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Liu Meizhen
Associate Professor, Master Advisor
Plant Ecophysiological Group
State Key Laboratory of Vegetation and Environmental Change
Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Research Interest:
Tel: 62836506    FAX:    Email: Research Interest: Plant Ecology,Plant Eco-phys..
  • Education
  • Professional Qualification
  • Appointments
  • Research Activity
  • Awards
  • Publications
  • Sep. 2001-July 2004: Ph.D. in Ecology sciences from IBCAS (Institute of Botany, The Chinese Academy of Sciences), Beijing, China.
    Sep.1998-July 2001: M.S. in Plant sciences from Inner Mongolia Agriculture University, Huhhot, China.
    Sep. 1994-July 1998: B.S. in Desertification science from Inner Mongolia Agriculture University, Huhhot, China.
  • Society for Ecological Restoration (International)
    Member of the Expert Committee on grassland resources protection
    Society for British Ecological
    Society for China Youth Ecological
    Professor, College of Chinese Academy of Sciences

    I have reviewed 32 papers for “Chinese Journal of ecology”, 17 papers for “ActaEcologicaSinca”, 11 papers for “Forest Science”, 5 papers for “Chinese Journal ofApplied Ecology”, 3 papers for “Bulletin of Botany” and 1 for “Acta ScientiaeCircumstantiae”. Also I have reviewed 11 papers for international Journals “RestorationEcology”, “Photosynthetica”, “Journal of Integrative Plant Biology”, “Scientific Reports”,“Functional Ecology”, “Agriculture, Ecosystem and Environment”, “Journal of PlantEcology” and “Net Journal of Agriculture Science”. I was hired as referee for evaluatingthe projects for National Nature Science Foundation of China from 2011 to present. I was hired as referee for evaluating the water and soil planning for production and constructionprojects Beijing Water Authority.

  • Aug.2016-Aug. 2017, Visiting scholar in Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of California, Irvine (UCI).
    Jan. 2012-Jan. 2013: Visiting scholar in Research School of Biology, the Australian National University.
    Jan.2009-present: Associate Professor in Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China.
    April 2006-March 2007: Post Doctor in Department of Animal and Plant Sciences, University of Sheffield, UK.
    July 2004-Dec.2008: Assistant Professor in Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China.
  • 1.National Natural Scientific Foundation of China: “Temporal and spatial patterns ofcondensed water and its effects on plant carbon assimilation in semiarid regions”,which is conducted from Jan. 2014 to Dec. 2017.
    2.Chendu Engineering Corporation Limited: “Influence of Tibet Bengqu hydropowerproject on Qomolangma Mount Nature Reserve and its protection measures” which isconducted from Jan. 2010-Dec.2013
    3.Chendu Engineering Corporation Limited: “The biodiversity survey and evaluation ofterrestrial ecological system of downstream of the Yaluzangbu River under theHydropower Planning” which is conducted from Jan. 2012-Dec.2013.” which isconducted from Jan. 2010-Dec.2013.
    4.Chendu Engineering Corporation Limited: “Study on the influence of hydropowerdevelopment on giant cypress”, which is conducted from Nov. 2014-Dec.2016.
    5.Strategic Leading Science and Technology from Chinese Academy of Sciences:“Current status, rate, mechanism and potential of carbon sequestration in warmtemperate grassland of Hebei Province” which is conducted from Jan. 2011 to Dec.2014.
    6.Directional project from Chinese Academy of Sciences: “Study on resistancemechanism of honeysuckle under drought and salt stress” , which is conducted fromApr. 2011 to Dec. 2013.
    7.Beijing Economic Development Zone Water Authority: “Soil and water conservationplanning of Beijing economic and Technological Development Zone”, which isconducted from Apr. 2011 to Dec. 2012.
    8.Shanghai Greenland Group: “Vegetation construction and soil and water conservationmaster plan of Yanan new city”, which is conducted from Jan. 2010 to Dec. 2011.
    9.Ministry of education returned overseas students to start the fund: “Study on DroughtResistance of different photosynthetic functional plants in Inner Mongolia Steppe”,which is conducted from Apr. 2009 to Dec. 2010.
    10."11th Five-Year" National Science and technology support program key project fromMinistry of science and technology: “Research and demonstration on restorationtechnology of degraded ecosystem in semiarid Nature Reserved Area”, which isconducted from Jan. 2008 to Dec. 2010.
    11.State Key Laboratory of vegetation and environmental change, Institute ofBotany,Youth Science and technology project: “Study on drought resistance ofdifferent photosynthetic functional plants in Inner Mongolia Steppe”, which isconducted from Apr. 2008 to Dec. 2009.
    12.National Natural Science Foundation of China: “Water factor driving mechanism ofelm woodland in HunshandakeSandland”, which is conducted from Jan. 2006 to Dec.2008.
    13.National Natural Science Foundation of China: “Study on the new mechanism ofmicrofluidic chip driver based on plant bionic principle”, which is conducted from Jan.2009 to Dec. 2011. I am host.
    14.National Natural Science Foundation of China: “Plant water redistribution and wateruse patterns among population HunshandakeSandland”, which is conducted from Jan.2005 to Dec. 2007. I am joining in and responsible for field experiment arrangementand data acquisition.
    15.Key project of Beijing science and Technology Commission for social development:”Investigation and evaluation of environmental factors of ecological degradation inMentougou area”, which is conducted from Jan. 2005 to Dec. 2007.
    16.Sub-project of the national high technology research and development program ofChina (863 Program):” Lakeside water pollutants monitoring and aquatic plantphysiology and ecology studies on purification”, which is conducted from Jan. 2004 toDec. 2005.
    17.National Natural Science Foundation of China: “Response of carbon and nitrogenmetabolism of wheat during filling stage to high temperature stress”, which isconducted from Jan. 2003 to Dec. 2004. I am joining in and responsible for fieldexperiment arrangement and data acquisition.
    18.Key project of knowledge innovation of Chinese Academy of Sciences:“Demonstration study of ecological construction of Agri-pastoral zone andHunshandakeSandland of Inner Mongolia”, which is conducted from Jan. 2001 to Dec.2005. I am joining in and mainly responsible for the restoration of degraded ecosystemand the Eco physiological traits study for the local species.
    19.National Natural Science Foundation of China: “The pattern of research and resourcesharing characteristic clonal population of Sabina vulgaris”, which is conducted fromJan. 2000 to Dec. 2002. I am joining in and responsible for the ramet and growthcharacterisitics of the Sabina vulgaris.
    20.Inner Mongolia science and technology project:” Study on water balance and improvethe environment of conifers in semi-arid area of sandy desert”, which is conductedfrom Jan.1998 to 2001. I am joining in and responsible for the ecological andphysiological water-related and root distribution characteristics of Sabina vulgaris.
  • 2003, Di'ao academy scholarship for First Prize of Chinese Academy of Science
    2003, Scholarship of Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Science
    2001, Special Scholarship Award for graduate students of Inner Mongolia AgriculturalUniversity
    2000, First Scholarship Prize for graduate students of Inner Mongolia AgriculturalUniversity
    1994-1998, Two times for First Prize, and 5 times for Second Prize of Inner MongoliaAgricultural University
  • 1.Liu H, Meng J, Bo W, Cheng D, Li Y, Guo L, Li C, Zheng Y, Liu M, Ning T. 2016. Biodiversity management of organic farming enhances agricultural sustainability. Scientific reports 6
    2.Wang CD, Liu MZ*. 2015. Alpine plant morphology, structure and physiological characteristics. Bulletin of Biology, 50(2): 4-6. (in Chinese with English abstract)
    3.Jiang GM, Wu GL, Cheng D, Zheng YH, Liu MZ. Li CH. 2015. Characteristics and designing of eco-husbandry system: a case study in Zhenglan Banner, China. Chinese Science Bulletin, 61 (2), 224-230.
    4.Liu MZ, Osborne C. 2013. Differential freezing resistance and photoprotection in C3 and C4 eudicots and grasses. Journal of experimental Botany,64: 2183-2919
    5.Liu MZ, Wang BX, Osborne C, Jiang GM.2013. Chicken Farming in Grassland Increases Environmental Sustainability and Economic income. PLoS ONE 8(1): e53977. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0053977
    6.Jiang G, Liu M, Niu S, Li Y, Peng Y, Li G, Su B. 2011. Ten-year-period demonstration project in Hunshandake Sandland and prospect for the future development of eco-stock farming industry. Keji Daobao/ Science & Technology Review, 29 (25), 19-25.
    7.Li G, Li Y, Liu M, Jiang G. 2011.Vegetation biomass and net primary production of sparse forest grassland in Hunshandake sandland. Keji Daobao/ Science & Technology Review 29 (25), 30-37
    8.Peng Y, Xue DY, Niu SL, Liu MZ, Li YG, Jiang GM. 2011. Vegetation Change in Respones to Continuous Grazing in the Center of Hunshandak Sandland During the Period of 1983-2003. Arid Zone Research 2, 020
    9.Peng Y, Xue DY, Liu MZ, Niu S, Li Y, Jiang G. 2010. Leaf gas exchange and water potential characteristics of plants with different photosynthetic pathways in hunshandak sandland. Acta Botanica Boreali Occidentalia Sinica 29 (10), 2000-2006
    10.Liu MZ, Jiang GM, Yu SL, Li YG, Li G. 2009. The Role of Soil Seed Banks in Natural Restoration of the Degraded Hunshandak Sandlands, Northern China. Restoration Ecology, 17(1): 127-136.
    11.Tian ZQ, Zheng BH, Liu MZ*, Zhang ZY. 2009. The role of Phragmites australis and Typha orientalis in removal of pollutant in Taihu Lake, China. Journal of Environmental Science, 20:441-446.
    12.Liu MZ, Osborne CP. 2008. Leaf cold-acclimation and freezing injury in C3 and C4 grasses of the Mongolian Plateau. Journal of Experimental Botany, 59(15):4161-4170.
    13.Biswas DK, Xu H, Li YG, Liu MZ, Chen YH, Sun JZ and Jiang GM. 2008. Assessing the genetic relatedness of higher ozone sensitivity of modern wheat to its wild and cultivated progenitors/relatives. Journal of Experiment of Botany, 59(4): 951-963.
    14.Li YG, Jiang GM, Liu MZ, Niu SL, Gao LM, Zhu JX. 2007. Photosynthetic response to precipitation/rainfall in predominant tree (Ulmus pumila ) seedlings in Hunshandak Sandland , China . Photosynthetica , 45 (1): 133-138.
    15.Peng Y, Jiang GM, Liu XH, Niu SL, Liu MZ, Biswas DK. 2007. Photosynthesis, transpiration and water use efficiency of four plant species with grazing intensities in Hunshandak Sandland, China. Journal of Arid Environments 70 (2), 304-315.
    16.Ding L, Wang KJ, Jiang GM, Liu MZ, Gao LM. 2007. Photosynthetic rate and yield formation in different maize hybrids. Biologia plantarum 51 (1), 165-168
    17.Li G, Jiang G, Li Y, Liu M, Peng Y, Li L, Han X. 2007. A new approach to the fight against desertification in Inner Mongolia. Environmental conservation 34 (02), 95-97
    18.Ding L, Wang KJ, Jiang GM, Li YG, Jiang CD, Liu MZ, Niu SL, Peng Y. 2006. Diurnal variation of gas exchange, chlorophyll fluorescence, and xanthophyll cycle components of maize hybrids released in different years. Photosynthetica 44 (1), 26-31
    19.Niu SL, Jiang GM, Wan SQ, Li YG, Gao LM, Liu MZ. 2006. A sand-fixing pioneer C3 species in sandland displays characteristics of C 4 metabolism. Environmental and experimental botany 57 (1), 123-130.
    20.Cui HX, Jiang GM, Niu SL, Jiang CD, Liu MZ, Yu SL, Gao LM. 2006. Ecophysiological response of plants to combined pollution from heavy-duty vehicle and industrial emissions under higher humidity. Journal of Integrative Plant Science, 48 (12): 1391-1400.
    21.Jiang GM, Li G, Peng Y, Liu MZ, Li YG, Wang BX. 2006. A new and sustainable approach to policies for restoring grasslands in China based on scientific findings. INTERNATIONAL POLICY IMPERATIVE, 240.
    22.Niu SL, Jiang GM, Wan SQ, Liu MZ, Gao LM, Li YG.2005. Ecophysiological acclimation to different soil moistures in plants from a semi-arid sandland. Journal of arid environments 63 (2), 353-365.
    23.Ding L, Wang KJ, Jiang GM, Jiang CD, Liu MZ, Niu SL, Yu SL, Gao LM. 2005. Post-anthesis changes in photosynthetic traits of maize hybrids released in different years. Field Crop Research, 93:108-115.
    24.Peng Y, Jiang GM, Liu MZ, Niu SL, Zhang Q, Shi X & Yang QS. 2005. Potential of combating desertification in Hunshandak Sandland through nature reserve. Environmental Management 35(1): 1-9.
    25.Niu SL, Jiang GM, Gao LM, Li YG, Liu MZ. 2005. Comparison of photosynthesis and water use efficiency between three plant functional types in Hunshandak sandland. Acta Ecol Sin 25 (4), 699-704.
    26.Liu MZ, Jiang GM, Li YG, Gao LM, Niu SL. 2004. How should we control sandstorms in Inner Mongolia, China. Environmental Conservation, 31: 269-273
    27.Niu SL, Peng Y, Jiang GM, Li YG, Gao LM, Liu MZ, Cui HX, Ding L. 2004. Differential responses to simulated precipitation exhibited by a typical shrub and a herb coexisted in Hunshandak Sandy Land. Acta Botanic Sinica, 46 (10): 1170~1177.
    28.Cui HX, iangGM J, Niu SL, Li YG, Jiang CD, Liu MZ, Gao LM. 2004. Gas exchanges of an endangered species Syringa pinnatifolia and a widespread congener S. oblata. Photosynthetica 42 (2), 529-534.
    29.Niu SL, Li LH, Jiang GM, Gao LM, Li YG, Peng Y, Liu MZ. Gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence response to simulated rainfall in Hedysarum fruticosum var. mongolicum. Photosynthetica 42 (1), 1-6.
    30.Li YG, Li LH, Jiang GM, Niu SL, Liu MZ, Gao LM, Peng Y, Jiang CD. 2004. Traits of chlorophyll fluorescence in 99 plant species from the sparse-elm grassland in Hunshandak Sandland. Photosynthetica 42 (2), 243-249
    31.Liu MZ,Jiang GM, Li YG, Niu SL, Gao LM. 2004. Hydrological characteristics of different species in three habitats of Hunshandak Sandland. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 24(7): 1465-1471. (in Chinese with English abstract)
    32.Liu MZ, Jiang GM, Yu SL, Li YG, Gao LM, Niu SL, Jiang CD, Peng Y. 2004. Dynamics of plant community traits during an 18-year natural restoration in the degraded sandy grassland of Hunshandak Sandland. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 24(8): 1731-1737. (in Chinese with English abstract)
    33.Liu MZ, Jiang GM, Li YG, Niu SL, Gao LM, Ding L, Peng Y. 2003. Leaf osmotic potentials of 104 plant species in relationship to habitats and plant functional types (PFTs) in Hunshandak Sandland, Inner Mongolia, China. Trees, 17(6): 554~560.
    34.Liu MZ, Jiang GM, Li YG, Niu SL, Gao LM., Ding L, Peng Y. 2003. Photosynthetic response to soil water contents of an annual pioneer C4 grass (Agriophyllum squarrosum) in Hunshandak Sandland, China. Photosynthetica, 41(2): 293-296.
    35.Liu MZ, Jiang GM, Li YG, Niu SL, Gao LM, Ding L, Cui HX. 2003. Gas exchange, photochemical efficiency and leaf water potential in three Salix species. Photosynthetica, 41(3): 393-398.
    36.Liu MZ, Jiang GM, Li YG, Yu SL, Niu SL, Peng Y, Jiang CD, Gao LM, Li G. 2003. The control of land degradation in Inner Monoglia: a case study in Hunshandak Sandland. Chinese Academy of Sciences.
    37.Li YG, Jiang GM, Niu SL, Liu MZ, Peng Y, Yu SL, Gao LM. 2003. Gas exchange and water use efficiency of three native tree species in Hunshandak Sandland of China. Photosynthetica 41 (2), 227-232.
    38.Jiang GM, Liu MZ, Han NY, Li WJ. 2003. Potential for restoration of degraded steppe in the Xilingol Biosphere Reserve through urbanization. Environmental Conservation 40(3): 304~310.
    39.Niu SL, Jiang GM, Li YG, Gao LM, Liu MZ. 2003. Diurnal gas exchange and superior resources use efficiency of typical C4 species in Hunshandak Sandland, China. Photosynthetica 41 (2), 221-226
    40.Niu SL, Jiang GM, Li YG, Gao LM, Liu MZ, Peng Y, Ding L. 2003. Comparison of photosynthetic traits between two typical shrubs: legume and non-legume in Hunshandak Sandland. Photosynthetica 41 (1), 111-116
    41.Niu SL, Peng Y, Jiang GM, Li YG, Gao LM, Liu MZ, Cui HX, Ding L. 2003. Differential responses to simulated precipitation exhibited by a typical shrub and a herb coexisted in Hunshandak Sandy Land. Acta Botanica Sinica-English Edition, 46 (10), 1170-1177.
    42.Liu MZ, Jiang GM, Li YG, Gao LM, Yu SL, Niu SL, Li LH. 2003. An experimental and demonstrational study on restoration of degraded ecosystems in Hunshandak Sandland. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 23(12):2719~2727. (in Chinese with English abstract)
    43.Niu SL, Jiang GM, Gao LM, Li YG, Liu MZ. 2002. Comparison of gas exchange traits of different plant species in Hunshandak sand area. Acta Phytoecological Sinica 27 (3), 318-324
    44.Li YG, Jiang GM, Gao LM, Niu SL, Liu MZ, Yu SL, Peng Y. 2002. Impacts of human disturbance on elms-motte-veldt in Hunshandak sandland. Acta Phytoecological Sinica 27 (6), 829-834

Sep. 2001-July 2004: Ph.D. in Ecology sciences from IBCAS (Institute of Botany, The Chinese Academy of Sciences), Beijing, China.
Sep.1998-July 2001: M.S. in Plant sciences from Inner Mongolia Agriculture University, Huhhot, China.
Sep. 1994-July 1998: B.S. in Desertification science from Inner Mongolia Agriculture University, Huhhot, China.
Professional Qualification
Society for Ecological Restoration (International)
Member of the Expert Committee on grassland resources protection
Society for British Ecological
Society for China Youth Ecological
Professor, College of Chinese Academy of Sciences

I have reviewed 32 papers for “Chinese Journal of ecology”, 17 papers for “ActaEcologicaSinca”, 11 papers for “Forest Science”, 5 papers for “Chinese Journal ofApplied Ecology”, 3 papers for “Bulletin of Botany” and 1 for “Acta ScientiaeCircumstantiae”. Also I have reviewed 11 papers for international Journals “RestorationEcology”, “Photosynthetica”, “Journal of Integrative Plant Biology”, “Scientific Reports”,“Functional Ecology”, “Agriculture, Ecosystem and Environment”, “Journal of PlantEcology” and “Net Journal of Agriculture Science”. I was hired as referee for evaluatingthe projects for National Nature Science Foundation of China from 2011 to present. I was hired as referee for evaluating the water and soil planning for production and constructionprojects Beijing Water Authority.

Academic Appointments
Aug.2016-Aug. 2017, Visiting scholar in Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of California, Irvine (UCI).
Jan. 2012-Jan. 2013: Visiting scholar in Research School of Biology, the Australian National University.
Jan.2009-present: Associate Professor in Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China.
April 2006-March 2007: Post Doctor in Department of Animal and Plant Sciences, University of Sheffield, UK.
July 2004-Dec.2008: Assistant Professor in Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China.
Research Activity
1.National Natural Scientific Foundation of China: “Temporal and spatial patterns ofcondensed water and its effects on plant carbon assimilation in semiarid regions”,which is conducted from Jan. 2014 to Dec. 2017.
2.Chendu Engineering Corporation Limited: “Influence of Tibet Bengqu hydropowerproject on Qomolangma Mount Nature Reserve and its protection measures” which isconducted from Jan. 2010-Dec.2013
3.Chendu Engineering Corporation Limited: “The biodiversity survey and evaluation ofterrestrial ecological system of downstream of the Yaluzangbu River under theHydropower Planning” which is conducted from Jan. 2012-Dec.2013.” which isconducted from Jan. 2010-Dec.2013.
4.Chendu Engineering Corporation Limited: “Study on the influence of hydropowerdevelopment on giant cypress”, which is conducted from Nov. 2014-Dec.2016.
5.Strategic Leading Science and Technology from Chinese Academy of Sciences:“Current status, rate, mechanism and potential of carbon sequestration in warmtemperate grassland of Hebei Province” which is conducted from Jan. 2011 to Dec.2014.
6.Directional project from Chinese Academy of Sciences: “Study on resistancemechanism of honeysuckle under drought and salt stress” , which is conducted fromApr. 2011 to Dec. 2013.
7.Beijing Economic Development Zone Water Authority: “Soil and water conservationplanning of Beijing economic and Technological Development Zone”, which isconducted from Apr. 2011 to Dec. 2012.
8.Shanghai Greenland Group: “Vegetation construction and soil and water conservationmaster plan of Yanan new city”, which is conducted from Jan. 2010 to Dec. 2011.
9.Ministry of education returned overseas students to start the fund: “Study on DroughtResistance of different photosynthetic functional plants in Inner Mongolia Steppe”,which is conducted from Apr. 2009 to Dec. 2010.
10."11th Five-Year" National Science and technology support program key project fromMinistry of science and technology: “Research and demonstration on restorationtechnology of degraded ecosystem in semiarid Nature Reserved Area”, which isconducted from Jan. 2008 to Dec. 2010.
11.State Key Laboratory of vegetation and environmental change, Institute ofBotany,Youth Science and technology project: “Study on drought resistance ofdifferent photosynthetic functional plants in Inner Mongolia Steppe”, which isconducted from Apr. 2008 to Dec. 2009.
12.National Natural Science Foundation of China: “Water factor driving mechanism ofelm woodland in HunshandakeSandland”, which is conducted from Jan. 2006 to Dec.2008.
13.National Natural Science Foundation of China: “Study on the new mechanism ofmicrofluidic chip driver based on plant bionic principle”, which is conducted from Jan.2009 to Dec. 2011. I am host.
14.National Natural Science Foundation of China: “Plant water redistribution and wateruse patterns among population HunshandakeSandland”, which is conducted from Jan.2005 to Dec. 2007. I am joining in and responsible for field experiment arrangementand data acquisition.
15.Key project of Beijing science and Technology Commission for social development:”Investigation and evaluation of environmental factors of ecological degradation inMentougou area”, which is conducted from Jan. 2005 to Dec. 2007.
16.Sub-project of the national high technology research and development program ofChina (863 Program):” Lakeside water pollutants monitoring and aquatic plantphysiology and ecology studies on purification”, which is conducted from Jan. 2004 toDec. 2005.
17.National Natural Science Foundation of China: “Response of carbon and nitrogenmetabolism of wheat during filling stage to high temperature stress”, which isconducted from Jan. 2003 to Dec. 2004. I am joining in and responsible for fieldexperiment arrangement and data acquisition.
18.Key project of knowledge innovation of Chinese Academy of Sciences:“Demonstration study of ecological construction of Agri-pastoral zone andHunshandakeSandland of Inner Mongolia”, which is conducted from Jan. 2001 to Dec.2005. I am joining in and mainly responsible for the restoration of degraded ecosystemand the Eco physiological traits study for the local species.
19.National Natural Science Foundation of China: “The pattern of research and resourcesharing characteristic clonal population of Sabina vulgaris”, which is conducted fromJan. 2000 to Dec. 2002. I am joining in and responsible for the ramet and growthcharacterisitics of the Sabina vulgaris.
20.Inner Mongolia science and technology project:” Study on water balance and improvethe environment of conifers in semi-arid area of sandy desert”, which is conductedfrom Jan.1998 to 2001. I am joining in and responsible for the ecological andphysiological water-related and root distribution characteristics of Sabina vulgaris.
2003, Di'ao academy scholarship for First Prize of Chinese Academy of Science
2003, Scholarship of Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Science
2001, Special Scholarship Award for graduate students of Inner Mongolia AgriculturalUniversity
2000, First Scholarship Prize for graduate students of Inner Mongolia AgriculturalUniversity
1994-1998, Two times for First Prize, and 5 times for Second Prize of Inner MongoliaAgricultural University
1.Liu H, Meng J, Bo W, Cheng D, Li Y, Guo L, Li C, Zheng Y, Liu M, Ning T. 2016. Biodiversity management of organic farming enhances agricultural sustainability. Scientific reports 6
2.Wang CD, Liu MZ*. 2015. Alpine plant morphology, structure and physiological characteristics. Bulletin of Biology, 50(2): 4-6. (in Chinese with English abstract)
3.Jiang GM, Wu GL, Cheng D, Zheng YH, Liu MZ. Li CH. 2015. Characteristics and designing of eco-husbandry system: a case study in Zhenglan Banner, China. Chinese Science Bulletin, 61 (2), 224-230.
4.Liu MZ, Osborne C. 2013. Differential freezing resistance and photoprotection in C3 and C4 eudicots and grasses. Journal of experimental Botany,64: 2183-2919
5.Liu MZ, Wang BX, Osborne C, Jiang GM.2013. Chicken Farming in Grassland Increases Environmental Sustainability and Economic income. PLoS ONE 8(1): e53977. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0053977
6.Jiang G, Liu M, Niu S, Li Y, Peng Y, Li G, Su B. 2011. Ten-year-period demonstration project in Hunshandake Sandland and prospect for the future development of eco-stock farming industry. Keji Daobao/ Science & Technology Review, 29 (25), 19-25.
7.Li G, Li Y, Liu M, Jiang G. 2011.Vegetation biomass and net primary production of sparse forest grassland in Hunshandake sandland. Keji Daobao/ Science & Technology Review 29 (25), 30-37
8.Peng Y, Xue DY, Niu SL, Liu MZ, Li YG, Jiang GM. 2011. Vegetation Change in Respones to Continuous Grazing in the Center of Hunshandak Sandland During the Period of 1983-2003. Arid Zone Research 2, 020
9.Peng Y, Xue DY, Liu MZ, Niu S, Li Y, Jiang G. 2010. Leaf gas exchange and water potential characteristics of plants with different photosynthetic pathways in hunshandak sandland. Acta Botanica Boreali Occidentalia Sinica 29 (10), 2000-2006
10.Liu MZ, Jiang GM, Yu SL, Li YG, Li G. 2009. The Role of Soil Seed Banks in Natural Restoration of the Degraded Hunshandak Sandlands, Northern China. Restoration Ecology, 17(1): 127-136.
11.Tian ZQ, Zheng BH, Liu MZ*, Zhang ZY. 2009. The role of Phragmites australis and Typha orientalis in removal of pollutant in Taihu Lake, China. Journal of Environmental Science, 20:441-446.
12.Liu MZ, Osborne CP. 2008. Leaf cold-acclimation and freezing injury in C3 and C4 grasses of the Mongolian Plateau. Journal of Experimental Botany, 59(15):4161-4170.
13.Biswas DK, Xu H, Li YG, Liu MZ, Chen YH, Sun JZ and Jiang GM. 2008. Assessing the genetic relatedness of higher ozone sensitivity of modern wheat to its wild and cultivated progenitors/relatives. Journal of Experiment of Botany, 59(4): 951-963.
14.Li YG, Jiang GM, Liu MZ, Niu SL, Gao LM, Zhu JX. 2007. Photosynthetic response to precipitation/rainfall in predominant tree (Ulmus pumila ) seedlings in Hunshandak Sandland , China . Photosynthetica , 45 (1): 133-138.
15.Peng Y, Jiang GM, Liu XH, Niu SL, Liu MZ, Biswas DK. 2007. Photosynthesis, transpiration and water use efficiency of four plant species with grazing intensities in Hunshandak Sandland, China. Journal of Arid Environments 70 (2), 304-315.
16.Ding L, Wang KJ, Jiang GM, Liu MZ, Gao LM. 2007. Photosynthetic rate and yield formation in different maize hybrids. Biologia plantarum 51 (1), 165-168
17.Li G, Jiang G, Li Y, Liu M, Peng Y, Li L, Han X. 2007. A new approach to the fight against desertification in Inner Mongolia. Environmental conservation 34 (02), 95-97
18.Ding L, Wang KJ, Jiang GM, Li YG, Jiang CD, Liu MZ, Niu SL, Peng Y. 2006. Diurnal variation of gas exchange, chlorophyll fluorescence, and xanthophyll cycle components of maize hybrids released in different years. Photosynthetica 44 (1), 26-31
19.Niu SL, Jiang GM, Wan SQ, Li YG, Gao LM, Liu MZ. 2006. A sand-fixing pioneer C3 species in sandland displays characteristics of C 4 metabolism. Environmental and experimental botany 57 (1), 123-130.
20.Cui HX, Jiang GM, Niu SL, Jiang CD, Liu MZ, Yu SL, Gao LM. 2006. Ecophysiological response of plants to combined pollution from heavy-duty vehicle and industrial emissions under higher humidity. Journal of Integrative Plant Science, 48 (12): 1391-1400.
21.Jiang GM, Li G, Peng Y, Liu MZ, Li YG, Wang BX. 2006. A new and sustainable approach to policies for restoring grasslands in China based on scientific findings. INTERNATIONAL POLICY IMPERATIVE, 240.
22.Niu SL, Jiang GM, Wan SQ, Liu MZ, Gao LM, Li YG.2005. Ecophysiological acclimation to different soil moistures in plants from a semi-arid sandland. Journal of arid environments 63 (2), 353-365.
23.Ding L, Wang KJ, Jiang GM, Jiang CD, Liu MZ, Niu SL, Yu SL, Gao LM. 2005. Post-anthesis changes in photosynthetic traits of maize hybrids released in different years. Field Crop Research, 93:108-115.
24.Peng Y, Jiang GM, Liu MZ, Niu SL, Zhang Q, Shi X & Yang QS. 2005. Potential of combating desertification in Hunshandak Sandland through nature reserve. Environmental Management 35(1): 1-9.
25.Niu SL, Jiang GM, Gao LM, Li YG, Liu MZ. 2005. Comparison of photosynthesis and water use efficiency between three plant functional types in Hunshandak sandland. Acta Ecol Sin 25 (4), 699-704.
26.Liu MZ, Jiang GM, Li YG, Gao LM, Niu SL. 2004. How should we control sandstorms in Inner Mongolia, China. Environmental Conservation, 31: 269-273
27.Niu SL, Peng Y, Jiang GM, Li YG, Gao LM, Liu MZ, Cui HX, Ding L. 2004. Differential responses to simulated precipitation exhibited by a typical shrub and a herb coexisted in Hunshandak Sandy Land. Acta Botanic Sinica, 46 (10): 1170~1177.
28.Cui HX, iangGM J, Niu SL, Li YG, Jiang CD, Liu MZ, Gao LM. 2004. Gas exchanges of an endangered species Syringa pinnatifolia and a widespread congener S. oblata. Photosynthetica 42 (2), 529-534.
29.Niu SL, Li LH, Jiang GM, Gao LM, Li YG, Peng Y, Liu MZ. Gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence response to simulated rainfall in Hedysarum fruticosum var. mongolicum. Photosynthetica 42 (1), 1-6.
30.Li YG, Li LH, Jiang GM, Niu SL, Liu MZ, Gao LM, Peng Y, Jiang CD. 2004. Traits of chlorophyll fluorescence in 99 plant species from the sparse-elm grassland in Hunshandak Sandland. Photosynthetica 42 (2), 243-249
31.Liu MZ,Jiang GM, Li YG, Niu SL, Gao LM. 2004. Hydrological characteristics of different species in three habitats of Hunshandak Sandland. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 24(7): 1465-1471. (in Chinese with English abstract)
32.Liu MZ, Jiang GM, Yu SL, Li YG, Gao LM, Niu SL, Jiang CD, Peng Y. 2004. Dynamics of plant community traits during an 18-year natural restoration in the degraded sandy grassland of Hunshandak Sandland. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 24(8): 1731-1737. (in Chinese with English abstract)
33.Liu MZ, Jiang GM, Li YG, Niu SL, Gao LM, Ding L, Peng Y. 2003. Leaf osmotic potentials of 104 plant species in relationship to habitats and plant functional types (PFTs) in Hunshandak Sandland, Inner Mongolia, China. Trees, 17(6): 554~560.
34.Liu MZ, Jiang GM, Li YG, Niu SL, Gao LM., Ding L, Peng Y. 2003. Photosynthetic response to soil water contents of an annual pioneer C4 grass (Agriophyllum squarrosum) in Hunshandak Sandland, China. Photosynthetica, 41(2): 293-296.
35.Liu MZ, Jiang GM, Li YG, Niu SL, Gao LM, Ding L, Cui HX. 2003. Gas exchange, photochemical efficiency and leaf water potential in three Salix species. Photosynthetica, 41(3): 393-398.
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37.Li YG, Jiang GM, Niu SL, Liu MZ, Peng Y, Yu SL, Gao LM. 2003. Gas exchange and water use efficiency of three native tree species in Hunshandak Sandland of China. Photosynthetica 41 (2), 227-232.
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40.Niu SL, Jiang GM, Li YG, Gao LM, Liu MZ, Peng Y, Ding L. 2003. Comparison of photosynthetic traits between two typical shrubs: legume and non-legume in Hunshandak Sandland. Photosynthetica 41 (1), 111-116
41.Niu SL, Peng Y, Jiang GM, Li YG, Gao LM, Liu MZ, Cui HX, Ding L. 2003. Differential responses to simulated precipitation exhibited by a typical shrub and a herb coexisted in Hunshandak Sandy Land. Acta Botanica Sinica-English Edition, 46 (10), 1170-1177.
42.Liu MZ, Jiang GM, Li YG, Gao LM, Yu SL, Niu SL, Li LH. 2003. An experimental and demonstrational study on restoration of degraded ecosystems in Hunshandak Sandland. Acta Ecologica Sinica, 23(12):2719~2727. (in Chinese with English abstract)
43.Niu SL, Jiang GM, Gao LM, Li YG, Liu MZ. 2002. Comparison of gas exchange traits of different plant species in Hunshandak sand area. Acta Phytoecological Sinica 27 (3), 318-324
44.Li YG, Jiang GM, Gao LM, Niu SL, Liu MZ, Yu SL, Peng Y. 2002. Impacts of human disturbance on elms-motte-veldt in Hunshandak sandland. Acta Phytoecological Sinica 27 (6), 829-834