- 梁宇,研究生教育学历,博士学位
- 研 究 组 : 生物多样性与生态安全研究组
- 民 族: 汉
- 研究领域: 微生物多样性及其生态功能
- 籍 贯: 黑龙江省
- 导师资格: 硕士生导师
- 出生年月: 1974.02
- 职 称: 副研究员
- 毕业院校: 植物研究所
- 入职时间: 2003.7
- 毕业时间: 2003.08
- 办公电话: 62836958
- 电子邮件: coolrain@ibcas.ac.cn
国家自然科学基金面上项目“菌根真菌多样性与植物功能群的关系及其在生态系统稳定性维持中的作用”2010-2012, 项目负责人
Shang H, Wang YQ, Han BC, Mi XC, Chen L, Liang Y*, Ma KP. 2023. Effects of functional phylogeny of light-response-related orthologous genes on seedling survival in a subtropical forest. Forest Ecosystems, 10: 100087.
Wang F, Mi XC, Chen L, Xu WB, Durka W, Swenson NG, Johnson DJ, Worthy SJ, Xue JH, Zhu Y, Schmid B, Liang Y*, Ma KP*. 2022. Differential impacts of adult trees on offspring and non-offspring recruits in a subtropical forest. Science China Life Sciences, 65: 1905-1913.
Yang B, Liang Y*, Schmid B, Baruffol M, Li YF, He L, Salmon Y, Tian QY, Niklaus PA, Ma KP. 2022. Soil fungi promote biodiversity-productivity relationships in experimental communities of young trees. Ecosystems, 25: 858–871.
Shakoor A, Li S, Wang F, Tian T, Liang Y*, Ma KP. 2019. Spatial patterns and determinants of common root-associated fungi in a subtropical forest of China. Journal of Plant Ecology, 12: 255-263.
Li S, Shakoor A, Wubet T, Zhang NL, Liang Y*, Ma KP. 2018. Fine-scale variations of fungal community in a heterogeneous grassland in Inner Mongolia: Effects of the plant community and edaphic parameters. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 122: 104-110.
Zhang YH, Ni J, Tang FP, Jiang LF, Guo TR, Pei KQ, Sun LF*, Liang Y*. 2017. The effects of different human disturbance regimes on root fungal diversity of Rhododendron ovatum in subtropical forests of China. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 47: 659-666.
Zhang YH, Ni J, Tang FP, Pei KQ, Jiang LF, Tianrong Guo, Sun LF *, Liang Y*. 2017. Diversity of root-associated fungi of Vaccinium mandarinorum along a human disturbance gradient in subtropical forests, China. Journal of Plant Ecology, 10: 56-66.
Zhang YH, Ni J, Tang FP, Pei KQ, Luo YQ, Jiang LF, Sun LF *, Liang Y*. 2016. Root-associated fungi of Vaccinium carlesii in subtropical forests of China: intra- and inter-annual variability and impacts of human disturbances. Scientific Reports, 6:22399.
Zhang BW, Li S, Chen SP*, Ren TT, Yang ZQ, Zhao HL, Liang Y*, Han XG. 2016. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi regulate soil respiration and its response to precipitation change in a semiarid steppe. Scientific Reports, 6:19990.
Sun XF, Su YY, Zhang Y, Wu MY, Zhang Z, Pei KQ, Sun LF, Wan SQ, Liang Y*. 2013. Diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal spore communities and its relations to plants under increased temperature and precipitation in a natural grassland. Chinese Science Bulletin, 58:4109-4119.
Sun LF, Pei KQ, Wang F, Ding Q, Bing YH, Gao B, Zheng Y, Liang Y*, Ma KP. 2012. Different distribution patterns between putative ericoid mycorrhizal and other fungal assemblages in roots of Rhododendron decorum in the southwest of China. PLOS One, 7: e49867.
Bi J, Zhang NL, Liang Y*, Yang HJ, Ma KP. 2011. Interactive effects of water and nitrogen addition on soil microbial communities in a semiarid steppe. Journal of Plant Ecology, 5: 320-329.
Ding Q, Liang Y*, Legendre P, He XH, Pei KQ, Du XJ, Ma KP. 2011. Diversity and composition of ectomycorrhizal community on seedling roots: the role of host preference and soil origin. Mycorrhiza, 21:669–680.
Liang Y, Chen H, Tang MJ, Shen SH. 2007. Proteome analysis of an ectomycorrhizal fungus Boletus edulis under salt shock. Mycological Research, 111: 939-946.
Liang Y, Chen H, Tang MJ, Yang PF, Shen SH. 2007. Responses of Jatropha curcas seedlings to cold stress: photosynthesis-related proteins and chlorophyll fluorescence characteristics. Physiologia Plantarum, 131: 508-517.
Liang Y, Guo LD, Du XJ, Ma KP. 2007. Spatial structure and diversity of woody plants and ectomycorrhizal fungi in a natural subtropical forest. Mycorrhiza, 17: 271-278
Liang Y, Guo LD, Ma KP. 2005. Population genetic structure of an ectomycorrhizal fungus Amanita manginiana in a subtropical forest over two years. Mycorrhiza, 15:137-142.
Liang Y, Guo LD, Ma KP. 2004. Genetic structure of an ectomycorrizal fungus Russula vinosa population in a subtropical forest in Dujiangyan, southwest of China. Mycorrhiza, 14: 235-240.
Liang Y, Guo LD, Ma KP. 2004. Spatial pattern of the most common ectomycorrhizal fungi in a mature subtropical forest in Dujiangyan, southwest of China. Acta Botanica Sinica, 46: 29-34.