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A rice small GTPase, Rab6a, is involved in the regulation of grain yield and iron nutrition in response to CO2 enrichment
作   者: Yang A, Li Q, Chen L, Zhang WH *
期刊名称: Journal of Experimental Botany
影响因子: 5.908
出版年份: 2020
卷 期 号: 71( 18)
页     码: 5680-5688
Despite extensive studies on the effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations ([CO2]) on rice, the molecular mechanisms and signaling events underlying the adaptation of plants remain largely elusive. Here, we report that OsRab6a, which encodes a small GTPase, is involved in the regulation of rice growth, grain yield, and accumulation of iron (Fe) in response to elevated [CO2] (e[CO2]). We generated transgenic plants with OsRab6a-overexpression (-OE) together with OsRab6a-RNAi lines, and found no differences in growth and grain yield among them and wild-type (WT) plants under ambient [CO2] conditions. Under e[CO2] conditions, growth and grain yield of the WT and OsRab6a-OE plants were enhanced, with a greater effect being observed in the latter. In contrast, there were no effects of e[CO2] on growth and grain yield of the OsRab6a-RNAi plants. Photosynthetic rates in both the WT and OsRab6a-OE plants were stimulated by e[CO2], with the magnitude of the increase being higher in OsRab6a-OE plants. Fe concentrations in vegetative tissues and the grain of the WT and transgenic plants were reduced by e[CO2], and the magnitude of the decrease was lower in the OE plants than in the WT and RNAi plants. Genes associated with Fe acquisition in the OsRab6a-OE lines exhibited higher levels of expression than those in the WT and the RNAi lines under e[CO2]. Analysis of our data using Dunnett’s multiple comparison test suggested that OsRab6a is an important molecular regulator that underlies the adaptation of rice to e[CO2] by controlling photosynthesis and Fe accumulation.
