. National Science Review. nwaf093.

M-Q. Wang, S. Guo, P-F. Guo, J-J. Yang, G. Chen, D. Chesters, M. Orr, Z-Q. Niu, M. Staab, J-T. Chen, Y. Li, Q-S. Zhou, F. Fornoff, X. Shi, S. Li, M. Martini, A. Klein, A. Schuldt, X.J. Liu, K.P. Ma, H. Bruelheide, A. Luo, C-D. Zhu. 2025. Multidimensionality of tree communities structure host-parasitoid networks and their phylogenetic composition. eLife. 13.

M-Q. Wang, Z. Wen, J. Ke, D. Chesters, Y. Li, J-T. Chen, A. Luo, X. Shi, Q-S. Zhou, X.J. Liu, K.P. Ma, H. Bruelheide, A. Schuldt, C-D. Zhu. 2023. Tree communities and functional traits determine herbivore compositional turnover. Oecologia. 203: 205–218.

P. Anttonen, M. Perles-Garcia, M. Kunz, G. Oheimb, Y. Li, H. Bruelheide, K.P. Ma, C-D. Zhu, A. Schuldt. 2023. Predation pressure by arthropods, birds and rodents is interactively shaped by tree species richness, vegetation structure and season. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. 11:1199670.

M. Staab, S. Pietsch, H. Yan, N. Blüthgen, A. Cheng, Y. Li, N.L. Zhang, K.P. Ma, X.J. Liu. 2023. Dear neighbor: trees with extrafloral nectaries facilitate defense and growth of adjacent undefended trees. Ecology. 7: e4057.

T-T. Xie, M. Orr, D. Zhang, R.R. Ferrari, Y. Li, X-W. Liu, Z. Niu, M-Q. Wang, Q-S. Zhou, J. Hao, C-D. Zhu, D. Chesters. 2023. Phylogeny-based assignment of functional traits to DNA barcodes outperforms distance-based, in a comparison of approaches. Molecular Ecology. 7: 1526-1539.

P. Anttonen, Y. Li, D. Chesters, A. Davrinche, S. Haider, H. Bruelheide, J-T. Chen, M-Q. Wang, K.P. Ma, C-D. Zhu, A. Schuldt. 2022. Leaf Nutritional Content, Tree Richness, and Season Shape the Caterpillar Functional Trait Composition Hosted by Trees. Insects. 13: 1100.

J-T. Chen, M-Q. Wang, Y. Li, D. Chesters, A. Luo, W. Zhang, P-F. Guo, S-K. Guo, Q-S. Zhou, K.P. Ma, G. Oheimb, M. Kunz, N.L. Zhang, X.J. Liu, H. Bruelheide, A. Schuldt, C-D. Zhu. 2022. Functional and phylogenetic relationships link predators to plant diversity via trophic and non-trophic pathways. Proceedings B. 290: 20221658.

M-Q. Wang, C. Yan, A. Luo, Y. Li, D. Chesters, H-J. Qiao, J-T. Chen, Q-S. Zhou, K.P. Ma, H. Bruelheide, A. Schuldt, Z-B. Zhang, C-D. Zhu. 2022. Phylogenetic relatedness, functional traits, and spatial scale determine herbivore co-occurrence in a subtropical forest. Ecological Monographs. 92(1), e01492.

P-F. Guo, M-Q. Wang, O. Michael, Y. Li, J-T. Chen, Q-S. Zhou, M. Staab, F. Felix, G.H. Chen, N.L. Zhang, M.K. Alexandra, C-D. Zhu. 2021. Tree diversity promotes predator wasps and parasitoids but not pollinator bees in a subtropical experimental forest. Basic and Applied Ecology. 53:134-142.

M-Q. Wang, Y. Li, D. Chesters, H. Bruelheide, K.P. Ma, P-F. Guo, Q-S. Zhou, M. Staab, C-D. Zhu, A. Schuldt. 2020. Host functional trait and phylogenetic composition rather than host diversity structure plant-herbivore networks. Molecular Ecology. 14: 2747-2762.

M-Q. Wang, Y. Li, D. Chesters, P. Anttonen, H. Bruelheide, J-T. Chen, W. Walter Durka, P-F. Guo, W. Härdtle, K.P. Ma, G.S. Michalski, B. Schmid, G. Oheimb, C-S. Wu, N.L. Zhang, Q-S. Zhou, A. Schuldt, C-D. Zhu. 2019. Multiple components of plant diversity loss determine herbivore phylogenetic diversity in a subtropical forest experiment. Journal of Ecology. 107: 2697-2712.

王明强, 郭士琨,罗阿蓉, 杨娟娟,周青松,郭鹏飞,白明,余建平,罗世孝,D. Chesters, 陈婧婷,李逸,张峰,彭艳琼,肖治术,陈军,葛斯琴, 周红章,朱朝东. 2022. 中国昆虫多样性监测与研究网进展. 应用昆虫学报. 59(6): 1192–1204.

王明强, 罗阿蓉, 周青松, 陈婧婷, 谢婷婷, 李逸, Douglas Chesters, 石晓宇,肖晖, 刘桓吉, 丁强, 周璇, 罗一平, 路园园, 佟一杰, 赵政宇, 白明, 郭鹏飞, 陈思翀, 中村彰宏, 彭艳琼, 赵延会, 魏淑花, 林晓龙, 陈华燕, 罗世孝, 陆宴辉, 鲁亮, 余建平, 周欣, 邹怡, 路浩, 朱朝东. 2022. 昆虫多样性30年研究进展. 生物多样性. 30 (10): 22454, 1–27.

郭鹏飞,郭士琨,王明强,李逸,陈婧婷,杨娟娟,罗阿蓉,朱朝东. 2022. 窄切叶蜂筑巢生物学特性研究. 应用昆虫学报. 59(6): 1269–1275.

郭鹏飞,王明强,李逸,陈婧婷,郭士琨,陈国华,朱朝东. 2021. 缘叶舌蜂及其天敌窄头褶翅蜂的生物学特性及其与环境变量的相关性. 昆虫学报. 64(5): 606-610.

2023年度 第十二届生态学家俱乐部青年学者口头报告 三等奖
2020年度 博士研究生国家奖学金
2017年度 中国科学院北京分院 优秀共青团干部
2017年度 中国科学院大学 优秀学生干部
2017年度 中国科学院大学 三好学生