- 任海保,研究生教育学历,博士学位
- 研 究 组 : 生物多样性与生态安全研究组
- 民 族: 汉
- 研究领域:
- 籍 贯: 河北省
- 导师资格: 硕士生导师
- 出生年月: 1972.07
- 职 称: 副研究员
- 毕业院校: 植物研究所
- 入职时间: 1991.9
- 毕业时间: 2005.02
- 办公电话:
- 电子邮件: renhb@ibcas.ac.cn
- 学习工作经历
- 科研项目
- 论文专著
- 所获奖励
1996.09-2000.07 北京林业大学,硕士
2001.09-2004.07 中国科学院植物研究所,博士
2005.03-2021.02 中国科学院植物研究所,助理研究员
2021.02-至今 中国科学院植物研究所,副研究员
2005.11-2006.04 加拿大阿尔伯塔大学,访问学者
2012.01-2013.01 美国耶鲁大学生态与生物进化系,访问学者
2019.10-2020.10 丹麦奥胡斯大学,客座副研究员
多种生态系统服务与生物多样性协同提升的综合森林管理影响评估,国家重点研发项目,2023.12 -2027.11,专项负责人
钱江源国家公园生物多样性全域植物多样性复查监测与评估项目,地方任务,2023.09– 2024.11,主持人
钱江源国家公园全域植物多样性监测,地方任务,2018.12 -2021-12, 主持人
亚热带森林群落多样性形成与维持机制,中国科学院计划-战略性先导专项(B类),2018.09-2023. 8,专项负责人
生物多样性与生态安全,中国科学院计划-战略性先导科技专项(A类),2018.1 -2022.12,专项负责人
木本植物多度在其地理分布范围内分布格局及其生态位机制,国家自然科学基金课题(面上项目),2014.1 -2017.12,主持人
中国东部木本植物β多样性格局及形成机制,国家自然科学基金课题(面上项目),2007.1 –2009.12,主持人
Ma JH, Chen L, Mi XC, Ren HB, Liu XJ, Wang YQ, Wang F, Yao YJ, Zhang Y, Ma KP. 2023. The interactive effects of soil fertility and tree mycorrhizal association explain spatial variation of diversity–biomass relationships in a subtropical forest. Journal of Ecology, 111: 1037-1049.
陈声文, 任海保*, 童光蓉, 王宁宁, 蓝文超, 薛建华, 米湘成. 2023. 钱江源国家公园木本植物物种多样性空间分布格局. 生物多样性, 31: 22587.
Tian K, Chai PT, Wang YQ*, Chen L, Qian HY, Chen SW, Mi XC, Ren HB, Ma KP, Chen JH*. 2023. Species diversity pattern and its drivers of the understory herbaceous plants in a Chinese subtropical forest. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 16: 1113742.
楼晨阳, 任海保, 陈小南, 米湘成, 童冉, 朱念福, 陈磊, 吴统贵, 申小莉. 2023.钱江源国家公园森林群落的物种多样性、结构多样性及其对黑麂出现概率的影响. 生物多样性, 31: 22518.
Ren HB, Svenning JC, Mi XC, Lutz JA, Zhou JX, Ma KP*.2022. Scale-dependent species–area relationship: Niche-based versus stochastic processes in a typical subtropical forest. Journal of Ecology, 110:1883–1895.
Yi XX, Wang NN, Ren HB, Yu JP, Hu TY, Su YJ, Mi XC, Guo QH, Ma KP. 2022. From canopy complementarity to asymmetric competition: The negative relationship between structural diversity and productivity during succession. 110: 457-465. ISSN: 0022-0477, IF5-year: 6.2998.
Cao K, Condit R, Mi XC, Chen L, Ren HB, Xu WB, Burslem DFRP, Cai CR, Cao M, Chang LW, Chu CJ, Cui FX, Du H, Ediriweera S, Gunatilleke CSV, Gunatilleke IUAN, Hao ZQ, Jin GZ, Li JB, Li BH, Li YD, Liu YK, Ni HW, O’Brien MJ, Qiao XJ, Shen GC, Tian SY, Wang XH, Xu H, Xu YZ, Yang LB, Yap SL, Lian JY, Ye WH, Yu MJ, Su SH, Chang-Yang CH, Guo YL, Li XK, Zeng FP, Zhu DG, Zhu L, Sun IF, Ma KP , Svenning JC. 2021. Species packing and the latitudinal gradient in beta-diversity. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences, 288 on line.
Lin H, Li YN, Bruelheide H, Zhang SR, Ren HB, Zhang NL, Ma KP. 2021. What drives leaf litter decomposition and the decomposer community in subtropical forests – The richness of the above-ground tree community or that of the leaf litter? Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 160: 108314.
Zhong YL, Chu CJ, Myers JA, Gilbert GS, Lutz JA, Stillhard J, Zhu K, Thompson J, Baltzer JL, He FL, LaManna JA, Davies SJ, Aderson-Teixeira KJ, Burslem DFRP, Alonso A, Chao KJ, Wang XG, Gao LM, Orwig DA, Yin X, Sui XH, Su ZY, Abiem I, Bissiengou P, Bourg N, Butt N, Cao M, Chang-Yang CH, Chao WC, Chapman H, Chen YY, Coomes DA, Cordell S, Oliveira A, Du H, Fang SQ, Giardina GP, Hao ZP, Hector A, Hubbell SP, Janík D, Jansen PA, Jiang MX, Jin GZ, Kenfack D, Král K, Larson AJ, Li BH, Li XK, Li YD, Lian JY, Lin LX, Liu F, Liu YK, Liu Y, Luan FC, Luo YH, Ma KP, Malhi Y, McMahon SM, McShea W, Memiaghe H, Mi XC, Morecroft M, Novotny V, O’Brien MJ, Ouden J, Parker GG, Qiao XJ, Ren HB, Reynolds G, Samonil P, Sang WG, Shen GC, Shen ZQ, Song GZM, Sun IF, Tang H, Tian SY, Uowolo AL, Uriarte M, Wang B, Wang XH, Wang YS, Weiblen GD, Wu ZH, Xi NX, Xiang WS, Xu H, Xu K, Ye WH, Yu MJ, Zeng FP, Zhang MH, Zhang YM, Zhu L, Zimmerman JK. 2021. Arbuscular mycorrhizal trees influence the latitudinal beta-diversity gradient of tree communities in forests worldwide. Nature Communications, 12: 3137
Wang YQ, Cadotte MW, Chen JH, Mi XC, Ren HB, Liu XJ, Yu MJ, Zhang JT, Ma KP. 2020.Neighborhood interactions on seedling survival were greatly altered following an extreme winter storm. Forest Ecology and Management, 461: 11794.
Qiao XJ, Zhang JX, Wang Z, Xu YZ, Zhou TY, Mi XC, Cao M, Ye WH, Jin GZ, Hao ZQ, Wang XG, Wang XH, Tian SY, Li XK, Xiang WS, Liu YK, Shao YN, Xu K, Sang WG, Zeng FP, Ren HB, Jiang MX, Ellison AM. 2020. Foundation Species Across a Latitudinal Gradient in China. Ecology, 102: e03234.
Zhang LW, Mi XC, Harrison RD, Yang B, Man XX, Ren HB, Ma KP. 2020. Resource Heterogeneity, Not Resource Quantity, Plays an Important Role in Determining Tree Species Diversity in Two Species-Rich Forests. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 8: 224.
Ren HB*, Keil P, Mi XC, Ma KP, Hao ZQ, Ye WH, Lin LX, Valencia R, Fletcher CD, Thomas DW, Howe RW, Lutz J, Bourg NA, Su SH, Sun IF, Zhu L, Chang LW, Wang XH, Du XJ, Kenfack D, Chuyong GB, Jetz W*. 2019. Environment- and trait-mediated scaling of tree occupancy in forests worldwide. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 28:1155-1167.
Cao K, Mi XC, Zhang LW, Ren HB, Yu MJ, Chen JH, Zhang JT, Ma KP. 2019. Examining residual spatial correlation in variation partitioning of beta diversity in a subtropical forest. Journal of Plant Ecology, 12: 636–644.
Duan YW*, Ren HB, Li T, Wang LL, Zhang ZQ, Tu YL, Yang YP*. 2019. A century of pollination success revealed by herbarium specimens of seed pods. New Phytologist, 224: 1512-1517. (共同第一作者)
Chen L, Swenson NG, Ji NN, Mi XC, Ren HB, Guo LD, Ma KP*. 2019. Differential soil fungus accumulation and density dependence of trees in a subtropical forest. Science, 366(6461): 124-128.
Chen L, Wang YQ, Mi XC, Liu XJ, Ren HB, Chen JH, Ma KP*, Kraft NJB. 2019. Neighborhood effects explain increasing asynchronous seedling survival in a subtropical forest. Ecology, 100: e02821.
芦 伟, 余建平, 任海保*, 米湘成, 陈建华*, 马克平. 2018. 古田山中亚热带常绿阔叶林群落物种多样性的空间变异特征. 生物多样性, 26: 1023–1028.
Lin DM*, Pang M, Lai JS, Mi XC, Ren HB, Ma KP. 2017. Multivariate relationship between tree diversity and aboveground biomass across tree strata in a subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest. Chinese Science Bulletin, 62: 1861-1868.
宋云峰, 陈声文, 王 薇, 余建平, 钱海源, 王云泉, 陈 磊, 米湘成, 任海保, 叶 铎, 陈建华, 马克平. 2017. 负密度制约和生境过滤对古田山幼苗功能多样性年际变化的影响. 生物多样性, 25: 959–965.
Yang ZJ, Zhang Y, Ren HB, Yan S, Kong ZC, Ma KP, Ni J. 2016. Altitudinal changes of surface pollen and vegetation on the north slope of the Middle Tianshan Mountains, China. Journal of Arid Land, 8(5): 799–810.
Song P, Ren HB, Jia Q, Guo JX, Zhang NL*, Ma KP. 2015. Effects of historical logging on soil microbial communities in a subtropical forest in southern China. Plant and Soil, 397: 115-126.
Feng G, Svenning JC, Mi XC, Jia Q, Rao M, Ren HB, Bebber DP, Ma KP. 2014. Anthropogenic disturbance shapes phylogenetic and functional tree community structure in a subtropical forest. Forest Ecology and Management, 323: 188-198.
任海保, 徐海根, 马克平, 丁晖, 米湘成, 乐志芳, 陈磊, 曹云, 赖江山, 曹铭昌. 2014. 生物多样性观测技术导则 陆生维管植物. 环境保护部, 标准号: HJ 710.1-2014.
Ren HB, Condit R, Chen B, Mi XC, Cao M, Ye WH, Hao ZQ, Ma KP*. 2013. Geographical Range and Local Abundance of Tree Species in China. PLoS ONE, 8: e76374.
Mi XC, Swenson NG, Valencia R, Kress WJ, Erickson DL, Perez AJ, Ren HB, Su SH, Gunatilleke N, Gunatilleke S, Hao ZQ, Ye WH, Cao M, Suresh HS, Dattaraja HS, Sukumar R, Ma KP. 2012. The Contribution of Rare Species to Community Phylogenetic Diversity across a Global Network of Forest Plots. American Naturalist, 180: E17-E30.
Chen L, Mi XC, Comita LS, Zhang LW, Ren HB, Ma KP. 2010. Community-level consequences of density dependence and habitat association in a subtropical broad-leaved forest. Ecology Letters, 13: 695-704.
Zhu Y, Mi XC, Ren HB, Ma KP. 2010. Density dependence is prevalent in a heterogeneous subtropical forest. OIKOS, 119: 109-119.
Legendre P, Mi XC, Ren HB, Ma KP, Yu MJ, Sun IF, He FL. 2009. Partitioning beta diversity in a subtropical broad-leaved forest of China. Ecology, 90: 663-674.
Lai JS, Mi XC, Ren HB, Ma KP. 2009. Species-habitat associations change in a subtropical forest of China. Journal of Vegetation Science, 20: 415-423.
Shen GC, Yu MJ, Hu XS, Mi XC, Ren HB, Sun IF, Ma KP. 2009. Species–area relationships explained by the joint effects of dispersal limitation and habitat heterogeneity. Ecology, 90: 3033-3041.
Ren HB, Niu SK, Zhang LY, Ma KP. 2006. Distribution of Vascular Plant Species Richness Along an Elevational Gradient in the Dongling Mountains, Beijing, China. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 48 (2): 153−160.
Wang T, Ren HB, Ma KP. 2005. Climatic signals in tree ring of Picea schrenkiana along an altitudinal gradient in the central Tianshan Mountains, northwestern China. Trees, 19: 736-742.
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