- 刘美珍,研究生教育学历,博士学位
- 研 究 组 : 植物生理生态过程研究组
- 民 族: 汉
- 研究领域: 植物水分生理生态,恢复生态学..
- 籍 贯: 内蒙古自治区
- 导师资格: 硕士生导师
- 出生年月: 2020.02
- 职 称: 副研究员
- 毕业院校: 植物研究所
- 入职时间: 2004.7
- 毕业时间: 2004.08
- 办公电话: 62836506
- 电子邮件: liumzh@ibcas.ac.cn
- 学习工作经历
- 科研项目
- 论文专著
- 所获奖励
1994.09-1998.07 内蒙古农业大学,学士
1998.09-2001.07 内蒙古农业大学,硕士
2001.09-2004.07 中国科学院植物研究所,博士
2004.07-2008.12 中国科学院植物研究所,助理研究员
2009.01-至今 中国科学院植物研究所,副研究员
2006.04-2007.04 英国谢菲尔德大学,访问学者
2016.08-2017.08 美国加州大学欧文分校,访问学者
2012.01-2013.01 澳大利亚国立大学,访问学者
1. 中国电建集团成都勘测设计研究院有限公司“ML水电站陆生生态调查与评价”主持人,2022-2025.
2. 国家自然基金面上项目“半干旱区植物建成成本对水分和氮素变化的响应策略及其机制” 主持人,2021-2024.
3. 科技部“中国植被志(针叶林卷)--巨柏林、翠柏林的研编”主持人,2020-2024.
4. 中国成套设备进出口集团“白洋淀原位修复水生态监测评估”主持人,2019-2020.
5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目“凝结水半干旱区凝结水时空格局及其对植物碳同化的影响和调控机制”主持人,2014-2017.
6. 中国水电顾问集团成都勘测设计研究院有限公司“西藏自治区朋曲水电规划对珠穆朗玛峰自然保护区陆生生态与陆生生物多样性”主持人,2010-2013.
7. 中国水电顾问集团成都勘测设计研究院有限公司“西藏自治区朋曲水电规划对珠穆朗玛峰自然保护区影响及保护措施”主持人,2010-2013.
8. 中国电建集团成都勘测设计研究院有限公司“雅鲁藏布江下游水电规划陆生生态系统生物多样性调查与评价”主持人,2010-2017.
9. 中国电建集团成都勘测设计研究院有限公司“水电开发对巨柏影响研究”主持人,2014- 2016.
10. 中国科学院方向性项目"干旱和盐分胁迫下金银花抗性机制研究",主持人,2011-2013.
11. 中国科学院战略性先导科技专项专题“河北暖温性草地固碳现状、速率、机制和潜力”主持人,2011-2014.
12. 北京经济开发区水务局的委托“北京经济技术开发区水土保持规划”,主持人,2011-2012.
13. 企业委托项目:“延安新城生态城市植被建设与水土保持总体规划”, 主持人,2010-2011.
14. 科技部“十一五”国家科技支撑计划重点项目:“自然保护区干扰生态系统的修复技术研究与示范”子专题“半干旱区自然保护区退化生态系统恢复技术研究与示范”, 主持人, 2008-2010.
15. 教育部留学回国人员启动基金“内蒙古草原不同光合功能型植物抗旱性研究”主持人,2009-2010.
16. 中国科学院植物研究所植被与环境变化国家重点实验室青年科技人员项目“C4植物的进化适应性研究”主持人,2008-2009.
17. 国家自然基金面上项目“基于植物仿生原理的微流体原片驱动新机制研究”, 参加人,2009-2011.
18. 国家自然基金面上项目 “ 水分因子驱动的浑善达克沙地榆树疏林形成机制 ”,主持人,2006-2008 年.
19. 国家自然基金面上项目“浑善达克植物水分再分配及种群间水分利用格局”,第二负责人,2005-2007年. 负责野外实验布置 和数据采集
20. 北京市科委社会发展重大项目“门头沟区生态退化区域环境因子调查与评价”,主持人,2005-2007年.
21. 国家高技术研究发展计划 (863 计划 ) 子专题 “ 湖滨带水污染物净化地动态监测及水生植物生理生态学研究 ” 主持人,2004-2005 年.
22. 内蒙古正蓝旗人民政府委托项目“建立浑善达克沙地生物圈保护区背景调查 ”,参加人,2003-2004年, 主要从事浑善达克沙地植被本底调查的工作.
23. 国家自然科学基金面上项目“灌浆期小麦碳氮代谢对高温胁迫的响应 ”,参加人,2003-2005年, 主要从事 CO2 倍增和高温条件下不同小麦品种光合及水分生理的研究.
24. 中国科学院知识创新重大项目“农牧交错区及浑善达克沙地生态建设示范研究 ”,参加人,2001-2005年, 主要从事浑善达克沙地退化生态系统恢复及主要植物种的生理生态特性的研究.
25. 国家自然基金委的面上项目“毛乌素沙地臭柏克隆种群特征及其资源共享格局的研究 ”,参加人,2000-2002年, 主要从事沙地柏匍匐茎分株及生长特性研究.
26. 内蒙古科技攻关项目 (960108)“ 针叶树对半干旱区沙漠沙地的水量平衡和改善环境的研究 ”,主要完成人,1998-2001年, 主要从事沙地柏水分生理生态和根系生长分布特性研究.
发表文章 (* 通讯作者, #共同第一作者)
1. 吴茹茹,刘美珍*, 谷仙, 常馨月, 郭柯, 蒋高明, 祁如意. 2024. 气候变化对巨柏适宜生境分布的潜在影响和预测. 植物生态学报,48:DOI: 10.17521/cjpe.2023.0218
2. Lan Wang, Gaifang Zhou, Tianyu Qin, Liyue Guo, Caihong L, Meizhen Liu, Gaoming Jiang*. 2022. Innovatively treat rural food waste through producing organic grains. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-022-21624-w.
3. 李根东,周改芳,谷仙,吴茹茹,刘美珍*. 2022. 乌梁素海水体富营养化原位生态修复实验及效果分析,环境工程学报,16:1691-1701.(封面文章)
4. Xiaohui Cui, Liyue Guo* , Caihong Li, Meizhen Liu, Guanglei Wu, Gaoming Jiang. 2021.
The total biomass nitrogen reservoir and its potential of replacing chemical fertilizers in China. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 135,110215.
5. Liu MZ*, Cen Y, Wang CD, Gu X, Bowler P, Wu DX, Zhang L, Jiang GM, Beysens D. 2020. Foliar uptake of dew in the sandy ecosystem of the Mongolia Plateau: A life-sustaining and carbon accumulation strategy shared differently by C3 and C4 grasses. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 287: UNSP 107941.
6. Liu H, Osborne CP, Yin DY, Freckleton RP, Jiang GM, Liu MZ. 2019. Phylogeny and ecological processes infuence grass coexistence at diferent spatial scales within the steppe biome. Oecologia (2019) 191:25–38.
7. 岑宇,王成栋,张震,任侠,刘美珍*,杨帆. 2018. 河北省天然草地生物量和碳密度空间分布格局, 植物生态学报, 42 (3): 265–276.
8. Zhang XY#, Liu MZ #, Zhao X #, Li YQ#, Zhao W#, Li A#, Chen S, Chen SP, Han XG, Huang JH. 2018. Topography and grazing effects on storage of soil organic carbon and nitrogen in the northern China grasslands. Ecological indicator, 93: 45-53.
9. 岑宇,刘美珍*. 2017. 凝结水对干旱胁迫下羊草和冰草生理生态特征及叶片形态的影响. 植物生态学报, 41 (11): 1199–1207.
10. Wang CD, Cen Y, Liu MZ*, Bowler P. 2017. Formation and influencing factors of dew in sparse elm woods and grassland in a semi-arid area. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 37: 125-132.
11. Liu HT, Meng J, Bo WJ, Cheng D, Li Y, Guo LY, Li CH, Zheng YH, Liu MZ, Ning TY, Wu GL, Yu XF, Wuyun T, Li J, Li LJ, Zeng Y, LiuSV, Jiang GM. 2016. Biodiversity management of organic farming enhances agricultural sustainability. Scientific Reports, 6: 23816.
12. 王成栋,刘美珍*. 2015. 高山植物形态、结构和生理特点. 植物学通报,50(2): 4-6.
13. Jiang GM, Wu GL, Cheng D, Zheng YH, Liu MZ. Li CH. 2015. Characteristics and designing of eco-husbandry system: a case study in Zhenglan Banner, China. Chinese Science Bulletin, 61 (2), 224-230.
14. Liu MZ, Osborne C. 2013. Differential freezing resistance and photoprotection in C3 and C4 eudicots and grasses. Journal of experimental Botany,64: 2183-2919.
15. Liu MZ, Wang BX, Osborne C, Jiang GM.2013. Chicken Farming in Grassland Increases Environmental Sustainability and Economic income. PLoS ONE 8(1): e53977. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0053977
16. Jiang GM, Liu MZ, Niu SL, Li YG, Peng Y, Li G, Su BY. 2011. Ten-year-period demonstration project in Hunshandake Sandland and prospect for the future development of eco-stock farming industry. Keji Daobao/ Science & Technology Review, 29 (25), 19-25.
17. Li G, Li YG, Liu MZ, Jiang G. 2011.Vegetation biomass and net primary production of sparse forest grassland in Hunshandake sandland. Keji Daobao/ Science & Technology Review 29 (25), 30-37.
18. Peng Y, Xue DY, Niu SL, Liu MZ, Li YG, Jiang GM. 2011. Vegetation Change in Respones to Continuous Grazing in the Center of Hunshandak Sandland During the Period of 1983-2003. Arid Zone Research 2, 020.
19. Peng Y, Xue DY, Liu MZ, Niu S, Li Y, Jiang G. 2010. Leaf gas exchange and water potential characteristics of plants with different photosynthetic pathways in hunshandak sandland. Acta Botanica Boreali Occidentalia Sinica, 29 (10), 2000-2006
20. Liu MZ, Jiang GM, Yu SL, Li YG, Li G. 2009. The Role of Soil Seed Banks in Natural Restoration of the Degraded Hunshandak Sandlands, Northern China. Restoration Ecology, 17(1): 127-136.
21. Tian ZQ, Zheng BH, Liu MZ*, Zhang ZY. 2009. The role of Phragmites australis and Typha orientalis in removal of pollutant in Taihu Lake, China. Journal of Environmental Science, 20:441-446.
22. Liu MZ, Osborne CP. 2008. Leaf cold-acclimation and freezing injury in C3 and C4 grasses of the Mongolian Plateau. Journal of Experimental Botany, 59(15):4161-4170.
23. Biswas DK, Xu H, Li YG, Liu MZ, Chen YH, Sun JZ and Jiang GM. 2008. Assessing the genetic relatedness of higher ozone sensitivity of modern wheat to its wild and cultivated progenitors/relatives. Journal of Experiment of Botany, 59(4): 951-963.
24. Li YG, Jiang GM, Liu MZ, Niu SL, Gao LM, Zhu JX. 2007. Photosynthetic response to precipitation/rainfall in predominant tree (Ulmus pumila ) seedlings in Hunshandak Sandland , China . Photosynthetica , 45 (1): 133-138.
25. Peng Y, Jiang GM, Liu XH, Niu SL, Liu MZ, Biswas DK. 2007. Photosynthesis, transpiration and water use efficiency of four plant species with grazing intensities in Hunshandak Sandland, China. Journal of Arid Environments, 70 (2): 304-315.
26. Ding L, Wang KJ, Jiang GM, Liu MZ, Gao LM. 2007. Photosynthetic rate and yield formation in different maize hybrids. Biologia plantarum, 51 (1): 165-168.
27. Li G, Jiang GM, Li YG, Liu MZ, Peng Y, Li LF, Han XG. 2007. A new approach to the fight against desertification in Inner Mongolia. Environmental Conservation, 34 (02): 95-97.
28. Ding L, Wang KJ, Jiang GM, Li YG, Jiang CD, Liu MZ, Niu SL, Peng Y. 2006. Diurnal variation of gas exchange, chlorophyll fluorescence, and xanthophyll cycle components of maize hybrids released in different years. Photosynthetica ,44 (1), 26-31.
29. Niu SL, Jiang GM, Wan SQ, Li YG, Gao LM, Liu MZ. 2006. A sand-fixing pioneer C3 species in sandland displays characteristics of C4 metabolism. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 57 (1): 123-130.
30. Cui HX, Jiang GM, Niu SL, Jiang CD, Liu MZ, Yu SL, Gao LM. 2006. Ecophysiological response of plants to combined pollution from heavy-duty vehicle and industrial emissions under higher humidity. Journal of Integrative Plant Science, 48 (12): 1391-1400.
31. Jiang GM, Li G, Peng Y, Liu MZ, Li YG, Wang BX. 2006. A new and sustainable approach to policies for restoring grasslands in China based on scientific findings. International Policy Imperative, 240.
32. Niu SL, Jiang GM, Wan SQ, Liu MZ, Gao LM, Li YG.2005. Ecophysiological acclimation to different soil moistures in plants from a semi-arid sandland. Journal of Arid Environments , 63 (2), 353-365.
33. Ding L, Wang KJ, Jiang GM, Jiang CD, Liu MZ, Niu SL, Yu SL, Gao LM. 2005. Post-anthesis changes in photosynthetic traits of maize hybrids released in different years. Field Crop Research, 93:108-115.
34. Peng Y, Jiang GM, Liu MZ, Niu SL, Zhang Q, Shi X & Yang QS. 2005. Potential of combating desertification in Hunshandak Sandland through nature reserve. Environmental Management 35(1): 1-9.
35. Niu SL, Jiang GM, Gao LM, Li YG, Liu MZ. 2005. Comparison of photosynthesis and water use efficiency between three plant functional types in Hunshandak sandland. Acta Ecol Sin , 25 (4): 699-704.
36. Liu MZ, Jiang GM, Li YG, Gao LM, Niu SL. 2004. How should we control sandstorms in Inner Mongolia, China. Environmental Conservation, 31: 269-273
37. Niu SL, Peng Y, Jiang GM, Li YG, Gao LM, Liu MZ, Cui HX, Ding L. 2004. Differential responses to simulated precipitation exhibited by a typical shrub and a herb coexisted in Hunshandak Sandy Land. Acta Botanic Sinica, 46 (10): 1170~1177.
38. Cui HX, iangGM J, Niu SL, Li YG, Jiang CD, Liu MZ, Gao LM. 2004. Gas exchanges of an endangered species Syringa pinnatifolia and a widespread congener S. oblata. Photosynthetica 42 (2), 529-534.
39. Niu SL, Li LH, Jiang GM, Gao LM, Li YG, Peng Y, Liu MZ. 2004. Gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence response to simulated rainfall in Hedysarum fruticosum var. mongolicum. Photosynthetica 42 (1), 1-6.
40. Li YG, Li LH, Jiang GM, Niu SL, Liu MZ, Gao LM, Peng Y, Jiang CD. 2004. Traits of chlorophyll fluorescence in 99 plant species from the sparse-elm grassland in Hunshandak Sandland. Photosynthetica, 42 (2): 243-249.
41. Liu MZ, Jiang GM, Li YG, Niu SL, Gao LM. 2004. Hydrological characteristics of different species in three habitats of Hunshandak Sandland. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 24(7): 1465-1471.
42. Liu MZ, Jiang GM, Yu SL, Li YG, Gao LM, Niu SL, Jiang CD, Peng Y. 2004. Dynamics of plant community traits during an 18-year natural restoration in the degraded sandy grassland of Hunshandak Sandland. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 24(8): 1731-1737.
43. Liu MZ, Jiang GM, Li YG, Niu SL, Gao LM, Ding L, Peng Y. 2003. Leaf osmotic potentials of 104 plant species in relationship to habitats and plant functional types (PFTs) in Hunshandak Sandland, Inner Mongolia, China. Trees, 17(6): 554~560.
44. Liu MZ, Jiang GM, Li YG, Niu SL, Gao LM., Ding L, Peng Y. 2003. Photosynthetic response to soil water contents of an annual pioneer C4 grass (Agriophyllum squarrosum) in Hunshandak Sandland, China. Photosynthetica, 41(2): 293-296.
45. Liu MZ, Jiang GM, Li YG, Niu SL, Gao LM, Ding L, Cui HX. 2003. Gas exchange, photochemical efficiency and leaf water potential in three Salix species. Photosynthetica, 41(3): 393-398.
46. Liu MZ, Jiang GM, Li YG, Yu SL, Niu SL, Peng Y, Jiang CD, Gao LM, Li G. 2003. The control of land degradation in Inner Monoglia: a case study in Hunshandak Sandland. Chinese Academy of Sciences.
47. Li YG, Jiang GM, Niu SL, Liu MZ, Peng Y, Yu SL, Gao LM. 2003. Gas exchange and water use efficiency of three native tree species in Hunshandak Sandland of China. Photosynthetica 41 (2), 227-232.
48. Jiang GM, Liu MZ, Han NY, Li WJ. 2003. Potential for restoration of degraded steppe in the Xilingol Biosphere Reserve through urbanization. Environmental Conservation 40(3): 304~310.
49. Niu SL, Jiang GM, Li YG, Gao LM, Liu MZ. 2003. Diurnal gas exchange and superior resources use efficiency of typical C4 species in Hunshandak Sandland, China. Photosynthetica 41 (2), 221-226.
50. Niu SL, Jiang GM, Li YG, Gao LM, Liu MZ, Peng Y, Ding L. 2003. Comparison of photosynthetic traits between two typical shrubs: legume and non-legume in Hunshandak Sandland. Photosynthetica 41 (1), 111-116.
51. Niu SL, Peng Y, Jiang GM, Li YG, Gao LM, Liu MZ, Cui HX, Ding L. 2003. Differential responses to simulated precipitation exhibited by a typical shrub and a herb coexisted in Hunshandak Sandy Land. Acta Botanica Sinica-English Edition, 46 (10), 1170-1177.
52. Liu MZ, Jiang GM, Li YG, Gao LM, Yu SL, Niu SL, Li LH. 2003. An experimental and demonstrational study on restoration of degraded ecosystems in Hunshandak Sandland. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 23(12):2719-2727.
53. Niu SL, Jiang GM, Gao LM, Li YG, Liu MZ. 2002. Comparison of gas exchange traits of different plant species in Hunshandak sand area. Acta Phytoecological Sinica 27 (3), 318-324.
54. Li YG, Jiang GM, Gao LM, Niu SL, Liu MZ, Yu SL, Peng Y. 2002. Impacts of human disturbance on elms-motte-veldt in Hunshandak sandland. Acta Phytoecological Sinica 27 (6), 829-834.