- 吕利新,研究生学历,博士学位
- 研 究 组 : 树木年轮与孢粉研究组
- 民 族: 汉
- 研究领域: 树轮生态学
- 籍 贯: 内蒙古
- 导师资格: 硕士生导师
- 出生年月: 1983.09
- 职 称: 副研究员
- 毕业院校: 中国科学院植物研究所
- 入职时间: 2011.7
- 毕业时间: 2011.07
- 办公电话: 010-62836883
- 电子邮件: lixinlv@ibcas.ac.cn
1. 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,42271074,青藏高原东部阳坡和阴坡森林建群树种径向生长对干旱的响应和适应,2023-01-01至2026-12-31,50万元,在研,主持
2. 科技部,第二次青藏高原综合考察研究子专题,藏东南-昌都片区森林和灌丛考察(任务三),2019QZKK0301,2019.11-2024.10,240万元,在研,项目骨干
3. 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,41771060,气候变暖背景下干旱胁迫对西藏东部川西云杉径向生长影响的时空特征,2018-01-01至2021-12-31,70万元,结题,主持
4. 国家自然科学基金委员会,青年科学基金项目,31170419,青藏高原高山树线动态对梯度水分因子的响应,2014-01-01至2016-12-31,24万元,结题,主持
5. 国家自然科学基金委员会,重点项目,31330015,从树木年轮分析极端气候下森林衰退的发生历史与恢复力,2014-01-01至2018-12-31,290万元,结题,项目骨干
n 主要成果 主要从事青藏高原的树轮生态学研究,围绕“高山森林对气候变化的响应与适应及其在海拔梯度上的变化规律”这一核心问题开展了系列研究。主要研究成果概括如下: (1) 突破“温度限制林线”的传统认识,揭示了湿度因子的调控作用,发现了树木间“互助效应”对林线动态的影响,取得林线形成和维持机制的创新性认识。 (2) 利用树轮同位素手段,证明了大气CO2浓度升高对树木生长的“施肥效应”,揭示了林线和低海拔树木应对气候变化的不同气孔策略,首次从同位素角度证明林线“生长限制假说”。 (3) 打破传统的气象数据月份平均,利用日精度数据揭示了树木关键生长期在高海拔/高纬度森林的滞后性格局,为提高森林生长动态预测提供了新视角。 (4) 发现了林下结构复杂性对树木生长稳定性的调控作用,为森林稳定性的维持机制认识提供了的新视角。
37. 贾恒锋, 钟元, 郑嘉诚, 董云焘, 邱红岩, 顿珠次仁, 吕利新*. 西藏边坝县金岭乡云南沙棘树龄鉴定及生长历史分析. 林业科学研究 2024. 接受.
36. Zheng, J., Lixin Lyu*, Zhong, Y., Yang, J., Qiu, H. & Zhang, Q.-B. Linking individualistic growth stability of trees to the complexity of understorey layers. Journal of Ecology 2024. https://doi.org/10.1111/1365-2745.14442
35. Zheng, J., J. Yang, H. Jia, Lixin Lyu*, J. Langzhen, and Q.-B. Zhang. Changes of growth-climate relationships of Smith fir forests along an altitudinal gradient. Journal of Forestry Research 2024. 35:76.
34. Jia, H., Zheng, J., Yang, J., Lixin Lyu, Dong, Y. & Fang, O*.Tree-growth synchrony index, an effective indicator of historical climatic extremes. Ecological Processes 2024. 13, 55.
33. Xing, P., Bai, M.*, Zhang, Q.-B. & Lixin Lyu Tree-Ring Inferred Drought Variations in the Source Region of the Yangtze, Yellow, and Mekong Rivers over the Past Five Centuries. Water 2024. 16, 1186.
32. 钟元, 郑嘉诚, 邱红岩, 吕利新*. 西藏东部主要建群树种径向生长对极端干旱的响应差异. 生态学报 2024. 44(3):1221-1230.
31. Xing Pu, Lixin Lyu*. Disentangling the impact of photosynthesis and stomatal conductance on rising water-use efficiency at different altitudes on the Tibetan plateau. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 2023. 341: 109659.
30. Wenyan Zhang, Yang Wang, Jianyu Xiao, and Lixin Lyu*. Species-specific coupling of tree-ring width and litter production in a temperate mixed forest. Forest Ecology And Management 2022. 504, 119831.
29. Qi Zhang, Lixin Lyu, and Yang Wang*. Patterns of daily stem growth in different tree species in a warm-temperate forest in northern China. Dendrochronologia 2022. 72: 125934.
28. Yumei Mu, Lixin Lyu, Yan Li, and Ouya Fang*. Tree-ring evidence of ecological stress memory. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 2022. 289(1985): 20221850.
27. Jiacheng Zheng, Lixin Lyu, and Qi-Bin Zhang*. Isolated Trees in Two Tibetan Plateau Treelines Reveal Growth Plasticity to Harsh Conditions of the Little Ice Age. Forests 2022. 13(9): 1371.
26. Hengfeng Jia, Ouya Fang*, and Lixin Lyu. Non-linear modelling reveals a predominant moisture limit on juniper growth across the southern Tibetan Plateau. Annals of Botany 2022. 130(1): 85-95.
25. Xing Pu, Xiaochun Wang, and Lixin Lyu*. Recent Warming-Induced Tree Growth Enhancement at the Tibetan Treeline and the Link to Improved Water-Use Efficiency. Forests 2021. 12(12): 1702.
24. Xing Pu, Xiaochun Wang, and Lixin Lyu*. Tree-Ring Isotopes Provide Clues for Sink Limitation on Treeline Formation on the Tibetan Plateau. Atmosphere 2021. 12(5): 540.
23. Zhou Wang, Lixin Lyu, Weixing Liu, Hanxue Liang, Jianguo Huang, and Qi-Bin Zhang*. Topographic patterns of forest decline as detected from tree rings and NDVI. Catena 2021. 198: 105011.
22. Yu-Mei Mu, Qi-Bin Zhang*, Ouya Fang, Lixin Lyu, and Paolo Cherubini. Pervasive tree-growth reduction in Tibetan juniper forests. Forest Ecology and Management 2021. 480: 118642.
21. Yan Li, Qi-Bin Zhang*, Ouya Fang, Yu-Mei Mu, Hengfeng Jia, and Lixin Lyu. Recovery time of juniper trees is longer in wet than dry conditions on the Tibetan Plateau in the past two centuries. Forest Ecology and Management 2021. 497: 119514.
20. Yu-Mei Mu, Ouya Fang*, and Lixin Lyu. Nighttime warming alleviates the incidence of juniper forest growth decline on the Tibetan Plateau. Science of The Total Environment 2021. 782: 146924.
19. 肖健宇, 张文艳, 牟玉梅, 吕利新*. 树木年轮揭示的东灵山主要树种间干旱耐受性差异. 应用生态学报 2021. 32(10): 3487-3496.
18. Lixin Lyu, Qi-Bin Zhang*, Marlow G. Pellatt, Ulf Büntgen, Mai-He Li, and Paolo Cherubini. Drought limitation on tree growth at the Northern Hemisphere’s highest tree line. Dendrochronologia 2019. 53: 40-47.
17. Lixin Lyu*, Ulf Büntgen, Kerstin Treydte, Kailiang Yu, Hanxue Liang, Frederick Reinig, Daniel Nievergelt, Mai-He Li, Paolo Cherubini. Tree rings reveal hydroclimatic fingerprints of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation on the Tibetan Plateau. Climate Dynamics 2019. 53(1): 1023-1037.
16. Xuehan Cheng*, Lixin Lyu, Ulf Büntgen, Paolo Cherubini, Hongyan Qiu, and Qi-Bin Zhang*. Increased El Niño–Southern Oscillation sensitivity of tree growth on the southern Tibetan Plateau since the 1970s. International Journal of Climatology 2019. 39(8): 3465-3475.
15. Lixin Lyu*, Sussane Suvanto, Pekka Nöjd, Helena M. Henttonen, Harri Mäkinen, and Qi-Bin Zhang. Tree growth and its climate signal along latitudinal and altitudinal gradients: comparison of tree rings between Finland and the Tibetan Plateau. Biogeosciences 2017. 14 (12): 3083-3095.
14. Chang-Yuan Nie, Qi-Bin Zhang*, and Lixin Lyu. Millennium-Long Tree-Ring Chronology Reveals Megadroughts on the Southeastern Tibetan Plateau. Tree-Ring Research 2017. 73(1): 1-10.
13. Lixin Lyu, Qi-Bin Zhang*, Xu Deng, and Harri Mäkinen. Fine-scale distribution of treeline trees and the nurse plant facilitation on the eastern Tibetan Plateau. Ecological Indicators 2016. 66: 251-258.
12. Hanxue Liang, Lixin Lyu*, and Muhammad Wahab. A 382-year reconstruction of August mean minimum temperature from tree-ring maximum latewood density on the southeastern Tibetan Plateau, China. Dendrochronologia 2016. 37: 1-8.
11. Lixin Lyu, Xu Deng, and Qi-Bin Zhang*. Elevation Pattern in Growth Coherency on the Southeastern Tibetan Plateau. PLoS One 2016. 11(9): e0163201.
10. 李宝, 程雪寒, 吕利新*. 西藏朗县地区不同龄级高山松林木径向生长对火干扰的响应. 植物生态学报 2016. 40(5): 436-446.
9. Qi-Bin Zhang*, Michael N. Evans, and Lixin Lyu. Moisture dipole over the Tibetan Plateau during the past five and a half centuries. Nature Communications 2015. 6: 8062.
8. 刘娟, 邓徐, 吕利新*. 西藏八宿川西云杉树线过渡区树木生长与气候关系的一致性. 植物生态学报 2015. 39(5): 442-452.
7. 程雪寒,吕利新*. 藏东南树木年轮记载的公元1560年以来的极端干旱事件. 第四纪研究 2015. 35(5): 1093-1101.
6. Pei Xing, Qi-Bin Zhang*, and Lixin Lyu. Absence of late-summer warming trend over the past two and half centuries on the eastern Tibetan Plateau. Global and Planetary Change 2014. 123: 27-35.
5. Lixin Lyu and Qin-Bin Zhang*. Tree-ring based summer minimum temperature reconstruction for the southern edge of the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, China. Climate Research 2013. 56(2): 91-101.
4. Jianping Duan, Qi-Bin Zhang*, and Lixin Lyu. Increased Variability in Cold-Season Temperature since the 1930s in Subtropical China. Journal of Climate 2013. 26(13): 4749-4757.
3. Lixin Lv, Dmitriy V. Ovchinnikov, Alexander Kirdyanov, and Qi-Bin Zhang*. Comparison of Temperature Sensitive Tree-Ring Chronologies in Southern Tibetan Plateau and Northern Siberia. Sci., Tech. and Dev. 2012, 31(2): 152-64.
2. Duan, Jianping, Qi-Bin Zhang*, Lixin Lv, and Chao Zhang. Regional-scale winter-spring temperature variability and chilling damage dynamics over the past two centuries in southeastern China. Climate Dynamics. 2012. 39:919-928.
1. Lixin Lv, and Qi-Bin Zhang*. Asynchronous recruitment history of Abies spectabilis along an altitudinal gradient in the Mt. Everest region. Journal of Plant Ecology. 2012. 5:147-156.
u 论著:
2. 张潮,罗建,吕利新,于顺利.《西藏那曲维管植物图鉴》. 北京: 中国林业出版社,2024年10月.
1. 张齐兵, 方欧娅, 吕利新. 《青藏高原树木年轮生态学研究》. 北京:科学出版社,2019年10月.