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Soil salinity regulates spatial-temporal heterogeneity of seed germination and seedbank persistence of an annual diaspore-trimorphic halophyte in northern China
作   者: Wang ZR, Baskin JM, Baskin CC, Liu GF, Ye XH, Yang XJ*, Huang ZY*
期刊名称: BMC Plant Biology
影响因子: 4.3
出版年份: 2024
卷 期 号: 24( 1)
页     码: 604

Background and aims

Seed heteromorphism is a plant strategy that an individual plant produces two or more distinct types of diaspores, which have diverse morphology, dispersal ability, ecological functions and different effects on plant life history traits. The aim of this study was to test the effects of seasonal soil salinity and burial depth on the dynamics of dormancy/germination and persistence/depletion of buried trimorphic diaspores of a desert annual halophyte Atriplex centralasiatica.


We investigated the effects of salinity and seasonal fluctuations of temperature on germination, recovery of germination and mortality of types A, B, C diaspores of A. centralasiatica in the laboratory and buried diaspores in situ at four soil salinities and three depths. Diaspores were collected monthly from the seedbank from December 2016 to November 2018, and the number of viable diaspores remaining (not depleted) and their germinability were determined.


Non-dormant type A diaspores were depleted in the low salinity “window” in the first year. Dormant diaspore types B and C germinated to high percentages at 0.3 and 0.1 mol L-1 soil salinity, respectively. High salinity and shallow burial delayed depletion of diaspore types B and C. High salinity delayed depletion time of the three diaspore types and delayed dormancy release of types B and C diaspores from autumn to spring. Soil salinity modified the response of diaspores in the seedbank by delaying seed dormancy release in autum and winter and by providing a low-salt concentration window for germination of non-dormant diaspores in spring and early summer.


Buried trimorphic diaspores of annual desert halophyte A. centralasiatica exhibited diverse dormancy/germination behavior in respond to seasonal soil salinity fluctuation. Prolonging persistence of the seedbank and delaying depletion of diaspores under salt stress in situ primarily is due to inhibition of dormancy-break. The differences in dormancy/germination and seed persistence in the soil seedbank may be a bet-hadging strategy adapted to stressful temporal and spatial heterogeneity, and allows A. centralasiatica to persist in the unpredictable cold desert enevironment.
