- 马琳娜,研究生学历,博士学位
- 研 究 组 : 植物适应策略与机制研究组
- 民 族: 汉
- 研究领域: 土壤生态学、全球变化生态学
- 籍 贯:
- 导师资格: 硕士生导师
- 出生年月: 2020.02
- 职 称: 副研究员
- 毕业院校: 中国科学院植物研究所
- 入职时间: 2012.7
- 毕业时间: 2012.7
- 办公电话:
- 电子邮件: maln@ibcas.ac.cn
国家自然科学基金面上项目 “季节非对称性增温对草地生态系统非生长季氮源有效性的影响及其机制”(No. 32071602, 2021.1-2024.12, 直接经费:58万元); 主持人
地方合作项目“黄土高原丘陵沟壑区不同土地利用方式下土壤微生物群落结构分析”(2023.4-2024.12, 项目经费:12万元);主持人
国家自然科学基金面上项目“大尺度水分梯度下羊草表型分化的分子遗传和气候学驱动机制”(No. 31470404, 2015.1-2018.12, 88万元);主要完成人
国家自然科学基金面上项目“全国区域C4植物的地理分异规律及其适应性”(No. 311703042012.1-2017.12, 72万元) ;主要完成人
Ma LN#,*, Zhang CX#, Xu XF#,Wang CW, Liu GF, Liang CZ, Zuo XA, Wang CJ, Lv YX, and Wang RZ*. 2022. Different facets of bacterial and fungal communities drive soil multifunctionality in grasslands spanning a 3500 km transect. Functional Ecology. 36: 3120-3133.
Ma LN#,*, Xu XF#, Zhang CX, Lv YX, Liu GF, Zhang QB, Feng JC, Wang RZ*. 2021. Strong non-growing season N uptake by deciduous trees in a temperate forest: A 15N isotopic experiment. Journal of Ecology. 109: 3752-3766.
Ma LN, Liu GF, Xu XF*, Xin XP, Bai WM, Zhang LH, Chen SP, Wang RZ*. 2018. Nitrogen acquisition strategies during the winter-spring transitional period are divergent at the species level yet convergent at the ecosystem level in temperate grasslands. Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 122: 150-159.
Zhang YM, Gao XL, Yuan Y,Hou L, Dang ZH*, Ma LN*. 2023. Plant and soil microbial diversity co-regulate ecosystem multifunctionality during desertification in a temperate grassland. Plants, 12: 3743.
Ma LN#,*, Zhang CX#, Lv YX, and Wang RZ*. 2022. The retention dynamics of early-spring N input in a temperate forest ecosystem: Implications for winter N deposition. Global Ecology and Conservation. 33: e01966.
Ma LN, Gao XL, Liu GF, Xu XF*, Lv XT, Xin XP, Zhang CX, Zhang LH, and Wang RZ*. 2020. The retention dynamics of N input within the soil–microbe–plant system in a temperate grassland. Geoderma. 368: 114290.
Ma LN, Zhang CX, Feng JC, Liu GF, Xu XF, Lv YX, He WM*, and Wang RZ*. 2020. Retention of early-spring nitrogen in temperate grasslands: The dynamics of ammonium and nitrate nitrogen differ. Global Ecology and Conservation. 24: e01335.
Dong LJ#, Ma LN#, He WM*. 2021. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi help explain invasion success of Solidago canadensis. Applied Soil Ecology. 1: 103763.
Gao XL, Liu XQ, Ma LN*, Wang RZ*. 2020. Root vertical distributions of two Artemisia species and theirrelationships with soil resources in the Hunshandake desert, China. Ecology and Evolution. 10: 3112–3119.
郭成圆, 孟长军, 杜喜春, 井富贵, 王跃飞, 马琳娜*. 2021. 自然降温对桂花叶片形态和生理特征的影响. 生态科学, 40(4): 161-168.
Chen HX, Ma LN*, Xin XP, Liu JY, Wang RZ*. 2018, Plant community responses to increased precipitation and belowground litter addition: Evidence from a 5-year semiarid grassland experiment. Ecology and Evolution, 00: 1–11.
Guo CY, Ma LN*, Yuan S, Wang RZ*. 2017. Morphological, physiological and anatomical traits of plant functional types in temperate grasslands along a large-scale aridity gradient in northeastern China. Scientific Reports, 7: 40900.
Crowther TW, Todd-Brown KEO, Rowe CW, Wieder WR, Carey JC, Machmuller MB, Snoek BL, Fang S, Zhou G, Allison SD, Blair JM, Bridgham SD, Burton AJ, Carrillo Y, Reich PB, Clark JS, Classen AT, Dijkstra FA, Elberling B, Emmett BA, Estiarte M, Frey SD, Guo J, Harte J, Jiang L, Johnson BR, Krel-Dulay G, Larsen K S, Laudon H, J. M. Lavallee, Luo Y, Lupascu M, Ma LN, Marhan S, Michelsen A, Mohan J, Niu S, Pendall E, Peuelas J, Pfeifer-Meister L, Poll C, Reinsch S, Reynolds LL, Schmidt IK, Sistla S, Soko NW, Templer PH, Treseder KK, Welker JM, Bradford MA. 2016. Quantifying global soil carbon losses in response to warming. Nature, 540: 104-108.
Ma LN, Yuan S, Guo CY,Wang RZ*. 2015. Soil moisture and land use are major determinants of soil microbial community composition and biomass at a regional scale in northeastern China. Biogeosciences, 12: 2585-2596.
Ma LN, Yuan S, Guo CY,Wang RZ*. 2014. Carbon and nitrogen dynamics of native Leymus chinensis grasslands along a 1000-km longitudinal precipitation gradient in northeast China. Biogeosciences, 11: 7097-7106.
Ma LN, Guo CY, Xin XP, Yuan S, Wang RZ*. 2013. Effects of belowground litter addition, increased precipitation and clipping on soil carbon and nitrogen mineralization in a temperate steppe. Biogeosciences, 10: 7361-7372.
Ma LN, Huang WW, Guo CY, Wang RZ*, Xiao CW*. 2012. Soil microbial properties and plant growth responses to carbon and water addition in a temperate steppe: the importance of nutrient availability. PloS One, 7(4): e35165.
Ma LN, Lv XT, Liu Y, Guo JX, Zhang NY, Yang JQ, Wang RZ*. 2011. The effects of warming and nitrogen addition on soil nitrogen cycling in a temperate grassland, northeastern China. PLoS One, 6 (11): e27645.
Wang JK*, Yu KL, van den Hoogen J, Wang ZQ, Averill C, Routh D, Smith GR, Drenovsky RE, Scow KM, Mo F, Waldrop MP, Yang YH, Tang WZ, De Vries FT, Bardgett RD, Manning P, Bastida F, Baer SG, Bach EM, García C, Wang QK, Ma LN, Chen BD, He XJ, Teurlincx S, Heijboer A, Bradley JA, Crowther TW*. 2022. The biogeography of relative abundance of soil fungi versus bacteria in surface topsoil. Earth System Science Data. 14: 4339-4350.
Wang CW, Ma LN, Zuo XA, Ye XH, Wang RZ, Huang ZY*, Liu GF*, Cornelissen JHC. 2022. Plant diversity has stronger linkage with soil fungal diversity than with bacterial diversity across grasslands of northern China. Global Ecology and Biogeography. 31: 886-900.
Wang CW, Liu ZK, Yu WY, Ye XH, Ma LN, Wang RZ,Huang ZY* and Liu GF*. 2022. Grassland degradation has stronger effects on soil fungal community than bacterial community across the semi-arid region of northern China. Plants. 11: 3488.
Wang R*. Ma, L. 2016. Climate-driven C4 plant distributions in China: divergence in C4 taxa. Science Report. 6: 27977.
Chang L, Wang BF, Yan XM, Ma LN, Reddy GVP, Wu DH. 2019. Warming limits daytime but not nighttime activity of epigeic microarthropods in Songnen grasslands. Applied Soil Ecology. 141: 79-83.
Yuan, S. Ma LN, Guo CY, Wang RZ*. 2016. What drivers phenotypic divergence in Leymus chinensis (Poaceae) on large-scale gradient, climate or genetic differentiation? Science Report. 6: 26288.
Wang R*, Huang W, Chen L, Ma L, Guo C, et al. 2011. Anatomical and Physiological Plasticity in Leymus chinensis (Poaceae) along Large-Scale Longitudinal Gradient in Northeast China. PLoS ONE 6(11): e26209.
Yuan S, Guo CY, Ma LN, Wang RZ*. 2016. Environmental conditions and genetic differentiation: what drives the divergence of coexisting Leymus chinensis ecotypes in a large-scale longitudinal gradient? Journal of Plant Ecology, 9: 616–628.
Guo CY, Wang XZ, Chen L, Ma LN, Wang RZ*. 2015. Physiological and biochemical responses to saline-alkaline stress in two halophytic grass species with different photosynthetic pathways. Photosynthrtica, 53 (1): 128-135.
Feng JC*, Wei L, and Ma LN. 2021. Deserts and Desertification. Chapter: Cultivation of artificial algal crust and its effect on soil improvement in sandy Area. IntechOpen.
马琳娜,张超雪. 树木生物量估算系统 V1.0. 2023. 登记号:2023SR0827047.
张超雪,马琳娜,冯金超. 土壤生物结皮厚度自动监测系统 V1.0. 2023. 登记号: 2023SR0792883.