中国科学院| 植物所| 中文版| English| 全文检索

研 究 组 : 碳循环与有机地球化学研究组
民       族: 汉
籍       贯:
出生年月: 1987.11
职       称: 副研究员
毕业院校: 北京师范大学
毕业时间: 2015.7
  • 学习工作经历
  • 科研项目
  • 论文专著
  • 所获奖励
  • 学习经历
    2005.09–2009.07 河南师范大学,学士
    2009.09–2015.07 北京师范大学,博士

    2015.09-2025.03 中国科学院植物研究所,助理研究员
    2025.03-至今 中国科学院植物研究所,副研究员


  • 主持的科研项目:

    2020.01.01 – 2023.12.31, 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 澜沧江有机碳降解的激发效应及机制研究,62万元,41973075(负责人:刘婷)。

    2017.07.01 – 2020.12.31, 国家重点研发计划子课题, 碳循环关键过程室内模拟分析的技术及方法评估,80万元,2017YFC0503902 (子课题负责人:刘婷)

    2017.01.01 – 2019.12.31, 国家自然科学基金青年基金, 陆源有机碳在澜沧江中的分子组成特征及降解机制研究,20万元,41603076(负责人:刘婷)。



    2018.01.01 – 2021.12.31, 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 湿地土壤有机碳与铁的交互作用及其对干旱的响应,69万元,41773067(参与)。

  • 代表性论文专著(*通讯作者;#共同第一作者)

    Simin Wang, Ting Liu*, Erxiong Zhu, Chen He, Quan Shi and Xiaojuan Feng*. 2024. Potential retention of dissolved organic matter by soil minerals during wetland water-table fluctuations. Water Research, 254: 121412. (共同通讯)

    Ting Liu, Xiaoqing Liu, Qi Pan, Shaoda Liu, Xiaojuan Feng*. 2023. Hydrodynamic and geochemical controls on soil carbon mineralization upon entry into aquatic systems, Water Research, 229:119499. ISSN: 0043-1354, IF5-year: 13.847.

    Ting Liu; Xin Wang, Erxiong Zhu, Zongguang Liu, Xinying Zhang, Jingjing Guo, Xiaoqing Liu, Chen He, Shengjie Hou, Pingqing Fu, Quan Shi, and Xiaojuan Feng*. 2021. Evolution of the Dissolved Organic Matter Composition along the Upper Mekong (Lancang) River, ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, 5(2): 319-330.

    Xin Wang#; Ting Liu#; Liang Wang; Zongguang Liu; Erxiong Zhu; Simin Wang; Yue Cai; Shanshan Zhu; Xiaojuan Feng*. 2021. Spatial-temporal variations in riverine carbon strongly influenced by local hydrological events in an alpine catchment. Biogeosciences, 18(10): 3015-3028(#共同一作)

    Ting Liu#, Liang Wang#, Xiaojuan Feng*, Jinbo Zhang, Tian Ma, Xin Wang, Zongguang Liu. 2018. Comparing soil carbon loss through respiration and leaching under extreme precipitation events in arid and semi-arid grasslands. Biogeosciences, 15: 1627-1641.(#共同一作)

    Ting Liu, Fan Wang, Greg Michalski, Xinghui Xia*, Shaoda Liu. 2013. Using 15N, 17O and 18O to determine nitrate sources in the Yellow River, China. Environmental Science & Technology, 47(23): 13412-13421.

    Ting Liu, Xinghui Xia*, Shaoda Liu, Xinli Mou, Yiwen Qiu. 2013. Acceleration of denitrification in turbid rivers due to denitrification occurring on suspended sediment in oxic waters. Environmental Science & Technology, 47 (9): 4053-4061.

    Simin Wang, Yufu Jia, Ting Liu, Yiyun Wang, Zongguang Liu, and Xiaojuan Feng*. 2021. Delineating the role of Calcium in the large-scale distribution of metal-bound organic carbon in soils. Geophysical Research Letters, 48(10): p. e2021GL092391.

    Erxiong Zhu, Ting Liu, Lei Zhou, Simin Wang, Xin Wang, Zhenhua Zhang, Zhengwen Wang, Yongfei Bai; Xiaojuan Feng*. 2020. Leaching of organic carbon from grassland soils under anaerobiosis. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 141: p. 107684.

    冯晓娟*, 王依云, 刘婷, 贾娟, 戴国华, 马田, 刘宗广. 2020. 生物标志物及其在生态系统研究中的应用. 植物生态学报, 44: 384-394.

    Xinghui Xia*, Ting Liu, Zhifeng Yang, Greg Michalski, Shaoda Liu, Zhimei Jia, Sibo Zhang. 2017. Enhanced nitrogen loss from rivers through coupled nitrification-denitrification caused by suspended sediment. Science of the total environment, 579: 47-59.

    Xinghui Xia*, Ting Liu, Zhifeng Yang*, Xueqing Zhang, Zhongbo Yu. 2013. Dissolved organic nitrogen transformation in river water: Effects of suspended sediment and organic nitrogen concentration. Journal of Hydrology, 484: 96-104.

    Sibo Zhang, Xinghui Xia*, Ting Liu, Lingzi Xia, Liwei Zhang, Zhimei Jia, and Yayuan Li. 2017. Potential roles of anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox) in overlying water of rivers with suspended sediments. Biogeochemistry, 132: 237-249.

    Shaoda Liu, Xi Xi Lu*, Xinghui Xia*, Shurong Zhang, Lishan Ran, Xiankun Yang, Ting Liu. 2016. Dynamic biogeochemical controls on river pCO2 and recent changes under aggravating river impoundment: An example of the subtropical Yangtze River. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 30: 880-897.

    Xinghui Xia*, Zhimei Jia, Ting Liu, Sibo Zhang, Liwei Zhang. 2017. Coupled Nitrification-Denitrification Caused by Suspended Sediment (SPS) in Rivers: Importance of SPS Size and Composition. Environmental Science & Technology, 51(1): 212-221.

    Baotong Zhu, Shan Wu, Xinghui Xia*, Xiaoxia Lu, Xiaotian Zhang, Na Xia, Ting Liu. 2016. Effects of carbonaceous materials on microbial bioavailability of 2,2′,4,4′-tetrabromodiphenyl ether (BDE-47) in sediments. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 312: 216-223.

    Zhimei Jia, Ting Liu, Xinghui Xia*, Na Xia. 2016. Effect of particle size and composition of suspended sediment on denitrification in river water. Science of the Total Environment, 541: 934-940.

    Na Xia, Xinghui Xia*, Ting Liu, Lijuan Hu, Baotong Zhu, Xiaotian Zhang, Jianwei Dong. 2014. Characteristics of bacterial community in the water and surface sediment of the Yellow River, China, the largest turbid river in the world. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 14(11): 1894-1904.

    Shaoda Liu, Xinghui Xia*, Yawei Zhai, Ran Wang, Ting Liu, Shangwei Zhang. 2011. Black carbon (BC) in urban and surrounding rural soils of Beijing, China: spatial distribution and relationship with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Chemosphere, 82(2): 223-228.

    Xinghui Xia*, Zhui Zhou, Chuanhui Zhou, Guohua Jiang, Ting Liu. 2011. Effects of suspended sediment on the biodegradation and mineralization of phenanthrene in river water. Journal of Environmental Quality, 40(1): 118-125.



    一种模拟研究河流水-悬浮颗粒-沉积物体系氮转化的装置及方法,夏星辉; 姜晨润刘婷; 张思波; 王君峰,专利号:2020107806847,申请日期:2020-08-05

2005.09–2009.07 河南师范大学,学士
2009.09–2015.07 北京师范大学,博士
2015.09-2025.03 中国科学院植物研究所,助理研究员
2025.03-至今 中国科学院植物研究所,副研究员


2020.01.01 – 2023.12.31, 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 澜沧江有机碳降解的激发效应及机制研究,62万元,41973075(负责人:刘婷)。

2017.07.01 – 2020.12.31, 国家重点研发计划子课题, 碳循环关键过程室内模拟分析的技术及方法评估,80万元,2017YFC0503902 (子课题负责人:刘婷)

2017.01.01 – 2019.12.31, 国家自然科学基金青年基金, 陆源有机碳在澜沧江中的分子组成特征及降解机制研究,20万元,41603076(负责人:刘婷)。



2018.01.01 – 2021.12.31, 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 湿地土壤有机碳与铁的交互作用及其对干旱的响应,69万元,41773067(参与)。



Simin Wang, Ting Liu*, Erxiong Zhu, Chen He, Quan Shi and Xiaojuan Feng*. 2024. Potential retention of dissolved organic matter by soil minerals during wetland water-table fluctuations. Water Research, 254: 121412. (共同通讯)

Ting Liu, Xiaoqing Liu, Qi Pan, Shaoda Liu, Xiaojuan Feng*. 2023. Hydrodynamic and geochemical controls on soil carbon mineralization upon entry into aquatic systems, Water Research, 229:119499. ISSN: 0043-1354, IF5-year: 13.847.

Ting Liu; Xin Wang, Erxiong Zhu, Zongguang Liu, Xinying Zhang, Jingjing Guo, Xiaoqing Liu, Chen He, Shengjie Hou, Pingqing Fu, Quan Shi, and Xiaojuan Feng*. 2021. Evolution of the Dissolved Organic Matter Composition along the Upper Mekong (Lancang) River, ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, 5(2): 319-330.

Xin Wang#; Ting Liu#; Liang Wang; Zongguang Liu; Erxiong Zhu; Simin Wang; Yue Cai; Shanshan Zhu; Xiaojuan Feng*. 2021. Spatial-temporal variations in riverine carbon strongly influenced by local hydrological events in an alpine catchment. Biogeosciences, 18(10): 3015-3028(#共同一作)

Ting Liu#, Liang Wang#, Xiaojuan Feng*, Jinbo Zhang, Tian Ma, Xin Wang, Zongguang Liu. 2018. Comparing soil carbon loss through respiration and leaching under extreme precipitation events in arid and semi-arid grasslands. Biogeosciences, 15: 1627-1641.(#共同一作)

Ting Liu, Fan Wang, Greg Michalski, Xinghui Xia*, Shaoda Liu. 2013. Using 15N, 17O and 18O to determine nitrate sources in the Yellow River, China. Environmental Science & Technology, 47(23): 13412-13421.

Ting Liu, Xinghui Xia*, Shaoda Liu, Xinli Mou, Yiwen Qiu. 2013. Acceleration of denitrification in turbid rivers due to denitrification occurring on suspended sediment in oxic waters. Environmental Science & Technology, 47 (9): 4053-4061.

Simin Wang, Yufu Jia, Ting Liu, Yiyun Wang, Zongguang Liu, and Xiaojuan Feng*. 2021. Delineating the role of Calcium in the large-scale distribution of metal-bound organic carbon in soils. Geophysical Research Letters, 48(10): p. e2021GL092391.

Erxiong Zhu, Ting Liu, Lei Zhou, Simin Wang, Xin Wang, Zhenhua Zhang, Zhengwen Wang, Yongfei Bai; Xiaojuan Feng*. 2020. Leaching of organic carbon from grassland soils under anaerobiosis. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 141: p. 107684.

冯晓娟*, 王依云, 刘婷, 贾娟, 戴国华, 马田, 刘宗广. 2020. 生物标志物及其在生态系统研究中的应用. 植物生态学报, 44: 384-394.

Xinghui Xia*, Ting Liu, Zhifeng Yang, Greg Michalski, Shaoda Liu, Zhimei Jia, Sibo Zhang. 2017. Enhanced nitrogen loss from rivers through coupled nitrification-denitrification caused by suspended sediment. Science of the total environment, 579: 47-59.

Xinghui Xia*, Ting Liu, Zhifeng Yang*, Xueqing Zhang, Zhongbo Yu. 2013. Dissolved organic nitrogen transformation in river water: Effects of suspended sediment and organic nitrogen concentration. Journal of Hydrology, 484: 96-104.

Sibo Zhang, Xinghui Xia*, Ting Liu, Lingzi Xia, Liwei Zhang, Zhimei Jia, and Yayuan Li. 2017. Potential roles of anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox) in overlying water of rivers with suspended sediments. Biogeochemistry, 132: 237-249.

Shaoda Liu, Xi Xi Lu*, Xinghui Xia*, Shurong Zhang, Lishan Ran, Xiankun Yang, Ting Liu. 2016. Dynamic biogeochemical controls on river pCO2 and recent changes under aggravating river impoundment: An example of the subtropical Yangtze River. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 30: 880-897.

Xinghui Xia*, Zhimei Jia, Ting Liu, Sibo Zhang, Liwei Zhang. 2017. Coupled Nitrification-Denitrification Caused by Suspended Sediment (SPS) in Rivers: Importance of SPS Size and Composition. Environmental Science & Technology, 51(1): 212-221.

Baotong Zhu, Shan Wu, Xinghui Xia*, Xiaoxia Lu, Xiaotian Zhang, Na Xia, Ting Liu. 2016. Effects of carbonaceous materials on microbial bioavailability of 2,2′,4,4′-tetrabromodiphenyl ether (BDE-47) in sediments. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 312: 216-223.

Zhimei Jia, Ting Liu, Xinghui Xia*, Na Xia. 2016. Effect of particle size and composition of suspended sediment on denitrification in river water. Science of the Total Environment, 541: 934-940.

Na Xia, Xinghui Xia*, Ting Liu, Lijuan Hu, Baotong Zhu, Xiaotian Zhang, Jianwei Dong. 2014. Characteristics of bacterial community in the water and surface sediment of the Yellow River, China, the largest turbid river in the world. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 14(11): 1894-1904.

Shaoda Liu, Xinghui Xia*, Yawei Zhai, Ran Wang, Ting Liu, Shangwei Zhang. 2011. Black carbon (BC) in urban and surrounding rural soils of Beijing, China: spatial distribution and relationship with polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Chemosphere, 82(2): 223-228.

Xinghui Xia*, Zhui Zhou, Chuanhui Zhou, Guohua Jiang, Ting Liu. 2011. Effects of suspended sediment on the biodegradation and mineralization of phenanthrene in river water. Journal of Environmental Quality, 40(1): 118-125.



一种模拟研究河流水-悬浮颗粒-沉积物体系氮转化的装置及方法,夏星辉; 姜晨润刘婷; 张思波; 王君峰,专利号:2020107806847,申请日期:2020-08-05
