- 方欧娅
- 研 究 组 : 树木年轮与孢粉研究组
- 民 族: 汉
- 研究领域: 树轮生态学
- 籍 贯: 安徽省安庆市
- 导师资格: 硕士生导师
- 出生年月: 1989.06
- 职 称: 副研究员
- 毕业院校: 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所
- 入职时间: 2018.9
- 毕业时间: 2016.6
- 办公电话: 010-62836883
- 电子邮件: oyfang@ibcas.ac.cn
Ouya Fang, Qi-bin Zhang*. Stress triggers tree-growth rebound in global forests. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 2024, 359: 110285.
Yuntao Dong, Ouya Fang*. Decreasing resistance as an early warning signal of forest declines in the Qilian Mountains. Biological Conservation. 2024, 299: 110809.
Hengfeng Jia, Jiacheng Zheng, Jing Yang, Lixin Lyu, Yuntao Dong, Ouya Fang*. Tree-growth synchrony index, an effective indicator of historical climatic extremes. Ecological Processes. 2024, 13: 55.
董云焘, 贾恒锋, 杨晶, 李佩轩, 方欧娅*. 祁连山中部祁连圆柏林干扰历史重建. 植物生态学报. 2024, 48(8): 967-976.
Hengfeng Jia, Jiacheng Zheng, Ouya Fang, Jing Yang, Jia-Yang Langzhen, Richard J. Hebda, Qi-bin Zhang*. De-synchronization in tree growth is a strategy for maintaining forest resilience. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 2024, 359: 110292.
Jing Yang, Baowei Zhao, Jiacheng Zheng, Qi Zhang, Yan Li, Fuhai Ma, Ouya Fang*. Linkage between spruce forest decline and cloud cover increase in the Qilian Mountains of the northeastern Tibetan Plateau. Trees-Structure and Function. 2023, 37: 1097-1106.
Feng Chen*, Wenmin Man, Shijie Wang, Jan Esper, David Meko, Ulf Büntgen, Yujiang Yuan, Martín Hadad, Mao Hu, Xiaoen Zhao, Fidel A. Roig, Ouya Fang, Youping Chen, Heli Zhang, Huaming Shang, Shulong Yu, Xian Luo, Daming He*, Fahu Chen*. Southeast Asian ecological dependency on Tibetan Plateau streamflow over the last millennium. Nature geoscience. 2023, 16, 1151–1158.
Yu-mei Mu, Lixin Lyu, Yan Li, Ouya Fang*. Tree-ring evidence of ecological stress memory. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 2022. 289: 20221850.
Hengfeng Jia, Ouya Fang*, Lixin Lyu. Non-linear modelling reveals a predominant moisture limit on juniper growth across the southern Tibetan Plateau. Annals of Botany, 2022. 130:85-95.
Ouya Fang, Qi-bin Zhang*, Yann Vitasse, Roman Zweifel, Paolo Cherubini. The frequency and severity of past droughts shape the drought sensitivity of juniper trees on the Tibetan plateau. Forest Ecology and Management, 2021. 486: 118968.
方欧娅*, 张永, 张启, 贾恒锋. 黄河上游甘蒙柽柳生长对极端旱涝的响应. 植物生态学报. 2021. 45(6): 641-649.
Yu-mei Mu, Ouya Fang*, Lixin Lyu. Nighttime warming alleviates the incidence of juniper forest growth decline on the Tibetan Plateau. Science of the Total Environment, 2021. 782: 146924.
Yu-mei Mu, Qi-bin Zhang*, Ouya Fang, Lixin Lyu, Paolo Cherubini. Pervasive tree-growth reduction in Tibetan juniper forests. Forest Ecology and Management. 2021. 480: 118642.
Yan Li, Qi-bin Zhang*, Ouya Fang, Yu-mei Mu, Hengfeng Jia, Lixin Lyu. Recovery time of juniper trees is longer in wet than dry conditions on the Tibetan Plateau in the past two centuries. Forest Ecology and Management. 2021. 497: 119514.
Ouya Fang, Hongyan Qiu, Qi-bin Zhang*. Species-specific drought resilience in juniper and fir forests in the central Himalayas. Ecological Indicators. 2020. 117: 106615.
Qi-bin Zhang*, Ouya Fang. Tree rings circle an abrupt shift in climate. Science. 2020. 370: 1037-1038.
Ouya Fang, Qi-bin Zhang*. Tree resilience to drought increases in the Tibetan Plateau. Global Change Biology. 2019. 25: 245-253.
Yu-mei Mou, Ouya Fang*, Xuehan Cheng, Hongyan Qiu. Recent tree growth decline unprecedented in the past four centuries in a Tibetan juniper forest. Journal of Forestry Research. 2019. 4: 1429-1436.
宋馥杉, 方欧娅*. 三江源国家公园大果圆柏生长衰退历史研究. 森林与环境学报. 2019. 39: 386-392.
Ouya Fang, René I. Alfaro, Qi-bin Zhang*. Tree rings reveal a major episode of forest mortality in the late 18th century on the Tibetan Plateau. Global and Planetary Change. 2018. 163: 44-50.
张启, 方欧娅*. 山西忻州地区1900-2012年典型森林的健康历史. 生态学报. 2018. 38: 236-243.
Yang Wang, Yong Zhang, Ouya Fang, Xuemei Shao*. Long-term changes in the tree radial growth and intrinsic water-use efficiency of Chuanxi spruce (Picea likiangensis var. balfouriana) in southwestern China. Journal of Geographical Sciences. 2018. 28: 833-844.
方欧娅*, 贾恒锋, 邱红岩, 任海保. 青海省同德县乔木状甘蒙柽柳的年龄及其生长对环境的响应. 植物生态学报. 2017. 41:738-748.
汪舟, 方欧娅*. 山东蒙山森林冠层绿度与树干径向生长的关系. 生态学报. 2017. 37: 7514-7527.
Ouya Fang, Yang Wang, Xuemei Shao*. The effect of climate on the net primary productivity (NPP) of Pinus koraiensis in the Changbai Mountains over the past 50 years. Trees-Structure and Function. 2016. 30: 281-294.
方欧娅, 汪洋, 邵雪梅*. 基于树轮资料重建森林净初级生产力的研究进展. 地理科学进展. 2014. 8: 1039-1046.
张齐兵, 方欧娅, 吕利新. 青藏高原树木年轮生态学研究. 北京: 科学出版社. 2019.
尹云鹤, 邵雪梅, 田晓瑞, 等. 气候变化影响与风险:气候变化对森林影响与风险研究. 北京: 科学出版社. 2017.