1. Du Yanjun, Simon A.Queenborough, Chen Lei, Wang Yunquan, Mi Xiangcheng, Ma Keping*, Liza S. Comita. Intraspecific and phylogenetic density-dependent seedling recruitment in a subtropical evergreen forest. Oecologia. 2017. DOI: 10.1007/s00442-017-3842-3.
2. Liu Xiaojuan, Nathan Swenson, Lin Dunmei, Mi Xiangcheng, Natalia Umana, Bernhard Schmid and Ma Keping*. Linking individual-level functional traits to tree growth in a subtropical forest. Ecology. 2016. 97(9):2396-2405.
3. Zhang Naili *, Van der Putten WH, Veen GFC. Effects of root decomposition on plant-soil feedback of early-and mid-successional plant species. New Phytologist. 2016. 212(1):220-231.
4. Huang Jihong, Huang Jianhua, Liu Canran, Zhang Jinlong, Lu Xinghui, Ma Keping* . Diversity hotspots and conservation gaps for the Chinese endemic seed flora. Biological Conservation. 2016.198:104-112 .
5. Zhang Minggang, J.W.F Slik, Ma Keping*.Priority areas for the conservation of perennial plants in China. Biological Conservation.2016. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.biocon.
6. Lin Dunmei, K J. Anderson-Teixeira, Lai Jiangshan, Mi Xiangcheng, Ren Haibao, Ma Keping *. Traits of dominant tree species predict local scale variation in forest aboveground and topsoil carbon stocks. Plant and Soil. 2016. 409: 435-446.
7. Guan Zhengjun, Lu Shunbao, Huo Yanlin, Guan Zhengping, Liu Biao, Wei Wei*. Do genetically modified plants affect adversely on soil microbial communities? Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 2016. 235: 289-305
8. Du Yanjun, Mao Lingfeng, Simon A. Queenborough, Robert P. Freckleton, Chen Bin, Ma Keping *. Phylogenetic constraints and trait correlates of flowering phenology in the angiosperm flora of China. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 2015.24(8):928-938.
9. Xu Wubing, Chen Guoke, Liu Canran, Ma Keping*. Latitudinal differences in species abundance distributions, rather than spatial aggregation, explain beta-diversity along latitudinal gradients. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 2015.24(10): 1170-1180.
10. Zhu Yan, Liza S. Comita, Stephen P. Hubbell, Ma Keping*. Conspecific and phylogenetic density-dependent survival differs across life stages in a tropical forest. Journal of Ecology, 2015. 103(4):957-966.
11. Zhang Naili, Wan Shiqiang, Guo Jixun, Han Guodong, Jessica Gutknecht, Bernhard Schmid, Liang Yu, Liu Weixing, Bi Jie, Wang Zhen, Ma Keping*.Precipitation modifies the effects of warming and nitrogen addition on soil microbial communities in northern Chinese grasslands. Soil Biology & Biochemistry. 2015. 89:12-23.
12. Yang Wenjing, Ma Keping*, Kreft Holger*. Environmental and socio-economic factors shaping the geography of floristic collections in China. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 2014. 23,1284-1292.
13. Cao Di , C. Neal Stewart Jr. , Zheng Min, Guan Zhengjun, Tang Zhixi, Wei Wei*, Ma Keping. Stable Bacillus thuringiensis transgene introgression from Brassica napus to wild mustard B. juncea. Plant Science. 2014.227:45-50
14. Zhang Naili, Liu Weixing, Yang Haijun, Yu Xingjun, Jessica LM Gutknecht, Zhang Zhe, Wan Shiqiang, Ma Keping*. Soil microbial responses to warming and increased precipitation and their implications for ecosystem C cycling. Oecologia. 2013. 173(3):1125-1142
15. Lai Jiangshan, D Coomes, Du Xiaojun, Hsieh Changfu, Sun I-Fang, Chao Weichun, Mi Xiangcheng, Ren Haibao, Wang Xugao, Hao Zhanqing Hao, Ma Keping*. A general combined model to describe tree-diameter distributions within subtropical and temperate forest communities. Oikos. 2013. 122(11):1635-1641
16. Liu Xiaojuan, Swenson N, Zhang Jinlong, Ma Keping*. The environment and space, not phylogeny, determine trait dispersion in a subtropical forest. Functional Ecology. 2013. 27: 264-272
17. Chen Guoke*, Marc Kéry, Matthias Plattner, Ma Keping, Beth Gardner. Imperfect detection is the rule rather than the exception in plant distribution studies. Journal of Ecology. 2013. 101: 183 -191
18. Yang Wenjing, Ma Keping*, Holger Kreft*. Geographical sampling bias in a large distributional database and its effects on species richness–environment models. Journal of Biogeography. 2013. 40:1415-1426
19. Guan Zhengjun, Markus Schmidt, Pei Lei, Wei Wei, Ma Keping.Biosafety Considerations of Synthetic Biology in the International Genetically Engineered Machine (iGEM) Competition. BioScience. 2013. 63(1):25-34. doi:10.1525/bio.2013.63.1.7
20. Mi Xiangcheng, Nathan Swenson, Valencia Renato, Kress J, Erickson DL, Pérez AJ, Ren Haibao, Su ShengHsin, Gunatilleke N, Gunatilleke S, Hao Zhanqing, Ye Wanhui, Cao Min, Suresh HS, Dattaraja HS, Sukumar R, Ma Keping. The contribution of rare species to community phylogenetic diversity across a global network of forest plots. American Naturalist. 2012. 108(1):17-30
21. Huang Jihong, Chen Bin, Liu Canran, Lai Jiangshan, Zhang Jinlong, Ma Keping*. Identifying hotspots of endemic woody seed plant diversity in China. Diversity and Distributions. 2012.18:673-688.
22. Cheng Jiajia, Mi Xiangcheng*, Nadrowski K, Ren Haibao, Zhang Jintun, Ma Keping. Separating the effect of mechanisms shaping species-abundance distributions at multiple scales in a subtropical forest. Oikos. 2012. 121(2): 236-244
23. Zhu Yan, Mi Xiangcheng, Ren Haibao, Ma Keping *, Density dependence is prevalent in a heterogeneous subtropical forest. Oikos. 2010. 119(1):109-119
24. Chen Lei, Mi Xiangcheng, Liza Comita, Zhang Liwen, Ren Haibao, Ma Keping*. Community-level consequences of density dependence and habitat association in a subtropical broad-leaved forest. Ecology Letters. 2010. 13: 695-704
25. Chen Guoke, Marc Kéry, Zhang Jinlong, Ma Keping*. Factors affecting detection probability in plant distribution studies. Journal of Ecology. 2009. 97(6):1383-1389