- 刘伟,研究生学历,博士学位
- 研 究 组 : 天然草地技术研究组
- 民 族: 汉
- 研究领域:
- 籍 贯: 山东
- 导师资格:
- 出生年月:
- 职 称: 副研究员
- 毕业院校: 中国科学院植物研究所
- 入职时间: 2018.8
- 毕业时间: 2013.6
- 办公电话: 010-62836707
- 电子邮件: lw076@ibcas.ac.cn
[1] “木本和草本鲜活植物地上生物量无损观测技术与设备”,国家重点研发计划青年科学家项目(2022-2025),课题主持人
[2] “退化草地不同围栏封育年限净温室气体交换的变化规律与调控机制”,国家自然科学基金青年基金(2021-2023),主持人
[3] “典型草原生态修复及精准管理模式研究与示范”,内蒙古自治区科技计划项目(2020-2023),课题主持人
[4] “呼伦贝尔草甸草原恢复技术与近顶极群落构建”,中国科学院战略性先导科技专项“创建生态草牧业科技体系”(2020-2025),子课题骨干
[5] “锡林郭勒草原国家自然保护区养分调控修复技术示范”,中国科学院战略性先导科技专项“美丽中国生态文明建设科技工程”(2019-2023),专题主持人
戚智彦, 吕亚香, 刘伟, 孙佳美, 王璟, 潘庆民*. 2023. 氮磷养分共同添加促进退化典型草原恢复的机制. 应用生态学报. 34(1): 75-82.
Yang Y, Zhang H, Liu W, Sun JM, Zhao ML, Han GD, Pan QM*. 2023. Effects of grazing intensity on diversity and composition of rhizosphere and non-rhizosphere microbial communities in a desert grassland. Ecology and Evolution. 13(7): e10300.
Sun, JM, Zhang B, Pan QM*, Liu W, Wang XL, Huang JH, Chen DM, Wang CH, Han XG. 2023. Non-linear response of productivity to precipitation extremes in the Inner Mongolia grassland. Functional Ecology. 37(6): 1663-1673.
Sun JM, Liu W, Pan QM*, Zhang B, Lv YX, Huang JH, Han XG*. 2022. Positive legacies of severe droughts in the Inner Mongolia grassland. Science advances, 8:eadd6249-eadd6249.
Liu W, Lu XT, Yang Y, Hou LY, Shao CL, Yuan WP,* Pan QM*, Li LH. 2022. Hot Moments of N2O Emission Under Water and Nitrogen Management in Three Types of Steppe. Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences, 127.
李一丁, 桑清田, 张灏, 刘龙昌, 潘庆民, 王宇*, 刘伟*, 袁文平. 2022. 内蒙古半干旱地区空气和土壤加湿对幼龄樟子松生长的影响.植物生态学报. 46(09): 1077-1085.
Liu W, Yuan WP, Xu ST, Shao CL, Hou LY, Xu WF, Shi HQ, Pan QM*, Li LH*, Kardol P. 2021. Spatiotemporal patterns and drivers of methane uptake across a climate transect in Inner Mongolia Steppe. Science of the Total Environment, 757.143768.
Wang YW, Xu WF, Yuan WP*, Chen XZ, Zhang BW, Fan L, He B, Hu ZM, Liu SG, Liu W, Piao SL. 2021. Higher plant photosynthetic capability in autumn responding to low atmospheric vapor pressure deficit. The Innovation, 2(4), 100163.
吕亚香, 戚智彦, 刘伟, 孙佳美, 潘庆民*. 2021. 早春和夏季氮磷添加对内蒙古典型草原退化群落碳交换的影响.植物生态学报, 45(04):334-344.
潘庆民*, 孙佳美, 杨元合, 刘伟, 李昂, 彭云峰, 薛建国, 夏昊, 黄建辉. 2021. 我国草原恢复与保护的问题与对策.中国科学院院刊. 36(06): 666-674.
Dong J, Liu W, Han W, Xiang KL, Lei TJ, Yuan WP*. 2020. A phenology-based method for identifying the planting fraction of winter wheat using moderate-resolution satellite data. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 41(18): 6892-6913.
Xiang KL, Ma MN, Liu W, Dong J, Zhu XF, Yuan WP*. 2019. Mapping irrigated areas of northeast China in comparison to natural vegetation. Remote sensing, 11(7): 825.
宋朝清, 刘伟, 陆海波, 袁文平*. 2019. 基于通量测量的稻田甲烷排放特征及影响因素研究." 地球科学进展, 34(11): 1141-1151.
Yuan WP*, Liu SG, Liu W, Zhao SQ, Dong WJ, Tao FL, Chen M, Lin H. 2018. Opportunistic market-driven regional shifts of cropping practices reduce food production capacity of China. Earth's Future, 6(4): 634-642.
Liu W, Lü XT, Xu WF, Shi HQ, Hou LY, Li LH*, Yuan WP*. 2018. Effects of water and nitrogen addition on ecosystem respiration across three types of steppe: The role of plant and microbial biomass. Science of the total environment, 619: 103-111.
Liu W, Dong J, Xiang KL, Wang S, Han W, Yuan WP*. 2018. A sub-pixel method for estimating planting fraction of paddy rice in Northeast China. Remote sensing of environment, 205: 305-314.
Li XL*, He H, Yuan WP, Li LH, Xu WF, Liu W, Shi HQ, Hou LY, Chen JQ, Wang ZP. 2018. Response of soil methane uptake to simulated nitrogen deposition and grazing management across three types of steppe in Inner Mongolia, China. Science of the total environment, 612: 799-808.
Xu WF, Li XL, Liu W, Li LH*, Hou LY, Shi HQ, Xia JZ, Liu D, Zhang HC, Chen Y, Cai WW, Fu Y, Yuan WP*. 2016. Spatial patterns of soil and ecosystem respiration regulated by biological and environmental variables along a precipitation gradient in semi-arid grasslands in China. Ecological research, 31: 505-513.
Li XL, Shi HQ, Xu WF, Liu W, Wang XJ, Hou LY, Feng F, Yuan WP*, Li LH*, Xu H*. 2015. Seasonal and spatial variations of bulk nitrogen deposition and the impacts on the carbon cycle in the arid/semiarid grassland of Inner Mongolia, China. PLoS One, 10(12): e0144689.
Wang B*, Hou LY, Liu W, Wang ZP. 2013. Non-microbial methane emissions from soils. Atmospheric Environment, 80: 290-298.
Lü FM, Lü XT, Liu W, Han X, Zhang GM, Kong DL, Han XG*. 2011. Carbon and nitrogen storage in plant and soil as related to nitrogen and water amendment in a temperate steppe of northern China. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 47: 187-196.
刘伟*, 王继明, 王智平. 2011. 内蒙古典型草原植物功能型对土壤甲烷吸收的影响. 植物生态学报, 35(3): 275.
Wang ZP*., Gulledge J., Zheng JQ., Liu W, Li LH., Han XG. 2009. Physical injury stimulates aerobic methane emissions from terrestrial plants. Biogeosciences, 6(4): 615-621.
一种提高羊草臂力的有机无机复合肥机器施肥方法, 发明人: 潘庆民, 孙佳美, 刘伟, 王璟. 专利号: CN 106721146 A.
基于水体指数变异系数的水稻亚像元识别方法, 发明人: 袁文平, 刘伟. 专利号: CN107273797A.