- 刘长成,研究生教育学历,博士学位
- 研 究 组 : 植被生态学与植被图志研究组
- 民 族: 汉
- 研究领域: 植被生态学
- 籍 贯: 四川
- 导师资格: 硕士生导师
- 出生年月: 1983.01
- 职 称: 副研究员
- 毕业院校: 植物研究所
- 入职时间: 2010.7
- 毕业时间: 2010.07
- 办公电话: 010-62836937
- 电子邮件: liuchangcheng@ibcas.ac.cn
Lu SZ, Zhang D, Wang L, Dong L, Liu CC, Hou DJ, Chen GP, Qiao XG, Wang Y, Guo K*. 2023. Comparison of plant diversity-carbon storage relationships along altitudinal gradients in temperate forests and shrublands. Frontiers in Plant Science, 14: 1120050.
Liu CC*, Qiao XG, Guo K*, Zhao LQ, Pan QM. 2022. Vegetation classification of Stipa steppes in China, with reference to the International Vegetation Classification. Vegetation Classification and Survey, 3: 121-144.
Wu PP, Wang Zi, Jia NX, Dong SQ, Qu XY, Qiao XG, Liu CC*, Guo K*. 2022. Vegetation classification and distribution patterns in the south slope of Yarlung Zangbo Grand Canyon National Nature Reserve, Eastern Himalayas. Plants, 11, 1194.
Liu JY, Lu SZ, Liu CC, Hou DJ*. 2022. Nutrient reallocation between stem and leaf drives grazed grassland degradation in inner Mongolia, China. BMC Plant Biology, 22: 505.
Wang Z, Wu PP, Liu CC, Guo K*, Yu SX*. 2022. Impatiens nushanensis (Balsaminaceae), a new species from Yunnan, China. Phytotaxa, 545 (2): 186–196.
Wu PP, Wang Z, Jia NX, Guo SW, Liu CC, Jin XH*, Guo K*. 2021. Calanthe × yarlungzangboensis, a new natural hybrid in genus Calanthe (Orchidaceae) from China. Phytotaxa, 518 (2): 167-174.
Liu CC*, Qiao XG, Wang Z, Lu SZ, Hou MF, Wentworth TR, Hou DJ, Guo K*. 2020. Distinct taxonomic and phylogenetic patterns of plant communities on acid and limestone soils in subtropical and tropical China. Journal of Vegetation Science, 31: 194-207.
Faber-Langendoen D*, Navarro G, Willner W, Keith DA, Liu CC, Guo K, Meidinger D. 2020. Perspectives on terrestrial biomes: The International Vegetation Classification. In: Goldstein MI, DellaSala DA (Eds.), Encyclopedia of the World's Biomes, vol. 1. Elsevier, pp. 1-15.
Liu YG, Liu CC, Rubinato M, Guo K, Zhou JX, Cui M*. 2020. An Assessment of Soil’s Nutrient Deficiencies and Their Influence on the Restoration of Degraded Karst Vegetation in Southwest China. Forest, 11: 797.
Hou DJ, Liu CC*, Qiao XG, Guo K. 2020. Asymmetric effects of litter accumulation on soil temperature and dominant plant species in fenced grasslands. Ecosphere, 11: e03289.
Hou DJ, Guo K, Liu CC*. 2020. Asymmetric effects of grazing intensity on macroelements and microelements in grassland soil and plants in Inner Mongolia. Ecology and Evolution, 10: 8916-8926.
Liu CC*, Wentworth TR, Qiao XG, Guo K*, Hou DJ. 2019. Vegetation classification at the association level under the China Vegetation Classification System: an example of six Stipa steppe formations in China. Journal of Plant Ecology, 12: 1009-1024.
Hou DJ, He WM, Liu CC, Qiao XG, Guo K*. 2019. Litter accumulation alters the abiotic environment and drives community successional changes in two fenced grasslands in Inner Mongolia. Ecology and Evolution, 9: 9214-9224.
Guo K*, Liu CC, Xie ZQ, Li FY, Franklin SB, Lu ZJ, Ma KP. 2018. China vegetation classification: concept, approach and applications. Phytocoenologia, 48: 113-120.
Liu CC*, Liu YG, Guo K*, Qiao XG, Zhao HW, Wang SJ, Zhang L, Cai XL. 2018. Effects of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium addition on the productivity of a karst grassland: Plant functional group and community perspectives. Ecological Engineering, 117: 84-95.
Zhao HW, Guo K*, Yang Y, Liu CC, Zhao LQ, Qiao XG, Hou DJ, Gao CG. 2018. Stipa steppes in scantily explored regions of the Tibetan Plateau: classification, community characteristics and climatic distribution patterns. Journal of Plant Ecology, 11: 585-594.
Liu CC, Liu YG, Guo K*, Zhao HW, Qiao XG, Wang SJ, Zhang L, Cai XL. 2016. Mixing litter from deciduous and evergreen trees enhances decomposition in a subtropical karst forest in southwestern China. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 101: 44-54.
Liu CC, Liu YG, Guo K*, Wang SJ, Liu HM, Zhao HW, Qiao XG, Hou DJ, Li SB. 2016. Aboveground carbon stock, allocation and sequestration potential during vegetation recovery in the karst region of southwestern China: A case study at a watershed scale. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 235: 91-100.
Liu CC, Liu YG, Guo K*, Wang SJ, Yang Y. 2014. Concentrations and resorption patterns of 13 nutrients in different plant functional types in the karst region of south-western China. Annals of Botany, 113: 873-885.
Liu Y, Liu CC, Wang SJ, Guo K*, Yang J, Zhang XS, Li GQ. 2013. Organic carbon storage in four ecosystem types in the karst region of southwestern China. PloS One, 8: e56443.
Liu CC*, Liu YG, Fan DY, Guo K. 2012. Plant drought tolerance assessment for re-vegetation in heterogeneous karst landscapes of southwestern China. Flora, 207: 30-38.
Li GQ, Liu CC, Liu YG, Yang J, Zhang XS, Guo K*. 2012. Effects of climate, disturbance and soil factors on the potential distribution of Liaotung oak (Quercus wutaishanica Mayr) in China. Ecological Research, 27: 427-436.
Liu CC, Liu YG, Guo K*, Fan DY, Li GQ, Zheng YR, Yu LF, Yang R. 2011. Effect of drought on pigments, osmotic adjustment and antioxidant enzymes in six woody plant species in karst habitats of southwestern China. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 71: 174-183.
Liu CC, Liu YG, Guo K*, Li GQ, Zheng YR, Yu LF, Yang R. 2011. Comparative ecophysiological responses to drought of two shrub and four tree species from karst habitats of southwestern China. Trees-structure and function, 25: 537-549.
Liu CC, Liu YG, Guo K*, Fan DY, Yu LF, Yang R. 2011. Exploitation of patchy soil water resources by the clonal vine Ficus tikoua in karst habitats in southwestern China. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 33: 93-102.
Fan DY,Jie SL,Liu CC,Zhang XY, Xu XW, Zhang SR,Xie ZQ*. 2011. The trade-off between safety and efficiency in hydraulic architecture in 31 woody species in a karst area. Tree Physiology, 31: 865-877.
Liu CC, Liu YG, Guo K*, Zheng YR, Li GQ, Yu LF, Yang R. 2010. Influence of drought intensity on the response of six woody karst species subjected to successive cycles of drought and rewatering. Physiologia Plantarum, 139: 39-54.
刘长成*,王斌,郭柯,李先琨*,侯满福,刘玉国. 2021. 中国喀斯特植被分类系统. 广西植物, 41: 1618-1631.
贺忠权,刘长成*,蔡先立,郭柯*. 2021. 黔中高原喀斯特常绿与落叶阔叶混交林类型及群落特征. 植物生态学报,45: 670-680.
贾宁霞,郭柯*,宋创业,刘长成. 2021. 植被制图色彩和符号设计原则与全国植被图图例方案. 植物生态学报, 45 (8): 809-817.
乔鲜果,郭柯*,赵利清,王孜,刘长成. 2020. 中国长芒草群系的群落特征. 植物生态学报, 441: 231-237.
高趁光,郭柯*,乔鲜果,陆帅志,刘长成,侯东杰,王孜. 2018. 草原模式植物群落监测方法应用样例,生物多样性,26: 266-273.
高趁光,乔鲜果,王孜,陆帅志,侯东杰,刘长成,赵利清,郭柯*. 2018. 中国百里香草原的分布、群落特征和分类. 植物生态学报, 42: 971-976.
乔鲜果,郭柯*,赵利清,刘长成,赵海卫,侯东杰,高趁光. 2017. 中国石生针茅草原的分布、群落特征和分类. 植物生态学报, 41: 231-237.
郭柯*,刘长成,潘庆明. 2016. 中国草原/荒漠植物多样性监测网模式植物群落监测方案,生物多样性,24: 1220-1226.
杨瑶,郭柯*,赵利清,赵海卫,乔鲜果,刘慧明,刘长成. 2014. 西藏昆仑针茅草原的基本特征. 植物生态学报, 38: 635-639.
李国庆,刘长成,刘玉国,杨军,张新时,郭柯*. 2013. 物种分布模型理论研究进展. 生态学报,33: 4827-4835.
郭柯*,刘长成,董鸣. 2011. 我国西南喀斯特植物生态适应性与石漠化治理,植物生态学报,35: 991-999.
刘长成,刘玉国,郭柯*. 2011. 四种不同生活型植物幼苗对喀斯特生境干旱的生理生态适应性. 植物生态学报, 35: 1070-1082.
刘玉国,刘长成,魏雅芬,刘永刚,郭柯*. 2011. 贵州省普定县不同植被演替阶段物种组成与群落结构特征,植物生态学报,35: 1009-1018.
刘玉国,刘长成,李国庆,魏雅芬,刘永刚,郭柯*. 2011. 贵州喀斯特山地5种森林植被群落的枯落物储量及水文作用,林业科学,47: 82-88.
刘长成,魏雅芬,刘玉国,郭柯*. 2009. 贵州普定喀斯特次生林乔灌层地上生物量. 植物生态学报,33: 698-705.
熊莉军,郭柯*,赵常明,刘长成. 2008. 四川大巴山米心水青冈(Fagus engleriana)群落的物种多样性特征. 生态学报,28: 4007-4014.
熊莉军,郭柯*,赵常明,刘长成. 2007. 四川大巴山巴山水青冈群落的物种多样性特征.生物多样性,15: 400-407.
郭柯, 宋创业, 刘长成. 2022.《青藏高原森林和灌丛调查规范》. 北京: 中国林业出版社.
王乐, 董雷, 郭柯, 刘长成. 2022.《太行山生物多样性保护优先区京津冀地区植被图》. 北京: 中国地图出版社.
董雷,王乐,郭柯,刘长成. 2021.《太行山生物多样性保护优先区京津冀地区植被及其变化》.北京: 中国环境出版集团.