- 杨俊杰,研究生学历,博士学位
- 研 究 组 : 草地生物地球化学研究组
- 民 族:
- 研究领域: 微生物生态学、生态系统生态学
- 籍 贯: 山东寿光
- 导师资格:
- 出生年月: 1983.05
- 职 称: 副研究员
- 毕业院校: 中国科学院植物研究所
- 入职时间: 2018.05
- 毕业时间: 2013.01
- 办公电话: 010-62836974
- 电子邮件: yangjunjie@ibcas.ac.cn
- 学习工作经历
- 科研项目
- 论文专著
- 所获奖励
2002.09-2006.07 山东农业大学,学士
2006.09-2008.07 山东农业大学,硕士
2008.09-2013.01 中国科学院植物研究所,博士
2014.12-2018.04 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所,博士后
2018.05-2024.02 中国科学院植物研究所,助理研究员
2024.03-至今 中国科学院植物研究所,副研究员
[1] Jiang LC#, Cheng HH#, Peng Y#, Sun TR, Gao YZ, Wang RZ, Ma YX, Yang JJ, Yu Q, Zhang HY, Han XG*, Ning QS*. 2024. Relative role of soil nutrients vs. carbon availability on soil carbon mineralization in grassland receiving long-term N addition. Soil & Tillage Research, 235: 105864.
[2] Yang W#, Zhang SH#, li A#, Yang JJ#, Pang S#, Hu ZH, Wang ZP, Han XG*, Zhang XM*. 2024. Nitrogen deposition mediates more stochastic processes in structuring plant community than soil microbial community in the Eurasian steppe. SCIENCE CHINA Life Sciences, 38212459.
[3] Liu C#, Yang H#, Yang JJ#, Wang HQ*. 2024. Correlation analysis of diabetes based on Copula. Frontiers in Endocrinology, 15: 1291895.
[4] Zhao M, Loreau M, Ochoa-Hueso R, Zhang HX*, Yang JJ, Zhang YH, Liu HY, Jiang Y, Han XG*. 2024. Decoupled responses of above- and below-ground beta-diversity to nitrogen enrichment in a typical steppe. Ecology Letters, 27:e14339.
[1] Yang W#, Yang JJ#, Fan Y, Guo QK, Jiang NN, Babalola OO, Han XG, Zhang XM*. 2023. The two sides of resistance-resilience relationship in both aboveground and belowground communities in the Eurasian steppe. New Phytologist, 239: 350-363.
[2] Niu GX*, Wang RZ, Zhou H, Yang JJ*, Lu XK, Han XG, Huang JH*. 2023. Nitrogen addition and mowing had only weak interactive effects on macronutrients in plant-soil systems of a typical steppe in Inner Mongolia. Journal of Environmental Management, 347: 119121.
[3] Cao JR#, Pang S#, Wang QB*, Willianms MA, Jia X, Dun SS, Wang J, Yang JJ, Zhang YH, Ruan WB, Hu YC, Li LH, Li YC, Han XG. 2023. The sensitivity of belowground ecosystem to long-term Increased nitrogen deposition in a temperate grassland: Root productivity, microbial biomass, and biodiversity. Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences, 128(6): e2022JG007000.
[1] 徐光华, 杨俊杰*. 2022. 食物网稳定性机制研究进展: 一个基于等级系统的框架.生态学报, 42(20): 8492-8507.
[2] Ning QS, Jiang LC*, Wang RZ, Wang J, Han XG*, Yang JJ*. 2022. Greater soil microbial biomass loss at low frequency of N addition in an Inner Mongolia grassland. Journal of Plant Ecology, 15(4): 721-732.
[3] Ning QS#, Jiang LC#, Niu GX, Yu Q, Liu JS, Wang RZ, Liao S, Huang JH, Han XG*, Yang JJ*. 2022. Mowing increased plant diversity but not soil microbial biomass under N-enriched environment in a temperate grassland. Plant and Soil, https://doi.org/10.1007/s11104-022-05332-5.
[4] Niu GX, Wang YL, Wang RZ, Ning QS*, Guan HL, Yang JJ, Lu XK, Han XG, Huang JH*. 2022. Intensity and duration of nitrogen addition jointly alter soil nutrient availability in a temperate grassland. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 127: e2021JG006698.
[5] Hou SL, Lü XT*, Yang JJ. 2022. Neutral responses of plant community Ca concentration to nitrogen enrichment in a semiarid grassland. Journal of Plant Ecology, 15(2): 286-293.
[6] Zhao M, Zhang HX, Baskin CC, Wei CZ, Yang JJ, Zhang YH, Jiang Y, Jiang L, Han XG*. 2022. Intra‐annual species gain overrides species loss in determining species richness in a typical steppe ecosystem after a decade of nitrogen enrichment. Journal of Ecology, 110 (8): 1942-1956.
[7] Wu H, Yang JJ, Fu W, Rillig MC, Cao ZJ, Zhao AH, Hao ZP, Zhang X, Chen BD*, Han XG. 2022. Identifying thresholds of nitrogen enrichment for substantial shifts in arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal community metrics in a temperate grassland of northern China. New Phytologist, 237(1): 279-294.
[8] Niu GX, Liu L, Wang YL, Guan HL, Ning QS, Liu T, Rousk K, Zhong BQ, Yang JJ, Lu XK, Han XG, Huang JH*. 2022. Effects of decadal nitrogen addition on carbon and nitrogen stocks in different organic matter fractions of typical steppe soils. Ecological Indicators, 114: 109471.
[9] Niu GX#, Wang YL#, Dai GY, Xie SW, Jin YQ, Yang JJ, Huang JH*. 2022. Effects of 12-Year Nitrogen Addition and Mowing on Plant-Soil Micronutrients in a Typical Steppe. Plants, 11: 3042.
[1] Yang JJ#, Xu MJ#, Pang S#, Gao LL, Zhang ZJ, Wang ZP, Zhang YH, Han XG*, Zhang XM*. 2021. Disturbance-level-dependent post-disturbance succession in a Eurasian steppe. SCIENCE CHINA Life Sciences, 65(1): 142-150.
[2] Wang RZ#, Yang JJ#, Liu HY#, Sardans J, Zhang YH, Wang XB, Wei CZ, Lü XT, Dijkstra FA, Jiang Y, Han XG*, Peñuelas J. 2022. Nitrogen enrichment buffers phosphorus limitation by mobilizing mineral-bound soil phosphorus in grasslands. Ecology, 103: e3616.
[3] Hou SL#, Hattenschwiler S#, Yang JJ#, Sistla S, Wei HW, Zhang ZW, Hu YY, Wang RZ, Cui SY, Lü XT*, Han XG. 2021. Increasing rates of long-term nitrogen deposition consistently increased litter decomposition in a semi-arid grassland. New Phytologist, 229(1): 296-307.
[4] Zhang JH#, Ren TT#, Yang JJ#, Xu, L, Li MX, Zhang YH, Han XG, He NP*. 2021. Leaf multi-element network reveals the change of species dominance under nitrogen deposition. Frontiers in Plant Science, 12: 580340.
[5] Sun QQ#, Yang JJ#, Wang S, Yang FY, Zhang GM, Wei CZ, Han XG*, Li JS *. 2021. Nitrogen enrichment affects the competition network of aboveground species on the Inner Mongolia steppe. Global Ecology and Conservation, 31: e01826.
[6] Song YQ#, Yang JJ#, Liu W#, Li TT, Han XG, Zhang XM *. 2021. Different deterministic versus stochastic drivers for the composition and structure of a temperate grassland community. Global Ecology and Conservation, 31: e01866.
[7] Niu GX#, Hasi M#, Wang RZ, Wang YL, Geng QQ, Hu SY, Xu XH, Yang JJ, Wang CH, Han XG, Huang JH*. 2021. Soil microbial community responses to long-term nitrogen addition at different soil depths in a typical steppe. Applied Soil Ecology, 167: 104054.
[8] Cao JR#, Yang LY#, Pang S#, Yang JJ, Hu YC, Li YC, Li LH, Wang QB*. 2021. Convergent nitrogen uptake patterns and divergent nitrogen acquisition strategies of coexisting plant species in responses to long-term nitrogen enrichment in a temperate grassland. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 185: 104412.
[9] Ning QS, Hättenschwiler S, Lü XT, Kardol P, Zhang YH, Wei CZ, Xu CY, Huang JH, Li A, Yang JJ, Wang J, Peng Y, Peñuelas J, Sardans J, He JZ, Xu ZH, Gao YZ*, Han XG*. 2021. Carbon limitation overrides acidification in mediating soil microbial activity to nitrogen enrichment in a temperate grassland. Global Change Biology, 27(22): 5976-5988.
[10] Hu YY, Zhang ZZ, Hou SL, Yang JJ, Lü* XT. 2021. Annual mowing mitigates the negative legacy effects of N enrichment on grassland nutrient use efficiency. Journal of Plant Ecology, 14(5): 959-969.
[11] 王珊, 孙晴晴, 杨俊杰, 张光明, 李金山*. 2021. 模拟氮沉降对内蒙古草原物种组配规则和物种互作用网络的影响. 应用与环境生物学报, 28(03): 712-719.
[1] Wei HW, Wang XG, Li YB, Yang JJ, Wang JF, Lü XT*, Han XG. 2020. Simulated nitrogen deposition decreases soil microbial diversity in a semiarid grassland, with little mediation of this effect by mowing. Pedobiologia, 80: 150644.
[2] Cao JR#, Pang S#, Wang QB*, Williams MA; Jia X, Dun SS, Yang JJ, Zhang YH, Wang J, Lü XT, Hu YC, Li LH, Li YC, Han XG. 2020. Plant-bacteria-soil response to frequency of simulated nitrogen deposition has implications for global ecosystem change. Functional Ecology, 34(3): 723-734.
[3] Hu YY, Sistla S, Wei HW, Zhang ZW, Hou SL, Yang JJ, Wang ZW, Wang JF, Lü XT*. 2020. Legacy effects of nitrogen deposition on plant nutrient stoichiometry in a temperate grassland. Plant and Soil, 446(1-2): 503-513.
[4] Hu YY, Wei HW, Zhang ZW, Hou SL, Yang JJ, Wang JF, Lü XT*. 2020. Changes of plant community composition instead of soil nutrient status drive the legacy effects of historical nitrogen deposition on plant community N:P stoichiometry. Plant and Soil, 453(1-2): 503-513.
[5] Hou SL, Yang JJ, Yin JX, Wei HW, Hu YY, Zhang ZW, Yang GJ, Lü XT*. 2020. Changes of community composition strengthen the positive effects of nitrogen deposition on litter N:P stoichiometry in a semi-arid grassland. Plant and Soil, 473(1-2): 63-71.
[6] 杨泽, 嘎玛达尔基, 谭星儒, 游翠海, 王彦兵, 杨俊杰, 韩兴国, 陈世苹. 2020. 氮添加量和施氮频率对温带半干旱草原土壤呼吸及组分的影响. 植物生态学报, 44(10): 1059-1072.
[1] Hou SL, Lü XT*, Yin JX, Yang JJ, Hu YY, Wei HW, Zhang ZW, Yang GJ, Liu ZY, Han XG. 2019. The relative contributions of intra- and inter-specific variation in driving community stoichiometric responses to nitrogen deposition and mowing in a grassland. Science of the Total Environment, 666: 887-893.
[2] Li TP#, Liu HY#, Wang RZ*, Lü XT, Yang JJ, Zhang YH, He P, Wang ZR, Han XG, Jiang Y*. 2019. Frequency and intensity of nitrogen addition alter soil inorganic sulfur fractions, but the effects vary with mowing management in a temperate steppe. Biogeosciences, 16(14): 2891-2904.
[3] Zhang XM*, Johnston ER, Wang YS, Yu Q, Tian DS, Wang ZP, Zhang YQ, Gong DZ, Luo C, Liu W, Yang JJ, Han XG. 2019. Distinct drivers of core and accessory components of soil microbial community functional diversity under environmental changes. Msystems, 4(5): e00374-19.
[4] Hu YC, Pang S, Yang JJ, Zhao ZH, Cao JR*. 2019. Changes in soil microbial community structure following amendment of biosolids for seven years. Environmental Pollutants and Bioavailability, 31(1): 24-31.
[5] Li YB, Bezemer TM, Yang JJ, Lü XT, Li XY, Liang WJ*, Han XG, Li Q*. 2019. Changes in litter quality induced by N deposition alter soil microbial communities. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 130: 33-42.
[6] Wang J, Gao YZ*, Zhang YH, Yang JJ, Smith MD, Knapp AK, Eissenstat DM, Han XG*. 2019. Asymmetry in above- and belowground productivity responses to N addition in a semi-arid temperate steppe. Global Change Biology, 25: 2958-2969.
[7] Hou SL, Freschet GT, Yang JJ, Zhang YH, Yin JX, Hu YY, Wei HW, Han XG, Lü XT*. 2018. Quantifying the indirect effects of nitrogen deposition on grassland litter chemical traits. Biogeochemistry, 139(3): 261-273.
[8] Wang RZ, Zhang YH, He P, Yin JF, Yang JJ, Liu HY, Cai JP, Shi Z, Feng X, Dijkstra FA, Han XG, Jiang Y*. 2018. Intensity and frequency of nitrogen addition alter soil chemical properties depending on mowing management in a temperate steppe. Journal of Environmental Management, 224: 77-86.
[9] Li YB, Li Q*, Yang JJ, Lü XT, Liang WJ*, Han XG, Bezemer TM. 2017. Home-field advantages of litter decomposition increase with increasing N deposition rates: a litter and soil perspective. Functional Ecology, 31(9): 1792-1801.
[10] Hou SL, Yin JX, Yang JJ, Wei HW, Yang GJ, Hu YY, Han XG, Lü XT*. 2017. Consistent responses of litter stoichiometry to N addition across different biological organization levels in a semi-arid grassland. Plant and Soil, 421(1-2): 191-202.
[11] Zhang Q, Yang JJ, Koide RT, Li T, Yang HS*, Chu JM*. 2017. A meta-analysis of soil microbial biomass levels from established tree plantations over various land uses, climates and plant communities. Catena, 150: 256-260.
[12] Hou SL, Yin JX, Sistla S, Yang JJ, Sun Y, Li YY, Lü XT*, Han XG. 2017. Long-term mowing did not alter the impacts of nitrogen deposition on litter quality in a temperate steppe. Ecological Engineering, 102: 404-410.
[13] 李英滨, 李琪, 杨俊杰*, 吕晓涛, 梁文举, 韩兴国. 2016. 模拟氮沉降对温带草原凋落物质量的影响. 生态学杂志, 35(10): 2732-2737.
[14] 李姗姗, 王正文*, 杨俊杰. 2016. 凋落物分解过程中土壤微生物群落的变化凋落物分解过程中土壤微生物群落的变化. 生物多样性, 24(02): 195-204.
[15] Zhang HY*, Yu Q*, Lü XT, Trumbore SE, Yang JJ, Han XG*. 2016. Impacts of leguminous shrub encroachment on neighboring grasses include transfer of fixed nitrogen. Oecologia, 180(4): 1213-1222.
[16] Ning QS, Gu Q, Shen JP, Lu XT, Yang JJ, Zhang XM, He JZ, Huang JH, Wang H, Xu ZH*, Han XG*. 2015. Effects of nitrogen deposition rates and frequencies on the abundance of soil nitrogen-related functional genes in temperate grassland of northern China. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 15(3): 694-704.
[17] Cao JR, Cheng CZ, Yang JJ, Wang QB*. 2015. Pathogen infection drives patterns of nutrient resorption in citrus plants. Scientific reports, 5: 14675.
[18] Xu GH, Yang JJ, Li GQ*. 2013. Simulating Society Transitions: Standstill, Collapse and Growth in an Evolving Network Model. PLoS one, 8(9): e75433.