- 王宝兰,研究生教育学历,博士学位
- 研 究 组 : 草地养分利用与调控研究组
- 民 族: 汉
- 研究领域: 植物营养生理生态
- 籍 贯: 河北
- 导师资格: 硕士生导师
- 出生年月: 1979.06
- 职 称: 副研究员
- 毕业院校: 中国农业大学
- 入职时间: 2008.7
- 毕业时间: 2008.06
- 办公电话: 010-62836696
- 电子邮件: wangbaolan@ibcas.ac.cn
Chen Z, Li HB Zhang WH, Wang BL*. 2023. The roles of stomatal morphologies in transpiration and nutrient transportation between grasses and forbs in a temperate steppe. Annals of Botany, 132: 229-239.
Wang BL, Wei HF, Chen Z, Li YT, Zhang WH*. 2022. Carbonate-Induced Chemical Reductants Are Responsible for Iron Acquisition in Strategy I Wild Herbaceous Plants Native to Calcareous Grasslands. Plant & Cell Physiology, 63: 770-784.
Wang BL, Wei HF, Zhang WH*. 2020. Enhanced accumulation of gibberellins rendered rice seedlings sensitive to ammonium toxicity. Journal of Experimental Botany, 71: 1514-1526.
Wang BL, Wei HF, Xue Z, Zhang WH*. 2017. Gibberellins regulate iron deficiency-response by influencing iron transport and translocation in rice seedlings (Oryza sativa). Annals of Botany, 119: 945-956.
Wang BL, Li G, Zhang WH*. 2015. Brassinosteroids are involved in Fe homeostasis in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Journal of Experimental Botany, 66: 2749-2761.
Li G, Wang BL (co-first), Tian QY, Wang TZ, Zhang WH*. 2014. Medicago truncatula ecotypes A17 and R108 differed in their response to iron deficiency. Journal of Plant Physiology, 171: 639-647.
Wang BL, Li YS, Zhang WH*. 2012. Brassinosteroids are involved in response of cucumber (Cucumis sativas L.) to iron deficiency. Annals of Botany, 110: 681-688.
Wang BL, Zhang JL, Xia XZ, Zhang WH*. 2011. Ameliorative effect of brassinosteroid and ethylene on germination of cucumber seeds in the presence of sodium chloride. Plant Growth Regulation, 65:407–413.
Wang BL #, Tang XY #, Cheng LY #, Zhang AZ, Zhang WH, Zhang FS, Liu JQ, Cao Y, Allen DL. Vance CP, Shen JB*. 2010. Nitric oxide is involved in phosphorus deficiency-induced cluster-root development and citrate exudation in white lupin. New Phytologist, 187: 1112-1123.
Chang CS, Wang BL (co-first), Shi L, Li YX, Duo L, Zhang WH*. 2010. Alleviation of salt stress-induced inhibition of seed germination in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) by ethylene and glutamate. Journal of Plant Physiology, 167: 1152-1156.
Wang BL, Shi L, Li YX, Zhang WH*. 2010. Boron toxicity is alleviated by hydrogen sulfide in cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) seedlings. Planta, 231: 1301-1309.
Wang BL, Shen JB*, Tang CX, Rengel Z. 2008. Root Morphology, Proton Release, and Carboxylate Exudation in Lupin in Response to Phosphorus Deficiency. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 31: 557-570.
Wang BL, Shen JB*, Zhang WH, Zhang FS, Neumann G. 2007. Citrate exudation from white lupin induced by phosphorus deficiency differs from that induced by aluminum. New Phytologist, 176: 581-589.
Gao Y, Li X, Tian QY, Wang BL, Zhang WH*. 2016. Sulfur deficiency had different effects on Medicago truncatula ecotypes A17 and R108 in terms of growth, root morphology and nutrient contents Journal of Plant Nutrition, 39: 301-314.
Wang TZ, Tian QY, Wang BL, Zhao MG, Zhang WH*. 2014. Genome variations account for different response to three mineral elements between Medicago truncatula ecotypes Jemalong A17 and R108. BMC Plant Biology, 14: 122.
Zeng HQ, Feng XM, Wang BL, Zhu YY*, Shen QR, Xu GH. 2013. Citrate exudation induced by aluminum is independent of plasma membrane H+-ATPase activity and coupled with potassium efflux from cluster roots of phosphorus-deficient white lupin. Plant and Soil, 366: 389-400.
张喆慧,王 昕,金可默,程凌云,王宝兰,申建波*. 2021. 一氧化氮在植物发育及植物–微生物互作中的作用机制研究进展. 植物营养与肥料学报,27(4): 706–718.
王昕,李海港,程凌云,王宝兰,申建波*. 2017. 磷与水分互作的根土界面效应及其高效利用机制研究进展. 植物营养与肥料学报,23(4): 1054–1064.